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62332a  No.288741

You were all a bunch of big talk several days ago..

Blowing a bunch of hot air, praising these white trash trailer park scumbags, as if they somehow "represented you" and your creepy little chatroom culture existence…

It was almost as if you were so desperate to overcome your lifelong history of failure and inadequacy, that you tried to attach yourself to the moron truck drivers and their idiotic belief that they could somehow DEMAND that the world cater to them..

This is because you've never actually stood up on your own two feet before… You've never had any experience overcoming adversity in real life, because you're afraid to try…

Instead, it's easier for you to sit there in front of your little computer, and pretend that you are part of some larger movement, something bigger than yourself…

It's easier for you to pretend that the white trash trailer park truckers and their idiotic unrealistic belief that they could hold society hostage, refusing to leave until they passed new laws (how stupid do you have to be to actually think government will suddenly pass laws overnight?) somehow represented YOU and your pathetic struggle to overcome the inferiority you created for yourself

It was easier for you to pretend the truckers symbolically represented your ability to finally get respect then it was for you to actually earn respect in real life….

The white trash trailer park truckers REFUSED TO LEAVE


lol tough guys…. Just like you, right?…..


Like true cowards, once the truckers saw other truckers being handcuffed, and their rigs being towed away, suddenly they weren't very tough…

Suddenly, they all realized they were nothing more than white trash trailer park scumbags, uneducated idiots with no degrees or real jobs…

Suddenly they all realize they were nothing more than foolish unrealistic idiots who never stopped to think how laws are passed, or how long the process would take…

And suddenly, they all realized that they were nothing more than embarrassing cowards, who jumped in their trucks and started their engines, more than willing to admit how stupid they were, and speed back home with their tails between their legs, running like little girls, terrified of the jail cell they were about to encounter. .

A close call.. literally coming within one cock here of being incarcerated, booked and processed, fingerprinted and databased, prosecuted and convicted, and sentenced to prison…

Suddenly the big bad ass tough guy Patriots and got a healthy dose of reality….

The big mouth heroes who spent so much time yelling about their demands in front of news cameras suddenly don't have anything to say about their cowardice when they ran home like little girls…

…. And I can't help but notice that YOU suddenly don't have anything to say about it either….

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to get it off your chest.. to simply admit that you are a failure, that you have unrealistic beliefs, that you are an idiot and a coward, and you are not capable of demanding anything from anybody…

It turns out the white trash trailer park truckers actually DO SYMBOLICALLY REPRESENT YOU

Because they have accomplished nothing

Except making themselves look stupid….

People with your stupid little mindset keep making the same repeated mistakes… Like your embarrassing little fagshow at the US Capitol last year.. and now this….

It's amazing to see so many people with such profound learning disabilities… How did you idiots remember to breathe all these years?

How were you able to remember to eat and breathe?

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63a094  No.288744


God bless those truckers fighting for FREEDOM in Canada from despotic fascist communist tyranny!!!

THREE Canadian provinces have repealed the clot shot mandates, so did Washington DC. So has Israel. Many European nations are laxing mandates as well!! You demonic scumbags have awaken the world to your LIES and medical tyranny and people are no longer going to put up with it!!! Get ready for truckers to strike too, refusing to deliver goods to Canada!!!!


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63a094  No.288745

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63a094  No.288746

How To Protect Yourself From Covid Spike Protein: From The Jab & Virus

Have you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection? Then you likely have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body. While a spike protein is naturally found in SARS-CoV-2, no matter the variant, it’s also produced in your body when you receive a COVID-19 shot. In its native form in SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection.

Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs, but the World Council for Health has compiled a list of medications to prevent this.

If you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection, you may have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body. Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs.

It’s also been revealed that the spike protein on its own is enough to cause inflammation and damage to the vascular system, even independent of a virus.

Now, the World Council for Health (WCH) – a worldwide coalition of health-focused organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge – has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein. You can view their full guide of natural remedies, including dosages, at the end of this article.

The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), ivermectin and magnesium.

Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include [human dosed or prescription] ivermectin and glutathione.

“The virus spike protein has been linked to adverse effects, such as: blood clots, brain fog, organizing pneumonia, and myocarditis. It is probably responsible for many of the Covid-19 [injection] side effects … Even if you have not had any symptoms, tested positive for Covid-19, or experienced adverse side effects after a jab, there may still be lingering spike proteins inside your body.

In order to clear these after the jab or an infection, doctors and holistic practitioners are suggesting a few simple actions. It is thought that cleansing the body of spike protein … as soon as possible after an infection or jab may protect against damage from remaining or circulating spike proteins.”


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63a094  No.288747


>uneducated idiots with no degrees or real jobs

You are PATHETIC. You would not last ONE YEAR without relying on truckers to re-stock all the produce and essentials in your local stores!!! You would live in a third world country without truckers!!!! These men are REAL HEROES!!!!! God bless them for their sacrifice, God will REWARD THEM infinitely while demonic Marxists like yourself burn in hell!!!!!

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9cef53  No.288776



Quick rundown.

–The Lobby owns and controls everyone.

Including El Salvador. Never miss an opportunity to criticize the United States or it's partners. The Jesuit tactics are just too blatant. Just enough criticism but not enough to jeopardize any foreign aid or investment.

Stick with selling Yamaha kid.

–Trudeau is acting at the behest of the Biden administration which is acting at the behest of the Lobby to telegraph a message to American truckers. Basically don't even think about it boys and girls.

If you put trucks in Washington DC we will fuck you up.

<they are shitting bricks in burgerland because if american truckers do what the leafs are doing they will have to start acknowledging all the expert testimony they marginalized and discredited in favor of government manufactured hysteria and disinfo. a common cold virus literally shut down the world because it went to a wet market in

chynah and had sex with a bat. honest injun!

What's next?

Petition for redress of grievance and get blacklisted and have your assets frozen like a third world terrorist nation?

Possibly lose your CDL?

Or say fuck it and stay home?


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a9650b  No.289060

Trucker convoy leaving Fresno to Phoenix March 3rd and then onwards to Washington DC.


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f2e691  No.289063


>You were all a bunch of big talk several days ago..

>Blowing a bunch of hot air, praising these white trash trailer park scumbags, as if they somehow "represented you" and your creepy little chatroom culture existence…

Idiot, why did you have to care about what the little people had to say if you are important and big?

What you did here contradicts your "value".

>It was almost as if you were so desperate to overcome your lifelong history of failure and inadequacy,

Yes, that's why I blame white people, blame the white race, blame white skins, blame white snow, blame white clothes, blame white paint, blame anything white, for my failure. Would you support me?

>This is because you've never actually stood up on your own two feet before… You've never had any experience overcoming adversity in real life, because you're afraid to try…

That's why I voted socialist justin trudeau and expected him to serve losers like me.

>Instead, it's easier for you to sit there in front of your little computer, and pretend that you are part of some larger movement, something bigger than yourself…

I actually have the delusion that I am the only 8kun user and every time when I post something I think nobody will reply because you are in fact someone I pretend to be!

>It's easier for you to pretend that the white trash trailer park truckers and their idiotic unrealistic belief that they could hold society hostage, refusing to leave until they passed new laws (how stupid do you have to be to actually think government will suddenly pass laws overnight?) somehow represented YOU and your pathetic struggle to overcome the inferiority you created for yourself

When I held the wall street hostage, held minneapolis hostage, and held a lot of other cities hostage, I was as pathetic.

>It was easier for you to pretend the truckers symbolically represented your ability to finally get respect then it was for you to actually earn respect in real life….

Do you think I should get no respect? You racist rat!

>The white trash trailer park truckers REFUSED TO LEAVE


But, but, I am black and green!!!


It's the way socialists began SERVING people!

>Suddenly, they all realized they were nothing more than white trash trailer park scumbags, uneducated idiots with no degrees or real jobs…

>Suddenly they all realize they were nothing more than foolish unrealistic idiots who never stopped to think how laws are passed, or how long the process would take…

>And suddenly, they all realized that they were nothing more than embarrassing cowards, who jumped in their trucks and started their engines, more than willing to admit how stupid they were, and speed back home with their tails between their legs, running like little girls, terrified of the jail cell they were about to encounter. .

Suddenly people realized who socialists really thought they were and what socialists would do to care about their people.

>A close call.. literally coming within one cock here of being incarcerated, booked and processed, fingerprinted and databased, prosecuted and convicted, and sentenced to prison…

>Suddenly the big bad ass tough guy Patriots and got a healthy dose of reality….

Ha ha, socialist state terrorism worked!!!

>The big mouth heroes who spent so much time yelling about their demands in front of news cameras suddenly don't have anything to say about their cowardice when they ran home like little girls…

What can people expect people-caring socialists do to them?

>Perhaps this would be a good time for you to get it off your chest.. to simply admit that you are a failure, that you have unrealistic beliefs, that you are an idiot and a coward, and you are not capable of demanding anything from anybody…

You racist scumbag, you don't think black people and green people deserve anything they want. I am an illegal alien and I demand everything from you! Do you know what "entitlement" is?

>People with your stupid little mindset keep making the same repeated mistakes… Like your embarrassing little fagshow at the US Capitol last year.. and now this….

You forgot august 1963 show. You mind-dead piece of shit

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