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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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b55f50  No.268567

(CNN) - Candidate Johnny Neptune has officially dropped out of the race for Office of /pnd/ Führer, and has released a statement reiterating his commitment to the integrity of the yearly /pnd/ elections, and officially voted for Killcen.

In an impromptu press conference today, Neptune told reporters that the time had come to admit that Killcen was the only truly qualified candidate.

"I've already cast my vote for Killcen, as have 10,000 other voters. He's the only man with the experience required for the job" said Neptune, "The other two candidates are faggots, and they do not uphold the morals and standards of /pnd/ so they need to be run out of town on a burning donkey"

Killcen's campaign manager has said that Neptune's endorsement seals the deal, because Killcen already got 10,000 votes, even though there are only 4 people in /pnd/

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4e302a  No.268568

another flirtatious gay thread by johnny "never leaving the closet" neptroon.

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ec911f  No.268570


I heard that you're getting a raise in pay. .

the SSA is raising your benefits to$27 per daynext year….

congratulations !!!

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ec911f  No.268576


I bet you're amped !!!…….

your mother's probably pleased as well, right?

that's too bad….

because unfortunately for you,if they don't raise the debt ceiling by December 3rd, your monthly benefits are definitely going to be cut….

it's guaranteed, actually…. on December 3rd, if thiey start cutting funding, the FIRST thing they'll cut isyour SSI WELFARE benefits

They've already announced it, in preparation for the ever-increasingly likelihood that The Republicans won't sign a Bill, and America becomes unable to pay it's debts for the first time in history…

Mitch McConnell has already made it clear that The Republicans will NOT sign it, so you might want to tell your mother to prepare for you to not be able to give her yourwelfare benefits

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