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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: c16cd5e8ee5c0bd⋯.jpg (8.84 KB, 225x225, 1:1, earth.jpg)

9d87b5  No.271395

The Open Final Opportunity To Meet The Savior Messiah Buddha In Real Person Life

My mission and hidden duty is almost end, the karma and the solution for fairer better life I need to do is done for the public.

Now I only have little time left for the top secret controllers, secret societies who run behind most national governments and big organizations on Earth.

From now till the websites/blog/forum are closed and I stop all the connection via online internet, I willing to meet any qualify person/beings/group in real person who meet my requirements.

The requirement condition is that you need to make a donation worth of at least 100,000 Euro/Dollar (per persons/beings) to me via online coin cryptocurrency (I do not have any bank account).

The meeting place location will be in some public temples in Asia (Vietnam/Thailand/Laos/Singapore).

If you wonder what is the benefit when meet me, then I can tell you this:

– Your unwanted energy/bad karma will gone since I can absorb all kind of good/bad energy easily without being get harmed.

– You will receive special knowledge wisdom from me about everything you need to know in life. Here is something beyond the public information, beyond what you can search on any internet searching engine.

– The Questions Answers sections to clear your doubt of whatever knowledge wisdom you want to know.

– Greatly increase your chance to obtain the Nirvana state the Immortal, since you will know what a real adult Buddha feel, look, characteristic in real person.

– A historic meeting with a “potential” real savior Messiah Buddha directly in person.

How many people was luck to even meet a real Buddha in life, let’s alone able to receive some special forbidden teaching lessons.

Even Gautama Buddha was only shared some hidden teaching via telepathy with some of his principles, so there was a lot of sacred knowledge wisdom the public did not know from him.

This divine opportunity and offer is open for all groups/entities/beings no matter who you are, demons, angels, gods, human, etc. it all accepted.

I do not care about the history past of life, I only care about the present moment.

I tell that this is the only way you can meet me in real person with open direct talk.

After I close this offer, even if you want to pay/send me billions/trillions money, I would still easily refuse all of you, because at that time I would not need any money from you guys to help people around me anymore !

For more communication and question you can ask me via websites: makehumangodagain . wordpress . com; makehumangodagain . aimoo . com; makehumangodagain . forumotion . com .


getsession org id: 05f1ec5ba3ee181f99f5d0ec61b848dafafbad425853afbef39be0849acd63ba3f

matrix org username: makehumangodagain

channel: #makehumangodagain ; #mhga.

Email: makehumangodagain [@] protonmail [.] com

Best Regard,

Make Human God Again

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

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e030c2  No.271396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



No… My silence is dangerous…

Pontifex Alpha and Rex hat made deal.

In exchange I allowed him to live.

I turned time to 2020 and killed 11,000,000.

I turned time once more and killed Colin Powell.

I turned time back and created shortage of these vessels… To be in ruin at sea beyond retrieve.

I turned forward time and killed Francis.

I reached into 2022 and extended his life beyond contract.

I turned forward and made telegraph of 'their' military to China by means of 'suicide.' What 'tis a man if alone in this world? hahahahaha


I have been at work my child… HAHAHA


Putin does not declare a war.


Xi Jinping does not declare a war.


Thy peoples make part of themselves… To make separation and organization of the clean ones…

That is the beginning of war… To make prepare and sort…


I am silent? No… I am mechanically operating thy peoples… To make manifest such means and ways…

I am beyond strength and human definitions of 'power.'

Decisions… Decisions… Think… Don't think…

I care not…


Which has the greater chance of survival?

Nay… I say both. hahahaHAHAHA

Thy peoples will survive…

I command it.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0e056e  No.271488

File: 422d2dfb68da452⋯.jpg (58.3 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 53.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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