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03db4c  No.273168

I wrote this to help my gf save her job (after some research) and it worked. A lot of people just quit or let themselves get fired. Don't do that. Fight.

DON'T use economic, political or scientific arguments or language. STICK TO RELIGION or they will deny you. This is really an important point. If you have questions, ask.

>This load of bullshit saved my gf's job in the medical field in Cucklandia, one of the most pozzed places on earth. It CAN work.

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107058  No.273169


The only Christian denominations against vaccination are the Dutch Reformed Church and the Church of Christ, Scientist. If your "gf" is part of neither of those, I would have raped her ass with an angry cat before firing her twice. Your bullshit will only work on the uneducated and/or the people who can't take 30 seconds to look something up.

However, I'm pretty sure this is a "cool story, bro" moment.

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062c85  No.273170


The vaccines don't use fetal stem cells, moron. Regeneron is what uses fetal stem cells. Literally everyone in the medical field knows this. You're a fucking liar.

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fb4dbe  No.273176

>using faith as an argument

Christian scientists sure are fuckung stupid. Fuck the vaccine but religion isn't going to help you. And when the vaxxed horde find out that the unvaxxed are just using religion as a crutch they're gonna tell you that fairy tales aren't good enough for reality

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87cfe8  No.273178


Yes they do. You're a fucking liar.


I could give a shit what vaccinated people say or think, I won't be getting one either. Enjoy the economic collapse when there are mass strikes, job layoffs, walk-outs, professions from healthcare to pilots to troops to truckers start quitting during and already strained supply chain. I can't believe there are Americans today that are willing to see their country crash and burn so their kike slave owners can dictate their clearly unconstitutional policies against the rest of us. Well, so be it.

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87cfe8  No.273179

Looks like Govt/Big Pharma shills are in full force damage control again.

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fb4dbe  No.273185


Nothing personal bro, but humans simply don't need to exist. There is no way out of our Star system. We got to enjoy the earth for a little bit but it's not going to last forever. Just let it all die. Life, and the universe. Why does it exist? It should all be gone. It's all so worthless.

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87cfe8  No.273186


It's not death I really care about. I don't care if I die, however, I would like to be able to enjoy my life before I die. I would like the freedom to live it up however I desire before I die. Why is that so much to ask for some people?

Furthermore, if the government really wants us dead, then simply legalize all drugs for all ages and let the masses consume whatever they please till they OD all over the damn place. There would be no need to mandate anything allowing that to happen, lol.

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107058  No.273191


>Yes they do.

[citation needed]

Quote your facebook group, Karen. Go ahead. I'll enjoy the belly laugh.

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f31f6a  No.273192


So you are saying those are the only religions that follow this? Jevohas witness is one I can name off the top of my head you did not mention. Also that’s text book discrimination what you are doing. It’s no wonder you are a loser.

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