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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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fa508a  No.264649

Third World Despotic Medical Police States To Stay Away From & Boycott (as of 9/24/2021)

Here is an updated list compiled of "no-go zones" which have fallen to despotic corruption and medical tyranny, this includes all nations (as well States & Cities within America) that mandate or force covid vaccine passports. I will keep updating this list as time goes on.

The Fallen Nations under medical tyranny (as of 9/24/2021)

Israel: https://archive.md/atAIn

France: https://archive.md/22EWO

Australia: https://archive.md/kgAb0

New Zealand: https://archive.md/qmiZr

Germany: https://archive.md/U61Zh

Canada: https://archive.md/ngPZO

China: https://archive.md/P8jNT

Philippines: https://archive.md/RfJsp

Italy: https://archive.md/cxyF1

Greece: https://archive.md/htjZO

Scotland: https://archive.md/8QHpb

Turkey: https://archive.md/4zWZQ

Slovenia: https://archive.md/OT7KX

Alberta: https://archive.md/0kExH

Switzerland: https://archive.md/6J2Rt

Countries Considering Subjugation Under Medical Tyranny (as of 9/24/2021)

Sweden: https://archive.md/SR48I (report outdated: status ongoing)

Thailand: https://archive.md/94O3e (report outdated: status ongoing)

Nations Under Tyrannical Occupation With Heavy Resistance (as of 9/24/2021)

United States of America: https://archive.md/mVesL // https://archive.md/ZvHSq

States and/or Cities [USSA proper] under medical tyranny (as of 9/24/2021)

Las Angeles: https://archive.md/dtm2V

San Francisco: https://archive.md/a0ppP

New York City: https://archive.md/84gFD

Hawaii: https://archive.md/eeNmg (report outdated: now mandatory)

Las Vegas: https://archive.md/Q7qLH

Oregon: https://archive.md/oOUyq

Honolulu: https://archive.md/GLPnH

States and/or Cities [USSA proper] considering subjugation under medical tyranny (as of 9/24/2021)

California: https://archive.md/GAFoO

Vaccine Passports in America? 50 States With Bans, Limitations & Green Lights *outdated*



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fa508a  No.264651


LATEST UPDATE: Switzerland government has decided to adopt medical tyranny, vaccine passports including for tourists. Therefore Switzerland has been added to the list of fallen nation states!



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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