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File: fab676f2fc74c07⋯.png (278.63 KB, 853x625, 853:625, Screenshot_2022_03_31_at_1….png)

ca4572  No.293939

>Be an icon for celebrating obesity

>Capitalize on shapewear, clothes designed to try to hide your fat.

>clown world

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c51946  No.294060


I never paid any attention to "Lizzo"

not until one day when my wife told me about an interview she saw with her….

Wendy is really smart, so whenever she says something, you can pretty much be rest assured she's correct.. Wendy's only been wrong one or two times in almost 10 years, so that's a really good score card….

and Wendy told me she saw an interview with lizzo, and she explained what she found so intriguing about her…


she's happy with herself

but you're not

…………………….. isn't that ironic?

here you are pointing out her flaws because you are unhappy with yourself

but little did you realizeSHE'S EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH HERSELF

happiness is a behavior, you stupid little inferior effeminate fruit fly…..

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c51946  No.294061


along with all the extra pounds, Lizzo also carries around a pair of balls that you'd need a step ladder to reach…

I don't see you proudly exposing any of your multitude of flaws

that's not what you do

you hide your flaws

like every other coward

but not her

she owns it

she doesn't give a fuck what you think

because you're just a little coward

who's too afraid

to shine a flashlight

on his own imperfections

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c51946  No.294062


see you are such an inferior insecure little man that you think she's celebrating obesity

that shows how stupid you are

she's celebrating being alive, you lonely little douchebucket

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c51946  No.294063


plus, you have negro DNA

.. ……..100% TRUE

you are a mutated negro

. that puts you and her on the same level

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c51946  No.294064


so now that we've covered the fact that you are both niggers, let's take a look at your accomplishments side by side

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c51946  No.294065



I see here that your list has zero accomplishments on it….

hmmmm …..

hold on let me talk to my manager I think we might have a problem here

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c51946  No.294066

sorry but my manager says fantasy roleplay isn't a qualifying accomplishment

and yes.. I told him about finding that secret level on OverWatch but he says video games don't count either

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c51946  No.294067

look I'm sorry sir.. but you simply don't qualify for superiority..

perhaps if you could find a cosigner

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46f666  No.294719

File: b3ca430a6403b3e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1620, 2:3, b3ca430a6403b3e2c333fb1484….png)

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