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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 2d01404ae379bb9⋯.jpg (646.87 KB, 828x988, 207:247, Mossad_selfie.jpg)

0cd107  No.270456

15 Mossad agents arrested in Turkey

Turkey arrested a group of 15 people last month who spied for the Israeli Mossad, Turkish media reported on Thursday.

According to Turkey, the agents provided the Mossad - the national intelligence agency of Israel - with information about foreign students from universities in Turkey, with emphasis on those who could work for the defense industry.

Sabah, the Turkish media outlet, also claimed that one of the agents, known as A.B. carried out intelligence work on the ways in which Palestinians entered the universities in Turkey, and what facilities were provided to them. He acted as a courier for payments and was reported missing in June 2021 to mislead Turkish security forces.


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edcb17  No.270458



next time you let any of my sperm fall out of your mouth onto my lap, IM GOING TO FRACTURE THE BACK OF YOUR SKULL WITH A LARGE CRYSTAL ASHTRAY

you'll see, faggot

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edcb17  No.270459


from now on to avoid another one of your amateurish "sloppy jobs", I will be ejaculating directly down the back of your throat…

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edcb17  No.270460


But, there's GOOD NEWS :

other than you not swallowing every single drop of my cocksnot, you've been doing a damn decent job of crossing your eyes and putting enthusiasm into your deepthroat techniques

keep up the good work !!!

*grabs a large crystal ashtray*

Now…. Let's try this again, faggot

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edcb17  No.270461


I'd hate to have to fracture the back of your skull

because I don't want to have to keep coming into your hospital room to fuck your throat

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edcb17  No.270462


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0cd107  No.270463

File: a5c771935e02868⋯.jpg (163.9 KB, 636x337, 636:337, UNIT_8200_NEPTROON.jpg)

what time does your shift start, johnny?

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0cd107  No.270492

File: 7fa3bc158047b69⋯.png (51.93 KB, 1007x471, 1007:471, islam_is_judaism.PNG)

>muh arab VS jew false dichotomy tho!

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7f85dd  No.270650


Your intellectual ataxia is disturbing

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03e614  No.271479

File: ffcc76665a2b214⋯.png (364.63 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 62.png)

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