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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 1135d1212e0ed11⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1673x1080, 1673:1080, PicsArt_10_05_07_07_36.png)

b4f924  No.266943

It's already been 64 days since the flamboyant Purple Polesmoker appeared out of nowhere and forced himself on us, desperately trying to make friends, but trying to cleverly disguise it as a cult of personality campaign based on his "pre-existing popularity", even though nobody realized he existed.

In these past 64 days, v the only thing he's really accomplished is begging people to please watch his stupid live stream egomaniacal self-indulgent narcissism demonstrations, desperately trying to overcompensate for his overwhelming inferiority complex.

If he made a campaign promise to kill himself immediately upon winning the election, everybody on the internet would vote for him.

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a10027  No.266952

It's only been 64 days?

It feels more like 604 days since that obnoxious, pushy, uninvited life failure came in here and started pretending like he was supposed to be "Mr. Popular".

He simply doesn't have "the right stuff" to be führer… He's actually acoward….

He says the reason he has to wear the mask is because he "holds a top level job, and his coworkers would be very upset if they knew he was a racist"

he delivers pizzas for Domino's part-time…

Almost all of his coworkers are black…

And he's obviouslyafraidof them..

He's terrified he will lose his job or get his ass beat by a black female coworker…

There's no way I'm going to vote for a man who lives in fear of retribution for his beliefs.

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a10027  No.266957

File: b0c50e7818a87eb⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1589x1080, 1589:1080, PicsArt_10_05_08_18_32.png)

He knows that Shaniqua will NEVER accidentally stumble into 8kun….. So that's all just a bunch of bullshit…

He's actually terrified of blacks…

He's scared as shit that Shaniqua will beat his ass in front of all the other coworkers…

Who wants to vote for aCOWARD?…

not me

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a10027  No.266959

ABC News just reported that if Purple Polesmoker could simply find ONE HUMAN BEING WILLING TO PRETEND TO BE HIS FRIEND ONLINE, that he would throw in the towel and drop out of the, and get the fuck out of here, never to return or to bother us again.

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5aeec4  No.266962

File: e489dd3e6ca1a53⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, PicsArt_07_25_09_49_35.png)


> drop out of the,

> drop out of the comma

I miss (sac)

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5aeec4  No.266964

File: 24f27aa7dd610ed⋯.gif (6.16 MB, 777x777, 1:1, vote_killcen_fuhrer_of_pnd….gif)


(sac) is, however, supporting Killcen in the upcoming election, according to "Sources"

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6077d5  No.266966

that dull boring faggot Purple Jizzguzzler says he in terms and becoming the leader of the entire white race by winning the election in this empty chat room..

He's got no leadership skills whatsoever…

He couldn't even make "shift team leader" at Domino's…

He's just a lonely desperate attention deficit dipshit faggot, desperately trying to make a friend online, somebody to Zoom with, simply looking for somebody willing to pretend like he matters…

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5aeec4  No.266968


Oral Full House of TRUTH.

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5aeec4  No.266969


Well, I guess my dyslexia did not see it was actually an Oral 4 of a Kind.

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5aeec4  No.266970


That post, however, was an Oral Full House.

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d99ff0  No.266972


>that dull boring faggot Purple Jizzguzzler

I resent this nickname above all others. you'll pay for this neptune. You haven't heard the last from me.

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d99ff0  No.266973

File: e26a9bdbbb0be2b⋯.png (316.5 KB, 650x366, 325:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30ab836809c937d⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, speech_highlight_1.mp4)


and stop photoshopping me with my mouth open like that. what the heck is wrong with you. I'm your fuhrer whether you like it or not. treat me with respect.

if you have a problem with it, then defeat me in the next election, and stop living in denial about my initial victory last june.

you sound like those leftists bitter after Trump won the presidency.

btw, you can't touch my campaign speech. purple lightning strikes in the same spot more than once. be careful the weasel dude.

enjoy this highlight reel.

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5aeec4  No.266979

File: 60858c78b3853a3⋯.mp4 (5.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Purple_REALLY_Wants_to_be_….mp4)


Nice Video.


> Purple_REALLY_Wants-to-be_Vibing-Pussy_Fuhrer-of-8kun.mp4

I was nicer this time…

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9472c4  No.279318

File: 563046ccde10396⋯.pdf (291.89 KB, 2021_12_10_Progress_Report….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

still knows how to bless this thread,

without bumping it to the surface.


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