(REUTERS) - Every year since 1947, 8kun has held it's legendary elections for the much-desired Office of /PND/ FÜHRER…
This year has been like no other, because while there have never been more than four people in this chatroom, somehow Killcen has receivedTEN THOUSAND VOTES
Political pundits have been laughing, because the Purple Jizzguzzler has been so convinced of his upcoming victory at the polls, even though he has only received ONE VOTE…
(and that was him, voting for himself)
Recently, there has been a lot of rumors and speculation surrounding the mysterious sudden disappearance of candidate KILLCEN.
All across the internet, wild far fetched conspiracy theories have been bounced around, with many people speculating Killcen had been kidnapped by Purple Jizzguzzler supporters… These rumors were easily debunked, simply because Purple Jizzguzzler doesn't have any supporters…
Meanwhile, Killcen's vast Army of lurking voters are pleased to discover that he's perfectly okay…
He's back in the game now, and his press secretary announced that he's simply been preparing to take over the office of Führer…
CBS News recently reported that in this case, simply knowing the difference betweenHEILandHAILgives a candidate a decided Edge over Purple Jizzguzzler, who had no idea it was actually spelled HEIL until 12 days ago, when an elderly troll named Neptune noticed the Jizzguzzler was typing "HAIL HITLER"…
"It seems like a no-brainer.. anybody running for the office of /pnd/ führer should realize the difference between HAIL and HEIL, so it only goes to demonstrate The Jizzguzzler's lack of preparedness", said an innocent bystander, who chooses to remain anonymous, even though everybody's particular writing style and choice of syntax clearly identifies them to other readers.
A formal announcement is expected this evening regarding Killcen's apparent victory.
Purple Jizzguzzler's Press Secretary (himself) still hasn't announced whether or not they will be making a concession speech tonight.
More details as they become available.