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File: c1d77bd5ea83484⋯.jpg (13.27 KB, 600x341, 600:341, types-of-adult-braces.jpg)

e7d9cf  No.29209[Last 50 Posts]

It seems so hard to just scrape by living on your own. The entire economy is designed to keep you poor and in debt all the time.

I was never taught this stuff growing up. I'm going back to college for a degree because fuck trades (tried it) but what am I supposed to do in the meantime? Seems impossible to work, go to school, and live independently all at the same time.

Anyone have advice?

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f90490  No.29214

File: 9178ab95836dbaf⋯.jpg (66.48 KB, 800x580, 40:29, e20ef822a0cf7e4a.jpg)

>The entire economy is designed to keep you poor and in debt all the time.

Exactly. They tell you to keep working hard and trying to get ahead so they can keep taxing you. Just work full-time minimum wage and take all of the state assistance you can. There's no point in going into debt, going to college, getting a 50K salary and taking home ~30K after taxes with no benefits when you can just make ~25K a year at some gas station with benefits and have all of your income taxes returned. Our society is broken and not worth participating in. I will contribute nothing and eagerly await collapse.

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a2a981  No.29227


Or go to school and earn that Masters in the Social Sciences, bow and scrape for a few years after that ,then receive a Blue Checkmark and nice income for Virtue Signaling how great the system is.

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36300e  No.29244

all I can suggest is not going to college

I went a one (1) whole house into debt, got nothing out of it, and now that I've learned a skill on my own time my house and children will be delayed as this crushing kike debt tries to strangle me

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f90490  No.29247

File: b685dc883addbff⋯.jpg (10.25 KB, 192x204, 16:17, 1578294185582.jpg)


The trotskyists already won. It's ogre.

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72aa41  No.29310


Get a manual labor or service job while they exist and pay your way through a trade school or college.

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1eec6a  No.29340


The World needs ditch diggers too

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d0739a  No.29345


> I'm going back to college for a degree

I hope it's a degree in Finance with a minor in Applied Mathematics.

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6d6d87  No.29414

File: 36e6d48572fe116⋯.jpg (75.73 KB, 972x730, 486:365, 36e6d48572fe11637df6f9f925….jpg)

Try not being retarded.

Money in > money out. What you have coming in should determine what's going out. Most people are pants on head retarded when it comes to this. They want a fancy apartment all to themselves. They spent $8 on a cup of coffee. They go to bars and blow $100 in a night. They lease a new car. Of course they're broke.

Live in a crappy place with room mates. Make sure it's close enough to work/school that you can walk or bike. Get a crock pot and cook your own food. Chicken, pork and rice are beyond cheap. Don't waste money on booze, drugs, coffee and cigs.

Then work on increasing how much you bring in. When you're making 6 figures, you can waste money on luxuries.

You'll never get rich being a wagecuck. You have to work for yourself, but this requires a level of intelligence and agency that's well beyond most people. 99% of people just want to be a nobody clock puncher. That seems like you, so deal with the fact that you'll never be rich, your best hope is to be a part of the degenerating middle class.

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797387  No.29425


That student loan racket is designed to keep you in debt the rest of your life, its a complete DOE-enforced scam, even when you get a STEM degree you will be competing with thousands of low-wage third world laborers to get a decent job in those fields.

Trade school is the most affordable option to finding a decent paying job these days. Then again, I guess that all depends where you live too, how high the tax rates are and how costly rent or mortgage is too. If you live in a very high priced area, near or in a major city, then even the trades won't help you all that much because the cost of living is too high.

Point I'm making is the major problem may be where you are currently living.

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cfcc6a  No.29434

Do you have friends? If not, make some friends. You are going to need to move in with them. Everyone I know who has even a little bit of financial breathing room does it by splitting the cost of living with a group.

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c56ae2  No.29443

File: 0aa025bf6bdcfce⋯.jpg (379.66 KB, 700x460, 35:23, cover-dig-2.jpg)


Not really. We just need engineers to build them.

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cced60  No.29492

Shoot straight with me, how decent is a 50k STEM job out of college with no debt. I know I'm doing better than 90% of college grads but can't help but feel depressed knowing I'll be sitting in an office for 8 hours a day

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b4488a  No.29679


Nurses make 70k/year and work 3 days on, 2 off or something like that. 50k should comfortable as a single male. Definitely enough to cover all your expenses, but you're not gonna be living in absolute luxury. Also you're probably not getting 50k post-taxes.

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592c50  No.29703


Considering most burger flippers can expect to make 17k annually (before taxes), you're looking to be doing three times better than the average wageslave, with none of the manual labor. Dont whine about being stuck in an office. It's cushy work and you get to use your brain instead of just robotically pumping gas or bagging groceries like the vast bulk of society.

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1951df  No.29705



fuck off

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c3988a  No.29717

File: 4e7943aebe7b02f⋯.webm (317.85 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Just another parasite.webm)

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70ee6d  No.29742



Entry level white collar jobs still reward those who take on more, for the most part. Get a year or two experience, network, then push for a promo, make a lateral move, or go to another company.

Each of these should get you double digit raises vs. your 2-3% COL, at least for the first few levels. Eventually it'll get political and you'll have to decide how much Globohomo to go along with, or you'll get shoved under a #duhbersity or h1b by someone who knows they're useless and thinks you'll take up their slack and make them look good.

Leave as fast as you can in that case, for your own sake and so higher ups can't ignore their incompetence. Every huwite male busting his ass to let Duhbonica stay in her affirmative-african "leadership" role or while Pajeet replaces the whole department with his inbred cousins is hurting us all.

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189833  No.30765



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1ab796  No.30913

Debt is unavoidable in this Jewish Capitalist system, college is endentured servitude and your house is the property of the bank.

How am I supposed to tell you how to avoid something which is a core part of economy? If you wish to avoid it.. WORK TO DESTROY IT instead of just settling in and giving them control.

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ab1096  No.31309

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a022e2  No.31355


No one will work to destroy it, so you may as well just tell him that it’s not avoidable and to enjoy his lifetime of enslavement to poor health and unsuitable living conditions.

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af2745  No.31710


uhm I became a slave to the military for 8 years, only used half my 4 yr gov't paid education for my A.A.S. After 3 yrs in STEM career, I'm at $60k/yr, no college debt, free healthcare (don't care if it's socialized, I stay fit and eat well, so no regular visits), and I live as frugally as possible to tuck money away.

I could have done all this without the military, going into the trades and make way more money, to make up for the free benefits I already have.

OP is a faggot that couldn't make the cut in the trades, which is not as hard as college, and way cheaper to get into.

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f8bf40  No.31735


My daddy gave me a trust fund, therefore you have no valid excuses the post

Ok kike.

The entire economy is a pyramid scheme. Money is printed at will and given to select groups. Those select groups are given exclusive rights to participate in every industry. They are given monopolies who then write the laws. This is documented and its called lobbying. The bill of rights is meaningless and its been documented that there is no United States or sovereign rights. Jobs are made up out of thin air and progress is slowed down so loyal slaves can keep the scheme going. Education is fucking useless and you just learn about people who did things instead of actual things. Any knowledge you do obtain is never applied to anything. They literally have an incentive to make people in school waste time instead of getting to the point.

Things like the stock market or opening a business is just gambling. Lets say you start competing with comcast. Oh look they just wrote a new law and you need 50 million cash on hand to legally be allowed to operate. The kikes are currently doing this in my state with weed and are literally price fixing their shit product. “Bro just work harder” you cant even fucking farm you fucking kike. You cant just leave the village and build a house every piece of land is own and after you work 15 years at Mcdonalds to afford land your spirit and body is broken.

Even if you do manage to get “established” if you dont play ball they will legally change regulations and taxes or destroy you somehow. Back to how retarded education is - you are brainwashed from day one to be an npc, so anytime an alternative to the mainstream comes about then can just use Kim Kardashians asshole to rally the morons and everyone will abandon your business.

I wont even fully get into culture, where everyone is literally the same fucking person and has these “passwords” that show you are “in” like designer clothes trendy hairstyles knowledge of hip bands cool progressive opinions the correct bald eagle tattoo or dont tread on me poster. The product or your integrity is not what matters, all that matter is how much glitter and rainbows is on the package, how many NON GMO PROGRESSIVE VEGEN CAGE FREE BUZZWORD stamps are there, and whether you can tip toe around and stroke the next persons ego

JuSt dO mY WoRk fOr Me

Kill yourself you rat fucking kike

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f9b186  No.31780


>> "Fuck trades"

>>"How do I mek uh lifing?"

Unfuck your lazy ass you stupid piece of shit. Put on some boots and work clothes and stand outside Home Depot until you can find someone who needs an office worker. Then you work in an office and scheme on a plan to either take over the company you work for or make a connection that will get you into a bigger and higher paying office.

Fucking stupid maggot.

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f9b186  No.31781


OP is a smooth brain that writes off "the trades" because breaking down his childish unwillingness to be a novice and to be someone that strives to be of value to his fellow man is, apparently, a humiliation worse than death.

CNC operator, laser cutting machine operator, HVAC technician, surface mounted device repair technician, electric motor technician, diesel mechanic -> you can build a life by starting with 2 years of trade school ed in these fields, getting a commercial driving license, and staying sober.

OP is a fucking loser and belongs in the pool of his own waste he has been raised in. Fuck you OP.

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f9b186  No.31783


Landscaping company or cement contractors all need relatively dumb labor all the time. But OP is a fucking brainlette and also too good to live at the level of effort he is willing to expend to get his gibs. Best choice: an hero.

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a4542c  No.31800




OP might just need to distinguish between things he can and can't control (the system he can't change vs. how he acts within it). OP may also not know where to start.

You must've started somewhere. Do you want to help more of your fellow men achieve financial/career independence so we're stronger against the hordes, or are we in such a strong position we can withdraw from every institution and send our members to starve in the woods?

We don't have the numbers to purity spiral. We need every NEET, MAGAboomer, and ex-libertarian to wake up and self-improve.

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ba6485  No.31874


If you can I'd try living rent free or very low rent with family or parents. Otherwise get a lot of roommates. If you are going to work and go to school decreasing your rent costs the most you possibly can is vital. Follow that up with everything else.

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f9b186  No.32373


I started waking up and looking at myself in the mirror the way I assumed someone who might want to hire me would look at me. I was a piece of shit.

I lived with the intent to become what the tyrannical exploitative needs of the market demand of a man. Over the course of about 2 years of working my ass off just to find steady work, I have a big library of skills and personal connections. The treadmill never stops, but I love working on machines, buildings, huge trucks, wild projects, and taking calculated risks for financial rewards.

OP is likely surrounded by a flat screen on four Type V building walls, with a car port filled w cars and a garage filled with shit. OP makes no effort to physically see the people he thinks he cares about and to be engaged and interested in the lives of others.

OP has no faith that offers up myths, proverbs, wisdom, parables, that OP can reflect on.

OP does not actively engage his body in strenuous activity, because OP feels the first shake of sweat and strain and calls it quits due to a childhood of learned passivity.

OP is a slave to his nervous system and upbringing and needs to reflect on how he can use his faculties to live and die like a man or continue skulking into the anonymous grave waiting all of us little pieces of shit spinning on this planet for a few rotations.

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84da2d  No.32395




>tradie god complex

Healthcare is where it's at.

Keep hanging drywall with Juan and breaking your body for peanuts.

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548b2e  No.32400

File: 0d2842d13b3329a⋯.png (448.1 KB, 822x741, 274:247, spic-nig cycle.png)


>Don't build real things goys…

>Keep the spic-nig cycle moving via medical care!

>Don't forget your reddit spacing and to vote for Trump in 2020!

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95c905  No.32419

File: ab6661a85e29e32⋯.jpeg (9.55 KB, 257x196, 257:196, download (4).jpeg)


OP check out my vids.

Start living off the land instead of paying rent.

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d0739a  No.32420


I see that schlomo is afraid of competition from a goy.

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3970ef  No.32448


>Aryans never need medical care, goy

>The construction industry employing millions of spics and nigs isn't propping up the spic-nig cycle at all, just like how throwing up section ape housing in formerly white areas and churning out hideously overpriced OSB-and-drywall shit-shacks that won't outlive their (((mortgage))) in areas that used to be farmland is creating a better future for whites

>Don't forget to sniff your own farts, just like me

Wow, it's almost like doing pretty much anything props up the spic-nig cycle in some way because that's how the system was designed. A useful skill is a useful skill; pull your head out of your ass.

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5bea55  No.32590

rob kikes at night.

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f3c91b  No.32789


It can be shit even with a college degree. Even in a discipline that's pretty wanted at the moment like computer science, AI, information science / systems and so on. Yes… you will get by well and have a comfortable 90-120k$ USD salary after your masters. However you have a masters, it took you probably 6 years to get that and you not only paid college price.

I can't get into much detail about the American situation. It's even more fucked in Europe I would say. For example in my country (Netherlands) a junior dev / consultant makes like 40k euro pre tax starting a year who has a masters degree. It will probably grow to like 60-70k over 5 years if the person grows into senior functions or management (upper management is more like 100-120k euro tho). Which is monopoly money compared to the assets. It gets taxed by a ridiculous amount, if you make 40k expect to have like 16k after taxes after a bunch of utilities and insurances are accounted for. And then you will have to pay your mortgage just off of that. But you can't even get a mortgage, since you can only borrow max 3.5x your income. So you can borrow 140k. With that you can't even buy nigger ghetto appartments over here. A simple studio apartment is around 250k, an ordinary below average house like 350k. A median house 500k. You just can't pay that amount if you're younger at all unless you inherit or make a really good product. Dual income makes it a bit easier (having a wife) but its still a struggle. Actually for the vast majority of population that is earning below the median wage of 32k euro its probably the only option aside from claiming benefits / welfare to be a couple where both work (pref full time).

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515b6f  No.32854

File: 2e58fc435d59f48⋯.jpg (44.92 KB, 750x659, 750:659, PEPE - OLDFAG.jpg)

Oldfag here.

Learn a trade.

Learn a high-paying job in tech, engineering, media, etc. Your trade job gives you confidence to risk at a high-paying one b/c you can always go back to e.g. plumbing. You don't need to go to school for either job, and probably shouldn't.

Learn about money. Deeply. What it is, has been, and why.

Learn to delay gratification. Meditation helps.

Learn about what it means to be human, study all religions & pick one that suits you, or at least learn to appreciate spirit (even if it's just getting outdoors).

Eat clean & exercise, otherwise your body won't support your job(s).

Change how you think about money. You're being a giant faggot about it at present. There's plenty of money. You just don't like what you have to do to get it, or what you have to do to grow it. (((They))) want you to think you can't do it, or it's just too hard to be worth it. This is a lie. (((They))) always lie.

Lastly: Don't take life too seriously, you're not getting out alive.

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000000  No.32877


don't do this to yourself anon, white collar jobs are shit your muscles joints and heart will rot while you sit or stand, get a job that you could move around you'll thank yourself when you are 40 years old, don't neglect your body like I have.

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79e4ec  No.32888


Just be white and blame the Jews for everything. I mean honestly who needs to take responsibility for their own lives when you can act like a nigger and blame those above you.

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ceba31  No.32902


Spotted the kike.

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4e21f5  No.33255


Im in the same boat plus a kid…still try though, I work overtime, chip away at a tech degree, apply for better jobs, and I bought a house Im planning to finish fixing in order to rent (thats the real NEETbucks). You can do it, though the system is dead set on fucking the middle classes right in the fucking ass. Pay yrself first minimum 5%, better is 10% in investments, cryprto, gold, save for down payment or emergency stash. DO THIS EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME YOU GET PAID. before awhile you got a fat stack stashed somewhere or invested

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83e998  No.33902

File: d1ddf33816f277e⋯.png (21.4 KB, 1133x116, 1133:116, And then one day, for no r….png)

File: fb4d3b6481d1271⋯.jpg (332.12 KB, 1488x1488, 1:1, My spirit will rise from t….jpg)

Step 1: Sills assessment test to see what you are capable of doing

Step 2: Check degrees and cert for cost.

Step 3: Do a cost benefit analysis using financial for various professions or vocations.

Step 4: Factor in cost of living index for jobs when degree or cert is obtained.

Step 5: Aw shit… that Software degree for the hot market is now saturated.

Step 6: Damn it Trump, what's with the H1b Visas in my chosen field? I can't get a fucking job and now I have student loan debt.

Step 7: Settle for job that pays shit, just to eat and pay student loans.

Step 8a: Go to Step 1

Step 8b: kys

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e876b3  No.41481


get off /pnd/

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b41581  No.41490

Haven't tried it myself but Tom Woods has some courses on how to make a living online. It depends on what's in demand and where there's not enough supply, so do some research.

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000000  No.47113

You can buy a cheap house in a de-industrialized town and turn it into a boarding house. Then cycle tenants until you have all retirees living on social security. Rinse and repeat.

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653ce5  No.51152


If you are economically motivated, then forget college - it is a huge time and money sink. You don’t need a PhD to run a successful business. Get a day job (part time/casual is good), then supplement it with a casual night job, like supermarket filling - this allows you free time during day and evenings, rather than being bogged down all week with a full time job. In your spare time, learn about business, money, selling, marketing, and start your own business (eg. online retail, consulting, marketing). If you give this the same time, energy and focus as a uni degree, instead of having a uni degree in four years, you could have a successful 7-figure business. Maybe read something like “The Millionaire Fastlane” by MJ DeMarco if you need some more insight/encouragement.

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7ff3a8  No.51181


>Lastly: Don't take life too seriously, you're not getting out alive.

Negates everything he just said .


Just live in the moment, have goals of course but think that everything you have now is more than enough. Are you a farm animal that just wants comfort or a human being that just doing you do best?

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fd1bd7  No.51246

File: b8820285b7bfe58⋯.jpg (36.29 KB, 529x435, 529:435, b8820285b7bfe5870625fcc30d….jpg)


The saddest thing is the places that aren't full of boomers and h1b's are all chugging the kool-aid. You have the choice between a soul crushing desk job that reeks of decay or you have to eat Marxist shit all day. I have no idea how these places aren't overflowing with h1bs other than the people running the show haven't drank the diversity kool-aid themselves.

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c56ae2  No.51252


Apparently the best way to make money these days is to sell incense that smells like a vagina.

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ca1341  No.51314


I don't think everyone is asleep, you just don't hear from the ones waking up. My dad and uncles were Hank Hill conservatives: anyone willing to work hard gets a fair shake, live within your means, American dream.

Then they saw a few decades of outsourcing, offshoring, diversity, faggotry, welfare, and entitlement infect everything. Friends screwed over by Clinton's Mexican maquiladoras, or obese negresses taking over HR. They're not saying things in the workplace or showing up to Proud Boys rallies, but they feel betrayed and see their good will wasn't reciprocated.

So you can write them all off and alienate them with HH fantasies, or you can realize many of them can remember a wholesome time before all media was a full-blown subversive pozzfest. They want a safe, cohesive society for their grandkids, and have a lot of resources.

Less HH, more IOTBW.

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23e298  No.51399

File: a844d3dda5df937⋯.jpg (340.14 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, van life.jpg)

File: 8a0fb973886d38f⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 500x381, 500:381, Uncle Ted's cabin.jpg)


Just take the voluntary homelessness red pill. You don't have to pay rent if you live in the woods or live in a van.

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fd1bd7  No.51403

File: 280725b55062aa3⋯.jpeg (24.98 KB, 432x371, 432:371, 280725b55062aa353220783b4….jpeg)


Yeah I get that there are probably some people hiding their power level. When I mean chugging I'm talking about the work environment. You have 2 choices in IT: Soul crushing mega corporation or ultra-left hellscapes. Every non-cubical farm place I've seen is drenched in politics. One office I saw removed all its Male/Female bathroom signs and has the transflag slapped on everything. Another one pretty much covered the entire office in pride flags and brags about all the LGBT groups they sponsor. They do the same thing with diversity. They just shove it up your ass.

Despite being obsessed with an agenda those smaller IT companies are almost entirely white millennials and zoomers. Where as the megacorps are entirely pajeet programmers or boomer managers who worked there +30 years. I suspect it's like this because boomers at the mega-corps just see the pajeets as cheap labor and are totally out of touch with technology, so they aren't aware of the damage the pajeets incompetence is causing but are so big they can afford it. Where as those small IT companies will go belly up fast if they don't have competent people working for them.

If given the choice between the two I would honestly go with the left-wing hellscape any day. Yeah it's really annoying seeing rich suburbanites shove politics in your face 24/7, but they at least make an effort to make the actual job not so unbearable. Being surrounded by robot people h1b's, people 2x your age completely out of touch with what you do, and just constant soulless mediocrity on a daily basis will rot your soul.

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000000  No.51469


Sell drugs and steal shit like a nigger instead of just sucking nigger cock all the time.

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a4542c  No.51485


Small companies probably aren't consciously aware of the difference, it's more that they're still controlled by founders, and haven't been targeted by the Tata/Infosys/Mahindra outsource farms.

Those places do everything they can to get a Pajeet as CTO or as high as possible, because whatever level they infiltrate lets them systematically replace everyone below them with loyal retarded cousins. The bigger the company, the bigger the patronage army.

Stay flexible. Do your job as long as you're rewarded for it, network and move up, but the second someone either forces diversity retards on your team, or puts you under one, lateral to another team or leave. Sticking around taking up their slack or making them look competent hurts us all.

And if you're in a place where the support teams start going overseas or H1B, make sure the huwitelibrulfaggits you work with have as much contact with them as possible to subtly redpill them and keep them from inviting it in. When you run into some low-skill "am sorry do not have procedure for this" retard, ask your coworkers for help and let them bang their head against the 65-IQ wall a few times.

Rich suburban housewives and hipsters in gentrified gayborhoods love diversity cause they never encounter it. Exposure is the best redpill.

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0bf8cc  No.51508


I steal from niggers

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e05003  No.51525


I will do this one day but I have a wife and now a daughter on the way into this fucked up world within a few weeks. I hope she does well in it. First night of 8kun. Gnite gents

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8debc0  No.51535

You're young, it's okay if you have to work your ass off. That's what youth is for. Pick up your wage and grind out your courses. You might not have much of a social life but that's the path you chose. If it's too much for you, you'll have to settle for being a wagie forever. Otherwise bust your ass for your (presumably) well-paying, low-effort, highly-relevant future in your chosen field. And then end up as an assistant manager at McDonald's because you picked a stupid degree program, but them's the brakes.

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87b0f7  No.51582

I understand trades are a good option, but what if you're just not a handy person.

I grew up that kid who read books and was good at maths but couldn't kick a ball or build anything of value. I have trouble with basic visuo-spatial tasks, and things like mily complicated ikea furniture can cause me trouble. I think it's just a genetic thing I inherited from my dad.

What would you recommend for someone who would really suck at a trade?

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a4542c  No.52255


Or it's practice and experience. Go to Home Depot and see if they have any project classes where you work with wood/tools, get an electronics kit, build a computer or an AR, get a pistol to tear down and clean.

Meanwhile if you have both verbal and quantitative skills you're a rarity. Lots of jobs sit at the intersection of the technical and business/sales. Business analysts translate biz requirements into tech specs, project managers wrangle cats on both sides, etc.

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7a3b09  No.52325

File: f100e11f79ef392⋯.png (94.72 KB, 1632x208, 102:13, haha.png)

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83e998  No.57596


>I'm going back to college for a degree

Super but what degree? Because if you pick the wrong degree, you're an idiot.

Look to see what degrees are being hired, how much they make, what you're qualified for (e.g. if you suck at math, don't do engineering) look at the cost,and do a cost benefit analysis.

Yeah, I worked 35 hours a week (they didn't want to give me full time benefits) pushing a fucking mop around a bunch of high school assholes so I could get a degree in computer science. I made the deans list and honor society while taking 21 semester units in academic overload.

Then I fucked up my life and married a crazy woman.

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9b7355  No.58203


have you considered not paying?

I believe you can transfer your assets legally or illegally to your children and declare bankruptcy.

It's literally the legal mechanism that stops people imposing unfair debts against each other

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9b7355  No.58208

Where I live is in total recession

there are fewer and fewer jobs as closing industries force highly trained workers into entry level positions and stop young people even getting a first job.

The drug trade is getting serious, and soon property prices will crash- already training centers and universities are closing courses.

considering just putting everything in a bag and leaving for somewhere I might find work, big risk but what else is there?

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cb2632  No.58318

File: 478c28f4266b4e2⋯.jpg (243.21 KB, 800x1063, 800:1063, Stranger_at_the_Door.jpg)

File: cb6f3c143c5a166⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB, 540x304, 135:76, Striving.mp4)


Life is really a meat grinder in any Empire. Occasionally, the bourgeois awaken to this and tear one another and gorge themselves upon one another and the fury of the revolution brings to light this ever persistent fact, but society everywhere always has been and will be a conspiracy against manhood of its members and a race to wickedness.

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5926bb  No.58321


>using kikepedia as a source

Fuck off, reddit.

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5926bb  No.58322


>I will sit back and do nothing as my civilization is destroyed and my people are slaughtered

Uh huh, kill yourself.

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e26e13  No.58655


Have you ever considered working and saving???


nursing, higher-end window cleaning, tiling, um etc etc, all pay fairly well, learn how to score low rent accommodation, fucking save, and invest in better pay jobs, upgrade your tools if you are a trady etc.

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e26e13  No.58673

but you do actually sound like someone whos laying down and dying would actually be a good thing for the gene pool

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cd170a  No.59694


Video unavailable. upload it here in mp4 format you dick sucking, cum gurgling, thin skin, small head, son a bitch, troglodyte, piece of trash.

Sincerely, with respect.

Do it, nigger fagget.

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11b579  No.59723

File: 2cbdce2b4fc4434⋯.gif (7.27 MB, 640x475, 128:95, autists are immune to prop….gif)


So they are (or claim to be) basically the opposite to autists. Heh…

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4b7087  No.59960


Why fuck trades? You tried one trade and you quit?

You will absolutely go into debt with a college degree if you don't already have the money to go to college, and if you did you'd be better off investing it than spending it on a degree.

If you want to live away from your family and get more than 6 hours of sleep a night, yeah it will be hard to work full time and go to school. You choose one or the other.

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4b7087  No.59967


>99% of people just want to be a nobody clock puncher.

More like 60% of people end up being a clock puncher but the choice to do anything but requires them to take a look at themselves in their 20s and reverse a childhood and early adulthood of mental abuse by society. So they go on doing the minimum. The other 40% are split between mostly people who aren't really doing better off than the clock punchers but they believe "self reliance" is priceless.

The question should be of values. If you really do value money first then starting a business to make LESS MONEY than working a low skilled job at ~20/h shouldn't even cross your mind. You should maximize the money you have and put it to work for you with investments once your savings are large enough.

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4b7087  No.59970


> I know I'm doing better than 90% of college grads but can't help but feel depressed knowing I'll be sitting in an office for 8 hours a day

Temporal mismatch detected.

You will be or you are?

You aren't actually going to be making 50k first year out of college, which you aren't done yet. Sorry to break it to you kiddo.

You listened to some frail 60 year olds about your future, they still live in 1970s and have no clue what to give you for advice. That advice hasn't been true for 3 decades.

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e3b714  No.60380


The trades are more than just construction retard. Pick up an AS in electronic technology and solder sub assemblies to PCBs and diagnose issues with small electrical equipment. Go into mechanics and build some fuckin robots. These jobs top out at 90k a year after 8 or so year and only require 2 years in school.

You didn't inherit a lack of ability to do something from your dad, he never taught you. Go build some shit and you'll pick it up after the 30th hour.

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e3b714  No.60383


Doesn't work with student loans.

I forget everyone on this board is 15

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324eb6  No.60402


> How do I financially support myself?

spend less than you make, you're welcome

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587f7e  No.60469


Jesus Christ. I'd lose my mind.


Yep, one of only a few things that can't be discharged in bankruptcies.

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587f7e  No.60483

One other thing about student loans, for government employees in the US, after a certain amount of time the government will pay them off for you. Isn't that nice of the government?!

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e59fff  No.60584

File: f9636d683185902⋯.png (284.15 KB, 1304x1182, 652:591, Eating cheaply.png)


>gives advice on what is being done wrong (not reducing the amount of money going out) and how to drag yourself out of it (working outside of work and striving for more than just what you have at the moment)

<"hey, have you ever heard of this fancy new thing called a 'lobby'? bet you don't even farm, dude"

It's funny how he recommended introspection and your response is to immediately lash out by listing all the possible external influences that come to mind: law, government, the education system, taxation and consumer culture. And I am not saying you are wrong about those external influences, in fact I would say you hit it right on the money, but you are simply admitting defeat and interpreting advice as criticism.

>Live in a crappy place with room mates

>Make sure it's close enough to work/school that you can walk or bike

>Get a crock pot and cook your own food

>Chicken, pork and rice are beyond cheap

>Don't waste money on booze, drugs, coffee and cigs

Man, this is just incredibly hateful language. I feel sick just copy-pasting it, think I might hurl.

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907a48  No.62068


>Jesus Christ. I'd lose my mind.

That's what I'm doing right now.

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4f99b5  No.62078


Get into a PHD programme then you get paid.

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a2bda7  No.63429


>it is now CY+25

>doctors have been replaced largely by AI, due to their superior diagnosing and incredible precision

>doctors have to learn to code now or are paid minimum wage to measure vitals

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0b01c1  No.100250

How do I build up a network as a shut-in who has about one social interaction per day? The way I see it, building a network requires a way to meet people in useful positions/professions and also heavy maintenance of the relationships that form it. I'm not proficient in general social interaction, especially group dynamics, and I wouldn't know where to approach people, even if I knew how to do it.

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eda65e  No.100257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d4f3a5  No.100556


Fuck college, just get a few remote acres with good trees and some water. Not somewhere super high elevation or brutally cold or you will starve. Dont be like 100 miles from town either you will go broke getting set up. Then build a small cabin, get some simple solar panels and make a rocket stove to heat water for a shower. Just squat. never get permits. Just do it. Fuck the world.

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09b50a  No.100560




I did this on 10 acres of old timber cutblock I got for about 200/acre. It was not all cleared and looked like a bomb went off but I replanted much of it in cedar and build a cabin from some of my trees and some scraps left and just stole some from neighboring timberlands… like a nigger. 400 sq feet, no bills, solar power, cell phone internet. Hell, I have pigs and goats and chickens and 2 nice big gardens. I got a bee hive but they all died… Yellowjackets get brutal in my area.

My place is all doug fir in the cascade range and it is kinda inaccessible. which I like. I poach deer and salmon and work part time for folks when I feel like it. I will NEVER EVER go back to the world. Some folks build sweet earthbag houses and others build with slipform stone. I have a lot of stone but my god the work… Earthbag is fucking cool but you need a lot of clear soil. Mine is all stony and full of wood and roots and shit. Fucking nightmare. Instead I just used logs. Poured some cement into holes filled loosely with rocks for a foundation and made a raised cabin. Open roof with a loft. I did logs up about 10 feet then leveled it carefully and built a short pony-wall and made some trusses out of 2x6 lumber. Finished it out on the inside with rough cut pine I got for free from a sawmill guy who I did some tree falling and logging for. It takes 2 cords of wood to heat it all year. Not bad at all. I live in S. Oregon in the Cascade range so its usually pretty warm year round. I almost never see 20 degrees. I encourage anyone and everyone to do the same. Look for timber lands that are NOT buildable, not really visible from any road and still have some trees on them. Also you can find a beetle or moth killed timber stand which can be excellent because the standing-dead trees are great for building.

If you are somewhere not like that then loook into earthbag or slipform stone building. Dont be a faggot and build a "tiny house" trailer. That shit is retarded. I built my place for like 3k. Its the bomb. Remember you are buying:





pretty much in that order.

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d46d68  No.100596


I know places that are just being squatted and you don't pay anything at all for the land. Just squat in abandoned places and work. I know hobos who are working and saving all their money.

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20f1d9  No.101040


This is good propaganda but the bit about God and killing everyone turns people away, and the swastika obviously is very retrograde.

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8f2aca  No.102668

Do your Highland Ability Battery. It is an analytical assay designed for optimizing worker to work from the early 19thC, which identifies your early life aptitudes and talents (nappies and primary teeth early) which have since been bent out of shape and misdirected by grid education and slutting yourself into surreality for skeevy jew bux. Get your IQ professionally measured: optimize and make decisions from these two coordinates.

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cf647b  No.106305


This, but unironically.

I went into tech, took 5 years to slave to get my degree, then when i got in for my job

I was surrounded by pajeets that were shipped in for the bust season that would have pajeet managers and would talk pajeet languages

That was 3 years ago and i'm still traumatised from that

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cf647b  No.106307


Are credit card scams really that easy??

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44bd43  No.106624

Spend less than you earn, avoid/payoff debt, and buy assets.

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8b18c2  No.106628


Show feet on instagram.

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b868c8  No.106961


Keep working on your skill set. Money is far from being the only metric by which to weigh your choices. Think health, well-being, safety, location, stable marriage, children, knowledge, creativity, happiness. There is no clear-cut path to success but you're more likely to find one if you pay attention to the circumstances governing your life and adjust accordingly. Remember, those who don't struggle inevitably perish and those who do have a fighting chance.

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e36ca3  No.107097

File: 27d8689553f6f71⋯.jpg (2.58 KB, 125x116, 125:116, 1589273910003s.jpg)

File: bc6b2f0d4a33a6f⋯.jpg (13.45 KB, 186x255, 62:85, 6b52f4eb912d32cc1b739ad141….jpg)

File: 7d56795ae80b84f⋯.jpg (49.52 KB, 720x406, 360:203, husband_kill_wife_hanging_….jpg)

Make snuff films? The actresses work for free lol, so you get to keep all the proceeds. Wtf? It's win win. Or upgrade your battle station and become a hacker.

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f28159  No.107122


work in fast food, retail, a warehouse, a reception, a call centre, sanitation…

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