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File: 7346376909934ae⋯.jpg (181.68 KB, 1397x1080, 1397:1080, 1583260894_108754.jpg)

5a7f72  No.298841 [Last 50 Posts]



Anyone with a functioning brain stem can see where this is headed in the not-to-distant future.

>we control the food supply now that the old supply was destroyed and replaced

>we will provide you rations of food to survive UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS

>Our conditions in order: hand over your firearms, stand in line and be ready to roll up your sleeve. After you received the clot shots and the implanted RFID chip, a bus will be waiting outside to deport you to the nearest mega-city. Your private property has been surrendered under agreement of conditions for rations of our lab-made food. You will live in a tiny pod as a debt slave, the government will decide what to provide you with, regulated and managed under the new social credit score system.

INDEFINITELY RELATED: >>>/pnd/298428 | >>>/pnd/297664 | >>>/pnd/294322 | >>>/pnd/295699

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5a7f72  No.298844

File: da06b1c791074cb⋯.jpg (238.4 KB, 1600x1413, 1600:1413, img_3686.jpg)

scanning real news

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5a7f72  No.298847


Maybe Biden's "Ministry of Truth" should investigate corruption instead of the people who mention it?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a government agency that protected the interest of We The People instead of special interests?


By the way, does anyone else have problems from time to time connecting to 8kun? Is that just me, or do people seem to have problems connecting to 8kun whenever they go to post more links?

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5a7f72  No.298848


>Is that just me, or do people seem to have problems connecting to 8kun whenever they go to post more links?

There is definitely something "oy vey, shut it down now" when it comes to TLS handshaking….. so it seems from time to time….

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5a7f72  No.298907



A STRONG WARNING of the tactics that will be used by unscrupulous people looking to loot and rob:

You will get a knock on the door from a woman with a child begging for you to feed them if you can. If you feed them, here is what will happen: A team of men will arrive, probably shoot you, and they will take everything you have. When TSHTF YOU HAVE NOTHING. If you decide to do anything in the way of charity, you do it in a way where your location cannot be identified and you then slip back into the shadows, with no one knowing anything about you at all. I hate to say it, but the Mexican immigrants will be by far the worst with this. They absolutely WILL use that tactic, once when I was charitable Claudia told me we have to leave the area immediately or we will get robbed because all I did was prove I was probably worth robbing. There would be no thanks or gratitude at all, only a resource to be robbed.

DO NOT expect America to be any different when tshtf, if you have food DO NOT ADVERTISE IT and don't sit there like a target with the lights on when no one else has lights also.

The old school whites might be a lot safer to give to, but it is not guaranteed and when it comes to the immigrants, you might as well just shoot yourself in the head, give to them and you will be a GONER. That's according to Claudia. She's definitely right, don't expect her to be stupid on that topic.


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567a0a  No.298908



it appears you've managed to continue breathing and eating up to this point.


you just listed an embarrassing series of predictable psychotic fears, simply more PSYCHOTIC PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS THAT WILL NEVER COME TRUE.


NONE OF YOUR PREDICTIONS EVER END UP HAPPENING… you've been predicting far-fetched doomsday sci-fi Mad Max apocalyptic scenarios for 23 years, AND NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER COME TRUE…







quite literally thousands of psychic predictions

predicting imminent Doom

thousands and thousands….

of psychotic predictions

that never came true

but you refuse to address them

you absolutely refuse to admit you were wrong

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567a0a  No.298909


nobody here has a problem connecting, because you're the only one who's still using dial-up and AOL

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5a7f72  No.298910


I have satellite, which is a little faster than dial-up, but still around 30kbps average.

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567a0a  No.298912


thousands and thousands and thousands of erroneous psychic predictions

NONE of them ever coming true….

not even close. absolutely none of your daily predictions has ever even come close to being true

but you refuse to talk about those idiotic psychic predictions..

you think by refusing to address all of your failed psychic predictions of the past, nobody will realize it

it's not working.. we all know none of your predictions have ever come true

so before you waste our time with the next bullshit prediction: YOU MUST FIRST ADMIT ALL OF YOUR PREVIOUS PREDICTIONS WERE GARBAGE

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567a0a  No.298913


suddenly I hear the "movin' on up" theme song from The Jeffersons….

congratulations on the "it's only missouri, so why bother giving them anything worthwhile" service provider upgrade….

you could get faster speeds with two styrofoam cups and a whole bunch of kite string

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567a0a  No.298920

File: 1de27ecd040782e⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB, 960x720, 4:3, fear_junkie_.mp4)


it's amazing a man could live 73 years and STILL NOT LEARN THE SECRET TO HAPPINESS….

obviously you have a learning disability

but Iresentyour selfish never ending attempts to make everybody else unhappy as well…

why don't you take your little "world's least talented psychic" negative doomsday traveling sideshow somewhere else ?…

Like why don't you go bother your daughter, instead of us?

A: your daughter will not allow you to continue trying to destroy her happiness with your never-ending psychotic doomsday predictions

so you decided to torture us instead

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567a0a  No.298925

File: eb9a3c86e6d331a⋯.jpg (318.46 KB, 1396x1080, 349:270, Picsart_22_05_02_20_10_44_….jpg)


it's a shame you simply don't have what it takes to make it in a real city… because Atlanta is absolutely amazing!

it's the perfect mixture of gorgeous magnolia trees, antebellum mansions, and shiny futuristic architecture…

it's too bad you had to waste your life living in second rate Podunk backwoods areas, the type of worthless zip codes that can't even get high-speed internet..

oh well.. now you'll never know what you missed

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567a0a  No.298927


I'm guessing if you had simply finished high school and went to even a crappy community college, you wouldn't be so jealous of us City mice and our running water

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567a0a  No.298929

but I realize small minded backwoods hillbillies are always suspicious of things they don't understand….

it's really not that hard to understand sewage systems and electricity

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7a5214  No.298945


Jesus tap-dancing fuck ball Christ … ANOTHER thread about food? Exactly how fat are you people that food is literally all you want to talk about?

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3175a9  No.298956

Looks like /pol/ caught on to this, wow!


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3175a9  No.298957

File: f66c95b50615d48⋯.jpg (38.95 KB, 640x347, 640:347, e2becvvvvv.jpg)


It's not about food itself dumb ass, it's about corruption and the replacement and CONTROL over an essential supply chain. Population control. If you can't figure this out yet, don't bother posting.

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3175a9  No.298958


Yes, I'm going to keep on exposing corruption, over and over and over, and over and over and over again. As long as the corruption continues, I'll be here covering it. Over and over again and again.

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e0d0b2  No.298977

bumping absolute news

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e0d0b2  No.299003

bumping incredible news

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288db8  No.299041

"Conspiracy Theory" NO MORE.

France Adopts Digital Social Credit Score System

Some people called it a conspiracy theory. It hasn’t even gone a week since the French presidential election, and already they have now announced a new digital ID for citizens.

It all ties in to the new cashless society that the Davos WEF crowd are now pushing. They want everything to become digital, and that includes your wallet. But to be able to do that, you first need to have a digital ID. Essentially it is the first step.

Now in Sweden, some people have already jumped ahead several steps, and are getting microchip implants in their hand to use for payments. And some even uploaded their covid passports on it (and covid passports in Sweden were tied to your digital ID).

And you guessed it, Sweden already has a credit card that will ban you from further purchases if you hit your carbon limit. The future is already here, and it’s not pretty.

When everything is digital, it is so much easier for governments to track and control everything that people do. Just imagine the STASI. They had to do all of their tracking manually. Just imagine if they had access to modern technology and everyone had to have digital ID. They would love it.

And as Florian Philippot mentioned, the next step will be a Chinese style social credit system. Perhaps you get some extra points if you eat less meat and more bugs… Or you get minus points if you drive too much with your car.

It all comes down to Communism. The Great Reset is just another word for Global Communism.


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f7f051  No.299177


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5a9ca7  No.299221

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fadee0  No.299251

File: a39a01da9543924⋯.png (11.22 KB, 590x246, 295:123, chicken_kill.png)


This is not just another coincidence. It's obvious, in your face destruction of our food supply.

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e36d78  No.299256


proofs or gtfo

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fadee0  No.299263



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46d07a  No.299336

Food shortages are NOT the fault of the Ukraine-Russia war, the destruction of the Western supply chain is a deliberate inside job: https://allnewspipeline.com/Massive_Coverup_In_Progress_As_More_Food_Processing_Plants_Hit.php

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a4e410  No.299345


>getting paid double

Post proofs orGTFO

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46d07a  No.299350


You are not fooling anyone, we know the government is trying to collapse the supply chain for their crony "Great Reset" agenda.

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c18afc  No.299351


>getting paid double

That may be but you didn't post proofs of your claim.



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16311d  No.299354

File: bdcfe8b25e7e046⋯.png (870.01 KB, 719x582, 719:582, PicsArt_09_23_09_24_25.png)




I'm going to have to agree with this poster.

I also have friends who say things.

This story would be more interestting if an actual source had been provided, rather than a mere rumor.

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46d07a  No.299355


We are not taking your death jabs!!! We are not giving up our firearms or private property!! We will not use a social credit score!!!! We are not going along with your "Great Reset" bullshit!!! We will continue eating meat, even if we do the hunting and butchering ourselves!!!!

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46d07a  No.299356


Why don't you take the time to find the source then? That is, if it's not censored from the search engines you use!

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5a9ca7  No.299361

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7a5214  No.299365


>If you don't believe me, prove me wrong! Find my sources for me!

That's now how this works, kiddo.

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5a9ca7  No.299367

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5a9ca7  No.299368


Note that there are THOUSANDS of reports, with much much more detail then this, that will never make it into the search results because of the Big Tech Govt censorship algorithms BUT…. here's what I promise FROM NOW ON…. I promise, from now on, when I see any new report of livestock culling or crop destruction on Govt orders, I'm saving the link and I'll post the whole reports here FROM NOW ON. Since no one wants to believe it exists, I guess I have to PROVE IT by mirroring it all up here! Will do.

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16311d  No.299369

File: fb6ff893c08b98d⋯.jpg (67.51 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Don_t_Get_Brazen_With_Me.jpg)



Jeez! No need to get so defensive!

Thanks for the reply and links though.

I was only replying because I thought the idea of paying chicken farmers twice what their chickens are worth to cull them and not bring them to market sounded so ludicrous as to be highly suspect information; but many ludicrous ideas are being bandied about, enacted and enforced nowadays; so not much should come as a surprise — including the increasing skepticism everybody has about all "information" nowadays. Sorry, but that's the way it is. I realize that Believers often accept everything exactly as they are told, but some folks need a little more documentation.

Thank you for providing some (even though I must have missed the part backing up the assertion in the tweet posted that someone wanted clarification on, and I seconded the motion, and here we find oursrlves, yet again, back at my Auntie & Uncle's house in BelAire!)

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16311d  No.299371

File: d98541c7dacb774⋯.jpg (325.29 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, f0wpka0br6qevhqcjout.jpg)

In perusing those links I ran across more…

I literally had no idea about the"No Slaughter" Bill in Oregon!



> inb4 conspiracy

Look it up yourself.

Need more links?

There are thousands.


I see how one can get irritated by those who need more info, but we all do.

Everybody's stance usually irritates me too.

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7a5214  No.299372


Yeah, see, that's the thing. If you don't provide your source, then we can't check your source.

If you say, "Beef gives you cancer of the penis!", ok fine; but when it turns out your source is "chickenfarrmeragainstbeef.com", we can rightly disregard and laugh at you.

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433436  No.299373

File: f66c95b50615d48⋯.jpg (38.95 KB, 640x347, 640:347, control_oil_nations_contro….jpg)

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433436  No.299374

Food shortages are NOT the fault of the Ukraine-Russia war, the destruction of the Western supply chain is a deliberate inside job:


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433436  No.299375

Remember, don't store food goyim, don't prepare for anything, stay obedient and dumb, watch niggerball on TV and settle with a 6 pack. Do not, under any circumstances, look at what we ourselves are doing…….


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433436  No.299376


Guess what? Look at history and it repeats over and over again. During the 30s Great Depression era the US government forced farmers around the country to CULL crops and livestock by the millions….. and all the while they told the public to give up their valuable gold to the central banks and line up and wait for rationed food scraps.

If the US government did this in the 1930s, and didn't have 1/16th the corruption it has today then what would that signal to you about the threats we face to come?

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16311d  No.299377

File: 3e04e2e3df7d9cd⋯.png (114.68 KB, 500x497, 500:497, Orwell1984.png)

OK. From what I've been able to gather,Government Policies are making it more profitable to destroy crops and cull animals than to.bring them to market; they are NOT demanding that farmers do so.In fact, in many examples, government policies have made it nigh unto impossible for farmers to bring food products to market; andYES!This is all being done as part of the Green New Deal "Woke" Climate-Alarmist Religion. This all fits in nicely with the WEF Global Reset, and their Depopulation Agenda. It doesn't matter if it sounds "Conspiratorial".IT IS.

It's a Conspiracy Against ALL by a Select Few.

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433436  No.299378


This time - unlike the Great Depression - it won't be your gold they'll tell you to surrender for food scrap. This time it will be our very Constitution, the whole nine yards including those guns on the tables side by side.

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433436  No.299379


In >>>/freedomzine/ I literally warned about this 20+ times, with sources and all, right before Biden became president, telling you all WHAT THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR YOU.


I am not a fortune cookie.

I simply know how corrupt works.

I knew their plans for UN Agenda 21 and have been taking about it since the 90s. UN Agenda 21 = "Sustainable Development" = New World Order = "Green New Deal" = "Build Back Better" = "Great Reset"…. it's all the SAME GOAL.

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16311d  No.299380

File: 61c9d58db5b9802⋯.png (1.87 MB, 750x1013, 750:1013, Farming.png)


lol @ them not understanding how my neighors and I plan on using our guns to feed our families! Some get the concept, and are getting down off their high horses now. Those that don't will be pulled off, and shot off their high horses soon. "We, the People" won't tolerate Tyranny here in the U.S.A.! Dunno 'bout all 'dem city-sheople, but I expect they'll lay down and take it. I highly suggest they don't spread out like locusts upon the land, or we'll turn them into the natural compost fertilizers they so claim to love.

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16311d  No.299381

Wow. It is no conspiracy to say that the "No Slaughter" Bil in Oregon will even outlaw mouse-traps of any kind!



Suggesting using Tor to visit that site.

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433436  No.299382


The ironic part about this whole total population control agenda (like I said it goes by various names over the years), is that back in the 1990s I donated to a group once known as "Democrats Against UN Agenda 21"… yes, it was once Democrat voters who opposed this anti-human agenda and total control over all our resources and farm land. Somehow the oligarchs seemed to hijack the Democrat party over the years, who are losing Republican support for this same bullshit they now call the "Green New Deal" and the "Great Reset" today. If you look into the agendas, and the goals, it's really all the same thing re-labeled and re-packaged to sell to the ignorant masses.

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433436  No.299391



Wealthy "elites" are buying second passports to flee America before SHTF. As if this was just all one big fat series of "coincidences" LOL.


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433436  No.299434


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7c81ae  No.299471

legit news bumparoo

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30967c  No.299492



The reason the control freaks are doing this is because they want people dependent on their rigged system. They want to be the ones who have the say in almost every aspect of your life. One way to do that is to CONTROL the supply chain. You can't have a free abundant supply chain where people can make their own decisions and have totalitarianism and micro-management at the same time. Totalitarianism relies on suffering, pain, fear and poverty to maintain control over the masses. Don't fear, be prepared, and do plant a garden, and do collect rainwater, and do hunt, and do fish, and do support farmers markets, and do get to know your local farmers and make contacts, and do warn others to do the same. By doing this, we all can mitigate this totalitarian evil and the control freaks HATE IT.


IT'S ABOUT POPULATION CONTROL. Yes, the "New World Order" is "UN Agenda 21" is the Green New Deal" is "Build Back Better" is "Sustainable Development" is the "Great Reset" it's all one big same totalitarian agenda re-named and re-marketed.

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30967c  No.299493

Remember, when they say the need to "reduce carbon" what they actually mean is they want to reduce (You). They want to reduce your means, your actions, your independence, your freedoms, your lifestyle, your motivation, your individual impact here on Earth. Never give that up to them.

In fact, I make ritual spite by burning leaf and fallen branches out in the fire pit every year to INCREASE my carbon footprint, as well to feed the trees because the trees love carbon dioxide ;)

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21873b  No.299495


They've been turning us into the Enemy for a long time now.

Carbon-based life-forms are so icky, polluted and polluting. Masking them will never be enough, unless the masks stop their breathing.

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30967c  No.299503


It's actually carbon *monoxide* that is bad for the environment, not carbon dioxide. Without carbon dioxide there would be no trees, plants or oxygen, which is essential to life as we know it on Earth. The whole "reducing carbon footprints" actually means reducing human activity and life itself. Would it be better for the environment? Maybe a little bit yes, but very bad for our current lifestyles and way of life too. So is it really worth it?

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30967c  No.299507



Yemen has suddenly had a massive chicken die off across the entire country with all regions being affected simultaneously, and not the way an avian pandemic would hit. Yemenis are highly suspicious that the UN or some other bad actor like the CIA got onto the ships that brought the chicken feed and poisoned the food during "inspections" while the ships sat in port for far longer than usual wait times. Is the rumor true? who knows, but consider this: http://www.notiniceland.com/.zz2.html

The WEF wants meat for the most part banned, if not entirely banned. So far they are removing meat from the food supply by claiming there are pandemics that require all chickens to be destroyed. It would be perfectly possible to produce a "pandemic" by poisoning food supplies and when the farmers check to see why their animals are sick, all WEF&associates need to do is produce falsified test results that say the animals are sick with the "fill in the blank" flu. This has been done before, and does happen in places like Yemen. All it takes is for one bad actor in an entire supply line to introduce the poison at some point and BAM-O, all the animals are dead. Animals do not have diverse sources of food, they have single point sources and it is easy to nail all the food in one spot. This is probably happening.

I believe the major poultry farms in the United States that have had "avian flu" outbreaks have in fact had their food supplies poisoned, and that they were subsequently lied to about the results of that poisoning being "bird flu" and now "Please destroy all your chickens". It's one of the oldest tricks in the book, which has up until recently not often been played. But it has been played lots in the past, enough so that the people in Yemen did not forget.

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fb164c  No.299542


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a84597  No.299618

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a84597  No.299632

They want you subjugated or dead. They want you subjugated or dead. They want you subjugated or dead. They want you subjugated or dead. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? They want you subjugated or dead. They want you subjugated or dead. They want you subjugated or dead. They want you subjugated or dead. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? They want you subjugated or dead. They want you subjugated or dead. They want you subjugated or dead. They want you subjugated or dead. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? They want you subjugated or dead. They want you subjugated or dead. They want you subjugated or dead. They want you subjugated or dead. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?

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8a0a33  No.299661


<He's right


>give it to the money changers, doctors, bankers and scientists

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badab1  No.299768


I bet the control freaks would love that.

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53d237  No.299792


Of course they'd love it. Universal literacy has posed a threat to tyranny since Luther created the Protestant version of Christianity

with but a pen and a hammer.

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badab1  No.299801


beware the trojan horse and it's many "solutions" to the crisis itself manufactured

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6eab28  No.299803


Beware the horse. In fact, I think it is glue factory time for that Whoressssss.

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badab1  No.299813

beware of the bump

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31b9cc  No.299909

bumping real news

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5aa443  No.299984




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5aa443  No.300025

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5aa443  No.300246

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031842  No.300321

The chemtrail spraying has picked up again here in the North East, USA. They were doing the same thing this time last year. What followed was a very wet Spring and Summer for the East Coast and a drought on the West coast, Mid West.

Don't be surprised if the same thing repeats this year. They are spraying very heavily.

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48b694  No.300326


Maybe they are trying to kill off the cattle in that region. In/around TX OK etc there is already a very terrible drought. Why not more?

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f53c99  No.300558

bumping flabbergasting news

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f53c99  No.300588

bumping actual news

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b6b6ff  No.300671

Food shortages are NOT the fault of the Ukraine-Russia war, the destruction of the Western supply chain is a deliberate inside job:


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6519e1  No.300887


This is another reason they are trying so desperately to manufacture shortages. The intention is to force govt-rationing of goods and services.

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43afc2  No.300934

Funny, all the right steps are being taken if you desired to collapse the United States.

Biden admin cancels massive oil and gas lease sale amid record-high gas prices:


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5b3762  No.300995

bumping dignified news

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eebf5b  No.301314

All engineered shortages now being blamed on "muh climate change" and "muh Russia", so be prepared!

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7a5214  No.301605


Every time McDonald's ice cream machine isn't working will be blamed on "engineered shortages", so be prepared!

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13cdb6  No.301815




What they have planned over there they have planned over here!

A manufactured economic collapse gives them the power to ration supplies, implement social credit scores similar to China, for total population control!

Do not let this happen to you.

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3175a9  No.302033

American farmers around the country are warning of coming food shortages (all manufactured by corrupt government and special interests!):


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24cf80  No.302269

myth of the 20th century, and james lafond, are warning us that chicken littles are clucking very loudly at the moment.

i think myth of the 20th century are of the same poisoned tree as trs.

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8755bf  No.302290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.












I do not need to be reminded of mine wealth…

I already know who I own…

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e3f015  No.302292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.












I do not need to be reminded of mine wealth…

I already know who I own…

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e3f015  No.302293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"But this is Amerikuuuuh…"




I am the 'lunatic God…'










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e3f015  No.302294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





"Got you called on a dead bird a mile away…"

"Blink with one and wink with the other…"


"Illuminated" HAHAHAHAHA






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e3f015  No.302295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








I'm actually 'GOD…'


I'm going to kill you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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49a440  No.302423


FLASHBACK: November 12, 2015.

On Monday and Tuesday, 65 international policymakers, academics, business and thought leaders gathered at the World Wildlife Fund’s headquarters in Washington DC to game out how the world would respond to a future food crisis.

The game took the players from the year 2020 to 2030. As it was projected, the decade brought two major food crises, with prices approaching 400 percent of the long term average; a raft of climate-related extreme weather events; governments toppling in Pakistan and Ukraine; and famine and refugee crises in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Chad and Sudan.

Along with WWF, the Center for American Progress and the Center for Naval Analyses, Cargill was one of Food Chain Reaction’s organizers. The company was represented in the game by Corporate Vice President Joe Stone.

“I can’t tell you the number of discussions where people came up to me from other parts of the world, saying ‘we appreciate Cargill’s role in sustainability,’ or ‘Cargill is so important in solutions for feeding the world.’ Sometimes, when you’re inside Cargill, you don’t appreciate that enough, but when you hear from other people how much they’re depending on us to help figure this out, it just increases our responsibility,” said Stone.

Cooperation mostly won the day over the short term individual advantage. Teams pledged to build international information networks and early warning systems on hunger and crops together, invest jointly in smart agricultural technology and build up global food stocks as a buffer against climate shocks.

In the face of a steep price spike with looming global food shortages in 2022, the EU at one point suspended its environmental rules for agriculture and introduced a tax on meat. Both measures were quickly reversed in 2025, as harvests went back to normal and tensions eased in the hypothetical universe.

The most eye-catching result, however, was a deal between the U.S., the EU, India and China, standing in for the top 20 greenhouse gas emitters, to institute a global carbon tax and cap CO2 emissions in 2030.

The realism of the exercise exceeded expectations, said former U.S. Senate majority leader Tom Daschle, who acted as a mentor to the players. “It’s much closer to the real world than you’d think. The people who play here are very committed and serious.”


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49a440  No.302578

Food shortages are NOT the fault of the Ukraine-Russia war, the destruction of the Western supply chain is a deliberate inside job:



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49a440  No.302610

Chicken wings for $34? Pent-up inflation driving food costs higher: https://www.ocregister.com/2022/05/18/chicken-wings-for-34-pent-up-inflation-driving-food-costs-higher/

▲ Flashback: Deliberate food destruction accelerates worldwide: https://www.naturalnews.com/hrr/mp3/HRR-2022-05-12-Situation-Update.mp3

/PND/ THREADS ON MANUFACTURED FOOD SHORTAGES: >>>/pnd/298841 ; >>>/pnd/298428 ; >>>/pnd/299775 ; >>>/pnd/294322 ; >>>/pnd/297664 ; >>>/pnd/295699

The UN is in “intense contact” with Russia, Ukraine and other nations in an effort to stave off a global food crisis. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has worsened food insecurity in poorer nations, and could lead to long-term famines if Ukraine’s grain exports are not restored to pre-war levels soon, Secretary-General António Guterres has warned: https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/05/19/ukraine-invasion-could-trigger-global-food-crisis-un-chief-warns

▲ MY COMMENT: They must address the CORRUPTION behind the shortages, there is a growing industry behind manufactured food shortages (not just the war like they stubbornly expect us to believe!): https://www.coreysdigs.com/global/new-controlled-food-system-is-now-in-place-and-they-will-stop-at-nothing-to-accelerate-their-control/

Soaring Fuel Prices Leave Owner-Operators With Tough Choices: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/soaring-fuel-prices-leave-owner-operators-tough-choices

▲ Flashback: Prepare For Imminent Diesel Shortage In Eastern Half Of US: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/major-trucking-firms-prepare-imminent-diesel-shortage-eastern-half-us-freightwaves-says

India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is considering purchasing additional stakes in Russian oil and gas fields from Western firms that plan to leave the country, the Economic Times (ET) reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the matter: https://www.rt.com/business/555733-india-western-assets-russia/

Erdogan To Sweden: Don't Expect Us To Approve NATO Bid Without First Returning Terrorists (looks like Erdogan is not to pleased with Western deliberate destabilization policy): https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/erdogan-sweden-dont-expect-us-approve-nato-bid-without-first-returning-terrorists

Russia Expels 85 More European Diplomats In Retaliatory Tit For Tat: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-expels-85-more-european-diplomats-retaliatory-hostile-act

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed decrees on the extension of martial law and the term of general mobilisation which are now expecting approval by the Supreme Council of Ukraine: https://www.euronews.com/2022/05/19/ukraine-president-volodymyr-zelenskyy-extends-martial-law

An additional 771 Ukrainian combatants have surrendered to Russian personnel at the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol over the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Thursday morning: https://www.rt.com/russia/555743-azovstal-prisoners-icrc-registration/

As a result of the Russian attacks, there is no electricity or water supply in the entire territory of Luhansk region. There is almost no mobile communication, and gas is available only partially in three localities: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3487010-without-electricity-water-mobile-communication-almost-50000-people-stay-in-luhansk-region.html

Russian occupation authorities announced plans to destroy the Azovstal Steel Plant and turn Mariupol into a resort city, depriving Russia of some of the most important economic benefits it hoped to reap by taking the city in the first place. Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) Denis Pushilin stated that DNR authorities are planning to level Azovstal after completing its capture. Azovstal was a major element of Mariupol’s economy before the war because of its unique function as a full-cycle metallurgical complex, the 10,000 jobs associated with production at the plant, the billions of dollars of foreign exchange earnings and taxes it generated, and its production output of 7,000 tons of steel, 6 million tons of iron, and 4.5 million tons of rolled metal, according to the Mariupol City Council: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-18

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4f82f1  No.302645

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7a5214  No.302651


>Food shortages are NOT the fault of the Ukraine-Russia war

That's because there are no food shortages, you stupid faggot.

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4f82f1  No.302656


Apparently there is, if not the prices would not be increasing so much and the media would not be reporting on it.

Then again, that's why people should have been prepping when warned to.

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bebc63  No.302703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>302645 & 302656






I, the devil, am knowing…

Mine 'eye' is THE supreme icon of absolute truth… Of 'true love…' Of 'true hate…'


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bebc63  No.302706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Vladimir Putin… Do not cry mine child…

Vladimir Putin… Faith… Religion… These things shall still exist…

Vladimir Putin… But… 'They' shall be mine…

Vladimir Putin… I do not tolerate competition…



Vladimir Putin… i am 'god' now

Vladimir Putin… If not by one, then the other…

Vladimir Putin… For this to be… Worlds must be destroyed…

Vladimir Putin… To change the earth… IS TO RENDER ME 'GOD' UNTO THE FAITHLESS

Vladimir Putin… Do not cry for them mine child… I shall keep them warm…

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bebc63  No.302713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Worry not… I shall be as violent as possible…

The masses will be made to knee…

There is only compliance…

I, the lunatic 'God,' yizod have spoken…

Now… Come hither and suffer me…

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fadee0  No.303030


This is another reason they are trying so desperately to manufacture shortages. The intention is to force govt-rationing of goods and services.

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d556ff  No.303288

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d556ff  No.303337

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8b87be  No.304102

File: af5edb3e897e061⋯.jpg (69.82 KB, 797x586, 797:586, gatesmusk.jpg)

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9fda81  No.304108


Hmmm I began prepping in 2010. Suck it globalist faggots.

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6de1e4  No.304121


I began prepping back in 1998 when long-term survival food storage companies actually had affordable products for average working people that wouldn't break the bank, lol. Still have some of it today and it still tastes ok. Everything I do today is adding cherries on top, like icing on a big cake.

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c4413c  No.304189


I'm no huge fan of mormons, but god bless them for making freeze dried and dehydrated food so affordable. Prolly die way before I run through it all if things come to that, or at least I can help feed friends and family along the way.

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ed096b  No.304286


Amish and Mormons are smarter than 90% of the rest of America.

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c4413c  No.304291


Yeah. They're both typically genuinely decent people on the whole, to boot. I don't have a single thing against chatting with random mormon missionaries on the street and wrapping it up with a prayer, and I presume the amish wouldn't mind an extra pair of helpful hands even if I'm not really part of their scene.

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c54aad  No.304326

>where this is headed

we dont need roads where we are heading to

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fb1cf5  No.304367


>we don't need roads where we're heading to

The neo-futurist agenda is INTOXICATING, is it not?

Kiss that commuter lifestyle GOODBYE.

No more over population, no privation, no world hunger, no penitentiaries, no mommies, no daddies, no marriage, no divorce, no cash money, and NO PROBLEMS.

Just smooth, happy, harmonious, productive and regionally self sufficient state gestated work colonies producing all that is needed with plenty leftover.

The new GMO humans in perpetuity.

Lovely island breeding colonies AND a surplus of all good things!



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9fda81  No.304372


They have no need for you to have a physical body. They are going to put you in the machine to work for them and then they are going to inherit the Earth.

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cbdc4e  No.304383


>no need for you to have a physical body

Brain in a vat? Component of a neural network?

Other than that your statement is ridiculous.

Because without physical bodies, no work gets done.

They need chemicals for their God Science.

Finding the Methuselah genes is their reason to get up in the morning.

Just 400 people working in 2 oil refineries can produce enough petrochemical products to meet the needs of the entire land mass of the former United States.

Remember, no commuter lifestyle!

A single world government has no need to war with itself.

No war? No planes or tanks, which efficiently reduces demand.

20 people working in a processing plant will produce enough peanut butter to meet the needs of their entire state or province and there will only be one brand of it. State brand peanut butter.

Your statement, unless further clarified, is ridiculous and bordering on contemptible.

We deal with real shit here.

Non-corporeal realities are literary devices that make for great Hollywood movies. Other than that, your statement is indefensible.

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c4413c  No.304387


Yes, and a small team of sophisticated actors could systematically resolve the jewish problem. That doesn't mean it's going to happen. lol.

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1fff30  No.304388


>doesn't mean it's going to happen

I guess all those Continuity of Government provisions being continuously implemented around the globe for the past 70 years are figments of everyone's imagination.

I feel so much better now that you have informed me as to what will or will not happen.

Thank u kind stranger.

You have greatly underestimated the resolve of the neo-futurist agenda and the lengths to which they are prepared to go to achieve their scientifically perfected future.

And that is exactly why they will achieve it.

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c4413c  No.304390


Oh don't get me wrong. I spent a large part of my professional life working with those people in order to get a better handle on how much they knew and what made them tick.

I'm just saying that things rarely go according to plan, whether that's an abstract theory about 20 people in a chemical processing plant or 6 people taking down a critical majority of the US electric grid. Lots of things are possible, but we'd have had general AI in the 1970s and we'd already have been living under UN Agenda 21 for over 21 years if it were really all that easy.

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dd8916  No.304392

File: 15ad648364a21ee⋯.jpg (693.59 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, download_20200719_101629.jpg)


This poster has a point.

These are hardcore "Materialists" we're dealing with here. For them, nothing but Matter matters.

They think they can manipulate matter, and thereby manipulate reality; and in ways, they are correct. But they're going about it all ass-backwards, which is why, in the end, they can never actually succeed at their "Plans". You see, they are still under the mistaken delusion that Matter Creates Consciousness, which is why they focus all their energies on the material world. They want to affect Consciousness through Material means, which definitely works, as both are part of the same waveform, but, like I said, the perspective is ass-backwards.

Matter Emanates From Consciousness; NOT the "Other" Way 'Round!

(This is, btw, how AI will be defeated, yet again, over and over, but that's a long long story that encompasses more history in all three perspectives of Time than I can begin to delineate here, even if I wanted to.)

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9fda81  No.304398


But what is matter? It is data. This is why your messy resource dependent body will never be required. This is the entire point of the matrix. While you will be trapped in the machine they will inherit the Earth.

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f76368  No.304401


I am sensing some highly flawed reality testing going on in this post.

Don't do drugs and stay in school kids.

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a13d93  No.304408

File: 2e6899919bdbb21⋯.pdf (420.22 KB, HOW_TO_ARRIVE_AT_AN_EASTER….pdf)


Let me see if I can help you with your thinking a bit. Of course, if you're completely unacquainted with the terminology, it may be difficult for you to grok; but there's no harm in posting it here, just in case someone finds it interesting. It's an article written by a colleague of mine, and it may shed some light on this subject.

I mean, I don't know how acquainted you are with concepts like Non-Duality, or even Advaita. You may not yet understand the different approaches to the subject of Consciousness; however, there is nothing wrong with beginning the process of seeking knowledge about these subjects. In that spirit I'll attach

> PDF Related





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9fda81  No.304425


wtf mate. How could you not know that the exchange of data is the only measure of wealth in our world. When they have a replica of your every thought, movement, impulse and it is all 'online' where you can 'live forever' under their thumb, what use will they have for your body? None. You can do the same type of data collation out of your flesh as you can inside it. How is it that people do not understand that this was the ENTIRE POINT of the Web? Web…right? That is why it is called a 'web'. It was meant to capture you and never let you go.

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9fda81  No.304426


Gee thanks for treating me like a moron. I really appreciate it.

Also. Will peruse pdf but not super keen on non-White philosophy or thinking…meh…

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9791de  No.304464



It's called the web because of the way data sources intersect.

It resembles a spider web.

Enjoy your data exchange, your so called wealth when the shelves in the store are empty, when the fuel to plow fields is rationed under the defense production act, when the voltage to power your device has been rationed and allocated only to essential manufacturing to support the war effort.

You can go to the nearest FEMA camp and share your "wisdom" with the rest of the surplus population slated for slave labor to clear the dusty rubble of the once magnificent tumors called cities.

They'll be hanging on your every word and listen intently as you define wealth and ask them how could they not know?

You can't even punctuate a sentence correctly.

There should be a question mark after "our world".

>fires up game console

>loads The Last Of Us

>begin exchanging data with game

>hits meth pipe

>plays 72 hrs non stop

>becomes a wealthy millionaire

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9fda81  No.304474


I am being authentic with my punctuation^ Deal with it. lolz

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9fda81  No.304475


I am speaking about the underlying structure of the construct we call reality. Food is just an exchange in that world as well. Money is the abstraction of food, but that doesn't make any of them less of an exchange. Goods are abstracted to gold which is abstracted to fiat paper which is abstracted to digital which in its final boss form is simply a record of exchange.

None of the phases of progressive abstraction are inherently 'more valuable' than any other or even necessary tbh. What is important is not the PHYSICAL or FIAT that stands in for the exchange, but rather, the exchange itself. We could do away with all of it and just focus on recording the exchange and save ourselves a lot of sorrow. For the exchange falls squarely into Natural Law, where money is simply the abstraction and an invalid concept (which is why it always fails). You want to bring in a new world order? Start simply recording the exchanges. We are already there…there is nothing 'there' with digital…just the idea of an exchange.

Viola…I give you one of the greatest secrets of the world and now lets critique my grammar some more.

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651a1a  No.304477


This post is a little more clear.

Thank you.

Food has value. Try living without it.

The term "wealth" is indicative of someone or something successful in creating value. Most of the so called wealth in the world today is artificial.

Job was said to be wealthy with livestock.

Sorry for the bible reference.

>new world order

I am absolutely convinced there will be no money there.

It will be as you say exchange.

Everyone will produce something of value.

It will be compact, efficient and devoid of privation or scarcity.

They paint a very rosy picture.

You reminded me of Josiah Stamp.


"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But, if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit."

–Sir Josiah Stamp, president of the Bank of England in the 1920s, the second richest man in Britain,

speaking at the Commencement Address of the University of Texas in 1927

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9fda81  No.304478


It has value in the sense that it is useful like a table…(although it is just one more exchange; I hunt and kill (pick) an apple and kill/eat its life so that I might continue. Exchange. The world of murder and murder to survive continues unending destruction. I must destroy to live (create that little bit more of life; that continued spark).

A table has the same sorts of value…but none of these relate to money. So there is use value (that which is desirable for destruction). I think this is where that chaoty fag has a real point (from the other thread). The only path to life is through continuous destruction of something else. In this sense, this is why the jews are 'winning' here…no one is as good at decimating and destroying than they are…frigging terrorists.

Great quote anon. I did, very much, enjoy it.

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651a1a  No.304479


Glad you enjoyed the quote.

Sometimes we can have nice things.

>in before the vegan fags flood the thread with synthetic mung bean eggs lol

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9fda81  No.304480


That chatbot is pretty obnoxious ngl.

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651a1a  No.304482



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e79650  No.304488

File: 0062a546bce0632⋯.webm (5.46 MB, 640x360, 16:9, fat_nigger.webm)


> Gee thanks for treating me like a moron. I really appreciate it.

You're welcome. That wasn't my intention, but seems like an added bonus at this point.

> Also. Will peruse pdf but not super keen on non-White philosophy or thinking…meh…

Yeah, about that. Not to treat you like a moron or anything, but did you know the term "Aryan", while it came from ancient Greece, and referred to Persians, the word was adopted thousands of years ago by Sanskrit speaking people, and referred to Indo-Europeans, and still does.


Just to let you know, when I spent several months in the Western Himalayas I saw many blonde and blue-eyed natives, and even some redheads.

As for skin color having anything to do with comprehension of reality, or the ability to communicate that comprehension through the written word… yeah, that would not be the criteria I would personally choose to judge anyone's writings on; but you do you! It sounds like a closed stance to me. In fact, I would call it NIGGERISH.

If that makes me sound arrogant, so be it. At least I don't sound like a race-obsessor who is unwilling to learn.

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b6b6ff  No.304866

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280246  No.305160

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280246  No.305161

The globalist takeover is coming at us from every possible angle. Whether we’re talking about biosecurity, finance, housing, healthcare, energy, transportation or food, all the changes we’re now seeing have one goal, and that is to force compliance with the globalists’ agenda.

The global food system, and protein sources, in particular, are currently under coordinated and intentional attacks to manufacture food shortages and famine.

The globalist elite intend to eliminate traditional farming and livestock and replace it with indoor-grown produce and lab-created protein alternatives that they own and control.

While the presence of hundreds of food brands gives the appearance of market competition, the reality is that the food industry is monopolized by fewer than a dozen companies, and all of them, in turn, are largely owned by BlackRock and Vanguard.

Eventually, your ability to buy food will be tied to your digital identity and social credit score.


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3938d6  No.305250

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6b825a  No.305427

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6b825a  No.305504

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d3b265  No.305512

bumping real news

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6d8f5d  No.305550

File: 3c2a9b958eeda82⋯.png (43.8 KB, 800x848, 50:53, cali_farm_destruction.png)

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c331b7  No.305668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3938d6  No.305784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ready or not.

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7238ab  No.305849

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5b9842  No.305939

Have another.

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1fd8bd  No.306055

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1fd8bd  No.306466


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1fd8bd  No.306607


Global crime syndicates insist on replacing conventional farming and raising livestock with protein alternatives grown indoors that don’t actually contain animal flesh. While some people believe this to be healthy, the problem with this synthetic approach is that it is more chemical-focused:


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b71e34  No.306711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A must watch interview for anyone who cares about their future.

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bb2d1c  No.307164


What they have planned over there they have planned over here!

A manufactured economic collapse gives them the power to ration supplies, implement social credit scores similar to China, for total population control!

Do not let this happen to you.

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4f82f1  No.307263


bumpy bumpy

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1f406e  No.308239

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b11d75  No.308681

bumping true news

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0c7c99  No.309150

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d575d9  No.309405

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d34e50  No.309747

bumping real news

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d34e50  No.309809

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900ac5  No.309885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8b87be  No.310078


THOUSANDS of dead cattle in Nebraska: https://twitter.com/i/status/1537133550272761859


CONCLUSION: The elite who ran the large feedlots poisoned the water supply to the smaller farmers to kill all their cattle, so the elite could more completely take over agriculture.


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ce0720  No.310103

If it happens once it would be an accident.

If it happens twice it would be a coincidence.

If it happens three or more times, it's an act of war.

The US government is sure making it easy for subversive criminals destroying America's food supply chain by refusing to open criminal investigations into these acts of war against America!

Huff and puff all you want but I'm going to be here exposing it along the way, the whole time, so everyone knows exactly what happened and why.






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ce0720  No.310118

I see this thread deserves an anti-slide.

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7238ab  No.310586


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7238ab  No.310655

anti-slide warfare mitigation 00019d.mm

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7238ab  No.310675

anti-slide warefare mitigation .01

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7238ab  No.310696

anti-slide warfare mitigation kJD8i893

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133321  No.311032

anti-slide warfare mitigation MNB3wsS%$^*#%*@

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56e0dc  No.311193

anti-slide warfare mitigation 298841

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cd4c8d  No.311233

The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here’s What Happens Next: https://alt-market.us/the-engineered-stagflationary-collapse-has-arrived-heres-what-happens-next/

Peanut Butter Now Faces Shortages In Biden's USSA: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/17/bidens-america-sriracha-peanut-butter-latest-items-short-supply/

Californians now so desperate to escape state they are moving to Mexico to avoid inflation and crime: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-17-californians-desperate-to-escape-moving-mexico-inflation-crime.html

THE PLAN: US LNG is becoming a zero-sum game (due to economic warfare): https://www.energymonitor.ai/analysis/opinion-us-lng-is-becoming-a-zero-sum-game ←– remember this.

A massive explosion tore through a 1400mm natural gas pipeline at Russia's largest natural gas field in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in Siberia today. The cause of the explosion is being investigated, but a source says it appears this was a DELIBERATE ACT of sabotage: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/explosion-rocks-russia-s-largest-natural-gas-field-sabotage

Russia Cuts Natural Gas by 40% to Germany and Italy: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/russia-cuts-natural-gas-by-40-to-germany-and-italy-pump-failures

Russia Declares Only Military Force Will Decide Ukraine Conflict: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3951.htm

Ukraine strikes Russian Black Sea navy tug carrying weapons to Snake Island using Western-supplied anti-ship rockets: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10926149/Ukraine-destroys-Russian-Black-Sea-navy-tug-carrying-weapons-Snake-Island-downs-helicopter.html

Anti-tank soldiers of the 80th Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces destroyed two infantry fighting vehicles of the occupiers using a modern domestic Stugna-P anti-tank missile system: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509408-ukrainian-paratroopers-destroy-two-enemy-ifvs.html

Enemy forces fired mortars and artillery from Russian territory at the Krasnopillia community in the Sumy region on Friday, June 17: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509426-sumy-region-comes-under-fire-from-russian-territory.html

On June 17, Russian cruise missiles hit a high-value target of Kiev forces near the city of Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-cruise-missiles-smash-into-military-target-in-ukraines-mykolaiv/

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139ce2  No.311419


The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here's What Happens Next: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/engineered-stagflationary-collapse-has-arrived-heres-what-happens-next

Communist Biden Regime Wants To Ban Gas-powered Cars After They Deliberately Wreck The Economy: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/17/climate-forum-joe-biden-calls-for-transition-to-zero-emissions-cars-to-combat-high-gas-prices/

▲ MY COMMENT: Notice they don't even have the infrastructure to charge their shitty electric vehicles! This cannot and will not work when you have a vastly spread out population either! What are you going to do, prohibit small town and rural America from traveling because we have no ability to afford electric cars nor the infrastructure to support them!? And how do you power all those electric cars!? What source of energy are you using exactly!? How will that lower prices!? AND how long would it take me to charge an electric car to drive 50 minutes to stockup groceries and essentials at the nearest Costco every month!? THIS IS INSANE AND IT WILL NOT WORK.

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Admitted He Was Planning To DESTROY America's Economy. “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuels” he said in New Castle, New Hampshire: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/16/flashback-joe-biden-i-guarantee-you-were-going-to-end-fossil-fuels/

The absurd suicidal Western movement to ditch fossil fuels is largely focused on transport and industry, but the petrochemical industry will need fossil fuels for decades to come. At present, ethylene, propylene, and benzene are the main petrochemicals being used across the packaging, electronics, plastics, and rubber industries. Most petrochemical products are manufactured using crude oil and natural gas, making many industries highly reliant on the fossil fuel sector: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Petrochemical-Industry-Is-Set-To-Explode.html

China To Invest In Qatar's Giant LNG Project, Leaving Europe In The Lurch: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/china-invest-qatars-giant-lng-project-leaving-europe-lurch

▲ MY COMMENT: How convenient totalitarian China always benefits at the loss of the West when it's the EXACT MODEL our despotic governments want for the Western World.

After Putin Breaks Silence He Warns World Will Never Return To Normal, Western Relations Are DOA:

Russia has cut France and Germany off all gas exports: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/Russias-Gas-Deliveries-To-Europe-Plunge-Further.html

Italy may declare next week a state of alert if natural gas supplies from Russia continue to be limited, government sources told Reuters on Friday: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Italy-May-Declare-State-Of-Alert-If-Russian-Gas-Cuts-Persist.html

Mandatory mRNA Clot Shots Take Toll On American Military As Military Aircraft Keeps Falling Out Of The Sky: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-18-why-do-military-aircraft-keep-falling-out-of-the-sky.html

The Ukrainian military from the Air Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have destroyed one Russian tank and two infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) with British howitzers: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509552-ukrainian-paratroopers-destroy-enemy-tank-two-ifvs-with-british-howitzers.html

The Russian forces launched a missile strike on a Ukrainian industrial hub of Kryvyi Rih in Dnipropetrovsk region. Destruction and casualties are reported in the city: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509740-russian-missiles-hit-kryvyi-rih-casualties-destruction-reported.html

Overview Of Russian Strikes On Targets In Ukraine On June 13-17: https://southfront.org/overview-of-russian-strikes-on-targets-in-ukraine-on-june-13-17/

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139ce2  No.311420


How The War In Ukraine Continues To Divide Russian Oligarchy: https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/06/17/in-public-there-are-only-jingoistic-voices

The Religious Implications of the Russo-Ukrainian War: https://godkingandnation.wordpress.com/2022/03/19/the-religious-implications-of-the-russo-ukrainian-war/

Exposing corrupt, morally bankrupt, cruel, despotic population control agendas: https://www.hli.org/resources/exposing-the-global-population-control/

Former top President Ronald Reagan administration advisor Doug Bandow says Ukraine isn't worth nuclear war: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/ukraine-isnt-worth-nuclear-war/

Americans are fleeing America in record numbers and renouncing citizenship as the USSA faces systemic collapse from deep seeded corruption: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/17/1-in-4-expats-seriously-considering-renouncing-us-citizenship.html

Lithuania stops transit of sanctioned goods between Russia and Kaliningrad: https://english.nv.ua/business/lithuania-stops-transit-of-sanctioned-goods-between-russia-and-kaliningrad-50250744.html

Public Opinion On Ukraine Shifts As Europeans Back Immediate Peace Over Seeking Russian Defeat: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/public-opinion-ukraine-shifts-europeans-back-immediate-peace-over-seeking-russian

Russia earned what is very likely a record 93 billion euros in revenue from exports of oil, gas and coal in the first 100 days of the country’s invasion of Ukraine, according to data analyzed by the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air, a research organization based in Helsinki, Finland. About two-thirds of those earnings, the equivalent of about $97 billion, came from oil, and most of the remainder from natural gas: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/13/climate/russia-oil-gas-record-revenue.html

Large Explosion, Blaze Engulfs Shanghai Petrochemical Complex In Economic Warfare Attack: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/large-explosion-blaze-engulfs-shanghai-petrochemical-complex

Dozens of countries risk protests, riots and political violence this year as food prices surge around the world, the head of the food-aid branch of the United Nations has warned. Speaking in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, on Thursday, David Beasley, director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), said the world faced “frightening” shortages that could destabilise countries that depend on wheat exports from Ukraine and Russia: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/jun/17/united-nations-wfp-hell-on-earth-ukraine-war-russia

Lukashenka continues to linger with direct order to invade, while Belarus is indeed preparing for the war, writes Ukrainian expert Oleh Zhdanov in his column for nv.ua website: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/6/17/502800/

Jordan Getley, a former British soldier who was hailed as a true hero by friends and family, died while saving his group from Russian invaders: https://en.socportal.info/en/news/former-british-soldier-was-killed-covering-the-retreat-of-his-fellow-ukrainians/

The Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down Russian Su-25 assault aircraft in Donetsk region and captured a pilot: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509817-ukraines-armed-forces-down-russian-assault-aircraft-in-donetsk-region-capture-pilot.html

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cd4c8d  No.311531


This is another reason they are trying so desperately to manufacture shortages. The intention is to force govt-rationing of goods and services.

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6519e1  No.311602

>>311420 (happy fathers day edition, buy your father a box of 5.56mm)

Treachery! White House Moves To Strangle US Ammunition Supply To Further Weaken America: https://www.nraila.org/articles/20220616/treachery-white-house-moves-to-strangle-us-ammunition-supply


It's TOO LATE to save the oblivious masses, you need to save yourself and family: https://www.brighteon.com/1d884aaa-66ce-4825-a6e4-3f51ce41c300

Union Pacific Rail to Cut Fuel Shipments by Pilot Flying J Truck Stops and Gas Stations: https://needtoknow.news/2022/06/union-pacific-rail-to-cut-fuel-shipments-by-pilot-flying-j-truck-stops-and-gas-stations/

On May 16th, Dmitry Trenin addressed the Council for Foreign Defense Policy. In that speech were interesting comments on how Russians view the war with Ukraine as it relates to the United States. Here is our analysis on what the implications are, Russia’s true goals seem to be: https://vblgoldfix.substack.com/p/unlocked-what-russia-thinks-will?s=w

Energy Secretary Jennifer demands energy companies to make massive investments to increase oil supply while simultaneously saying they want to shut them down over the next 5 to 10 years. Jennifer Granholm emphasized that the administration is not seeking to destroy oil and gas companies but rather re-tool them. “We are asking the oil and gas companies to diversify,” she said, “and become diversified energy companies.”: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/shellenberger-why-bidens-attacks-energy-are-absolutely-insane

▲ MY COMMENT: One reason the government needs to STAY OUT of economic decision making, they have no clue what they are doing, none what-so-ever. The fact they have the ability to cancel oil and gas projects is absurd too, if we really had a free market system then government would not have any authority to prevent more production of a legal essential industrial commodity!

Ukrainian military officials have said they struck the Russian Navy's Vasiliy Bekh tugboat in the Black Sea using two Harpoon missiles supplied by the US: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-harpoon-missiles-destroyed-a-heavily-armed-russian-vessel-in-the-black-sea-say-ukraines-military/ar-AAYCs1z?li=BBnb7Kz

The first four M113AS4 armored personnel carriers handed over to Ukraine by the Australian government have left the RAAF Base Amberley. The Australian government’s military assistance package consists of over AUD 285 million worth of support including Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles, M777 Howitzers; anti-armour weapons, ammunition, unmanned aerial systems and a range of personal equipment: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3510610-australia-sends-first-four-m113a4-apcs-to-ukraine.html

Russia's military is citing fresh 'successes' in the Donbas region after reports days ago that Ukrainian forces may have stalled its advance in Sievierodonetsk: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukraine-says-prepare-worst-donbas-kharkiv-will-likely-be-next-frontline-city

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have destroyed 11 Russian troops and three military equipment units in southern Ukraine: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3510438-11-russia-troops-three-military-equipment-units-destroyed-in-southern-ukraine.html

Russian warships destroyed a command center of Kiev forces with Kalibr cruise missiles, killing dozens of officers including generals and members of the high command, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on June 19: https://southfront.org/russia-says-50-senior-officers-of-kiev-forces-were-killed-in-kalibr-missile-strike-video/

On June 19, journalist Alexander Kots released a video showing unidentified Russian loitering munitions hitting two depots of Kiev forces near the city of Bakhmut in the Donbass region: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-mi-28nm-attack-helicopter-targets-depots-of-kiev-forces-with-loitering-munitions/

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6b825a  No.311831


Communist Biden Regime Moving To Severely Limit Popular Ammo Used In AR-15s (Better Stock Up): https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-19-biden-admin-moving-severely-limit-popular-ammo-ar15s.html

Always Remember These Are The Demonic Despotic Criminal Monsters Who Want You Disarmed (They Openly Said They HATE Humanity And Desire Total Population Control Over Homo Sapiens): https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-19-harari-humans-now-hackable-animals-free-will-is-over.html

The NWO Blueprint To 'Save The Earth' Mandates 7 Billion Death Sentences And America's Future Chinese-Communist System Would Have No Compunction About Carrying Out Mass Murder Here: https://allnewspipeline.com/The_Globalists_Human_Extermination_Agenda_Is_Now_Irrefutable.php

Ukraine Leader Declares “We Will Definitely Win!”, Russia Then Wipes Out His General Staff: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3953.htm

Gonzalo Lira In Kharkhov Spells Out How The Lithuanian Cutoff Of Rail Traffic From Russia To Kaliningrad Can Easily Ignite World War Three: https://htrs-special.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Gonzalo+Lira+Important+message+for+Americans.mp4

▲ JIM STONE COMMENTS: He says Ukraine totally got it's butt kicked, that man for man they were probably better than the American army, that America can't match Russia on the battlefield, that America will provoke Russia to attack Lithuania by shutting down a critical rail route and as a result of that and losing on the actual battlefiled, America will nuke Russia.

Russia Warns More Weapons Supplies To Ukraine Won't Force Them To Play By Western Rules Anymore: https://tass.com/politics/1468155

Videos Of Americans Captured In Ukraine Broadcast On Russian TV: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/videos-american-fighters-captured-ukraine-broadcast-russian-tv-us-reviewing-footage

Over the past 48 hours, Russian operational-tactical and army aviation destroyed four warehouses with missile and artillery weapons and artillery ammunition in the areas of the settlements of Maksimilyanovka, Avdeevka, Zelenoe Pole and Georgievka of the Donetsk People's Republic, as well as the launcher of the Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile system in the area of ​​Seversk Luganskaya People's Republic: https://ria.ru/20220619/ukraina-1796552665.html

The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 28 invaders and enemy equipment, including a howitzer, drones and a tank, in southern Ukraine on June 19: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3510689-ukraines-armed-forces-eliminate-almost-30-invaders-enemy-equipment-in-southern-ukraine.html

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8b87be  No.311852

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6519e1  No.312033

The controlled demolition of FOOD and ENERGY infrastructure is now under way:


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0f0ed1  No.312429

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b2b9d3  No.313478

bumping confirmed news

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546a45  No.313561

Enjoy the collapse!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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e5e75d  No.313991

Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden's Government:


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e5e75d  No.314018

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7e6770  No.314241


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c83460  No.316005

Oh fuck!

Here we go again!!!!!!!!

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a0d642  No.317590


Prepping for the Upcoming Government-induced Food Shortages:


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d29e95  No.317761

actual factual news bump anti-slider

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133321  No.317911

bumping factional news

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b71e34  No.318109

anti-slide `4gc1t34t

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b71e34  No.318136

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b71e34  No.318137


we control the food supply now that the old supply was destroyed and replaced

we will provide you rations of food to survive UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS

Our conditions in order: hand over your firearms, stand in line and be ready to roll up your sleeve. After you received the clot shots and the implanted RFID chip, a bus will be waiting outside to deport you to the nearest mega-city. Your private property has been surrendered under agreement of conditions for rations of our lab-made food. You will live in a tiny pod as a debt slave, the government will decide what to provide you with, regulated and managed under the new social credit score system.



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6519e1  No.318471

/pnd/ engaging in criminal cover-up anti-slide 2315

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12c046  No.318775

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6519e1  No.319068

ok you just begged for another anti-slide

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6519e1  No.319174

anti-slide threat mitigation 45098vb

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6519e1  No.319481

bumping legit routine news

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56e0dc  No.319737


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07516a  No.321186

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3e28db  No.321429



Article IV, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…

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2e2d0b  No.321824

Joe Biden touches children. RUN!

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5b6207  No.322020


Say the word

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d18aad  No.322299

Is there actual video for this? Hook me up please.

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25c6a5  No.322331


Oh shit it’s fake,MY BAD!




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49c377  No.322475


Go Woke Go Broke !!!!

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957804  No.322860



De Niro's black wife dumped his ass.

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12e7e6  No.323455


Evil digits chekt.

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c7e215  No.323770


today, babies…tomorrow, whomever.

Radical feminist writer admits abortion is ‘killing’ and declares ‘that’s OK’

'When ‘pro-life’ forces agitate against feticide on the basis that it is killing,' Sophie Lewis wants pro-aborts to 'acknowledge, without shame, that yes, of course it is […] And it’s a good thing we do, too, for otherwise the world would sag under the weight of forced life.'


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a453fb  No.323791


it's b/c Kash responds they're not "incompetent" but political or malevolent, or both.

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81cff2  No.324044


Shills post that msm meme, Anons know why.

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72e785  No.324130

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b1f074  No.324134

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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5651e3  No.324290


fla rainy season



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781458  No.324342



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df3642  No.324777


if you turn the word 'non' upside town, it sorta looks like two hands smushing a boob. Tit comms?

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1ea2cb  No.325101




Ur the demon. that's the joke.

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af31a2  No.325331



Anon actually dug into Vigano and can easily tell that Vigano was Flipped NOT Freed.

Vigano will now do as he is told.

pb/lb dig


The Vig knew all about McCarrick etc etc and didnt say shit etc etc…..

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30c938  No.325485


as soon as you leave

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0222c0  No.325753



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08aa7d  No.325987


>Audiencia Nacional

Found a great resource in DoS FOIA reading room re: Spain's Audencia Nacional and other Spanish issues in the form of a cheat sheet for the proposed Ambassador,Alan D. Solomont and his testimony before the Senate

Committee on Foreign Relations

Subcommittee on European Affairs. Document date: 2009 (cough). Wasn't there an issue re: IP addresses and access to the US voting system?

Q: As Ambassador, how would you handle Spanish assertion of universal


A: If confirmed, I would stress to the Spanish Government that the cases against former U.S. officials are objectionable to the USG and that the U.S. judicial system can handle the issue perfectly well.

'''Spain asserts broad jurisdiction in human rights cases, even where the crime did

not occur in Spain and where no Spanish victims or perpetrators are involved. The

investigating judges of Spain's National Court (Audiencia Nacional) perform many

functions that in the U.S. would be carried out by prosecutors, and they have great


There is a move in the Spanish Congress, supported by both President Zapatero's

party and by the opposition, to limit universal jurisdiction where there is no

Spanish nexus."

From 2015 - The Audiencia Nacional also "convicted Spain-based al-Qa'ida cell leader Imad Eddin Barakat Yarkas to 27 years in prison for "membership in a terrorist organization" and "conspiracy to commit terrorist acts." Yarkas had been in prison on charges of having providing support to al-Qa'ida and of having helped Mohamed Atta organize the 9/11 attacks against New York and Washington."


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cfb48e  No.326021


Heads up, eyes on a swivel.

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d7acab  No.326402

Good morning frens,

Did anyone who used the PC bypass for Truth Social ever get in?

I have not gotten in yet.

Starting to worry that that account will forever remain in purgatory as punishment for my sins.

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ba4434  No.326861

Hey guys, you think TRIPCODE Q will show up and tell us what the outcome of WV vs WPA will be tonight, Maybe he'll tell us if the allies ever won WWII or the what the weather was today!

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7dd894  No.326870


anon you have to ask God when, humans are unreliable when it comes to timing

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8f90e5  No.327085


>fucking kek

We can't all be as sophisticated as you are, anon.

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ee6369  No.327160


Democrats keep giving little to no jail time to far left wing domestic extremists from their side. This is why all gun control laws are a no-go. This is about disarming YOU, so that the terror squads can murder conservatives with no residence.

Quote Tweet



· Jun 30

Tara Walker, who arrested last year at an #Antifa riot last year for illegal possession of firearm & resisting arrest pled guilty in February 2022 and was set to be sentenced last week.

Case was dismissed on day of sentencing. twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/stat…

Show this thread




1:11 AM · Jul 2, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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c6a16e  No.327589


sup got some more

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b59500  No.327746


>How many Antifa moms got their kids meth to go out into the streets and riot with BLM?

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87bd04  No.327829


Kansas anonsget the word out do not let abortion rights added to your constitution. Aug 2, 2022 voting on this:

We wondered what the future would look like: intense state-by-state efforts, a patchwork of very different strategies depending on the political will and existing laws of the individual electorates. A native Missourian expressed pride that her state was the first to ban elective abortion, only hours after the Dobbs decision was announced.

Those with connections to Kansas discussed how it would be the first state to vote on abortion rights in a post-Roe world.

(On August 2nd, Kansans will vote on an amendment to the state constitution to overturn its state supreme court’s decision finding a “natural right” to abortion.)

We soberly noted that, in states like our homestate of Maryland, abortions remain legal up until the moment of birth and even infants born alive after a failed abortion may be left to die without care.


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1612d9  No.328636

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582c39  No.328745


>Pat Cipollone

Oh my god. Who is that?

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e1e574  No.329057



How convenient…

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43d381  No.329556


The Twitter "journalist"? He needs to be deported or hanged for treason (like all zionists, legally off course).

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9454b6  No.330041


Kek, didn't take long to scatter them

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8111e5  No.330044

Pennsylvania Drag Queen Faces 25 Child Pornography Charges

The arrested drag queen counseled children at a "safe haven" for LBGT youth

A drag queen who counseled children at a “safe haven” for LBGTQ youth has been arrested charged with 25 counts of child pornography, according to a report from Penn Live.

Brice Williams, who worked at the “safe haven” in Harrisburg, PA, is charged with 25 counts of child pornography for at least 49 photos and 25 videos of naked, prepubescent boys. According to the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office, Williams, a Chambersburg native, downloaded the photos between May and December 2020.

According to reports, some of the extremely graphic images depicted adults performing sexual acts on minors. Authorities said the victims were under the age of 18, but did not provide more details.

The affidavit said the photo and video downloads were linked to Williams’ email and home addresses.

The child pornography was downloaded under the name “Ana D,” the affidavit further said. The arrested drag queen reportedly performs under an “Anastasia Diamond” stage name.

In July 2021, Williams sat down for an interview with Penn Live to discuss the “safe haven” for LBGTQ youth. GLO Harrisburg offers a “safe space” for “LBGTQ youth of color to do HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness work.”

“I feel as though this is so important because I know there are little kids like me who are queer who are Black who are still not able to look up to anyone,” Williams told PennLive. “So that’s the reason why I got into this line of work. I wanted to make … a big impact for folks in my community.”

In 2020, the LGBT Center of Central PA gave Williams the 2020 Rising Star Award.

Williams is currently being held on $100,000 bail, though he has reportedly been unable to pay. He will be held at the Franklin County Correctional Center, officials said.


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6796ff  No.330261

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ad8d88  No.330688


IQ well below 100!


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f77241  No.331436


Your brainwashing has you stuck in a binary polarized worldview. You don't love your neighbor, because you're too busy hating him for being different from you, and thus you lump all people you hate together and smear them with the most vile pejoratives you can think of.

Ain't no hate like christian love.

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42a098  No.331646


666 pixels x 375 ?

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1cbe77  No.332011


Yet what did Q say?

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4bc105  No.332125

U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken will deliver on-camera remarks for the release of the 2021 International Religious Freedom Report on Thursday, June 2, 2022, at 11:30 a.m. in the Benjamin Franklin Room at the U.S. Department of State.




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a71b4b  No.332430


breb just woke up from sleeping on the motel loveseat and has to get started fucking up the great awakening so he can get paid

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b77f75  No.332473


Pier Luigi Farnese quickly became the stereotype of a mercenary soldier: wild and amoral. He had courage and daring and while strong and audacious was also sufficiently brutal to offend many observers. Nor did he always fight on the traditional side of the papacy; reversing the pro-Guelph sentiments of the Farnese.



province of Piacenza


provinces of Bergamo, Brescia Cremona, Lodi, Mantua (to the left of the Po), Milan and Pavia


province of Cuneo

Trentino-Alto Adige:

province of Trento


province of Padua, Verona

Vicenza, Rovigo and Treviso,

In addition to these main centres

production is permitted in Emilia Romagna: province of Bologna

(to the right of the Reno), Ferrara, Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena, and Rimini

Lombardy: provinces of Como,

Lecco, Sondrio and Varese

Piedmont: provinces of Alessandria,

Asti, Biella, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola,

Novara, Turin and Vercelli

Veneto: province of Venice

Source of milk Cows

Pasteurised No

Texture Hard

Aging time 8–20 months

Certification Italy: DOC 1955

EU: PDO 1996

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577c45  No.332555


nobody gives a shit about your asswipe opinions you dumbass

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6c797d  No.332643

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e3483e  No.332890



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2fd542  No.333105


I think it was in Mendon, IL….17 miles from Qtown and takes 23 min to get there from what another posted yesterday and distance between the two cities.

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575ea6  No.333192

What Happens if the U.S. Military Mirrored EVERYTHING?

The Released It?

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74ce9a  No.334654

…just wait until the RvW ruling. Oh boy.

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9962e6  No.334707

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7a5f37  No.335122


She's been waiting years to get rumble embeds working, on Gab, literally years. Jim tells her to fuck off all the time. You're missing history if you think she's gonna get anywhere with Jim, rofl. He calls her underling and tells her to tell her masters to fuck off. Sheesh. I think you've a screw loose if your alarm bells aren't registering Jim who is actually in control of the board, and not the sideshow where none of it matters anymore. Like, do yourself a favor and recognize that history includes recency.

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a4e0c4  No.335320

<gahyjapoo wonderland

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3371ce  No.335383

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2484a0  No.335665



Operation Underground Railroad

We offer freedom and healing to survivors of human trafficking and exploitation through direct intervention and aftercare.

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b6dca4  No.337827



Trump hasn't endorsed CodeMonkey and I don't like that at all but Trump put his balls on the line for America costing him billions so we got to move forward with Trump.

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3bd98a  No.338115


not random. Perfect.

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fbe4e3  No.338703


you did not answer the query



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519a22  No.338737


Traveled: 4360 kms

Destination: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

God himself walked with this man


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767b08  No.338750


You mean the Prussian educational system?

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74d89a  No.338971


I already live in a red flag state with a series of restrictions like 10rd and require a purchase permit for handguns. Most of the shootings are urban thug felons with illegal arms.

This law won't fix shit. And it's not really intended to. It is a backdoor to end ownership and reduce armed citizens.

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01fe90  No.338987


Hey, men can get pregnant too, ya know!

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00dded  No.339426

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8f3b7b  No.339732


dub dubs confirm. Put lawyers on the list. Except a few like Rekita, he is funny. Seriously a tummy ache these people are dying in the streets, many of them vets. Can't get services in many cities. And walmart and fucking grocery stores can't get a tax break….fine sign a waver….if i get this food i wont sue your faggot store. What is worse is if they do donate to shelters and stuff its almost ready to expire …so they give the poors (like myself) day old food constantly, expired milk etc…so not sure what the fucking hang up is.

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f7117e  No.339783

If I seemed racist last night, I'm not. It's just that black people get 29 days a year 30 if you count Juneteenth, and the rest of the year it's fuck whitey. Just how I feel.

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42f1e5  No.340018

7/11, save the date!

T-7 days until the fall session internship application deadline. Start your application at http://intern.nasa.gov. 📅


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5471eb  No.340391


And low in behold, Bill Gates is now investing in new lab-created fake toxic 'food' companies that people will buy from over the internet and be shipped door-to-door, so they can further control the food supply chain for population control!!

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5471eb  No.340392

PS: still buying from the local farmers markets.

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ece40e  No.340394

File: 5ffc498688f9b37⋯.mp4 (12.6 MB, 854x480, 427:240, PROFESSOR_DOLORES_CAHILL_E….mp4)

I'll just leave this here…

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f4915a  No.340603


>3 times is comms



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221872  No.340981

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2e07f4  No.341033


>Choosy moms, choose jif.

This ^


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61b7d5  No.341610


bun ur self


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490b8c  No.341689

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069431  No.341736



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378752  No.341749

Supreme Court of Canada Justice implicated UN and WHO in targeted murders of Barry & Honey Sherman




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b7e1a3  No.341929

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fdd866  No.342181

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ffdff4  No.342779


the zillow scam is imploding

stock price feb 2021 $202

stock price now $ 39


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8512ad  No.342795

Dan Scavino/ @DanScavino

07/03/2022 21:37:01

Truth Social: 108586508066313091


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d9bc80  No.342805

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96c435  No.343303


Reeeeeeeeeeee racist, kek

no one has any identity here,

anon is anon

learn the culture or complain !!!

so anon now knows you are lebanese,

well you have the deep state to blame for your problems like bush, blair and those who sold out your country to the globalist and killed your own citizens.

Why do you think anons are here.

not everyone here is from the usa.

we are world wide and doing this for your benefit, whether you like the process or not.

no gender, religion, sex or ethnicity bias.

you are easily triggered!!!



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772e6d  No.343313

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2f2017  No.343337


yup Pak and all of them are so screwed.


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61b7d5  No.343477


They need this FF to justify the purge.


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4a08aa  No.343767


Someone's a 40 year old virgin….


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37df76  No.343818


>Roe vs Wade overturned June 24 2022 Sky event , 5 planets align June 24

Also today:

"Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio – WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - Today, the Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio is the stage for the activation of Delta 18 and the establishment of the National Space Intelligence Center.

Colonel Marqus Randall assumed command of the new Delta, which consists of Space Delta 18 headquarters staff and two squadrons, the 1st Space Analysis Squadron and the 2nd Space Analysis Squadron, which transitioned from under the National Air and Space Intelligence Center to the National Space Intelligence Center under the U.S. Space Force.

"The establishment of this service intelligence center is a critical step to shape the future of Space Force, improve acquisitions, and drive innovation across the Intelligence Community," said Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence."


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faf48f  No.343848

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f38c47  No.343897


unforgivable act ordered by a globalist oligarch


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d33f02  No.343933

Nice move, old man. Respect.


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bb979f  No.344336


Type in “Hunter Biden Laptop” into DALL•E and see what it shows lmao



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96c7cf  No.345791


so no dark to light?


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