There are many different forms of cyberwarfare. To date, the Anonymous hacker group has hacked into Kremlin databases and blocked several sites of the Russian Federation from operating. However, there is also another opportunity to use your IT know-how to save Ukraine: infobots.
An infobot would spread correct information about the war in Ukraine on Russian websites (social media, forums, etc.) or otherwise inside Russia - preferably in Russian language. An effective method could be, for instance, to widely distribute those videos, images and textual requests of Russian prisoners of war to be taken back home from Ukraine by their mothers. Ukraine allows this, and the Ministry of the Interior has set up the Telegram channel Ищи своих (Ishi svoih, ”Find Your Own”):
Also carefully selected, Russian-language news containing correct information, or anti-Putin TikTok videos made by regular Russian people (preferably in Russian language), are possible examples of types of material that infobots could spread inside Russia. It would also be effective to publish footage of the atrocities committed by the Russian army in Ukraine.
Parliament members from different countries have discussed possible methods of extending the dissemination of correct information within Russia's borders. Flyers and manual internet communication are among the few that have become realistic to date. An infobot would be much more effective.
The lack of information among the Russian people is perhaps even the biggest reason why we haven't been able to overthrow Putin from power yet. It was only through the Ukrainian Telegram channel that many mothers learned that their children had been sent to war in Ukraine. Conscripts have also often thought they would only go for training when actually they were sent to war.