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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 067be228b688432⋯.jpg (64.47 KB, 530x680, 53:68, culture_dumb_iq.jpg)

f0f834  No.269681

It was 1946 and this lost educational film on despotism was required curriculum at every high school in America. The associated test, 11 pages quizzed students on the concepts. By 1967, this film was removed from all libraries.

The term despotism has since become unfashionable.


It was 1952 and this educational film was seen by most high school students for a decade. It taught the concept of inflation. It championed a war on inflation to less than half a percent. The film was canceled in 1965.

$1 in 1952 is worth $11.20 in 2021.


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6f0e2a  No.269768

File: b1c1c410849afc2⋯.jpg (170.91 KB, 1622x1080, 811:540, PicsArt_10_19_09_32_40.jpg)

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6f0e2a  No.269769


Imagine being so desperate, that you actually thought expressing yourself in an empty chat room was going to accomplish something…

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6f0e2a  No.269770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6f0e2a  No.269771


If I'm not mistaken, you never even graduated high school…..

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6f0e2a  No.269772


So exactly what's the point you're trying to make?

Who the fuck are YOU to be talking about what kids aren't learning in high school these days?

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6f0e2a  No.269773

…. It's too bad you dropped out of high school….

Otherwise, you could have gone to college and got a degree, and become an educator….

Oh well….

You dropped that ball a long time ago

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6f0e2a  No.269775

And instead of going to college and becoming a teacher and making a difference….

You ended up sitting in an empty chat room

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