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7b45cc  No.289618

33 KB


>be me

>love collecting information and knowledge

>amass an extensive collection of pdf. books, most of which are arbitrary

>come home after church

>open laptop

>“no bootable device found”

What the hell just happened? This laptop was never connected to internet and all the files contained in the hdd were transferred via external storage and nothing was backed up. I don’t really care about 99% of the data lost but two of those pdfs were crucial. I can’t remember exactly the title of the two books but one of them was a complete manual on how to make weapons and ammo from items at a hardware store. The other book was basically a survival guide but it was about ethnic cleansing and the “for” page had a picture of Arkan with a caption that read “history will vindicate your actions” or something to that effect.

>>>if any anon can help me regain the two pdf books I would be forever grateful and I know Kek will bless you for helping me

Thanks for reading my blogpost and hopefully I will get some help before trannies sweep my thread out the door

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71cf90  No.289758


I said this for many years, maybe the least time I'll be able to say it, soon, considering we are entering WWIII. You should have all your media backed up on multiple storage mediums, completely offline. Multiple copies, not just one. If you can use DVD to back them up too, consider that another good option. Also, at least have one of those big archive storage copies (a 4TB+ drive with everything) offline, unplugged inside a faraday cage!! Yes, a DIY faraday cage, look it up and you'll soon realize why!

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71cf90  No.289761


Also, get a copy of your favorite OS, including some Linux operating system ISOs, and have the software you need for them, backed up with an extra computer or laptop, inside the faraday cage with the extra offline 4TB or 8TB drive. You'll want a 1000 watt inverter, 12 deep cycle battery with a solar panel-powered trickle charger (to charge the 12V battery when low) to be able to power that computer up off-grid if need be. The internet as we know it could soon be coming to an end, and if so, the "new internet" won't be any good as corrupt governments will turn it into a TV-like service bullshitshow.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

71cf90  No.289763



You all had your chance to head the warning to prepare for years, for your sake you best hope to God you are. And if not yet, ASAP at this point, because once that power goes out expect it to stay out and you are on your fucking own. Ta ta y'all.

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