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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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03b89b  No.263558

The best kind of society would be made in the following way:

Start with something like Galt's Gulch or Rapture.

A night watchman state minarchist country with a minimalistic set of laws based on the non aggression principle, and a government whose only functions are the enforcement of said laws and the defense of the nation.

The lack of the ability to make any changes to this most open ended set of laws and government means the system is quite secure from corrupting forces, which frequently take the firm of demagogues that lead the people into dystopia on the behest of lobbyists for the richest and most powerful.

I expect that you don't need to be sold on the benefits of a lack of all immigration or visitation.

This is a good starting point, but not a good place to end it, this by itself is not sufficient, so then you need to make a few changes to it.

My suggestions are simple.

- We nationalize all banks and make it a function of the government, banning interest/compound, loans/credit, fiat currency and fractional reserve banking and more jewish financial swindles.

- We also nationalize all labor unions, or do away with collective bargaining entirely.

- We make the borders open to immigration, but to whites only.

- We make it so that the laws only apply to white males in both capacities of protection and accountability. Making only white makes people under the law, and giving everything else the legal status of inanimate nonsentient objects that can be privately owned by white makes as their property, and thus could only be indirectly protected by the property rights of their owners.

- make it so that intellectual property is not recognized, as only physical things could be eligible to be considered property, and corporations do not have legal personhood, nor any obligations to their shareholders.

- make circumcision illegal except when justified by immediate medical necessity, for which no lesser solution exists.

- make it so that life is recognized as beginning at conception, not birth, and that aborting the life of a white male child, or a child that could potentially be one, is considered an act of murder.

- make it so that the most important age is 16, and that at this age, a white male is sent for four years of service in law enforcement and national defense. The completion of four years of service is a requirement for eligibility to vote or run for political office.

- taxes would be collected in four ways:

The first being a flat general tax that takes the form of a lump sum amount which everyone pays.

The second being a flat sales tax that is a percentage of the value of the financial transaction.

The third being a toll which is a flat lump sum amount charhed on all border crossings in and out of the country.

The fourth is a tarriff which takea the form ofan additional flat percentage charged on transactions that occur across the border, calculated on the value of the transaction after the sales tax was applied.

The fifth being a land tax charged on all landowners in the country as a flat percentage of the value of the land. Only landowners may vote of run fur political office.

- make homophilia defined as a mental illness, and transvestism/transsexuality/transgenderism defined as mental illnesses as well, also, make both illegal, and make it so that anyone who is the first to report an incident of either is unable to be arrested, charged, or convicted for any role they played in it, or any involvement they had with it.

- make it so that instead of a set prison sentence, convicts will be sent to a facility that focuses on rehabilitation and will be released when they are professionally determined to be reasonably unlikely to reoffend, whether it be the same offense that got them sent in, or another one.

Hopeless cases will be sent to a facility which will be their permanent residence, and given the options of being executed by being put under and harvested for tissues, fluids, and more, while still alive, and from the least vital parts to most vital, until dead.

I also got some other ideas for policies, but what do you think of the ones I put down?

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03f0da  No.263574


Didn't read a single word of your garbage

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03f0da  No.263575


go back to 4chat, where you belong

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491cad  No.263644


Simple fixes are necessary, at least for America:

1) Keep the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution the same.

2) Abolish central banking, market & currency manipulation. Establish a new silver standard, and other commodity-backed currencies would be allowed for exchange.

3) Remove ALL federal control and power to make fiat rules, regulation and laws. Strip it completely away! The only duty of the government should be to protect the national borders and to enforce the existing laws passed by States and their local representatives! Laws should only be passed by the States and local jurisdictions would have the authority to defy certain laws they deem "unconstitutional" if controversies arose.

4) Congress would be reduced to TWO public obligations and NOTHING ELSE: to pass governmental budgets (which would be tied & limited to national GDP rates!) as well to authorize a war (only if under direct attack from a foreign nation, with full transparency and proof of that attack by a foreign entity before declaration of war!) Also: mandatory 8 year term limits!

5) No more presidency! No more executive rule by fiat! Blame games are over! You now have your local and State jurisdictions to blame for anything nefarious going on! Something which the public can more easily influence and control!

6) Ban duel-citizenship status. Anyone who works for politics and government must be a natural born citizen who has had previous employment/taxpayer status (someone who knows how to work and what it's like to be among the rest of society!).

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e3b57a  No.263722

File: 9a4da9c701b7969⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mcafee_deep_state.mp4)

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