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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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618115  No.273370

Ay yo, mensch! Where muh mishpokhe at? Tel Aviv representin'! 972 in da hoyzizzle!!!

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618115  No.273371

File: 2675c3e2fa94294⋯.jpg (178.47 KB, 400x268, 100:67, Schmuel.jpg)

Dis yo boy Schmuel gettin' ready for 2024 elections. Ya'll we gettin ready to elect /ourguy/ Rabbi Trumplestein in 2024. Bout ta get meshugas in dis biotch yuh heard?!

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1fba7a  No.273579


Well I have no doubt in my mind this Jew would mother fucking snuff you if you fucked with him. That's pretty much the only thing I'd respect from someone like that, at least he won't take shit from anyone else.

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618115  No.273707


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d3c5f4  No.273765


OK time for me to be honest….


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d3c5f4  No.273766

Coward Cucks.

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b94744  No.274001

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Cool! Necro even has a beat for us crazy drunk rednecks!! I actually kind of dig this, it gives me WAR VIBES! SHTF kind of vibes to kill glow niggers and marauders, hell yah! Step on my turf and this is how your life literally ends, a bullet in the head would be too nice!

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618115  No.274007

File: 2d01404ae379bb9⋯.jpg (646.87 KB, 828x988, 207:247, Mossad_selfie.jpg)

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0a5a9c  No.274013


LOL. How does it feel knowing there are tens of millions of armed Americans like myself who will never ever defend this dying corrupt totalitarian system? We'll soon restore our Constitutional Republic without the glow niggers and kikes once SHTF and the whole economy collapses. We'll just have to wait out the chaos in the meantime, that's what all the preps are for.

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