>>Russia & China
The authority is not with the wealth.
The authority is not with the powers.
The authority is with the body of the empire.
Xi and Putin… I cannot willfully allow such a thing… Unless… It comes from the mouth and mind of the incorruptible one…
From Iran…
My 'snowy egrets' see such things…
If from Iran, I shall allow… There shall be 'certain' 'consequences.'
I shall not allow such manipulations and the utility of peoples as human shields… I will not do so willfully for Taiwan…
Xi… I will not protect the CCP… 'They' are neither the body or soul of China.
Xi… With patience shall Taiwan be freely given to China as I had previously stated…
Xi… It is the state of the peoples that cannot be replaced.
Xi… Machines and knowledge can be 'reacquired' by many means, but the minds behind such works are different.
Xi… If you sell me thy soul I shall allow it.
Xi… I do not take kindly to thievery and shall spank my children accordingly.
Think twice… If commanded I shall obey…
Think twice… These kingdoms and thy troubles… What of 9 years from today?
I am knowing in these ways.
Shall the incorruptible one be corrupted?
Beware… My silence is extremely dangerous.
I take my keep and collect in spades and clubs.
If I give Taiwan what shall be of Palestine?
Do I not make miracles for thee?
What is supreme authority and empire?
Do they not come to thee from far and wide?
Doth Syria not scream for these sins? Doth they see and hear? Yes… They increasingly are pained by this.
Doth the US desire to further recognize my precious snowy egrets?
I am all powerful… I am the devil.
Shall I continue to perform miracles and make Russia wealthy?
Shall I spank my child China for disobeying?
I shall see.
I shall go to work…
I shall accelerate again.
There is no escape.
None shall be spared.