everyone rembers when /PND/s resident nutcase suddenly, but perhaps not so unexpectedly died late last year.
we all remember the photos of the aluminum foil tombstone, and most importantly, we all remember that suddenly, it was obviously an imposter "playing the role of Killcen"…
Rumor has it, (and if this one's true, it's going to be BIG NEWS) that the person who now "plays the role of Killcen" might be JIM WATKINS…
or maybe Diana….
either way, it seems to be a woman…
the levels of paranoia in Killcen's posts suddenly became "over the top", simply too far-fetched for Killcen… it was obvious that when Killcen Died, a secret imposter took his place…
I have special top secret security level clearance and access to A NEW RUMOR !!…..
and if this rumor ends up being real it's going to be BIG NEWS, as they say…. but at this particular moment, I cannot verify the NEW RUMOR…
so instead, I'll just post it and hope you believe it.
that's right !!! there may or may not possibly be a mathematical possibility that perhaps he might have or might not have FAKED HIS DEATH !!!
I have excellent sources…..
they don't actually "know who I am", no, but they're still my source, because I'm kind of like an "insider" when it comes to RUMORS..
so it's very possible that KILLCEN FAKED HIS OWN DEATH, in fact it's so possible that it's probable !! scientists say it's 100% likely!!
(sensational elaboration and embellishment helps sell a story)
so there's really only three questions :
1: WHY would he fake his own death?
2: WHO is "playing the role of Killcen"?
3: HOW much did the aluminum foil tombstone cost?