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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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0be8b6  No.267659

Why do all of you keep looking at me weird whenever I say"HAIL HITLER"????

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215994  No.267660

I was here last week when some anon had to teach purple dude that it's spelled 'heil', not 'hail'. embarrassing.

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215994  No.267661

how much more embarrassing can it possibly get than a guy calling himself a FÜHRER while wearing women's clothing, and he doesn't even realize it's spelled "heil"?

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3ecc49  No.267662


I saw it, too. that was asshole Neptune telling him how to spell it. pretty strange when a JEW has to teach the self-appointed "führer" how to spell the word "heil".

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745a60  No.267663


are you that purple jackass? nobody elected you anything. we don't want you here. you didn't even know it's "heil hitler" until 4 days ago. you don't belong here. go away.

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89913b  No.267664


this board has gone to hell. ever since the purple faggot and Marshmallow Sally came here, it's become a laughing stock. To an outsider, it must seem like a drag queen party in here.

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b32380  No.267665


it's funny you'd say that, because the other day a friend of mine from /pol/ told me "there's a drag queen wearing purple towels in /pnd/"

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b32380  No.267666


I've never been so embarrassed before.

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32275c  No.267684

Look at this dudes eyes. They are so dead. Even with that soy expression of excitement, he still has dead eyes. You should honestly just go ahead and kill yourself. It's OK. It's OK yo die now rather than later. The universe will one day die. There will be no second big band. All matter dies. There is no reason to delay an inevitable when you literally only live to shit post while being dead inside.

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