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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: d868da06c8bbaf0⋯.png (12.81 KB, 312x295, 312:295, slowpoke.png)

dcb83b  No.268455

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken plans to warn Israel against continued Chinese investments in the country's infrastructure and hi-tech industry when he meets with Foreign Minister Yair Lapid in Washington on Wednesday.

"We will be candid with our Israeli friends over risks to our shared national security interests that come with close cooperation with China," a senior State Department official told reporters during a briefing ahead of the meeting.


It's a good step but the pace is too slow. You have people suffering all over the world, most regrettably in the US, while our politicians try and be polite to our greatest enemy. This is begging a culture of crime to arise and speed things up but it's unnecessary if we simply removed these tip-toeing cowards from their places of authority.

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dcb83b  No.268456

File: 9ec849e1da696d3⋯.png (41.85 KB, 657x478, 657:478, china_is_israel.PNG)

They've been doing this for decades. At the pace our crypto-kike politicians respond it'll be another decade before they send Israel a strongly worded letter.

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dcb83b  No.268457

File: 283efe20150ec66⋯.png (762.8 KB, 2932x3086, 1466:1543, israel_china.png)

It makes us look weak.

>inb4 muh art of war

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dcb83b  No.268458

File: 9743e90f651273d⋯.jpg (258.56 KB, 1889x749, 1889:749, israel_china_nwo.JPG)

Why are the brightest minds in American intelligence and LE ok with this shit?

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dcb83b  No.268459

File: e35e5a924faec59⋯.jpg (443.88 KB, 1280x1447, 1280:1447, cowards.jpg)

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e36cbf  No.268464


There are probably many reasons. Massive war on US soil that they are trying to avoid rather than confront. Most of the higher positions of the US gov are occupied by kikes. People do not have the will to challenge them since they are so used to being told what to do and think via religion and government. Everyone loves money and dishonors themselves for it…take your pick.

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dcb83b  No.268467


very sad

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e36cbf  No.268468


The most likely scenario they are trying to avoid is war on US soil because when it is all over they will no longer be in power. Their whole power trip relies on them avoiding the uncertainties of war (and the good leadership that emerges from it) to allow them to hold onto power. This is the main reason why the kikes fear war (because they are inept, unqualified and incompetent) and why their dream is a world without it. It allows them to avoid any real competition that would see them ousted immediately. Is it sad? IDK…they will destroy this planet and with it God simply because the people don't care enough to challenge the status quo. I dreamed a dream without them, but no one wanted that…I dreamed a dream of a European only planet that was prosperous, peaceful and productive, but no one wanted that…IDK what to tell you. If people want to live in Hell, they should be allowed to live in Hell.

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dcb83b  No.268486


it's true they do fear competition.

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