But the most mysterious part is how nobody can actually prove there's a God, and mysteriously enough, there's absolutely zero evidence that Jesus ever existed…
In fact, there's a ton of evidence to prove Jesus never existed…
The most important part about my Sunday school experience was home they didn't even try to sit down and teach me that this was actually real…
Because it's NOT REAL…. It's bullshit…
It seems like if it were true, they would have made even a tiny effort to explain to the disbelieving 6-year-old child how this Bible story actually happened, and reassure me that it was actually real…
Instead, they realized I represented a threat to them brainwashing the other children, so they decided to get me out of the picture quickly…
That worked out perfectly for me….
That's how I was able to prevent myself from being indoctrinated into YOUR PREDICTABLE CULT OF GULLIBILITY