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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 429d7a17f2c5086⋯.png (946.41 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, cries_out_in_pain.png)

6c4b1c  No.270761

Hey pollocks, I'm watching this movie and was wondering if you guys have seen it and know what happens.

It's about this ancient religious cult that thinks they've been unfairly oppressed for over a thousand years, so they infiltrate the government and business communities and pit them against each other to create fake conflicts. Then they use those conflicts as a justification for further power grabs by them and their allies which escalate the conflicts. They try to assassinate anyone who stands in the way of their plan to trick everyone into joining the fake conflict and giving them more power.

There's also this long nosed slave owning desert merchant whose prize slave gets trolled into killing a bunch of sand people and murdering the younglings of his people. The little religious cult's plan gets revealed to him, but when the cultists get confronted they cry out in pain even as they strike out at innocents and people seeking deserved justice. They spin lies and their slave ends up destroying his own people in his mad quest to share the parasitic cult's power.

I'm just wondering, do the good guys ever start fighting the real enemy instead of joining in the fake conflict? Asking for a Q friend. Pic unrelated.

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c5de54  No.270765

File: 5e33b6ca2bad963⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 1600x2033, 1600:2033, Qanon_Trust_Agents_2.jpg)

We destroy (((them))), they destroy the world, our consciousness enters paradise with new bodies of light, their consciousness enters abyss without bodies. It's a win/win for everyone.

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a91069  No.270766


>It's about this ancient religious cult that thinks they've been unfairly oppressed for over a thousand years, so they infiltrate the government and business communities and pit them against each other to create fake conflicts. Then they use those conflicts as a justification for further power grabs by them and their allies which escalate the conflicts. They try to assassinate anyone who stands in the way of their plan to trick everyone into joining the fake conflict and giving them more power.

Yeah, Dune was pretty good.

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67fadb  No.270793


Ive seen it…


at the end, there's a guy on SSI WELFARE DISABILITY who sits in his mother's spare bedroom trying to convince himself that hes important

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67fadb  No.270795

The funniest scene in the movie is when an irritating uninformed little sawed off runt finds a mask in his mommy's underwear drawer.

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67fadb  No.270796

I thought the final scene was a bit anticlimactic, when the "dungeon master" simply vanishes and never appears again.

In the book, they explain it much better. His mother kicks him out, and he can no longer access the internet.

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7777c0  No.270797

The feds also took paste.se down I noticed, which was an incredible site to link info to, and encrypted it's own pastebin links so only if you had the long hash you could see the content. They shut that down just as quickly as Quick Leaks back in the day before I came to 8chan.

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7777c0  No.270800

I was always into obscure pastebin sites, I was all over Stikked hosting pastebin sites posting my spidered news website backups.

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7777c0  No.270802

Where did Jerry go?

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a91069  No.271482

File: 227daa3bd55cdc8⋯.jpg (620.62 KB, 1075x1518, 1075:1518, 012.jpg)

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