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c62236  No.278538

OMICRON Is The CURE For Covid! Highly Infectious Strain With “MILD SYMPTOMS” Could Deliver Worldwide Natural Immunity!

Yesterday Mike Adams interviewed Steve Kirsch, a highly intelligent, data-driven analyst who has been making huge wave on Substack with his articles on covid vaccines (and their long-term effects on humanity). That full interview is posted today on Brighteon.com: https://www.brighteon.com/94c8953a-f615-45e1-93e1-40899e3e1865

In that interview, Kirsch dropped a bombshell. He explained that omicron so far appears to be very mild but highly infectious, following a rather typical path of viral host adaptation. As a result, he explained that if a person had to choose which variant to be infected with, they would vastly prefer omicron, since it has so far killed no one (to our knowledge at this point) and yet provokes the body into producing a powerful immune response that confers immunity against all covid variants (including Delta).

Kirsch was right on the money: Omicron is spreading quickly but producing no serious symptoms in those who are said to be “infected” with it. It appears that omicron, despite being widely hyped by the scientifically illiterate corporate media, may have finally reached “seasonal flu” status in terms of its relatively mild impact on human health.

And that means omicron might be the cure for covid. It could end this entire pandemic without the need for vaccines, masks, social distancing or lockdowns. By simply allowing omicron to sweep through the human population — producing almost zero deaths — the entire world could become immune to covid and we could end all the global madness, including Australia’s totalitarian “covid concentration camps” that are making global headlines.

Pfizer would miss out on billions in new variant vaccine revenues, of course, which is why Fauci and the entire criminal cabal of Big Pharma corona con artists will fight against natural immunity in every way possible.

If omicron is the cure, that would explain why governments are cutting off world travel to prevent it from spreading.

Does this realization explain why governments of the world are suddenly banning flights from South Africa and cutting off travel? Maybe they don’t want omicron to spread and replace the “delta” variant because delta produces far higher fatalities that feed into the media’s pro-vaccine fear narrative.

If omicron takes over the world, the pandemic is essentially over and they can’t drive people into the depopulation vaccines. Compliance is based on fear, and without the deaths, the fear can’t be maintained.

This brings us to the realization that the vaccine IS the pandemic. When people are vaccinated and injected with spike protein bioweapons — or the mRNA instructions for their bodies to manufacture those spike protein nanoparticles — they often suffer adverse reactions or even death. These deaths are blamed on “covid” when the real culprit is often the vaccines themselves. Without the vaccines, this pandemic would flame out all by itself.

Ultimately, natural immunity is the only real solution to the covid plandemic. Vaccines are proving to be so disastrous that the EU is now recommending booster shots every 3 months… thereby proving that their vaccines stop working in about 3 months. The 3-month schedule will apparently continue indefinitely… or until you’re dead from the spike protein injections ripping your vascular system to shreds.


Furthermore, the recently released Pfizer postmarketing experience document — just released by the FDA under court order — reveals that both Pfizer and the FDA knew in early 2021 that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine was killing people by the thousands, affecting three times more women than men:


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5bff3b  No.278563


I had Delta in October and it wasn't even that bad.

What's horrible is the mere thought that the vaccines are actually making it worse… making more people sick. Because that turns it into a positive feedback loop, similar to how making people isolate and wear masks probably causes depression and depression causes weakened immune systems. Plus isolated people who live in a bubble who never see any exposure to anything gradually see their immune systems weakened. Maybe this is all part of the plan of the plandemic, I honestly have no idea if they thought this far ahead or are just being Chicken Little like with climate change and taking advantage of any apparent crisis when they see one to solidify control and create a new "pseudoscience" religion. Natural immunity is the way out of this for sure. The question is how much collateral damage can these obsessives cause with their kneejerk reactions to everything and willful ignorance of the actual science?

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41aa12  No.278564


I don't mean to paint with too broad a brush, but it's pretty well established that sort of the boomer crew of the powers that be were looking at human depopulation eventual range of getting rid of 90% to 95% of us "useless eaters." Plans and ideas change over time, but that's sort of the amount of crazy that really does exist out there.

I think in the more modern context, we're looking at much closer to 100% because now transhumanism becomes increasingly viable. The ultimate extent of transhumanism is total extinction of humans and perhaps even all life as we know it. Perhaps a small amount will be reserved for the true elite or for historical record, but that's pretty well what's on the table when you're talking about people who literally want to become god, upload brains into the singularity, and all the rest of that stuff. It might not happen tomorrow or even this century, but that's the magnitude of thought going on. So of course they're going to take a "chicken little" type of approach any time there's a big fat crisis as another opportunity to make changes to the world order that would not otherwise be so easy to just implement out of nowhere.

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5b5b53  No.278568


I've often debated this issue with a friend of mine and what is interesting is he put it into better perspective, what Bill Gates actually said was if they 'promoted' 'right healthcare policies' that they could reduce populations by about 15%. That is his own words. Paul Ehrlich, a Zionist neo-con, is another example, he called for a one child policy for the United States, and total government control over the family unit. Ted Turner from CNN has called for massive reduction of human population too, up to 90%. If you look at the Georgia Guidestones they planned to reduce the global population to about 90%. “The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident” claimed David Rockefeller. The list goes on and on and on. Powerful and very rich influential people see us plebs as a threat for whatever reason, I think they see us as unsustainable to "their" resources.

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41aa12  No.278618


Well I mean they make a good point. I'd say even Malthus made a good point even though his models have proven little more legitimate than Moore's Law about computer processors following a simple linear trajectory of improvement over time. So at least we should have an open debate about a question like that rather than just clinging to some kind of religion or dogma over it. My personal opinion is that the natural human drive toward achieving flight and then space travel is most likely part of the solution that is innate to life as we know it, which consists of a strange balance between uncontrolled growth and needing an ecosystem for survival.

But it's not obvious to me that we need to continue pursuing various methods of population control from centuries past, like culling people with war, disease, and putting a price or a social score on each life to decide which ones are no longer worth it. But when you say

>unsustainable to "their" resources

It really speaks to the trend of monetizing life and considering it to be fungible. There didn't used to be such a thing as a "human resources" department. But somehow that became normalized, and with it the view that humans are just another kind of natural resource to be exploited like a coal mine or livestock.

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6efa39  No.278652

Look. I actually look into science stuff lol. Can someone explain to me what evidence there is the vaccines are deadly? I knew someone who was part of big pharma. They certainly push the drugs as much as possible and are more than happy to provide for this pandemic. But I never saw anything once that hinted at the vaccines being made with malicious intent. I even lightly know a scientist for big pharma and all his work had a logical benefit to humanity. So can I actually see proof besides rants?

As far as population control. It’s a must. Most people are useless mouths to feed. And our government policies promote the dumbest to breed the most. It’s a huge brain drain on civilization. And could cause a collective loss in IQ in general. Not everyone is equal. This is beyond clear. And helping the dumbest to strive is a very backasswards way to get to the important achievements. Like interplanetary travel and colonization. The easiest way for population control is to let the true 3rd world shitholes starve. They contribute virtually nothing besides minerals to civilization. And they are not needed to get those minerals. ^_^

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06a1ed  No.278678

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9e7cfb  No.278730


>explain to me what evidence there is the vaccines are deadly

Just take a look at the /pnd/ catalog:









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