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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 6df1b4f862299b6⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1231x1448, 1231:1448, 7FD5C558_948A_4DD4_B33D_8….jpeg)

70893d  No.297051

Should we allow retards like the Spooligans to live and leech off the taxpayer?

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70893d  No.297052

Only if we can make love to the BSRs

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f26b7a  No.297076

File: 9882576e6ccf0fd⋯.jpeg (462.99 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 606B3689_DEB5_495F_A503_A….jpeg)

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c40302  No.297085

File: fe0880ea9e65f25⋯.png (287.4 KB, 460x498, 230:249, 404_not_found.png)



It seems unfair.

Many things do…

Case In Point:

> Sneaky Spartley Spooligans




> I need to tell you something kind of important so I'm going into your board

Proceeds to immediately post CP on said board, then shadowbans this thread.

The stench is so bad it glows!

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c40302  No.297086


> this thread

As In: >>297054

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1fa3bc  No.297091


I see the spark of God's divinity.

I see a beauty, a paradox, a worthy reason.

"A living dog is better than a dead lion".

She must live. We must help her.

Thanks for asking OP.

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b7e143  No.297135

File: 184984bcdeee9e7⋯.jpeg (897.94 KB, 1167x1202, 1167:1202, F8DBC878_9479_4E5F_880B_D….jpeg)

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300b4b  No.298289


why do YOU care ?……


worthless bum

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