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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: eaa5afead53aadd⋯.png (9.06 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1634381228904.png)

86dcc7  No.269682


Depopulate Agenda ??? Listen Really Closely !!!! Share Quickly video from 2015


Decoding The Mark of the Beast is HERE-See WHAT it is & find out WHO the Beast is-Mark Revealed


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6bd64e  No.269699


/pnd/ is a very strange board….. half the people on here (Johnny and Sally) WANT mass depopulation and hate the human race. Yes, ironically those two jackasses who hate one another have something in common.

Jerry and Killcen prefer the world go back to normal, our Constitutional freedoms restored, legitimate reforms to crack down on corruption and for freedom and prosperity to once again be respected and protected under a limited but strict constitutional government.

The reality is there will be a lot of wars ahead, there will be depopulation but it won't be in the interests of the despots when all is said and done.

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ee14e8  No.269759


lol @ you actually BELIEVING the bible…..

as if there's really going to be a 'mark of the beast'

you gullible fool

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ee14e8  No.269760

File: 54a05894292855e⋯.png (430.51 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_10_19_08_09_12.png)

It's hard to believe that ANY adult would be gullible and childish enough to actually believe the OBVIOUSLY FAKE BULLSHIT in the Bible…

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ee14e8  No.269761


….. When I was a little kid, only 6 years old, my parents started taking me to Sunday school…..

The funniest part was how Iimmediately realized everything they were telling me was a lie

And I made it clear that what I was hearing was NOT REAL…

Instead of trying to prove to me that it was true (because they couldn't) they decided to quickly get rid of me, so they called my parents…

On the first day of Sunday School, my parents came back and retrieved me, and I never had to go back again…

It's a shame you didn't have any balls when you were a little kid

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ee14e8  No.269762



But the most mysterious part is how nobody can actually prove there's a God, and mysteriously enough, there's absolutely zero evidence that Jesus ever existed…

In fact, there's a ton of evidence to prove Jesus never existed…

The most important part about my Sunday school experience was home they didn't even try to sit down and teach me that this was actually real…

Because it's NOT REAL…. It's bullshit…

It seems like if it were true, they would have made even a tiny effort to explain to the disbelieving 6-year-old child how this Bible story actually happened, and reassure me that it was actually real…

Instead, they realized I represented a threat to them brainwashing the other children, so they decided to get me out of the picture quickly…

That worked out perfectly for me….

That's how I was able to prevent myself from being indoctrinated into YOUR PREDICTABLE CULT OF GULLIBILITY

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31e64b  No.269763

File: 7e55178ba230e4d⋯.jpg (146.95 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_10_19_08_51_43.jpg)


Imagine how differently your life would've turned out ifYOUhad a pair of balls back when they first started brainwashing you as a child.

You wouldn't be wasting your time thinking you could save the world in an empty chatroom…

You wouldn't believe in this "depopulation" garbage….

You wouldn't have been as likely to believe in ANY of your fabricated fear porn conspiracy nonsense

You wouldn't have been the type of person who believed things simply because somebody said it was true…

At only 6 years old, I did something you still haven't learned how to do :


you could have actually been HAPPY like me

oh well…. too late for that…. you allowed yourself to be manipulated and controlled

and you never fought back or protested

you caved in to their amateur pressure

and I thought you were independent

I thought you were a free thinker

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31e64b  No.269764

File: 4ffe2f6381d5de6⋯.jpg (30.06 KB, 331x448, 331:448, 6f06e4563a4ded5929a935b7c4….jpg)

I mean, seriously…….

ANYBODY can instantly recognize that the entire story doesn't make any sense, has absolutely no bearing in reality whatsoever, and nobody even put any real effort into trying to create a believable story…

Instead, they simply figured they could appease you by telling you "he works in mysterious ways", and that would prevent you from asking any further questions

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31e64b  No.269766

File: 75eb12b39e27d18⋯.jpg (170.63 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_10_19_09_18_24.jpg)


The Bible did includeONEreal clue :

Whenever you hear somebody mention "666", it's an indicator ofTHE BEAST OF GULLIBILITYand you'll know to stay clear of them…

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31e64b  No.269767

File: a87d997989d7cbf⋯.jpg (15.91 KB, 313x106, 313:106, PicsArt_10_19_09_26_51.jpg)



A good place to start would be killing every Christian on planet Earth….

That would eliminate 8% of the human race

And I would call that a good start

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