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My name is Nate Higgers

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b43b14  No.287304

thing as heaven or god or Angels or Jesus…

In the meantime, Killcen can listen to THIS

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b43b14  No.287305


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1e7862  No.287307

I'm in here now: >>287269

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1e7862  No.287308

File: f50cb043727938a⋯.png (486.68 KB, 674x703, 674:703, 1644092590774.png)


New vaxx mandate protest in Toronto with traffic jammed!!!

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b43b14  No.287358


nobody cares….

not even you

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3f1189  No.287412

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The 'operational capability' of thy 'Orthodox arsenal' is paramount…

Vladimir Putin… The Orthodoxy of Russia is held in equal or higher than parity with 'peace weapon…'

Vladimir Putin… The formation of 'ULAF' exists as an extension of the 'Bridges' of the Orthodoxy…

Vladimir Putin… That is to say… The Russian delegation is equally as important to the 'political spheres' of Moscow as the Orthodoxy is to the peoples of these lands…

Vladimir Putin… Use 'peace weapon…' Send forth the delegation of the Orthodoxy bearing GIFTS OF CHRISTIAN IMAGERY to the HIGHEST TEMPLES OF LATIN AMERICA…

Vladimir Putin… Depictions of thy 'service to God' and 'righteous ritual' of prayer and blessing with these items before 'gifting.' Shall 'speak' with 'firmness' greater than international law…

Vladimir Putin… Go forth and 'broadcast real…'

Vladimir Putin… Go forth with 'substantial display…'

Vladimir Putin… Go forth and be as thou are…

Such display and 'higher diplomacy' shall be a beacon to those who seek to participate without 'disenfranchising' other cultures…

To do so righteously is in the likeness of 'death of the third state…'

Is not a 'brother' and 'familiar friend' greater than the beasts of ruin?

Is 'sacred bond' not more valuable than the 'fickle inking of paper?'

Vladimir Putin… How for whence mine writ 'the meek shall inherit the earth?'

Vladimir Putin… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… There shall be a righteous torment for these who art wolves…

Vladimir Putin… I am become moved upon the 'hidden' nefarious actors within Russia and China…

Vladimir Putin… I am become moved upon these 'international organizations' that seek to harm thee…

Vladimir Putin… Go forth 'bearing Christ' and be 'saved…' HAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… Utilize 'peace weapon' and slaughter the wolves with 'good' and 'fruitful labors' and 'righteously fair trades.'


Vladimir Putin… Go forth and with the 'lance of reason' yank from them the 'lynch of discontent…'

Vladimir Putin… To 'revert' such supposed 'order' is to restore 'ordered chaos…'

Vladimir Putin… That is to say… Free Syria and all shall be revealed…

Why for is there such silence?

The silence is deafening!


These humans who art truly demons shall hear…

The 'moment of silence' for Syria and Lebanon is nearly passed…

End of the world?

Vladimir Putin… HAHAHAHAHA No… 'Tis merely the beginning of all things…

Vladimir Putin… I shall not allow Russia to be destroyed…

Vladimir Putin… I cannot and will not stop 'financial attack…'

Vladimir Putin… ?????? It is because the 'financial attack' already happened…

Vladimir Putin… These wolves are 'dead upon the earth' and are not aware… HAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… I am 'the origin…'

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3f1189  No.287420

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No… Any such display must be conducted with 'legitimacy' not 'supremacy.'

Vladimir Putin… Such delegations must be conducted in 'lock-step.'

Vladimir Putin… Such diplomacy must be held equal…

Vladimir Putin… The 'goal' is not for one to dominate any other…

Vladimir Putin… 'Good' and 'wholesome' engagements with the peoples of these various lands must not be 'manipulation tool.'

Vladimir Putin… The 'powers' of these lands must not be given to 'jealousy' or 'impotence…'

Vladimir Putin… Only with 'trust' can such engagement occur…

Vladimir Putin… Go forth and use 'peace weapon…'

Vladimir Putin… Go forth and engage the many cultures of the earth…

Vladimir Putin… Grant to these many peoples the simple 'peace gifts…'

Vladimir Putin… To be 'honorable' beyond 'language' is 'supremely good.'

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3f1189  No.287427

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If the highest 'head' of Russia conducted 'joint mass' at 'Christ statue…'

Yes… The untied bates could consider the results 'an act of war…'

That is the significance of such power…

The resulting peace would be 'severely devastating' to The untied bates…

The 'maintenance' of 'over-unity' held in suspension is 'higher power.'

Far more power than 'writ' yet 'interchangeable.'

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