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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 79bf67179a19ca2⋯.png (144.2 KB, 760x1185, 152:237, muh_good_jews_3.png)

b9b698  No.269839

One group of Jews are Zionist and they run blackmail rings against everyone else, among other international crimes.

Another group are anti-Zionist but they're pedophiles blackmailed by the Zionists.

Then there's the Bolsheviks who who take advantage of the Zionist blackmailers and the anti-Zionist blackmailed for their own agenda, like parasites, instead of ending the blackmail altogether.

Of course, there's also the hyper liberal Jews who promote child drag queens.

So which group am I forgetting? Who are the "good Jews?"

Someone let me know so that I may champion these good Jews.

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db3dba  No.269883


If governments were not so easily corrupted those who were blackmailing and blackmailed would have been sent to prison decades ago, and none of this would be happening. Sadly governments tend to be part of the problem, because they too are easily infiltrated and blackmailed. So are the major institutions…. and so is any kind of centralized power.

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b9b698  No.269893


Agreed. Normalfags need the illusion of centralized power though. But a decentralized inverted pyramid structure may prove superior.

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