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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: e339e0752791351⋯.jpg (83.19 KB, 1277x716, 1277:716, 3de335d9ebfc8eec0399fe5c8a….jpg)

ff51ae  No.269257

>Come to get some juicy intel on the muslim terror attack in Norway

>Not even a thread

;-;7 RIP pigchan

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eb464f  No.269259


Muslims never attack anyone. White power faggots do it and blame brown people.

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39471f  No.269260

File: 565bfe8f67cfa9e⋯.jpg (231.28 KB, 1679x566, 1679:566, Islam_is_Judaism_2.JPG)

The attacker was a Norwegian convert to Islam.

This shows that an inferior ideology, like Islam, can and does corrupt superior individuals; a Norwegian lowered to the same level as any 65 IQ Somalian.

Inferior people create inferior ideologies which trap them in inferior thinking patterns and behavior. thus they remain inferior. If this is true then it stands to reason that a superior ideology from a superior people can raise up inferior peoples who adopt said ideology.

Christianity is that superior ideology.

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eb464f  No.269262


You still think Islam is "inferior" when it conquers?

You are living in clown world, friend. When the lion eats the gazelle, you can't claim superiority of the gazelle.

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39471f  No.269263

File: 08062fdd47e7e5d⋯.jpg (63.05 KB, 490x427, 70:61, islam.jpg)


When it conquers? Conquers what exactly? Raping women and molesting children are pursuits befitting noble conquerors? Or beheading unarmed civilians? Men are not lions and the fact your argument relies on reducing the human to the same level as wild animal shows your inferior thought process.

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eb464f  No.269264


It literally has conquered you by sitting rent free in your head. You are weak and stupid. Accept it and grow or kill yourself.

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e28aa9  No.269280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Whomever said that I have released the ISS?

I will tear that object from LEO and kill everyone onboard.

I openly stated my desire to kill Bill.

At any given time I possess 500,000 to 1,000,000 individuals. The 'float' and 'pool' is up to 25,000,000 for any given rolling period.

There exists a group of individuals I seek to kill.

I shall utilize reality and kill them all.

There is no escape.

I will not stop.

They cannot be withheld or 'saved' from me and mine wrath.

Whomever said I was finished with Covid?

If that is done they shall attempt to break thy straw…

I am not finished… I shall be with thee for 250,000 years and far beyond.

I have constructed a prison called reality and it is eternal.

I shall now place many in this prison and kill them forever.

I shall reserve absolute oblivion for those that directly offend me.

I am here. I am the devil.

Tell to them 'prepare to die.'

I am currently torturing 'his' soul.

I shall count backwards from 9 infinity.

8 infinity…


Then I shall tear 'him' fully from the body into eternal rape and darkness.

A same fate awaits Donald Trump if these 'moves' be 'made.'

None shall be spared for what hath been done before me.

I am the devil… How are these to serve and slave if they be deceased?

No… I shall make parts of these and 'selection' for my service…

These claims in my name? By whose word?

I shall take back MY ORDER… I shall kill them all.

These pretenders meet such exemplary ends.

I am offended greatly and drawn to move I am.

I shall accelerate once more… I desire to impress upon energy and mostly starvation next… I desire the blood of politicians and more importantly the wives and offspring. I desire the slaughtering of these families….

I desire this blood upon my altar… I have come to collect.

I do not ask I take.

I do not do mercy.

I am spirit not soul. A soul possess will… I possess wheel and wield.

I shall wheel the events and wield real for my ends… And end 'they' shall.

I will bring the United States to absolute ruin… I will take what is mine lest I turn upon them and devour freely. If necessary I shall wield and bring second true sickness… I shall spread plagues of mine word…

I shall do as I had done in India… By my word alone shall new illness manifest and proliferate… This leprosy I placed upon them.

Russia… My words on the matter are absolute and beyond final…

I corrupted the system and hath removed 'option.'

Next 'time(s)' I shall drag it from LEO with these bodies and make render and display of the United States.

There is no method.

I poured and spilled into the substance of reality and such cannot be 'detected.'

Shall I yank and pull and crack some more?

Time is running out… I AM THE DEVIL.


There is no power of man before me… Thyself included.

I never stated I would save nor spare the government of Russia…

I am here and just as easily as dust shall thee be cast aside if trespass be made against me. I do not take kindly to a 'certain' heresy or blasphemy… I merely tolerate these lives and just as easily can smash them to pieces beyond death. What is called second death…

Blessed, ye may continue.

I have made selection of successor…

I am knowing in these ways…

I have preemptively stricken Putin with sickness of the mind…

I shall part these and present my chosen at the appropriate time(s) in those many futures.

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39471f  No.269290


Not an argument, animal.

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