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32e3e8  No.273124

Invasion Of The Micro-nano Slaughterbot Swarm Demons!

In 2019, the world was introduced to Slaughterbots in a shock and awe fashion to display technological prowess. Technology has dual purposes – it can either be used for good or it can be used for evil. In addition, it is scalable. When we see these slaughterbots, we must understand that they are simultaneously being used on a grand scale, as well as the nano and quantum scales. Focusing on the nano scale, let us consider micro-nano-swarms.

Micronanoswarms have attracted extensive attention as they have significant biomedical applications. The collective behaviors among thousands, or even millions, of these tiny active agents have immense potential within the medical and pharmaceutical industrial complexes.

In recent years, the development of smart materials brings into reality:

Remote actuation [trigger] modalities or automatic control strategies.

Motion dexterity.

Environmental adaptability, which allows them to operate in multiple dimensions and environments.

Functionality and versatility.

Thus, these deleterious swarms can be designed with robust, dexterous platforms inside living bodies to perform a multitude of tasks related to healthcare.

In the days to come we will witness the advancement of micronanoswarms in biomedical applications. As you can see from the illustration, these swarms are designed to be artificial, living, and/or hybrid.

Swarm activity is triggered by magnetic fields, light, sound, electric fields, or self-propulsion.

Swarms are ancient in origin. What we glean from the pages of the Holy Writ is that they are considered unclean and detestable. This means that, when possible, we must not make matters worse by intentionally exposing ourselves to these micro-nano-swam demons. Have no doubt that this is part of the Plague of Locusts who seek to devour your life, the great army of the Lord sent by God to cause the rebellious to return to Him.

Faith Lesson: Father, I renounce and rebuke the swarming of nanobots in my body for they are being used to lay waste to and devour my body and soul. Father, please heal my body from any associated damage and restore it to Your created design so that I may reflect Your image and am able to serve You according to Your will for my life. I declare that from my innermost being will flow rivers of living water, the Holy Spirit, that flushes me clean and renews my body and soul. (Exodus 8:21-24; Leviticus 11:29-31; John 7:37-39)

The good news is that at the End of Days even these detestable swarms will praise Jesus.


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4518f7  No.273141

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ebf53f  No.273490

actual news

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