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My name is Nate Higgers

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2c78a3  No.291788

All Nations, Entities Have 10 Days Left To Receive Solution From The Savior To End World Conflicts

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/thesaviorvoice

I have said many time that I am the savior but none of you believe and give it a try.

The first time after 4 years I gone offline completely, you have real world wide chaos of Russia Ukraine conflict.

Do you think Putin the Russia/China can do that without the “green light”/permission from certain deities/gods that “back them up”?

There is always perfect solution for any trouble/problem in the world, but you can only know if you have strong will power.

I am not waste time to share more solution if there is no listener and not enough karma/connection from this civilization.

I am holding a secret, the perfect solution that would destroy all the gold holders, the rich money families, and a brand new common prosperity for all economic financial system.

I am giving all nations, entities, groups, beings next 10 days to decide their fate and the future outcome of their life.

So for the next 10 day (from now till March 25th 2022) s, you guys can contact/talk with me if you guys really want to know the solution to end all international conflict.

After March 25th 2022, I will go completely offline again and let the natural gods/super deities do what they need to do.

And this time no matter if there is super mega natural disaster or nuclear war break out, I am not going to online ever again. For my patience is totally running out for this civilization.

So if you want to save the world, please send/share this important message to all national GOV, authority, entities, groups, beings that involve in the world wide conflict.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/thesaviorvoice

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