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166de8  No.291629

The True Reason Behind The Russia Ukraine War Is The Great Economic Reset System

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/thesaviorvoice

There is absolutely zero purpose for the war/conflict between Russia Ukraine.

You are not stupid to “join” NATO to receive rocket from Russia, you are safe if stay neutral.

No any real leader make that deadly move.

The fact is there is great life reset event is coming that going to destroy many rich money group and the lawless capitalism.

I think certain people behind the scene already knew it but many especially the public do not know it yet.

The great attack from the “monarchy” or the ultimate communism as you will.

All the message the “King, Queen” group tell the capitalism Jewish and others is this: “We are going to reset the economic system to reduce the gap between the rich and poor, thus have better society that benefit the people, here what we are going to do and here is the deadline. If you can have better idea/solution/strategy, then speak up, otherwise we will go ahead with this plan”.

I can reveal to you 2 main points:

The great “shares/wealth” distribution from the big public coorperation to the public with certain rules.

The global financial system reset.

So the Jewish and capitalism group are going to lose their wealth forever unless they can give out better strategy/solution to help the society !

You cannot expect miracle because all the capitalism know is “cheating”, they do not know to spend money to seek advice from the Messiah or the public. That’s why they are going to lose everything !!!

I don’t have the fixed dates because it does not exist in my mind, but no latter than the end of April 2022. The Russia/Ukraine war and the fake COVID pandemic will end before that dates.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/thesaviorvoice/comments/tcz1wr/the_true_reason_behind_the_russia_ukraine_war_is/

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f13bb3  No.291690

I don't see why the elite would make a great reset to take out the money from the rich but just as a way of attempting to enslave humanity.

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4764cb  No.291693


You are probably the saddest Savior ever. You have zero followers.

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