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and shitslinging
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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 79b97a799159b40⋯.jpg (167.34 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1634870209824m.jpg)

dfda3a  No.271286

>shills hated trump for using his phone, the future of communication to talk to the American people and tell us from his own self what the deal is up with everything going on in the politcal world

>they'd have rather you got your info from (((journalists))) and (((reliable informants)))

Trump is probably most definitely the smartest man in the goddamn world.

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d99ae1  No.271341

File: 481ccd135a3041d⋯.jpg (251.55 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, _trump_.jpg)

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62861b  No.271342


thinks the world STILL HATES and ALWAYS WILL HATE the illiterate caveman because ofa phone

that's like saying we hate YOU because

of your receding hairline

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dfda3a  No.271361

File: 1e2a1c951db689f⋯.jpg (66.19 KB, 600x737, 600:737, 505.jpg)


Lol seething and dilating!

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61b5dd  No.271365


>probably most definitely


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e32f3c  No.271369

>tfw libcucks are butthurt over papa Trump's new social media company

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61b5dd  No.271475

File: 47e42938d6b5fb5⋯.jpg (727.13 KB, 3382x3631, 3382:3631, 78.jpg)

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