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File: f2dc0e3419c7787⋯.jpg (97.65 KB, 738x751, 738:751, Wednesday_Krispy_Kreme.jpg)

f7aa3a  No.297054 [Last 50 Posts]

There was a time when "Johnny Neptune" would ne'er deign to cheat on his gal,Dunkin Donuts, but those days are over.

It is, after all, Wednesday; and on Wednesdays,Donuts are a Dozen for the Price of a Gallon of Gasat Krispy Kreme, niggers!


So there he will be, stuffing his belly full of Krispy Kreme donuts, whilst slirping down a Chai Latte and leaving his phone laying around in various places, hoping someone will steal it so he can start extorting Krispy Kreme too, like he dun Dunkin Donuts..

I know, it's kinda a niggerish thing to do, but what can one expect from donut-munching Lefty'corn that can never shut up, even with his mouth stuffed full of Krispy Kreme?!

Anyway, if you spot him at a Krispy Kreme today near Atlanta, steer clear of his phone, and try not to get any donut chunks on you as you get within a few yards, because, like I said, he never shuts up, and he talks a mile a minute, and I have never seen a time when donut chunks were not being sprayed around the room by him, so, fair warning…

Also, "Johnny Neptune" would like to remind you that, because of the policies and people he supports, the price of EVERYTHING is going up, including Dollars to Donuts to Gas… So you best get you some donuts TODAY, while you still can. Within a few months in cities like Atlanta, niggers might be BBQing fatty donut-munchers like JN for meat!

Also, I'm sorry to do this to you, /pnd/, but I'm gonna have to post something in the next post that is… well, it'll almost speak for itself, I guess, but….

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f7aa3a  No.297055

File: 1cd226d2acb1c4d⋯.mp4 (4.13 MB, 640x360, 16:9, krispy_kreme.mp4)


You know how "Johnny Neptune" likes to write music, and he spends most of his time with teenage boys, all day, every day???

Yeah, I know. There's something strange about that, but nothing near as strange as the things he does with them! He can often be found trying to subject them to his musical tastes, and berating them for not participating in as much anal as he would like them to… butt.. I found a video of two guys he's working with, trying to get them to produce his music. He was hoping Krispy Kreme would pick it up as part of their Wednesday Special, but so far they're not feelin' it. I think he needs some help. Any suggestions for him would probably be welcome. He does seem highly suggestible, being a Leftard and all, and he does need suggestions! Maybe put in a good word for him over at Krispy Kreme Investor Relations or something. Come on anons! You know you can help; and after all, don't we owe it to "Johnny Neptune" to help him find a better place for him to focus his energies? So, in honor of Wednesday, and without further adieu…

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dc3c11  No.297060


lol quite honestly I haven't eaten a donut since I was like maybe 14 or something.. they're disgusting..

absolutely disgusting…. Sugar and lard and sugar and dough and sugar …..


nope … I only went to Dunkin' donuts for the mocha latte swirl.. I don't do donuts

but I do have something important to tell you on your board so I'm headed there now

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f7aa3a  No.297061

File: 1bebcdac834b458⋯.mp4 (435.09 KB, 480x480, 1:1, back_at_it_again_at_krispy….mp4)

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75c1ac  No.297062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I actually made a really good remix of Tyler Cassidy's song "YOUR BOYFRIEND'S A BITCH"

which happens to be an excellent song.. it's extremely well written and catchy and if you don't like it, there's probably something wrong with you…

the whole froggy fresh thing was a gag to get his name out there…

and as Tyler cassidy, he's actually showing real talent as a songwriter…

I need to tell you something kind of important so I'm going into your board

but first I'm listening to this version of Tyler Cassidy's song for three and a half minutes before I go into your board…

it's badass.. I love this damn song!!

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75c1ac  No.297064

but I've got 400 guitars just in case you were curious. a million, actually

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f7aa3a  No.297065


Yeah, ya dork. I don't do religion either. But that won't stop you from fucking with me any more than it'll keep me from fucking with you!

I have been busy, however, and do not have time to answer to your shenanigans, so until I do, I hope you eat dozens of donuts, load up on fat and sugar! Refined sugars are best sugars!Killcen recommends whiskey-soaked donuts.

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3fab04  No.297066

File: c62f7740e76defd⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 350x270, 35:27, c62f7740e76defd0a36c99874b….jpg)


>the price of everything is going up

All the who's in Whoville came and drove their trucks

Justin flew the coop, Vlad will stop these fucks

Joe said it's okay a limited little romp

So Vlad became a giant

Now watch the giant stomp!

Prices soon were soaring

There's a happy little Grinch

The who's were getting routed

The Grinch know's where to pinch!

Jacinda got to jabbing

She's never gonna stop

And if you tell her no

She'll smack you with her mop!

Greece is squeezing grandpa

Right in his bank account

He wouldn't take the voodoo juice

Not even a small amount.

Now Fauci got left standing

With his pecker in his hand

So Vlad just kept on stomping

In Ukraine-ee Land.

Round and round the wheels go

The who's will not give in!

That's when they whisper ww3

With a Grinchy little grin :)

Now everybody wonders

What it is they see?

It just cannot be ww3

Without a little Xi.

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dc3c11  No.297068


LOL I don't eat sugar, dude …

the only time I ever do sugar anymore is a little bit in my coffee.. and once every blue moon night might have a Coca-Cola coffee, just to celebrate losing 80 pounds by eliminating soft drinks and sugary shit out of my diet…

even though I wasn't even fat

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566e0b  No.297069


How hard does it burn your vagina that the truckers went back to work, prices have been steadily dropping, and fascists like Greg Abbot are being prepared for the gallows?

Stay defeated, honker.

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dc3c11  No.297070

the funniest part was out the truckers decided to go to Washington and pretend that they were smart enough to understand epidemiology, and pretend they mattered enough to make a difference…


but what would you expect from somebody who wasn't able to finish high school and get a real job?

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dc3c11  No.297071

when they announced their plans for the Washington DC trailer park tailgate party, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND STATE GOVERNMENTS HAD ALREADY DECIDED TO END THE MANDATES


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f7aa3a  No.297072


> even though I wasn't even fat

could afford to

> lose 80 pounds

without dying.

Pick One.

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f7aa3a  No.297074



Weirdly, the only places I still am "required" to wear a mask are "medical" facilities; and everybody there knows how ridiculous it is. In case they ever forget, when I am forced to go into those hellholes I wear a mask upon which I have emblazoned the words…


Highly Recommend

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f7aa3a  No.297075

File: 81d34c595e14a38⋯.png (870.9 KB, 1298x842, 649:421, It_s_OK_Johnny.png)

I think the REAL Question is… Is the /pnd/ mod a Nigger?

What is the definition of a "Nigger" anyway?

And, as far as "shenanigans" go, just who gets to play 'em, in what ways, and to what extent?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

I mean, "Dollars to Donuts", things can sometimes get blown all out of proportion! And NOBODY Wants That! The Donut Crisis is already YUUGE!

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f9b606  No.297077




Get pinched ASS HATS.

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f9b606  No.297078


Every time you type the word "n*gger" a DNC spook gets his wings and the MSM and DHS can tell everyone the internet is a safe haven for radicals, extemists, bigots and whit* tr*sh.

So ya know… maybe don't do that. kthnxbye.

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f7aa3a  No.297080

File: 6af6d07f75a57bc⋯.jpg (197.17 KB, 1356x668, 339:167, JN_Low_Hanging_Fruit.jpg)


How about (You) learn a little about FREE SPEECH and Fuck Off, ya stupid faggot nigger!

Maybe (You) are unaware of what a "Nigger" actually IS!

Protip:It isn't about skin color.

In fact, those who make everything about skin color are generally "Niggers", including all the white liberal feminist glowgurls who frequent this place so they can work up their daily hard-on of hate.

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42915c  No.297081




as you wish effendi

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dbb10d  No.297083


I prefer αὐθέντης nigger.

The Ottoman Turkish word , in modern Turkish efendi, is a borrowing of the Medieval Greek αφέντης aféndēs, from Byzantine Greek ἀφέντης aphéntēs, from Ancient Greek αὐθέντης authéntēs, "master, author, doer, perpetrator" (cf. authentic).AUTHENTIC

Got a Problem With AUTHENTICITY?

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f7aa3a  No.297084


> I need to tell you something kind of important so I'm going into your board

Proceeds to immediately post CP on said board, then shadowbans this thread.

The stench is so bad it glows!

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dc3c11  No.297087


lol you're a funny guy, aren't you?…

a funny man, huh?…

lol a 'funny' man, with no wife….

no girlfriend… no one-night-stands…

no platonic female friends who hang out

just because they like you…

THAT kind of 'funny'….

( makes a 'limp wrist' gesture )

as in "Apparently Not Interested In Women" Funny…

yeah….. the funny man…

who has no kids….

because no woman will invest her life into his…

…….THAT kind of funny…..

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dc3c11  No.297088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


FYI : I've got lots of kids ….

beautiful, healthy genius children…..

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dc3c11  No.297089


and since you still can't find a woman who'll allow you to fulfill your purpose on this wretched planet…

you don't have any idea what it's like to be a father…

to be the alpha………………………..

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0eb088  No.297090

File: f540b9b2ec1466b⋯.jpg (289.77 KB, 1080x1376, 135:172, Picsart_22_04_20_14_47_24_….jpg)


you also dont have any idea who I am, obviously…

I'm a federal informant… I have been since I was 17…. I report people like the Lithuanian CP poster every time they post…

there's absolutely nothing confidential about it when I act as an informant, weather it's for federal law enforcement, state or local agencies…

The term "confidential informant" implies that One is scared… that one is afraid that might find out He's the one who initiated the investigation that led to their eventual arrest and conviction…

I'm not scared of shit…

I've been doing this since I was 17

and believe it or not, in real life I have told people directly to their face "I called the Georgia bureau of investigation and I spoke with a field agent friend of mine about you and you're under investigation. hopefully, you'll go to prison soon"

100% true… I've done it many times. directly to their goddamn faces with a smile…

For some idiotic reason, they always seemed to assume I was joking… I wasn't…

I don't go around snitching on everybody like some kind of douchebag… I'm a criminal myself, and both federal and local law enforcement are well aware of my NCIC…

nope, save my overt informant status for special occasions, special people who deserve some special attention…

and I've never done it for money…

I've never asked for a penny or accepted a penny from them when they offered..

I've never done it to try to get out of legal trouble either… I've gone to prison and I did my time like a man

In American child pornography and child exploitation are handled by the Department of Homeland Security, vending FBI is next in the chain, and if necessary, they will rely on local jurisdictional law enforcement…

When somebody comes in here and posts content that offends me as a father… Even though DHS is the first in command, I have contacts at the FBI so I always start off with them… THEN I file an identical report with the FBI…

I'm not here to say I have people arrested because that's not my call… I'm just a civilian so I don't get to make those determinations… instead, as a citizen of the United States of America, and as a father of several children, three of which I see I'm in almost daily basis, it is my duty as a citizen too supply investigators with the URL and timestamp, and it's their drama to determine what to do from there

I can tell you are new here because The small handful of regulars in here already know what I do

You're the only one who's unaware of who and what I am

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1eb259  No.297095


so no.. obviously I'm not the Lithuanian guy who gets paid to post Lithuanian CP links…

however… I indeed AM they guy who doesn't care how tall or fat you are, because your height and weight don't give you an advantage

you sit in your little high chair, permanently staring at your LeapFrog, your only friend, and you have a sense of false confidence because you're not in the same room with me…

I don't care if you're 7 ft tall and weigh 280 lb of pure muscle…

if you ever accused me of being a sexual predator against children, you wouldn't be able to finish the sentence before I literally ripped your left ear right off your big fat swollen lonely pig face..

it only takes like 8 lb of pressure to rip somebody's ear off their head….

and Believe it or not, you wouldn't even realize you only had one ear.. there's not a lot of nerve endings in the year.. you'd feel the warmth of the blood pouring down your neck and chest before you realize l was holding your left ear in my hand.

I bet you think I'm joking.. I bet you think I'm one of those internet image board video game LARPing tough turn … because that's how you see the world sitting in front of your LeapFrog accusing a convicted violent felon of child pornography …

==BUT THAT WOULD JUST BE THE PROLOGUE, because I know how to literally splinter the bones in your hand with almost no effort whatsoever..

I'm not talking about a broken finger

I'm talking about shattering the bones in your thumb first, pulverizing it into maybe 120 small little fragments

I would literally turn your thumb into a lifelong reminder of what happens to lonely fat smug imageboard sissy calls a convicted violent felon a child molester..

you're really lucky you're in your house without a job today instead of right here in front of me

by the way how's that hiatus working for you?

that's the biggest crock of crap I've heard in a long time

you're not working. you're playing on your LeapFrog. you're unemployed and unloved and undesirable to any woman who's met you so far in your life

if you were even vaguely interesting or cool, you would have a woman in your life already.. they would find you

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dc3c11  No.297099

my wife says I should tell the full story, how I got in a fight with someone, a bad fight… and he almost bit my ear off… it was hanging by a chunk of meat, with the cartilage exposed…

I had no idea I til I felt the warmth on my neck, then my chest… I reached up, and realized what happened ..

so I pulled out a small rusty screwdriver I had in my pocket (I had been using it to open gallons of paint at a mural job I was painting)

and I put that entire fucking screwdriver through his face 3 times before he raised his arms to block me, so I put the screwdriver ALL THE WAY THROUGH HIS HAND… not joking… it went between his 2nd & 3rd metacarpals, and came out the back of his hand…

he turned to run, and I rapid-fire HAMMERED HIM in quick succession, between his ribs, near his shoulder blade, and one last puncture near his kidney…

that's completely true….

100% true…..

his name was Ron Anthony….

the police showed up, and told us "either you're both going your own ways back home, or you're both going to jail"

Bleeding and amped… Ron and I looked at each other, and silently agreed to just take off…

100% true…..

I went straight to Crawford Long hospital in midtown Atlanta and they sewed my ear back on, but not before they did a 'scraping' as it's called, where they use a weird rock hard rough 'sandpaper like sponge' to scrape all the tissue out before sealing it up…

if you think I'm lying, I'm not…

by the way, I'm definitely NOT a badass

I'm not a tough guy….

I don't have to be a tough guy…

that's not how you win a fight….


it doesn't matter how big they are, because you already go into it with the understanding that BOTH of you will likely end up in a hospital or jail

when it's over….

and by catching a BIG MUSCLEBOUND TOUGHGUY off guard, even somebody like me can inflict "head on car wreck" type injuries before they can stop you…

being 'a badass' isn't required

what's required is a LACK OF FEAR OR HESITATION

all that's required is a willingness to permanently injure somebody, and a willingness to be injured yourself…

and I'm not somebody who backs down…

it's not in my nature…

so, yeah….

how about you and I meet at a halfway point, in the middle somewhere, and you can tell me I'm a child molester….

shit…. I'll even let you take the first swing

because you've never been to prison so you're afraid of taking things too far….

and if I traveled a great distance to meet you, I'd want you to punch me a couple times first, so I wouldn't be arrested for putting a ballpoint pen directly through your eye, out the back through your written, and break the bone between your eye socket and brain

then I'd probably make you suck my dick

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8e0f26  No.297106

File: 376a53fb89574b7⋯.jpg (180.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Happy_420_Donut_Boy.jpg)





> you also dont have any idea who I am, obviously…

although a quick click on the ID could have told ye whoIwas, so (You) didn't display niggerishness while making such a colossal fool out of (You)rself…

But (You) can't stop.


I know (You) never read anything, but Wew Lad!

(You) are quite literally everything (You) accuse "Others" of being, like most Leftists, and my gf told me she thinks Wendy may have left (You) awhile back, because (You) sorta act like somebody who ain't getting any himself, but who am I to judge?

I mean I did celebrate 4-20 w my gf, a bunch of dab, and a dozen donuts from Krispy Kreme… I'll admit no anal yet, butt the day ain't over!

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dc3c11  No.297107

File: dd4f1bff00a9e87⋯.jpg (784.64 KB, 1972x2048, 493:512, Picsart_22_04_20_14_56_41_….jpg)

Bridgette was an old friend from Atlanta who moved to Florida…. she loved fucking to rave music… she's an AMAZING piece of ass.

tiny.. a tiny little thing with perfect little tits and a vice grip snatch, but I made her butthole so loose it's just ridiculous

8 years ago today, she flew back to Atlanta on an early morning Sunday flight, and she had some meth, so she performed 'rave dancing' on my cock for 3 days and we shot some pretty interesting porn…

rave music is the best theme song for sex.. it never stops and it's the exact right cadence for what you need.. it's uplifting and positive and inspirational and it doesn't tell a story like the shitty music you listen to.. rave music doesn't tell you what to think… the beat is perfect and the production is orgasmic and there's something about emptying your nuts into Bridget's perfect little asshole while listening to hybrid or DJ icey.. it's just amazing…

that was right before Wendy and I met, and we've been together ever since. speaking of Wendy, she just went across the street to get some pot from my neighbor and she's going to come in here and suck my dick some more…

and I think I'm going to play some badass rave music, because she loves to deepthroat to DJ icey, who's probably the best right now

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8e0f26  No.297110

File: d8331bb0dfd5fd0⋯.jpg (83.64 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 252992_Happy_420.jpg)


And yes, it was really $4.87 for a dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts today. Still is.

As for the box they come in…

"You can put put your weed in it."

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dc3c11  No.297111


as always, you are absolutely correct, sir!

the only thing I read in your post was "I know you don't read anything"

and of course you're aware I love you like a brother.. maybe even a little bit more because my brothers are cool, but you're actually funnier than them…

you're cool and funny…

plus you get tons of pussy, and my brothers are both naysayers who taught themselves out of success and accept a life of mediocrity and missed opportunities instead of simply grabbing the brass ring.. one of my brothers has a girlfriend who's reminiscent of somebody's fat bland alcoholic mother.. and the other brother looks like Dolph lundgren kind of, but he simply has no self-confidence whatsoever.. and girls always told me he's hot and they like to fuck him, but he doesn't I believe in himself, so he spends his life sitting there playing video games like a little kid and never gets any snatch at all..

see I had something really really important that occurred yesterday.. and you're the only person I wanted to tell.. because I still consider you to be one of our team leaders in here, with me being the other team leader..

in fact, it kind of bothers me that you don't know about this situation because it's one of the most dynamic interesting things that's ever occurred on this entire website, not just this one board in particular…

but I realized I can't really talk about it in your board, because there's no privacy. this situation is so big, it has to be handled with surgical precision

secrecy is mandatory I'm afraid

but you would get a big kick out of it…

I promise you would be amazed if you knew what I managed to pull off…

so I guess you're simply going to have to figure out how to call me at (770) 742-2243

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dc3c11  No.297113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


before I play some DJ Icey, here's a perfect PERFECT PERFECTPERFECTsong for this moment

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bf5ccc  No.297116


you know I don't give a FUCK about IDs or trips or dubs or Stacy or Chad or normie or tendies OR ANYTHING INVOLVING CHATROOM CULTURE…

so…. are you telling me that it wasYOUwho accused me of being the Lithuanian CP link loser?

it was YOU ??!!!


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bf5ccc  No.297117

really? are you serious? that's kind of creepy.. seriously that's creepy.. you know I'm not the Lithuanian loser..

you know I'm the first one to contact law enforcement when somebody does that crap in here

you know I've got kids like you

I'm actually offended

why don't you get on your motorcycle and ZIP down to Georgia so I can grab you by both sides of your beard and fuck you in the mouth while you apologize?

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8e0f26  No.297119

File: 654305f514fe320⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 500x710, 50:71, Biden_Had_Hordes_of_JNs.jpg)

File: 4da386ad4ced9bc⋯.jpg (714.21 KB, 1996x2490, 998:1245, PicsArt_05_12_03_53_21.jpg)


Seems fairly phone-oriented. Alas, me? Not so much…

Intrigued, yeah.. I've been rather watchful for awhile, as much more is always going on, even around this dead hellhole, than meets the eye. (Although it is considerably less fanciful than some folks imagine!)

I'm sure there is another way.

You know there's still tripfaggery allowed over on "other" boards, and plenty of ways to establish identity. There's pastebin sites and other ways to share files of information, while still establishing identity. There's even post creation, then deletion, during times of deadness, to cut out riffraff. But let's face it… (You) kindaLike"riffraff".

I'm really really busy, with more shit going on right now than anyone can fathom, besides it being the Spring planting season and all..

None of my family are getting phone calls lately, so I doubt I'll have time to interact telephonically with (You) in the near future.

But Yes to "surgical precision".

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8e0f26  No.297120


Well (You) were the one who said

> I need to tell you something kind of important so I'm going into your board

then immediately cp is posted there, but nothing else is posted there for hours, so what would (You) think!?

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8e0f26  No.297121


I kinda assumed that was the important thing you had to tell me

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8e0f26  No.297126

File: 216d51d8836c0ac⋯.png (526.98 KB, 392x699, 392:699, its_here.png)


Yep. The CDC went ahead and asked the DOJ to Sue to reinstate the extremely unpopular, useless, yet damaging, mask mandates.

That's what "Johnny Neptune" supports!MOAR Gub'ment CONROL!.

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8e0f26  No.297128

File: 18ddcde17e1d845⋯.jpg (66.58 KB, 474x632, 3:4, Maskhole.jpg)


He can't control his own behavior, so craves "Containment", in the hopes that someone can curb his "donut" urges.

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8e0f26  No.297131

File: 223d62574a03ba3⋯.jpg (96.9 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, image_2020_03_16_16_36_46.jpg)


Of course, Sally's in another thread asking Satan to touch his privates, and I gotta go cook supper for me gf and her mom, so we all got problems..

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8e0f26  No.297145

File: 093bf7b0830acec⋯.jpg (20.05 KB, 300x250, 6:5, They_re_SWEET.jpg)


It does seem interesting how "Moarfæces, the Antichrist" can move from "I am the devil" to "Dark Lord bleed my privates and blow a load of obscenities into my mouth" within the same quatrain, but who am I to judge?

I think this entire place might just be a place for the mentally ill to feel less mentally ill about themselves.

I speak as one who has actually seen how deep the donut hole goes, as one of the oldest, most faggish of oldfags — one who chooses toLOOK WITHIN.

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8e0f26  No.297150

File: c093a345d59f677⋯.png (4.2 MB, 1440x1753, 1440:1753, Renamed_the_Musk_Burger.png)


Yesterday, while at Krispy Kreme, picking up that sweet ass deal on a dozen donuts, the guy behind me asked why I was settling for such shitty donuts.. Imagine my surprise when I turned around to see it was Elon Musk! He invited my gf and I to fly with him to a much better donut place, and even took my gf's address down, said he'd pick us up later. I thought he was full of shit, and my gf didn't even think it was actually Elon. We went home, and like I said, later on I went over to cook dinner for my gf and her mom.

Imagine our shock when Elon Musk touched down on the front lawn in some kind of SpaceX contraption that almost reminded me of the Jetsons. I guess it's a new prototype or something. Anyway, he whisked away all 3 of us on this spaceship (for lack of a better term, and while we barely entered what could be termed "low-space" on our trip, the craft is capable of going to the ISS and beyond! But I digress..) Anyway, he took us to, of all places, Macon, GA! He touched down in the parking lot of Tommy's Bakery & Cafe, and we dined on Luther Burgers with the owners of "Tommy's" and Elon Musk last night. No lie! I dunno if you've ever had a Luther Burger, but they'reFANTASTIC!2 Giant Glazed Donuts sandwiching 2 half pound Burgers, 2 eggs, loads of Mayo and Peanut Butter, a pound of Bacon, and all the fixins.. Suffice it to say, Elon was right. It was both the best Burger we ever ate, and the best Donuts too! The ride to and from was pretty sweet too — not gonna lie. After partying with Elon for several hours, and smoking some of the best Live Resin I've ever had, he asked where we'd like to be dropped off, or if we wanted to surprise any friends, but by that point we were stuffed, stoned and tired, so I just had him drop us off at my Auntie and Uncle's house in BelAire..

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8e0f26  No.297153

File: 7f92e0506d4e62e⋯.jpg (552.81 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Musk_Guide_Stoned.jpg)


I guess he's taking us to the meetup, getting Georgia Guidestoned on Saturday too! Hope to see y'all there…

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196e9a  No.297154


It's not Wednesday anymore.

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4f75df  No.297155

File: 7404fcd3dc6d935⋯.jpg (223.7 KB, 1280x1213, 1280:1213, WTF_is_Going_On_In_Here.jpg)


What is going on in here?

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437341  No.297156

File: 78f952651ce6fef⋯.jpg (397.28 KB, 1983x1585, 1983:1585, JKI_GLownut.jpg)


> What is going on in here?

I think oldfag said it best in >>297145 when he said

I think this entire place might just be a place for the mentally ill to feel less mentally ill about themselves.

And why shouldn't they have such a place?

The REAL Question is why those who fancy themselves as "mentally sound" would frequent this place? Oh, the mental gymnastics, the rationalizations!

> Just here to "Help"!

> "Here to protect."

> Here so "Others" don't have to be.

So many excuses!

I think I'd rather be one of the ones who actually knows he's mentally unstable af, than one of these oblivious glownuts!


'Twas a good tale, worthy of wagging the dog.

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f1e58e  No.297162


> It's not Wednesday anymore.

True dat.

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2f26fd  No.297163


It's always "Humpday"!

It's like the donut hole of the week.

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9c1600  No.297164

File: 00072fa03fb5a7a⋯.jpg (433.96 KB, 2391x1338, 797:446, All_the_Same_em_Faggots.jpg)

posting in a schizo bread

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f7aa3a  No.297167


Don't do that.

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8e0f26  No.297172

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9d8433  No.297173

File: 7f6d2337774804f⋯.jpg (233.76 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, PicsArt_02_01_11_53_52.jpg)


No, it is not OK.

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d0c8a6  No.297174

File: 1bdfd2b9e31fcc2⋯.jpg (276.76 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, PicsArt_01_25_08_15_37.jpg)


The ShadowSage is REAL

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c84349  No.297224

File: 15eda99c3608273⋯.png (69.73 KB, 300x100, 3:1, Sage_Added.png)


It always has been.

It stinks like Sage around here so bad now, that no one need use it on anything except the halfchan niggerishness, which seems to be the only material promoted.

Food for thought..

Less shadowsaging, less halfchan garbage..

Maybe more effort would be put in by everybody if the environment was more "WORTH IT".

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0467d9  No.297274

File: 555806a6fec30eb⋯.jpg (43.57 KB, 590x350, 59:35, Still_Smokin_Dat_8Cheese.jpg)


> What is going on in here?

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2a7b87  No.297321

File: edf553fac99cbf1⋯.jpg (85.18 KB, 750x938, 375:469, IMG_20210710_210035_140.jpg)

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6ca313  No.298290


as you know by now

I was going to tell you that ENRIQUÉ isASHLEY SCHNEIDER, a schizophrenic 31 year old hideous female

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1186f6  No.298398

File: d4fb7f7e61c30a0⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 497x427, 71:61, Just_Leave_Already.jpg)


I thought she might be working with (You) for awhile, Johnny, since you don't really attack her new alter-ego much. She's OBVIOUSLY Marshmallow Sally's Bestie, and I'm sure, when it comes to us the BO much prefers Amanda Hugandkiss. Well he prefers a man t' hug'n'kiss whether we're here or not.

I've been busy, daily treatments, and it sucks, but I may post on brown board sometime soon. This place never was any good, much less so now..

I may explain my position later, if I feel up to it.

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1186f6  No.298399

File: 0c3c70bb64cde9c⋯.jpg (842.87 KB, 1982x2436, 991:1218, PicsArt_10_07_08_47_06.jpg)


> brown board?

Nevermind. You know what was meant.

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061afb  No.298412

File: 9c4b045c2fc0698⋯.jpg (152.73 KB, 720x986, 360:493, 9c4b045c2fc000.jpg)

File: 67aedb644436e1d⋯.png (471.34 KB, 788x617, 788:617, 1649764354062.png)

File: 5093dc65a5fd865⋯.jpg (109.38 KB, 1074x864, 179:144, 1647352762748.jpg)


No, prices are going up and everyone knows inflation is increasing, including gas prices. As far as mandates in Canada, three major provinces decided to END the covid mandates after the major peaceful protests due to the backlash. Not long after SCOTUS decided to END covid mandates for most employees in the US as well. It also made more people aware of the fascist $medical tyranny$ you glow niggers & your WEF political puppets wanted to impose on the world, as well their depopulation agenda. The clot shots have maimed and killed many, and now more people are avoiding these clot shots like the plague. People like you are evil Pharma shills, and you are the fascists, communists and totalitarians you denounce others to be, simply because we agree with "my body, my choice" as you people wish to repeat regarding your murders within wombs. My body, my choice, so deal with it punk.

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061afb  No.298413


>I think this entire place might just be a place for the mentally ill to feel less mentally ill about themselves.

4chan is plagued with glowing censorship and won't even allow you to post via a VPN. That itself is a red flag. 8kun is a honeypot so you must be careful what you say here, although, at least here we are free to say pretty much anything because the lack of glowing 'moderation' aka the narrative police. Sure this place has shills and mental cases, but at least here we can post comments and news, and only have to worry about the deliberate sliding of legit informative threads. /pnd/ & /freedomzine/ remain one of the last places of true free speech (at least over the clear net).

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061afb  No.298414


No one in my area wears masks anymore, and even at the height of the fake plandemic most people around my area didn't bother. Maybe 10% or so. We never had lockdowns. Then again I live in a pretty based state in a rural area full of small towns.

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1186f6  No.298458

File: 876824f9b879f63⋯.jpg (98.83 KB, 1024x755, 1024:755, Rare_Zen_Donut_Pepe.jpg)


> No, prices are going up

They will after next Wednesday, as that will be the last day for Krispy Kreme's Deal on a Dozen Donuts for the price of an average gallon of gas.

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5bef63  No.298613


>"Johnny Neptune"

An attention whore


Nothing could make this whore happier.

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85d5d8  No.299062

File: b7abb796cc5543b⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.57 MB, 1024x757, 1024:757, Jeezuz_Neptune_Why_You_Lik….gif)

File: cacf8005dd094bc⋯.jpg (68.14 KB, 629x465, 629:465, Jeezuz_Neptune_Why_You_Lik….jpg)


Yeah, it's the last day of the Donut Deal at Krispy Kreme.

Best get off your lazy asses and drag yourself down to the nearest Krispy Kreme for a dozen donuts for the average price of a gallon of gas nationwide, which is still near $5.


"Johnny Neptune" IS!

Getting stoned and stuffed full of donuts is definitely on the order of the day…

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85d5d8  No.299087

File: f87efcd24fb8e45⋯.jpg (79.42 KB, 629x465, 629:465, pnd_God_s_Work.jpg)


Hot donuts best donuts.

Can confirm, $4.19 for a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts today.

Highly Recommend.

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c84349  No.312231

File: 654305f514fe320⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 500x710, 50:71, Biden_Had_Hordes_of_JNs.jpg)

File: 6c6ef5f2dd0c1fc⋯.png (870.78 KB, 1298x842, 649:421, PicsArt_06_21_06_44_21.png)


> Yeah, it's the last day of the Donut Deal at Krispy Kreme

That's why "Johnny Neptune" has been back atDunkin Donutsever since…

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f20dfe  No.319143

Is it really Wednesday again?

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27ca65  No.320979



Considering the mountain of evidence against the Khazarian Jewish Criminal Cabal, ONLY a Jew would defend the indefensible.

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8bb0ca  No.320982




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328129  No.321157

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f6f3a0  No.321192



And in same bread, Tor posters see an ID as well. Only first post for me was 000000. All the rest were an ID. But i get same totals for 000000.

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a3d5aa  No.321286



Is Trump twisting his finger or hand? Macron looks like he’s in pain. Kek

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2d94dc  No.322553


Watch em freak out now.

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887835  No.322963


going to be a rough night shift everything is fucked here

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ce4f9f  No.323418



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ba9ab8  No.323568



And they will steal the elections, and everyone will know it, and, as usual, nothing will be done about it. And they will continue to groom children, and American men will do nothing to stop any of it. SCOTUS's 2A ruling is sadly irrelevant to anything other than personal protection.

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3c625f  No.323682

Is paris a female? I can't tell anymoar.

Look at the sister thingy. Is em females or trannies?

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d8d90a  No.323807

Happy Fatherless Day, Muh NIggas!

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a01cf2  No.323811



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e12f34  No.323819


>you aint fisting nobody with your juggernaught brand condom

Kek, typical pervert Kike!

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73ddc0  No.323911


candygram ma'am

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fc48cc  No.323997

Russia will keep the pressure on the US regarding biolabs…


"The US has been concealing information about its “military biological activity” in the post-Soviet states, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday. This, according to Zakharova, raises “serious questions” about Washington’s compliance with the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC).

In an interview with TASS published on Sunday, Zakharova said, “the United States prefers to remain silent about the ongoing work in the post-Soviet space and does not provide information within a framework of the BTWC confidence-building measures…."

"…The Pentagon has “significantly expanded its research potential not only in the field of creating biological weapons, but also obtaining information about antibiotic resistance and the presence of antibodies to certain diseases in populations of specific regions” while working in Ukraine, Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov, the head of the Russian Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Force, said in May…."

"…Earlier this week, the Pentagon published the ‘Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries’. In the document, the US military said that following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US and its partners have led “cooperative efforts to reduce legacy threats from nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons left in the Soviet Union’s successor states, including Russia.”

According to the Pentagon, the US has “worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine’s biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health,” by providing support to “46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades.” These programs have focused on “improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation.”

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7e39e0  No.324232

My bday is 11.17

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c9370e  No.324402


Wuddup spaceman?

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c9370e  No.325310

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25b057  No.325513


damn bruh! stop chewing your nails

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d1a834  No.326066



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07fd32  No.326095



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f8123e  No.326214


not to scale

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ac312e  No.326327



i live in your neighborhood, apparently



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a0dd6b  No.326328

I am here to enquirer about my girlfriend, I miss her so much now!!!

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f9fa41  No.326431


He was probably not a sociopath. Can't have that happening in that family.

One of the rothschilds was murdered by a brother because he wasn't ruthless enough. They couldn't have that either.( I read that in the past 7 years and sorry no sauce)

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63f7ea  No.326696


>What do faggot white hat anons win?

You win the right to a peaceful loving existence in abundance for you and yours.

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d646be  No.326708


Chickenpox give you shingles

So, Varicella vaccine?

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e72e42  No.327146


I'll try the bigger version.

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149b80  No.327164


The Town That Dreaded Sundown - been trying to think of that name all day.

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e6d0b0  No.327662


Okay thank you. Just wanted to make sure.

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e30746  No.327665


#TheMichaelKnowlesShow #TomMacdonald

Michael Knowles REACTS To "New World Order" Music Video by Tom MacDonald


Feb 5, 2022

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ec72d0  No.327700


"We will defy them" (Supreme Court)

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4d7cbe  No.327939


yeah it was so fake and gay.

and i'd love to know everything that was being said

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d5d9aa  No.328099


Your stupidity has nothing to do with this.


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0b77cd  No.328355


Bike wrecks, pass outs.

Need actual proof of event.

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1dbfd1  No.328627


ALL big pharma have been spending more on advertizing than on research for decades. gov't could cut drug prices in HALF if they banned advertizing for Rx drugs.

it doesn't even make sense, since no one can buy the shit w/o a dr's script. advertizing is for DISCRETIONARY purchases.

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57f90a  No.328715

Amid global food shortages, Holland is willing to shutter farms to satisfy the radical climate change agenda.

If you think this won’t get here, think again. Senate Dems have a bill to shutter American farms too. We can’t let them declare war on food here.

Dutch farmers block borders between Germany and Holland to protest nitrogen cuts.


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343125  No.329260


Why do the drag out the dregs? Because the general public is too dumb and programmed to challenge the lies and stupidity

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07c41b  No.330181

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1fa152  No.330502



When did life log start?

Woke up from a dream and got 1958

Searched for the start date and couldn't find the start date, on any search engine.

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83da8d  No.330636


>b/ jenkem cheezus i

faggot bribed juwdas faggot

fed panda express

nailed to a faggot

stabbed in the gut

so it would stop singing

stuck in closet

unpaid niggs walked off job

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9ecccc  No.330897


… she'll shift on ya if ya spend enough time in her.

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ec4c5c  No.332047


What happened to "Take away their guns" as a solution?

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32669b  No.332059


It will be telling if we're not. They are itching to take control. And if they don't it's def not because they have thought through the consequences. (the way our Real POTUS did)

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f784f3  No.332068




Here is an article written by Chelom Leavitt about how to talk to kids about sex. Pedos gonna pedo. She's a sex therapist.



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2505b6  No.332553

When AOC sees this she'll have an orgasm.

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c8c4eb  No.332745



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e70380  No.332904


>It was all written in latin? why, because people could not read it.

It was written in Hebrew and Greek. It was later translated to Latin.

The original documents indicate he died on a stauros (σταυρός).

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021a73  No.332908

Not Nazi but Jewish World Order

N is not Nazi

Because Nazis are Jews

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3ca82e  No.333226



quads confirmed

water is chaos

watch it

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ab2210  No.333538


^not to scale

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23ec1a  No.333969


>World free of nuclear weapons is necessary, possible, pope says

>June 21, 2022

>By Cindy Wooden

>Catholic News Service

>VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Nuclear weapons do not increase a nation’s or region’s security, in fact, they are a “risk multiplier” that gives people a false sense of security, Pope Francis said in a message to an international conference.

The Pontiff is a weapons expert too. A Man for All Seasons.

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90233b  No.334319

Anons, if Texas was forced to declare invasion, that means the Executive branch has defaulted on their obligations. This is a most legitimate cause for arrest and impeachment of the Executive branch.

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424eff  No.334400



Back in 1970 serving in Germany a gram of Green was only 50 cents, Choking Red was 75 cents, serios black was a dollar. These were good days for a soldier stationed there. :-)

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b999ab  No.334519

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091226  No.334644

Hillary Clinton in 3, 2, 1

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466bff  No.334805

Happy fourth of July from the ever so happy liberals!!!!! …. Fucking miserable pieces of shit kek

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f70611  No.334882


I Can’t Believe They Announced Joker 2 During Pride


Director Todd Phillips announced a sequel to his polarizing “Joker” film and the internet lit up with jokes and grievances: “One pandemic at a time please.”

Fletcher Peters

Entertainment Reporter

Published Jun. 08, 2022 1:23PM ET

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77a7d1  No.334942


define glorious?

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c49a12  No.335083

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bba6d9  No.335527


>almost as if someone has created a cancer in thee world's body… to justify its removal.

the cancer is lies

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c5fc33  No.335555



it is a meme ffs.


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28955a  No.335781


>Are you gonna be in the credits?


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800b78  No.335824

High Gas Prices as long as it takes to defeat Russia.


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90c9b3  No.335915


I think the possible relationship is the real question. It would start making sense why Ray was put into the spotlight.

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157a6f  No.336199


hate to say this but you're no Thomas Jefferson


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738119  No.336207


looks a bit too much like ketchup

John Heinz Kerry getting his turn up?

for example…

sure it's a scythe, but you get the idea for how much letting occurred

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acc098  No.336416


Where's your evidence dipshit?

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8a3f45  No.337085



i'll put myself in tard jail fer a bit.

here's the dough:


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6ed524  No.337293


I'm not making this shit up. You can try to convince us that Jim is, but you'll fail without proof and so far all you have is a team of shills saying and doing the same fucking thing

they've been doing forever now, and that destroys your credibility.


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dcdd86  No.337492


Everyday is a bowl of filthy shit with this administration

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e52ba5  No.337516

I See [y]ou're out of Aces

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020f7d  No.337559


ok newbie

carry on

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d218a3  No.337695



Just so you know, once as I was praying and mediating on the 7 Churches as I opened my eyes a blue star appeared in the middle of the southern sky. When it turned slightly towards the north east I could see it had rays emanating from it as if they were flower pedals or fingers. It then turned completely around until the rays disappeared, as it grew smaller, and the back of it had camouflaged into the night sky. 5 minutes later an a10 warthog came screaming sideways from the north, probably doing about 400 to 600mph towards it. I told this story on here before if anyone remembers. What do you think about the intruder comms?

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da6b08  No.337773

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ded779  No.338071


This period, I believe, is where we are taught by certain community selected leaders, even via the net, to learn how to take back our rights, when enough is established, I believe we move forward faster. White hat selected leaders, prompters, coordinators, taught in a specific area of need, gets others to jump on board, etc, for all areas of needed training on our rights.

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824096  No.338230


Yeah if your house was in Minecraft

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1c9041  No.339111


dis one?

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cd2239  No.339239


One thing I like to do whenever I’m bored is read about materials science, and how visible wavelength EMR alters magnetic surface properties of matter. What’s fascinating is through this interaction the light’s own rotational polarity also changes.

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b55506  No.339646

someone claimed at approximately 12pm last bread >>297294


that the bread was half deleted and not to refresh. problem is, that post was the 745th post of the bread. if half the bread really was deleted at that point, a refresh would have brought the bread back to ~350 posts. that wasn't the case.


had 26 shitposts of zero value, including several that claimed to be "patriot tests"





there was no mention by any other anon that anything was missing.

there were no green text tags, which would normally indicate replies to deleted content.

there was no discussion of any "drops" in the bread, or anything of significance. if there had been, you would've seen multiple replies to a green text post. what does that mean? that anon, and the one in this bread, which is probably the same, is full of shit.

the clearly false claim was then spread to hivemind for the former board admin to drool over.

this shit might work on non-autists, but some of us have brains, shlomo.

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bc0151  No.339691


It ain't gon lick itself.

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ba5402  No.339921


Trump knows better, he knows what he's up against.

He took on the task knowing what he faced.

I just think he underestimated the Jewish, leftist enemy, especially the domestic enemy.

But, he will prevail.

He knows things no man should be able to know, and this has kept him in the game to fight.

He is not done by far, not even close to done.

One thing Trump possesses in great abundance, more so than probably any other human being on planet earth, is one thing.


He is exceedingly patient.

Even when others would strike back, he sits, and waits.

He is a master strategic planner.

Which drives me insane, because I know he can win some of these battles now, but again, his patience always pays off bigger, later.

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c4a40d  No.340133

Awaken With JP

Brandon's 10 Most Honest Lies So Far…


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54e44f  No.340677


Hey Moran, he's talking to the Jews in the audience at the Israeli American Council..

"No, no. Even if you don't like me; some of you don't.Some of you I don't like at all~Trump

Phony Jews respond by laughing.


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7f1dca  No.340683


Wow they REALLY don't like the Robert Crimo doesn't exist story .. stand by for ultra shilling.


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b2c25f  No.341260



Techniques and




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9e938f  No.341466


What's with the Egyptian logo?


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96e1db  No.341467


Andy sez?…



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34665c  No.342047

Sum ting wong, anons. I live on the east coast not far from major water, so it ain't terribly uncommon for MIL choppers to pass over my house, but this shit has been every hour on the hour since before dinner. Now it seems it's ramped up to half-hourly the last hour or two, and mind you, the time is well after midnight. Maybe it's just some night training, but who knows at this point?


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64b9a0  No.342329



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a45e79  No.342400



He's definitely hiding something in that rat's nest of his


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133823  No.342502



I gave her a fake one, just in case.


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e30abe  No.342519

Czech bullet train collides with engine, 1 dead, 5 injuredPRAGUE (AP) — A bullet train collided with an engine in a train station in northeastern Czech Republic Monday, killing one person and injuring five.

Czech Railways said the accident took place early in the morning in the town of Bohumin, shortly after the departure of the Pendolino train for Prague.

The driver of the bullet train was killed, while four Czech Railways employees on the engine and one on the train were injured. It was unclear whether the engine was moving at the time of the head-on crash.

Rescuers said no passengers were injured.

The Rail Safety Inspection Office, an agency that investigate train crashes, said the high-speed train was on the wrong line at the time of the crash, and the accident might have been caused by human error.



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d102f2  No.342815


You miss maxwell that bad?


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557714  No.343628


Kinda does


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14d7e2  No.343739


Covid before Decline


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d2932c  No.344115


… muh legs


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c40b13  No.344128


The case before 5/4


The Case after 5/4



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a2da27  No.344610


>Never sleep with a leftist or a baby ghost will bite your dick off and they will curse you with all of the STDs these hoes have collected.


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7cbaa1  No.345033


Six in Ten believe Trump needs to be arrested.

Same polling place that missed that Elizabeth Warren is 1/1024 Native American.

Six in Ten liberals in DC.

Six in Ten mule ballots agree…

Six in Ten Soros field agents…


Been a while since I seent Cicadia.


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22ee18  No.345797

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05e61c  No.345917


Because copy/paste doesn't work with gifs.


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4f979b  No.352790

File: 5464ffb52dd04fb⋯.jpg (727.44 KB, 2042x2048, 1021:1024, PicsArt_05_30_08_33_49.jpg)


> Wednesday Again! Johnny Neptune Spotted at Krispy Kreme

That Donut Munching Unicorn has allowed his mind to rot, and is like a festering pus-filled wound of fœtdid stench, poisoning every area that still allows him near, encouraging naught but more flies & maggots.

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4f979b  No.352962

File: e704429514e55ff⋯.mp4 (6.28 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Dunk_This.mp4)


> I think this entire place might just be a place for the mentally ill to feel less mentally ill about themselves

Or to put their mental illness on full display, like "Johnny" .

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c36452  No.359373

File: 56b49cfbd0de51e⋯.jpg (81.56 KB, 640x480, 4:3, johnny_antifa_georgia.jpg)


I think you're right.

Having worked in counter-terrorism for many years, we run across a lot of crazies like Johnny; and while he's kind of a joke around the office, we often do find it useful to keep an eye on people like him, not because they themselves are "dangerous" per se, but because of the company they often keep. Johnny, for example, has a lot of Antifa friends, and we were actually able to arrest some of them at the Autonymous Zone in Atlanta last month. Thanks to his unwitting help we were also able to gather much better video evidence regarding the identity of some of his other Antifa friends there when they lowered their masks to eat the donuts he was sharing all around.

He is definitely a useful idiot.

Keep up the good work Johnny!

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012786  No.361836

File: bb1e94a921912a5⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1192x1592, 149:199, 1659110519337_166052430581….png)


Being permabanned from Dunkin Donuts certainly crimped his style. Now look at the kinds of places he hangs out!

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