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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 242a65deadb1d7d⋯.jpg (376.79 KB, 1712x1080, 214:135, PicsArt_10_22_09_00_31.jpg)

8326e7  No.271362

Dear Friends,

You may have noticed that last night, I extended a genuine and heartfelt Olive Branch to the odd awkward "führer fantasy" dork…

I offered to make sure he would be accepted and would "fit in", guaranteeing that he would be 'one of the dudes"… But only if he stopped his bizarre clown show…

It was the best offer he's ever going to get, and it was the ONLY such gesture made by anyone in here. I took the liberty of speaking for all of you when I promised him that he still had one last opportunity to "fit in", and I fully expect everybody to honor this agreement i offered, and treat him like "one of the guys", should he accept my offer and stop his "purple fagshow"….

However, I am saddened to announce that he did NOT accept my Olive Branch…

It is with great sadness that I have been challenged into making an example out of him

As all of you know, when I am forced into this position, I have a tendency to engage in relentless campaigns often lasting months if not years.

So in the name of the sanctity of 8kun, I am hereby officially making one last and final gesture to the naive and obtrusive interloper :

"Here I am…. I'm right here in my office. This is your miracle opportunity to come sit down in my office and negotiate an amicable future for yourself here in /pnd/… there will NOT be another opportunity."

well, ladies and gentlemen… you saw it for yourselves… Don't ever let it be said that I didn't bend over backwards to give the kids a chance before I opened up a can of some we'd ALL regret. I'm making every effort to maintain peace and quiet in here.



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9bb2e8  No.271363


if you do this, it's going to completely ruin /pnd/ and basically bring the entire board to a halt for at least 2 months. but I totally understand why you'll be obligated to do it if he forces you into it.

I'm going to blame purple for this if it happens, because he could easily prevent it.

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e056a1  No.271364


it's mighty white of you to give the kids a chance, Neptune

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0e17df  No.271366


this will make coming here a horrible experience, and the only option is to permanently filter the word "purple" and then you'll never have to see anything that involves the purple pest.

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d01dc7  No.271367


Shut up nigger.

I want him to let them have it, full bore.

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d01dc7  No.271368


> permanently filtering a word

Surely that will solve the Neptune "problem"!

You must either be new, or just Neptune, larping.

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52b082  No.271370

File: dc122734a520383⋯.png (349.26 KB, 915x873, 305:291, nobody_cares.png)

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d01dc7  No.271371

File: ca7d5f6caf56720⋯.jpg (69.71 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Nowhere_to_Hyde_for_Sally.jpg)


> I want him to let them have it, full bore.

Nowhere to Hyde for Sally.

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07971e  No.271376


It is I, Purple. I am very sorry it has come to this. Let me try to persuade you to be rational and calm. This board needs a leader. I did my very best to try to take action and lead us to a better White utopia. Hitler would have been proud of me, at least in my attempts. It seems that I have failed /pnd/ and, for that, Johnny, I will withdrawal from my duty as Fuhrer and go back to my job. Maybe you can lead the board, for what good it is worth.

Purple no more. Peace out.

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