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File: 4c554c58787da82⋯.png (793.94 KB, 750x1154, 375:577, 1649787532388.png)

fe5dcd  No.295683

HEADS UP!DO NOT Report Sick Or Dying Chickens To Any Government Agency Or Anyone!!!Simply Keep The Sick/Dying Chickens Away From The Rest Of The Flock!!! I REPEAT: DO NOT REPORT DEAD CHICKENS!!!!

The US government is ordering chicken owners who have sick chickens to destroy ALL their chickens and eggs (yes even the healthy ones too)!!!! The fact is, they only know you have sick chickens IF YOU REPORT IT to anyone!! So if you have sick chickens DO NOT TELL ANYONE, simply separate them from the coop and let them die outside naturally and no, do not eat any dead chickens that died from typical sicknesses!!! REALITY: This is just a typical bird flu… HOWEVER we do not have a typical government anymore, we have a COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT that is desperate to control ALL food supply. And guess what? Remember Bill Gates wants to ban meat because he has the toxic lab-made meat patents to profit billions from!!! This is all about AGENDA 21 and the Great Reset!!!! This is all about making you eat lab-made crap and bugs and making meat impossible to afford!!! The US government has already told big producers to KILL a total of 17 MILLION chickens!! They are not telling smaller farms and even homesteaders to report sick chickens (and then order them under threat of law to kill their whole flocks)!!!!

I REPEAT: The government is trying to cause a massive food shortage to control the population just like communists always do!! Spread this far and wide please!!!!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fe5dcd  No.295690

File: f66c95b50615d48⋯.jpg (38.95 KB, 640x347, 640:347, e2becvvvvv.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fe5dcd  No.295693

>>295683 (FIXED!)

HEADS UP!DO NOT Report Sick Or Dying Chickens To Any Government Agency Or Anyone!!!Simply Keep The Sick/Dying Chickens Away From The Rest Of The Flock!!! I REPEAT: DO NOT REPORT DEAD CHICKENS!!!!

The US government is ordering chicken owners who have sick chickens to destroy ALL their chickens and eggs (yes even the healthy ones too)!!!! The fact is, they only know you have sick chickens IF YOU REPORT IT to anyone!! So if you have sick chickens DO NOT TELL ANYONE, simply separate them from the coop and let them die outside naturally and no, do not eat any dead chickens that died from typical sicknesses!!! REALITY: This is just a typical bird flu… HOWEVER we do not have a typical government anymore, we have a COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT that is desperate to control ALL food supply. And guess what? Remember Bill Gates wants to ban meat because he has the toxic lab-made meat patents to profit billions from!!! This is all about AGENDA 21 and the Great Reset!!!! This is all about making you eat lab-made crap and bugs and making meat impossible to afford!!! The US government has already told big producers to KILL a total of 17 MILLION chickens!! They are now [fixed] telling smaller farms and even homesteaders to report sick chickens (and then order them under threat of law to kill their whole flocks)!!!!

I REPEAT: The government is trying to cause a massive food shortage to control the population just like communists always do!! Spread this far and wide please!!!!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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