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8224f4  No.292741

FRANCE 24 spoke to Professor Yap Boum, representative of Epicentre, the research arm of Doctors Without Borders, about the evolution of the pandemic on the continent.

A strong advocate for vaccine equality, the UN organisation is concerned about the slow deployment of jabs on the African continent, where only 11.3% of the population is fully vaccinated – despite a considerable increase in doses in recent months.

"Vaccination rates must increase sixfold if the continent is to reach the 70% coverage target set for the end of the first semester of 2022," the WHO warned in early February.



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9d7bb1  No.292746

File: 158c41fbe3965ec⋯.jpg (415.32 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, hello.jpg)

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0ded97  No.292747

File: 20ce2d087e3f54d⋯.jpg (300.44 KB, 1080x1534, 540:767, Picsart_22_03_20_14_02_57_….jpg)

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0ded97  No.292748


tell us again how 'shills' control your mind by saying "flaggot", and suddenly you've got schizophrenia

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726b63  No.292753

"If the New World Order types had some kindness, some humanity, some morality perhaps One World Government is what we need. But mainly these are nasty people with a lust for money and a ruthless disregard for human suffering. Sadly this is all made possible by a mainstream media that is owned and controlled by these very forces. Because the people who own media choose wherever it is that the light is to be shone. So the same stories and the same sound bites across six media conglomerates constitutes what the public is to learn about their world and their country."

–Chris Pratt from his movie "Deception"

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