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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 77ca64f8ec6d320⋯.jpg (30.3 KB, 800x457, 800:457, pfizer_yellow_goyim.jpg)

File: 4736d8d3e225479⋯.jpg (30.82 KB, 331x387, 331:387, non_death_saline.jpg)

File: 55c7c68f19ff1d0⋯.jpg (64.95 KB, 606x545, 606:545, pelosi_saline.jpg)

98ad6b  No.277735 [Last 50 Posts]


You can tell the shot by the color!

The clot shot for the masses is the yellow shot (see pic 1).

The jab the elites/government/Jews get is off white (see pic 2).

Pic three: Pelosi getting the Saline solution!




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98ad6b  No.277736

File: 4e584e1659dc7fe⋯.png (114.89 KB, 830x2216, 415:1108, darkwinter.png)

They are seriously planning another biowarfare event much more deadly, that's why they found smallpox in the Merk vaccine laboratory recently!!! AKA Biden's Operation "Dark Winter"

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98ad6b  No.277737


I would advise everyone to prepare for the worst case scenarios at this point. If there is another bioweapons release, and they shut down public communications, whatever you do, stay away from all institutions or so-called "health centers" or anything controlled by any governments or NGOs! Be armed and ready to defend yourself, family and private property from all enemies, FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC!!!







The SMALLPOX BIOWAR – globalists prepare “perfect” scheme to cover up vaccine deaths and cancel mid-term elections by unleashing a new, deadly epidemic


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98ad6b  No.277738

The glow niggers are scared now, they're pulling their stupid "birds are not real" bullshit to hide this from everyone!

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98ad6b  No.277739

>>277246 (truth!)

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98ad6b  No.277740


Hint: if the government/pharma cartel kingpins do release another bioweapon it will be in an area THEY CONTROL…. like the airports! If you travel over the holidays STAY AWAY from airports, better drive to your destination!!!

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98ad6b  No.277741




When you think about it mass murder all makes perfect sense!

The government can no longer afford the massive welfare payments.

The government can no longer afford paying out SSI to retired people.

The government can no longer afford paying unemployment fees.

Many State governments can no longer afford to keep paying out pensions.

The country is bankrupted.

They do not have much use for us anymore.


So they are exterminating those less desirable who milk from their financial promises and aid!!!

BOTTOM LINE. Democide.

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98ad6b  No.277742



This is yet again, another State-sponsored mass murder event for the plebs who are no longer needed, as they served their purpose already. To be used and discarded by the State. Nothing new under the sun. This has happened over and over again and now we are seeing Democide in the 21st century, history repeating itself.

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1be60e  No.277754


ALERT : you're a fucking idiot

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1be60e  No.277755



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66b7db  No.277756


This is spectacularly stupid. I just took my daughter to a Pfizer vaccine clinic being held at her school to get her first dose and every single dose at every table was clear. You're a fucking liar and nobody will ever believe you.

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66b7db  No.277757



You're getting desperate because the only people you can convince your bullshit might be real are people who never go outside, so they can't easily find proof you're a fucking liar.

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49cded  No.277759


>actually giving your child a poison death shot

>defending your decision to sacrifice your child

based on color of vial

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db03cd  No.277762

File: c1db7288fdefa56⋯.jpg (207.98 KB, 736x1101, 736:1101, PicsArt_12_17_10_09_19.jpg)

File: 7b72b7fa3097885⋯.jpg (25.9 KB, 404x280, 101:70, PicsArt_07_22_10_49_45.jpg)


> The glow niggers are scared now, they're pulling their stupid "birds are not real" bullshit to hide this from everyone!

Imagine thinking birds are "real".

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1be60e  No.277764


Jon, his fiance, Wendy and IALLgot our vaccinations (and boosters) and they were CLEAR

you're such a fucking idiot

ALSO : although inflation is a predictable cycle, the supply chain problem is already beginning to fix itself

you're SUCH a fucking idiot

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1be60e  No.277765


you're just like a woman

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1be60e  No.277766


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2e56c3  No.277776


Killcen is insane

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036fc2  No.277791


Keep telling yourself that.

It is(You)who sounds"Nervous".

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78ebc1  No.280377

File: a83b234e839d2cf⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 3628x5912, 907:1478, jew_jab_Nurse_witness.jpg)


According to the jew jab Nurse witness, there are 3 different jew jabs.

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38f972  No.284810

File: 1a4806eafaec4a1⋯.jpg (329.24 KB, 489x669, 163:223, 1639857835748.jpg)


Not caring which colour of the cap is on the covid vial because picrel .

As for a potential smallpox outbreak, for that disease an actual vaccine does exists since 1796 of which the modern version has been available since 1958.

I can't recall if i got the vaccinated against smallpox but odds are i am since i live in a developed country and did get a suite of vaccines in my childhood.

Unlike the covidvax i am not averse to get a "make sure" smallpox vaccine.

Also this https://news.yahoo.com/bill-gates-warns-smallpox-terror-000100099.html

Billy is back at it with new fresh anticipations.

has he been sending hajjis with pox blankets to the airport boys?

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38f972  No.284811

File: 0353a95ceed4c61⋯.jpg (3.1 KB, 124x120, 31:30, 1641675013497s.jpg)


damnit this was the picrel i meant in previous post

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40cd23  No.284812


maybe the elites infected the world with covid just to find the cure to aids

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af6694  No.284842


the lethality of the virus is a lie.

covid is a smokescreen.

it's part of a 20 year propaganda campaign

to condition you to believe in wicked viruses

emanating from the asian continent.

viruses are not the pathogens to worry about.

SARS and ARDS are usually caused by another type

of pulmonary infection.

seek and you will find.

question everything.

it's hiding in plain sight.

when the lid blows off you won't want to be working

in the healthcare delivery sector or

even dating anyone who does.

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066824  No.284844

File: d7cb4e2a345f993⋯.jpg (99.13 KB, 650x650, 1:1, fashion.jpg)

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56c442  No.284864

File: 0b12aae7ab115c2⋯.gif (3.44 MB, 498x212, 249:106, nigga_please.gif)

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31f1aa  No.284869

File: 912a4651d1ad796⋯.jpg (43.5 KB, 660x400, 33:20, Giraffe_Love.jpg)


> Jon, his fiance, Wendy and I ALL got our vaccinations (and boosters)

Except that you must have forgotten telling us that you lied about that just to pretend to be retarded, and that you would never take the vaccines because you are too afraid of needles. Remember?

So you admit to lying then, you're lying now… You've lied about many other things too… Pretty much, the only thing we can count on is that we can't trust anything you say. That's not an abnormal stance to take toward chantards, but, like most leftists nowadays, you can be actually counted on to lie and to twist everything to fit your narrow narrative.

The only thing you have going for you (besides Wendy) is that you're not too young to remember life before the internet and smartphones, but you negate all that by pretending you're unaware that smartphones are a drug, and that you sir, are a junkie. These young folks don't stand a chance, but you know better. Oh, I do too. But I'm not pretending to be better than anybody else.

> inb4 you pretend you're not either, even whilst doing little but tearing others down all day…

Nah. You're alright. I do all that shit too. How else will some folks learn, if they are not bashed about the head repeatedly? I never could learn any other way myself! So, carry on. But if you want to be taken seriously, you may want to begin practicing the habit of truth-telling. It will make you a far more effective person, even if all you want to do is troll.


Now, to segue…

I am often thought of as arrogant, because I stand tall and am willing to defend positions that do not conform to the norm. I have some knowledge, and wisdom gained through experience, in many areas, and often refuse to accept the authority of other "specialists" with less varied experience and with less of an array of knowledge and wisdom available with which to tackle certain problems for which they consider themselves specialists, and I consider them to merely have a narrow view, with limited experience. If that seems "arrogant" to "specialists", so be it. I did not focus my energies that way this lifetime. I focused in EVERY direction, like Suns do.

I can do more than one thing well. I can do many things well. Those tendencies may come in handy during the times to come. I can do more than shitpost Jew-hate on 4chat and 8Coon, or tell /pol/tards they will never get any pussy because they are gay. I can put together hardware and software to do things most people cannot even imagine, and I can do it without the data-miners getting more than a few worthless scraps from me. I know how to keep my head low, and use camouflage to be less noticeable to hunters. I have been known to kill lions with one kick. I can feed myself and my family, and I can hopefully keep us secure shelter-wise too. I can simplify, pare down unnecessary possessions, and prepare for the even harder times to come. But I can't do that if I waste too much time here. So, I'm gonna have to break this bad habit. There isn't a lot I get from this place anymore. We used to all have more fun. At least I remember it that way. I could be wrong.

But yeah, young people cannot even IMAGINE a works without the internet or smartphones. Many of those on the chans today were not even born when I was already shitposting on 4chan. True Story. Watching them go through all the same old shit is just, well, boring. I was in my mid-thirties then, and am old enough to be a grandpa now. I am old enough to ramble on and reminisce… Perhaps I better go prepare for the inevitable decline into old age. Focus on my health. Let these young anons with their immature idiocy make all their own mistakes, with no input or guidance from those with more experience. The young can rarely benefit from the experience of others anyway. I couldn't. I preferred personal experience… Lessons learned the hard way. One of those lessons is to put forth more energies where desired outcomes of an abundant and beneficial nature may develop. "Wasting" energy becomes less of a priority when one has less energy left to "waste". So, on that note, I will wish you all a good day…

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a9a919  No.284879


"the spore is on the wind tonight

you won't feel it 'til it grows

rose darling my friend"

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a814e0  No.284885

File: 646ce2a0981873b⋯.jpg (23.77 KB, 380x367, 380:367, arachnid_archiving.jpg)

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c6264b  No.284960

File: e20ac809bb59c4b⋯.jpg (61.56 KB, 650x650, 1:1, final_sigma.jpg)


the fudspam shitsliders can't cope with the fact the filter takes care of them all. They only thing they achieved is de-glowing the thread and helping us waste all the glowies time. Based fudposters, protecting /pol/ without even knowing it lmao.

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40467d  No.305417

File: fc8a116b986221f⋯.jpg (89.96 KB, 540x675, 4:5, You_Know_You_Want_To.jpg)

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84fef2  No.315976

We have to trust the science.

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b821fe  No.315984


No we don't.

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e692c5  No.320012

File: d51c950706f2a67⋯.png (455.34 KB, 524x800, 131:200, terry1.png)

File: f78168769ca771e⋯.png (372.85 KB, 524x800, 131:200, terry2.png)

File: 804159358a38173⋯.png (759.58 KB, 800x530, 80:53, terry3.png)

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b75e4b  No.320018



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c9b33b  No.320188


Yes because the people who work in the healthcare delivery sector are all saints and heroes and would in no ways at any time participate in democide.

Okay, Tuskegee was a one off, other than that they're all good and honest to a fault.

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2c3246  No.320306

90% of humans simply need to be removed so that the remaining 10% who want to evolve, can create a better world. This is why I support the vaccine, and support the illuminati's depopulation agenda. The world will be a much better place once 90% of the useless eaters have been killed off.

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a3ce9b  No.320336


And with that 90% you'll likely be killed off to, or forced to live in third world poverty without being able to rely on current luxuries we have now like energy and commerce. Meaning if you can't hunt and grow your own food and live completely off-grid you'd starve. Your idea of "utopia" is simply going back to the 1700s!!

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0cee0b  No.320389



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45d736  No.320744




but the flowers

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d1b1d9  No.320836



>Morale pretty low


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01f1d1  No.320975



Don't care about NYC or San Fran. They can just starve to death. Most of the good people have already gotten out of those places. DC is the swamp. Trump was a complete failure and didn't drain shit so hopefully the Russians will step up and do us all a solid. Nuke DC and save the world.

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f97c56  No.322244


piss off

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c3661a  No.322364

Red flag laws gonna search your social media history and use that as an excuse to take away your rights

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753bec  No.322409


Notable meme!

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6b91db  No.322422


i'm not ashamed of my age, child. you, on the other hand, probly should be.

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fba095  No.322481


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22a7b2  No.322736


>You should really read Ecclesiastes.


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e5f00d  No.322849


Panic & Pain

Paine & P.A.N.I.C.

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46d54e  No.322977

an ongoing psychological operation of godlike proportions


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24faa8  No.323266

Jake Tapper Retweeted

Stars and Stripes


Hershel W."Woody"Williams remained in the Marines after the war, serving a total of 20 years, before working for the Veterans Administration for 33 years as a veterans service representative.




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a157bd  No.323495


actually i do.

early 2016, but after 40yrs work on a 6000yo story>>277742

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eb7646  No.323649


Corruption will be seen. Inappropriate things will be seen and dealt with. Things that have always been there will start to change. Biases, and bigotry will start to be called out and have to change. Darkness, dark energy, which has always been at the forefront and proud of it and showing, will have to go into hiding.

This is the time for inventions, Dear Ones. This is the time for cleanup, Dear Ones. This is the time to establish what you want, not just as individuals but also in countries and planetary wide.

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9d66db  No.325094


She's pretty

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9fa509  No.325202


7th floor never was and Q said there's no more seventh floor?

was the 7th floor just a Hollywood story? Pompeo's office was on the 6th floor then?

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8de562  No.325490

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14f036  No.325880


no one will harm Durham

he is harmless

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9db80d  No.326213


they've turned the entire internet into a honeypot

and it was probably tiresias

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94091c  No.326616

82 NYC school teachers accused of buying fake vaccine cards.


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4deed0  No.326683


>True Democracy

They are all a beautiful bunch of ripe BANANA. Bunch of parroting commies.

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e13b6f  No.326844


nice catch

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648086  No.327132


Joe Biden's Jewish Advisors, Cabinet Members and Staff

Nora Volkow: Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse

Alina Romanowski: United States Ambassador to Kuwait

Jonathan Cohen: United States Ambassador to Egypt

Alaina B. Teplitz: United States Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Maldives

Peter H. Vrooman: United States Ambassador to Rwanda

Xavier Becerra: United States Secretary of Health and Human Services

Andy Slavitt: Senior Advisor to the COVID-19 Response Coordinator

Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall: United States Homeland Security Advisor

Ron Klain: White House Chief of Staff

Eric Lander: Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy Science Advisor to the President

Rachel Levine: Assistant Secretary for Health

Rochelle Walensky: Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Jeffrey Zients: Counselor to the President

Steve Ricchetti: The other Counselor to the President

Wendy Sherman: United States Deputy Secretary of State

Anne Neuberger: United States Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology

Alejandro Mayorkas: United States Secretary of Homeland Security

Doug Emhoff: Second Gentleman of the United States

Jared Bernstein: Member of the Council of Economic Advisers

Antony Blinken: United States Secretary of State

David S. Cohen: Acting Director of CIA until March 19, then transitioning to Deputy Director of CIA

Janet Yellen: United States Secretary of the Treasury

Merrick Garland: United States Attorney General

Avril Haines: Director of National Intelligence

Isabel Guzman: Administrator of the Small Business Administration

Polly Trottenberg: United States Deputy Secretary of Transportation

David A. Kessler: Head of Operation Warp Speed (Jan-Feb) & co-chaired the Biden-Harris transition’s COVID-19 Advisory Board (Nov 2020-Jan)

Jennifer Klein: Co-Chair White House Gender Policy Council

Jessica Rosenworcel: Chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission

Stephanie Pollack: Deputy Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration

Mira Resnick: State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Security

John Kerry: United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

Victoria Nuland: Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

Gary Gensler: Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission

Mark Greenblatt: Inspector General of the Department of the Interior

Elizabeth Klein: Deputy Secretary of the Interior

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983d03  No.327501


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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fc0a57  No.327572


Are you?

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056e2d  No.328015


I still marvel at filter fag. How did he/it filter so fast and so many?

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6fe7c8  No.328212


BREAKING HEADLINES, [11.06.22 07:20]

EXCLUSIVE: Military Official Predicted mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Might Be Paused Over Heart Inflammation

READ: https://1.breakingheadlines.news/NskaHl


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80eb79  No.328320


Brennan's idol?

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646725  No.328459


Mornin' Frater


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42a811  No.328619


Sanaa government: Violation of truce gives right to review position

Deputy Foreign Minister in the Sanaa government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, announced Thursday that his government had accepted the extension of the armistice in Yemen based on "serious promises" to increase the number of flights and to make progress on the issue of salaries.

Al-Ezzi said in a Tweet that the number of flights before the extension of the armistice has not been met.

The Deputy FM explained that there was a "clear and significant breach of the truce," expressing his belief that not rushing to correct this defect "would give Sanaa the full right to review its position."

Al Mayadeen counted 13,859 violations of the armistice by the Saudi-appointed Yemeni Presidential Council forces and the Saudi coalition during the first two months of the truce.

Yemen has been suffering from a Saudi-led war for 8 years now. A UN-brokered truce went into force in April but was repeatedly violated by the Saudi-led coalition.

The UN special envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, announced earlier this month that the Sanaa government and the Saudi-led coalition have agreed to renew the armistice in Yemen for two months.

Grundberg explained at the time that "the terms of the armistice agreement include facilitating the entry of 18 ships carrying fuel to the ports of Al Hudaydah, and allowing two flights to and from Sanaa airport, every week," while the Yemenis assert that Saudi Arabia did not abide by the agreed terms of the armistice.

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8b7fd0  No.329047


when he was lurking around a Trump rally

which I believe was the real target he just could not pull it off

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9a7e84  No.329088


>Q would NOT expect us to just accept the new posts as being from him, especially with this huge question over the tripcode. Anyone saying we should just accept that it's Q is either a shill or a retard!! If it is Q then he will find a way to prove it.


If you get time try Google Images "baby fist" (no quotes when you search it) and see if that black and white picture is first for you? I was unable to replicate it, it appears to be what the "this wasn't real Q" argument hinges on.

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62ac1e  No.329332

… just me and the screen baby.

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76a441  No.329346

Abortion overturned and Q returns

And all they got is tired murmuring shills….

Seems they were asleep to yesterday's developments

Rally day

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9d5ab1  No.329372


"Hey-ro hi, howww much foh won-ton gay-peepo up my asssss-ho".

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de4e19  No.329475



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ffcc9e  No.329514



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e19d85  No.329585


Tracy Beanz, [29.06.22 17:12]

This column is absolutely heartbreaking but it is a MUST READ to learn about miscarriage, fertility rates, and vaccine injury in babies. Please stop what you are doing and read this.


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27a1fc  No.329807


Thanks Baker very much.

Anons you have to watch this short video. This AMC stock analyst is putting 2 and 2 together and naming names on Wall Street. I'm surprised the video is still up. If you want to know what the AMC / GME stock fight is about? This video pretty much covers it. Big time bomb throwing!!!!


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0585de  No.330026


>Durham? He failed.


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f8197b  No.330811

Don't feel bad Ryan. I'm not watching fox and friends Eva again.

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9f1742  No.330935



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8929a6  No.331322


Sounds like a trap

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c4a9dd  No.331529


you have me kek'ing. honor to serve with you.


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4e233b  No.331630


Big Pepe online!

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183f8c  No.331747


Anime Music Video


Ann Marie Vaughn

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043dd1  No.331850




you were in here the night they flew jules into ATX

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7c1abd  No.332014



Creepy pose, her creepy smile..

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4f6da5  No.332103


You are a cover upper

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a2a2b6  No.332734


"don't have to worry about signals sent down from the sky."

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4957ae  No.332805


>now for next level.

>Was Chauvin and Rittenhouse trials honey trap?




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b1302c  No.333270


screen shot?

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29b5b3  No.333362


Black people hate niggers, because niggers act like idiots and make Black people look bad.

Same as White people hate White trash who act like idiots and make White people look bad.

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71b42a  No.333633


Social Security

Statute of Limitations

Human Trafficking

Never Winning

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eeec75  No.334343


I was keking at the suck yesterday thinking of how the longer Trump stays out of the picture (never interrupt the enemy) the moar they keep exposing themselves. I was thoroughly enjoying the suck. They've tried everything to break us, kmao. Fuckem.

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e8a9af  No.334381




missing t


From Thursday, 30 June 2022

Subtracted 20 days

Result: Friday, 10 June 2022


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/10/2022 07:19:46

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108452904072535369

Many people spoke to me about the Election results, both pro andcon, but I never wavered one bit - follow the facts andproof.The 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen…And look at our Country now - not pretty!!!

con proof

2 year delta


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/10/2020 21:40:37 ID: bdd040

8kun/qresearch: 9567851


Welcome to the [D] partycon.


Delta to next: 0 D_0:4:9 (seconds total: 249)


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/10/2020 21:36:28

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1270892626254888961 DELETED TWEET

…And the Trump family didn’t ask the Federal government for money to carry this and many other very expensive to carry properties! https://twitter.com/trumpdoral/status/1270727401857789952

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607dfa  No.335102


Back when kids were raised with "sticks and stoned may break your bones." Now they're raised with "words are literally violence."

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a4c3e3  No.335140


Yes! That other anon is fucked.

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a62cbc  No.335331

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720578  No.335759



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580103  No.335766


yup….there is no cruelty that i would not do to these fucks.

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424172  No.337890

Look at the faggot Trudeau and Boris the cokehead.

Man these people are fucked up.

Evenin anons

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100b2d  No.337999

Wonder how long they had biden in the back pumping drugs into him forcing this script to be read over and over.

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cd2ac0  No.338005



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c477a2  No.338116

Good evening, anons.

There's that feeling in the air that a Q post is coming in the nearest moments.

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1ab2c1  No.338723


>What's up ya twat

Why are you calling me a butcher?

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ca650d  No.338965

Quick! Someone come up with a new choreographed dance routine.

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25fa90  No.339097


you spent so much energy on the red text you never red the fucking bill, or you have and you're just trying to get a rise out of us. This bill doesn't enact red flag laws; it provides money for states that do.

Go fuck yourself.

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73419d  No.339912

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d72796  No.340481


Number fag who date fags.

Uncommon, but by no means a rarity.


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b5f5c6  No.340609


You don't vote because you live in Zhōngshū Shěng province in China you CCP bitch


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2c1ff3  No.340892


Find peace through prayer.

God bless you.



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344c49  No.341110


Thanks fren, exactly what I need right now


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7bdca0  No.341495




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3e8cd0  No.341510


Sure cause that piece of shit faggot is anon right

The state of this place


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874847  No.341655



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56e286  No.341883

Trump's endorsement of Kevin McCarthy is piss poor leadership right up there with his Mitch McConnell endorsement.

Only an idiot would endorse Frank Luntz's buttboy.


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813356  No.341892


Sorry, your reply contains a word I have filtered…can you guess which one?


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b3f9cb  No.341916


>Shiva has no memory during the first half of the duration of the universe (~7trillion years)


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f4fff1  No.341921



When do you want to let the Sheriff know so we can form a possy?


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259765  No.342584



Stephen King's demons seethe over anonymous twotter truth taunt..


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05aa57  No.342711



Woodward and Bernstein brand Trump the 'first seditious president'

by Daniel Chaitin, Deputy News Editor |

| June 05, 2022 09:51 AM

| Updated Jun 05, 2022, 10:28 AM


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8390c7  No.343167


sure feels this way anon




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7adee8  No.343466


Those are the desk which, when the air raid siren goes off, you have to put your head under the desk and fold your hands on the back of your neck. Yep, that's going to save you from the atom bomb.


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d1f64a  No.343765

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886bb0  No.343775

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948027  No.343877


Did he write it in blood.


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f1cb3c  No.343948


try harder


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faffb3  No.344070


If the truth about parasite infections got out would 99% go to the hospital


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d9fe6e  No.344159


Imagine waking up every day knowing you are unfuckable, you would shill too


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2159d9  No.344292


And half of the Republicans in Congress are just Democrats in disguise. ie Kinzinger

Like the Dems. who dressed up as Trump supporters on Jan. 6 and started causing trouble.


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f83366  No.344294


consequences of narrowing the prosecution to the least of her crimes…another day in the USA


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036c31  No.344318


follow what fucking news?

a schiff let the fake 2022 watergate group in?


this is totally going sideways


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95f942  No.344454


All of Lafferty’s observations are pointing in a general direction: microbial agency. Before we incorporate that into Actor-network theory, let us refer to a number of studies that demonstrate the unlikely connection between T. gondii and the worship/mummification of cats in ancient Egypt. On the topics of Toxoplasmosis and schizophrenia, the Stanley Medical Research Institute writes in their online article “All about Cats and T. gondii Transmission” about the “…major example of cats being regarded as pets […] in ancient Egypt […] a local cult worshipping a cat goddess (Bastet) became widespread. Cats were highly valued and often mummified when they died” (¶5). This obvious link to ancient Egyptian cat deification and to the goddess Bastet is not unique. Mark Greener also postulates a similar argument with his independent research on T. gondii and its ancient roots (again including its link to schizophrenia), where he writes “Bastet might have evolved from the Middle Eastern Neolithic cat cult into a protective goddess, reflecting the cat’s critical role protecting from rodents the grain vital to the society’s survival” (¶13). It is common knowledge that Egyptian priests preformed the necessary mummification of cats to accompany and assist the pet’s owner in the afterlife. What is not widely known is that the deceased cats were mummified with the same meticulous care and attention to detail as their human counterparts (Owen 2004). It was due to this proximity to the animal’s entrails—hence its waste products—that the priests would have easily contracted toxoplasmosis. There was not any awareness of microbial infection, and because of this there was not a concern for sanitary conditions by which to handle the human and animal corpses. Ancient Egyptian priests enjoyed a place of societal prestige (Porphyry ¶8). This social position enabled the infected priests to promulgate the belief that cats were to be revered, this lead to the outright worship of the feline goddess Bastet. This confirms Lafferty’s findings, whereby T. gondii infiltrates itself in a materialistic, male-dominated cultural pattern. This also affirms Lafferty’s connection with the more stable and affable traits that are manifested in females when they become infected. Bastet was primarily known for her protective qualities. The importance of Bastet in ancient Egypt cannot be underestimated (BBC). It is only till now, in the 21stcentury, that we can finally bridge the gap and silence some of the mysteries behind the extreme reverence of cats to the time of the Egyptian pharaohs with this key symbiotic microbial/human relationship.

With all of this under consideration, let us finally position these findings within Actor-network theory (ANT). ANT was popularized by the French sociologist, philosopher Bruno Latour with Michel Callon in the 1980s (Crawford 1). As Crawford defines ANT, we are reminded of a critical feature

pt 2


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67449b  No.344466




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4eba98  No.344549

Top KeK

Joe wants that upclose sniff so badly


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292b81  No.344751


> annihilating your argument

Things that never happened for 500 Alex


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9cb66f  No.344770


Q tripcode or nada. Filtered.


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d0186d  No.345124



Back in 1970 serving in Germany a gram of Green was only 50 cents, Choking Red was 75 cents, serios black was a dollar. These were good days for a soldier stationed there. :-)


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9ab068  No.345338

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832323  No.345506


Starry•2= 202 15+3= 18 15-3= L

Night Night


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7adee8  No.345756



Russia state-affiliated media

#FBI Raids House of Prayer Churches in #Georgia, Texas on Suspicion of Cult Activities



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