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be5dbc  No.280121

Face It, It's Not Just Boomers and Gen X Moving Out Of Commie States

Illinois lost one House seat in this year’s reapportionment, and Democrats blame snowbirds migrating south. But a new analysis by the University of Illinois Extension finds that those fleeing for better tax and economic climes include swarms of young people too.

The Land of Lincoln is one of only three states, including West Virginia and Mississippi, to have lost population since 2010. But its population over age 55 has grown as Baby Boomers have aged. Over the last decade, Illinois’s median age has increased to 38.8 from 36.6, which puts it among the fastest aging states. Florida’s median age ticked up two years to 42.7.

Illinois is losing young people while Florida is gaining them. State development specialist Zach Kennedy notes that “the U.S. population actually grew in the prime working age, young adult age cohorts, 25 to 29, 30 to 34 and 35 to 39 year olds.” Illinois was among the few states to see a decline in these age cohorts.

One reason is that many students who leave the state for college don’t return. The analysts call this “brain drain.” “Only New Jersey lost more college-aged individuals out of state who never returned,” Mr. Kennedy says. Hmmm. What do the two have in common?

High taxes, for one. Illinois’s effective residential property tax rate (1.97%) in 2019 was second only to New Jersey’s (2.13%). Illinois’s flat 4.95% income tax is relatively low, though its 9.5% corporate rate is among the highest in the country. Hefty business taxes have suppressed job growth, and young people are following employers out of the state.

The state is also losing children. Its under-18 population has declined by 350,000 over the last decade. Lousy schools may be driving away young families. Out-migration of young people is triggering a demographic and fiscal time bomb like the one that eventually bankrupted Puerto Rico.

Illinois doesn’t tax retirement income such as 401(k)s or public pensions. This tax perk may help keep some seniors from leaving. But a shrinking population of prime-age working people and children means a smaller tax base will have to support growing retirement liabilities. Folks who stick around will have to pay higher and higher taxes.

A study last month by the research outfit Wirepoints estimated that each Illinois household on average is on the hook for $110,000 in government-worker retirement debt, up from $90,000 in 2019. The burden of the state’s pension debt alone is $64,200 per household—four times more than the national average and the second highest after Connecticut ($65,400), which has a wealthier population. The per-household pension burdens in Iowa and Wisconsin were $3,500 and $3,200, respectively. Both states have gained young people.

State and local government in Illinois is run by public-worker unions, and people are fleeing the economic and fiscal consequences.

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cfb028  No.280134

File: 590ae096327aa40⋯.png (145.05 KB, 680x340, 2:1, 118.png)


>spend 15 years and billions of dollars to figure out just who in the fuck cares

<literally nobody

You're on the wrong board, son. We believe in the freedom to move/travel here and we don't analyze it or care why it's happening.

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be5dbc  No.280180


I know why people like (((you))) don't care why it's happening. But it is happening due to bad policy, you can try to ignore or deny it all you want.

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cfb028  No.280191


No, you stupid faggot. NOBODY cares but (((you))). If people want to pack up and move, fucking let them. It's only you and your fascist ilk that demand to know why they're moving and probably demanding to see their papers while you're at it.

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be5dbc  No.280193



>If people want to pack up and move, fucking let them.

I never once said they couldn't or shouldn't move.

>It's only you and your fascist ilk that demand to know why they're moving

No, not at all. There are organizations that simply ask these people some questions, all responses are completely VOLUNTARY. The don't need to answer anything if they don't want to.

>probably demanding to see their papers while you're at it.

Nope. Only the States do stuff like that, for proof of State citizenship status, drivers license, etc.

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be5dbc  No.280355


>It's only you and your fascist ilk that demand to know why they're moving and probably demanding to see their papers while you're at it.

In other words, like vaccine passports then? No, I'm dead against vaccine passports enforced by neo-nazi gestapo. I wouldn't blame anyone moving away from those places either. I would, however, suggest when they do move not to support those same idiotic policies they are fleeing from is all.

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cfb028  No.280361



How many black cocks did you suck before you were allowed to make these posts?

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a61bd8  No.280418


Not one you sick faggot. Why does basic common sense trigger you so much?

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