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603386  No.277193

Level Of Concern That Biden Is Plotting False Flag Smallpox Attack Rises To Fear

A troubling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin slamming the West’s unprovoked military actions in the Black Sea as moves that “go beyond boundaries”, with his stating: “We constantly express our concerns over these actions, talk about red lines but, of course, we understand that our partners are very peculiar and, to put it mildly, do not take all our warnings and talks on red lines seriously”, says in his insights into the current situation fast leading to global war, he further revealed: “We are dealing with, to put it mildly, not very reliable partners…They walk away from any previous agreements easily…It is imperative to push for serious long-term guarantees that ensure Russia’s security in this area, because Russia cannot constantly be thinking about what could happen there tomorrow…Naturally, this is not to everyone’s liking…Some of our Western partners are openly trying to drive a wedge between Moscow and Beijing…We are well aware of this…Together with our Chinese friends, we will continue responding to such attempts by expanding our political and economic sphere, and taking steps in the world arena”.

https://tass.com/defense/1363471 // https://www.rt.com/russia/540657-putin-foreign-policy-west/

In quick response to the Kremlin, this report notes, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian stated to the world: “Russian President Vladimir Putin made positive remarks about the Chinese-Russian relations…The Chinese side appreciates this statement…China and Russia will constantly expand the scope of bilateral cooperation and make it increasingly more intensive”—are Kremlin and Chinese statements of significant importance to a world standing on the brink of war ignored by Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden, who creepily spent his time grabbing a young boy child during a bill signing ceremony saying to him: “Meet me after this, I can show you around the White House”—a shocking public display of child pedophilia that follows the FBI conducting raids confirming Biden took naked showers with his own young daughter while sexually molesting her.

https://tass.com/world/1363717 // https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/creepy-biden-grabs-child-bill-signing-says-meet-can-show-around-white-house-video/ // https://nationalfile.com/full-release-ashley-biden-diary-reveals-child-sex-trauma-drug-abuse-resentment-for-joe-whistleblower/ // https://nationalfile.com/fox-news-legal-analyst-slams-fbi-over-ashley-biden-diary-investigation/

As in all despotic socialist run tyranniancial nations like the United States has become, this report details, the child sex crimes committed by Biden are suppressed by his lapdog leftist propaganda media allies—leftist media propagandists that this week published glowing stories about Biden ordering an investigation into potentially “illegal conduct” by the oil and gas industry causing gasoline prices to rise—in response to this leftist propaganda it saw the American Petroleum Institute firing back against Biden with the statement: “This is a distraction from the fundamental market shift that is taking place and the ill-advised government decisions that are exacerbating this challenging situation…Rather than launching investigations on markets that are regulated and closely monitored on a daily basis or pleading with OPEC to increase supply, we should be encouraging the safe and responsible development of American-made oil and natural gas”—in factual reality today it sees gasoline prices skyrocketing for Americans while Biden secretly sells millions-of-barrels of oil from the United States Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Asian countries—and are energy policies enacted by Biden so insane, today it sees a fleet of Russian tankers loaded with diesel and heating fuel heading towards the US East Coast to save its citizens before their supplies run out.

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/18/gas-group-pushes-back-on-biden-blaming-industry-for-high-fuel-prices-distraction-from-bad-energy-policies/ // https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/oil-prices-60-year-biden-decides-sell-us-oil-reserves-overseas-asia/ // https://finance.yahoo.com/news/russian-fleet-heading-york-may-183002446.html

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603386  No.277194


Along with Russia providing desperately needed fuel for America, this report continues, the Federal Customs Service (FCS) is now reporting a massive increase in secret military exports to the United States and its NATO allies—exports of critically needed Russia fuel and munitions the socialist Biden Regime is responding to by deliberately delaying the visa extensions of almost 60 Russian diplomats—yesterday saw the Russian Community Council of the USA (KCOPC) announcing that it had suspended its activities in the United States due to an investigation by American intelligence agencies—that was joined by socialist Democrat Party lawmakers in the US Congress introducing a measure to end recognition of President Putin as the leader of Russia after 2024—a lunatic socialist measure quickly responded to by First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Vladimir Jabarov, who said that if the resolution comes into force: “It will lead to a rupture of Russia’s relations with the United States”.

https://www.rt.com/russia/540498-nato-members-ammunition-surge/ // https://tass.com/world/1363235 // https://sputniknews.com/20211119/us-lawmakers-introduce-measure-to-end-recognition-of-putin-as-russian-president-after-2024-1090846934.html // https://www.rt.com/russia/540722-reaction-us-congress-putin/

Security Council Members in this transcript discussing these issues note that socialist leader Biden’s lunatic rage is also being directed at American soldiers, whom yesterday the Pentagon set the cruel punishments for unless they receive experimental Covid vaccines—because the Okalahoma National Guard is refusing this experimental Covid vaccine order, yesterday it saw the Pentagon threatening to downgrade them to a “State Militia” unless they obey—yesterday saw the United States Navy shipbuilding contractor Huntington Ingalls Industries, the parent company to Newport News Shipbuilding, suspending Biden’s experimental Covid mandate because their workers were ready to walk off the job—today sees Biden preparing to fire over one-third of all health workers in America because they refuse to take experimental Covid vaccines, that caused President Donald Trump appointed United States District Judge Terry Doughty to fast-track the federal court cases of these health workers yesterday—all of which is occurring at the same leftist media propagandists have gone silent about near non-existent Covid cases in Free Republican Red States as they watch them explode in Socialist Democrat Blue States—and in response to this socialist Democrat tyranny, yesterday it saw Republican Party leader Governor Bill Lee of the Free State of Tennessee becoming the latest to urge Blue State policemen to join his State’s law enforcement agencies, and who told them: “I’ve got a message today for cops in New York all the way to sheriff deputies out in Los Angeles…We want you to join the Tennessee Highway Patrol…And I vow that your health freedoms and personal choices will be protected”.

https://www.rt.com/usa/540688-army-punishments-unvaccinated-soldiers/ // https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/11/18/pentagon-threatens-to-downgrade-oklahoma-national-guard-to-a-state-militia-unless-it-complies-with-vaccine-mandate-n477498 // https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/18/report-navy-shipbuilding-contractor-suspends-vaccine-mandate-after-workers-threaten-to-quit/ // https://www.zerohedge.com/political/why-media-suddenly-no-longer-interested-blaming-covid-waves-political-ideology // https://www.rt.com/usa/540684-tennessee-recruits-unvaccinated-police/

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603386  No.277195


In response to Biden’s deliberate socialist destruction of America, this report continues, yesterday it saw Republican Party House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy delivering an historic record-breaking 8-hour address in the US House, wherein he warned that socialist Democrat Party Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi: “Is burning down the House on the way out the door”—a reference to Pelosi and her socialist Democrats knowing the American people are going to oust them from power next year, that has caused 15 of these Democrat House lawmakers to announce their retirements, which one top Democrat strategist said about: “The House Democrats' retirement crisis is quickly becoming a five alarm emergency”—is a “five alarm emergency” for socialist Democrats sounding at the same time grocery stores in America are having to use decoys to cover-up the gaps in shelves left by shortages—today sees Biden’s lunatic 24-hour port mandate having done next to nothing to alleviate shortages—and most dangerous for Biden and his socialist Democrats, today it sees their poll numbers crashing and them being abandoned by every age, sex and ethnic group in America, as best documented in articles like “Biden’s Approval Rating Drops Even Further”, “‘An Ominous Double Whammy’: New Polling Spells Trouble For Democrats In Midterms”, “Hispanic Voting Shift Is The Single Most Important Thing In American Politics Right Now”, “A Culture Shift In Virginia Helped Republicans Win A Historic Election” and “Obama-Endorsed Democrat Mayoral Candidate Loses To Republican In Deep Blue City That Biden Won In 2020”.

https://www.axios.com/mccarthy-speech-delays-democrats-social-spending-vote-8025a5fa-00f0-46d3-8b65-77b1b57b6ca1.html // https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/kevin-mccarthy-gosar-censure-is-pelosi-burning-down-the-house-on-the-way-out-the-door // https://www.cbsnews.com/news/house-democrats-2022-gk-butterfield-retirement/ // https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/nothing-ive-experienced-or-seen-supermarkets-alter-layouts-use-decoys-fill-gaps-left // https://www.dailywire.com/news/bidens-24-hour-port-operation-mandate-has-done-next-to-nothing // https://www.rt.com/usa/540672-biden-approval-rating-poll/ // https://www.dailywire.com/news/an-ominous-double-whammy-new-polling-spells-trouble-for-democrats-in-midterms // https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/obama-endorsed-democrat-mayor-candidate-loses-republican-deep-blue-city-biden-won-2020/

The conclusion section of this transcript sees Security Council Members discussing the implications of renowned American election expert Professor Martin Wattenberg of the University of California-Irvine having stated last week: “It would take a major event like 9/11 to keep the Democrats from losing the House”—near immediately after which, vials of smallpox were reported found in a freezer at a Merck facility outside Philadelphia—a smallpox virus so deadly only two samples remain in the world, one in Russia and the other at the CDC in Atlanta—then yesterday it saw the CDC reporting that these vials contained vaccinia, a virus used to inoculate against smallpox.

https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/17/opinion/democrats-midterms-biden.html // https://www.foxnews.com/us/vial-of-deadly-virus-accidentally-discovered-at-pennsylvania-research-facility-while-cleaning-freezer-cdc-say // https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/vials-found-pennsylvania-lab-not-contain-smallpox-labeled-cdc-says-rcna6094

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603386  No.277196


Security Council Members in the conclusion section of this transcript note that Merck & Co. is the world's oldest pharmaceutical company founded in the 17th Century by the Merck Family of industrialists and bankers of Germany, who are still its majority owners—during the greater part of the 20th Century saw Merck controlled by its family heir George W. Merck, who during World War II led the War Research Service, and from where he initiated the United States Biological Weapons Program with biological warfare scientist Frank Olson—a biological warfare history of Merck causing grave concerns when it was reported that the smallpox virus was discovered in one of its American facilities—concerns amplified by experts noting that a smallpox attack on America “would be the “perfect” scheme to cover up vaccine deaths and cancel mid-term elections”—saw these concerns rising further after leftist tech-billionaire Bill Gates suddenly warned this week about smallpox terror attacks—and today sees these grave concerns rising to the level of fear and outright terror after it was reported that the socialist Biden Regime issued an up to $113-million contract order for the oral smallpox antiviral medication TPOXX—sees this contract for smallpox medication following the May-2021 announcement: “Siga Technologies has filed for FDA approval of an intravenous formulation of its smallpox treatment TPOXX…The new formulation is designed to enable the treatment of patients who cannot swallow the already-approved capsules”—all of which leads one to seriously question why the socialist Biden Regime is rapidly preparing for one of human history’s most deadly viruses that only two samples of which are known to exist in the entire world. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

https://www.coreysdigs.com/health-science/smallpox-threat-or-false-flag-a-telling-timeline/ // https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/bill-gates-smallpox-terror-attack-b1958789.html // https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/SIGA-TECHNOLOGIES-INC-10830/news/Up-to-Approximately-113-Million-of-Oral-TPOXX-Targeted-for-Delivery-to-the-U-S-Government-in-the-36908708/ // https://www.fiercepharma.com/drug-delivery/siga-seeks-fda-approval-for-intravenous-smallpox-therapy

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603386  No.277197


The SMALLPOX BIOWAR – globalists prepare “perfect” scheme to cover up vaccine deaths and cancel mid-term elections by unleashing a new, deadly epidemic


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603386  No.277198


The good news is that the Biden vaccine mandate is almost certainly going to be struck down by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. This will hand Biden a crushing defeat of his attempted agenda to mass exterminate the American people via “vaccine” bioweapons.

The bad news is that once the vaccine mandate is struck down, globalists will be forced to resort to their next devastating strategy to achieve their goals of genocide and depopulation. It looks like their next weapon is going to be Marburg, Ebola or Smallpox.

Smallpox is the most likely choice because it is extremely contagious and almost no one has immunity against it. Bill Gates has repeatedly warned — with a creepy grin — that America should be ready for a smallpox terrorism attack targeting US airports. When Bill Gates warns about something like this, it’s usually because globalists are planning to carry it out.

Yahoo News reported this week that vials labeled “smallpox” were discovered in a Merck laboratory, in violation of US law. In the continental United States, only the CDC’s facility in Atlanta is authorized to store smallpox vials. So what is Merck — a vaccine manufacturer — doing with smallpox vials?

You wouldn’t be crazy to suppose they’re working on the next big bioweapons release to generate another wave of profits from smallpox vaccines.

But a smallpox release by the globalists accomplishes much more than just depopulation… The effect of a deliberate smallpox release by the anti-human globalists would be a covering up of covid vaccine deaths, which are already beginning to wildly accelerate. Millions of people will die around the world from covid vaccines in just the next six months as immune suppression, Antibody Dependent Enhancement and cancer tumors growths all accelerate. The globalist cabal is desperate to distract the world from the depopulation effects of the vaccine, so they need some larger mass death catastrophe to take the blame.

Secondarily, a smallpox outbreak would also allow the criminals in D.C. to declare a national emergency and suspend the 2022 mid-term elections, where they are likely to be politically slaughtered. Current polls, if projected into election results, show that Democrats are very likely to lose the House, Senate and numerous state governorship and state legislatures, leaving Biden (or Harris) with no effective power other than unconstitutional executive decrees (which the courts keep shooting down).

Thus, Democrats need a bigger catastrophe to cancel the 2022 elections. Smallpox (or Marburg) is their “perfect” choice, given that they have zero respect for human life and would sacrifice every last living American if doing so would keep them in power. They are like crazed, insane animals, willing to do absolutely anything to maintain their control.


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603386  No.277199


I would advise everyone to prepare for the worst case scenarios at this point. If there is another bioweapons release, and they shut down public communications, whatever you do, stay away from all institutions or so-called "health centers" or anything controlled by any governments or NGOs! Be armed and ready to defend yourself, family and private property from all enemies, FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC!!!







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06cf3c  No.277200


Let me guess … "soon", right? Just wait 2 weeks? 90% of the country will be dead of small pox by New Year's? I mean … February 9th … no, wait … I mean August 12th … no, sorry, I mean by the 2024 election (please, God, let 8kun be gone by then so nobody can call me out on my bullshit).

Nobody will ever believe you. Go LARP on /furfaggotswithanalpolyps/. Now, tell me how I glow and hit the filter button and go cry to mommy for more dino nuggies.

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0ec4bb  No.277202


I'm posting it hoping it won't happen, but I will bump the thread if it does happen. And I really could care less what you think, I'm here to stay so deal with it commie.

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06cf3c  No.277208


>I'm posting hoping it won't happen

So why aren't you posting about 12 foot tall homosexual aliens crashing an asteroid into the Pacific ocean in order to steal the penises from every white boy under 12 in Texas? Since you're not posting about it, does that mean you hope it will happen?

No. What you're doing is LARPing and hoping someone will actually believe you and heap you with praise. Nothing you have ever said was going to happen has happened. Nothing. You are a sad little furry screaming into the indifferent void. Now log off so you can go suck your uncle's cock some more.

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27540c  No.277217


Your obsession with dicks has nothing to do with the FBI finding literal bioweapons at a Merk vaccine laboratory you flabbergasting retard. You are the only one here larping on this dead board.

By the way, keep enjoying REAL NEWS.

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27540c  No.277219


I would advise everyone to prepare for the worst case scenarios at this point. If there is another bioweapons release, and they shut down public communications, whatever you do, stay away from all institutions or so-called "health centers" or anything controlled by any governments or NGOs! Be armed and ready to defend yourself, family and private property from all enemies, FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC!!!







The SMALLPOX BIOWAR – globalists prepare “perfect” scheme to cover up vaccine deaths and cancel mid-term elections by unleashing a new, deadly epidemic


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4821df  No.277242

Just Days After Bill Gates Warned of a Coming Smallpox Bioterror Attack, 15 Vials Labeled ‘Smallpox’ Are Found in Vaccine Research Lab in Pennsylvania

A scenario ripe for a zombie-horror movie has just happened. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed Tuesday that vials labeled ‘smallpox’ — an extremely deadly virus that was eradicated in the 1970s — were found at a vaccine research facility in Pennsylvania.

Just days after Bill Gates in an interview said that the next thing we need to prepare for is a smallpox bioterror attack, vials of… wait for it… smallpox dried vaccine were randomly ‘discovered’ in a research lab in Pennsylvania. What an amazing coincidence, wouldn’t you say? Don’t kid me, man, go kid your grandma.

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (King James Bible)

If you haven’t figured this out by now, you’re pretty stupid, and I say that with as much charity as possible. This whole thing is such a sham that it boggles the mind that anyone believes any of it anymore.

Bill Gates held Event 201 in October 2019, and 8 weeks later it happens? In 2021 Bill Gates warns of a coming smallpox attack and days later 15 vials of smallpox are found in a lab?


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4821df  No.277245


>FBI finding literal bioweapons at a Merk vaccine laboratory

FBI didn't find it, some insider scientist blew the whistle to the FBI and the FBI had those bioweapons confiscated and it's (supposedly) "under investigation." This very well could have been an intent to distribute Gate's ultimatum if their covid false flag operation and Great Reset agenda failed in America.

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4821df  No.277246

File: dc411a9ee61223b⋯.webm (2.32 MB, 720x406, 360:203, vaxx_deaths.webm)


The goal is in this short video. Depopulation. Modern vaccines are not like the older vaccines, that is why the CDC changed the definition of "vaccine" not very long ago, new definition now has nothing to do with boosting the immune system or preventing disease. The new vaccines not only cause sterilization but also blood clots and other health issues that will slowly kill people off or at least make many very weak before they are even hit retirement age and pass away 'naturally'.

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3e6fd2  No.277344


LOL @ you actually believing in false flag bullshit

Grow up

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d4d0e2  No.277348


B-b-but Archon Butt Sex!

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8cd872  No.277351

Joe Biden has early onset dementia. He's not planning anything.

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3e6fd2  No.277353


anybody who types a "nervous stutter" is a TRY HARD FAGGOT


you know absolutely NOTHING about psychology

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d189dd  No.277382


True, but he's being controlled and he's being given orders like a puppet. Corrupt Anti-American entities control him.

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179673  No.277387

>>277344 (glow nigger)
































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3174fc  No.277734

File: 4e584e1659dc7fe⋯.png (114.89 KB, 830x2216, 415:1108, darkwinter.png)

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530bcc  No.277963

Well they decided to release another bio-weapon strain of covid (to which they have dozens more to release). It doesn't matter, I'm not getting vaccinated or giving up my Constitutional rights, get fucked. Release 'em all if you like.

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