Shills get ways to marginalize certain communities from society by making them to appear to have mental problems, being a threat to society, and by adopting a language and or set of costums that tend to isolate the members of a community from the possibility of contacting with outsiders (people outside the community) and making outsiders to be less interested on the community.
One way shills may do that with 4chan is by making it to adopt a grotesque, secluded language, and also slangs. Notice how grotesque are certain 4chan slangs and words.
A community shall use formal language instead of developing its own language because it has to speak the same language as everyone else, even outside the community, so that the community shall not be kept at the margin of a society. Therefore I recommend you to begin to use formal language. It is a much better way to communicate and convey information. If you cannot communicate yourself other than by catchphrases and slangs, maybe it is because you have an intelectual limitation that has to be overcomed.
In relation to shills making it appear members of a community has mental problems: It is a methods that was used to label political dissidents as having psychological problems so to isolate them from society, like bringing them to mental wards, like it was done in the Soviet Union in the past if I am not mistaken. It also serves as a precedent for calling the supposedly ailed person as being a threat to society.
Also: Don't endorse mental labels the shills throw at you. They are not okay. They may pose them as okay by saying stuff like "Based Schizo" (association between word with positive emotional charge with word with negative emotional charge; basically a form of pavlovian association). That opens a precedent for evil individuals to pretend to persecute people based on their supposed mental health status. Evil individuals are just creating a precedent here for that by attacking their supposed mental health.