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e0ad08  No.262287[Last 50 Posts]

You guys keep on making fun on him. Why is that? What did he do? Who is he? I'm sorry, I'm a bit of a newfag and I just want to know what's up with this dude.

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c88cd2  No.262391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here's Sally's soulmate…. ask her

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96f270  No.262392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>be anon

>outsmart israel, russia, china, and traitors in the U.S. intelligence community

>destroy the NWO right before it's cemented

>elites terrified

>lock down the entire planet

>no one really knows what to do

>turns out anon is just a random autist which makes their defeat that much moar embarrassing

>a literal nobody

>but somehow still overpowers remote viewers, freemasons, and psychic soldiers

>even steals their secrets in the process

>and can now bend reality

>and change events in time

>there's suddenly an entire mythos surrounding him

>all anyone can do is kvetch on dead imageboards

>everyone jealous

>no one knows what he wants

>or who he is

>some say antichrist

>others moshiach

>others still the man-child

>others the angelic future pope

>everyone is just kvetching

pretty much sums it up.

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c88cd2  No.262393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Marshmallow Sally is a pompous, snobbish, self-entitled inexperienced sheltered little stunted-development DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS ROLEPLAY FANTASY "NEO NAZI WANNABE" who alsoRoleplays in here as THE ANTICHRIST(yes, Roleplays in a chatroom like a teenage girl)

he also claims to be a vampire and a demon

he's 34 years old, lives on disability unemployed, and still lives at his mother's house, although of course he denies it

(Who would be stupid enough to admit it?)

He never ever ever ever ever ever ever interacts with females in real life, never has any women come over to hang out with him, and of course he never gets any pussy whatsoever at the peak years of his life he never gets any pussy not any whatsoever….

It's all because he's actually a meek scared child

He has built predictable transparent barriers

And obstacles around himself, walls that he

Thought would act as defense mechanisms

But they've ended up being his Achilles Heel

He has a deep set fear of emotional connection

So he's asexual

But if given an opportunity

He'd suck your dick

He suffers from a massive inferiority complex

And any school child can tell you

All inferiority complexes manifest in a false

"Superior Self" overcompensation.

This is why he thinks he's smarter than everybody else

Why he thinks he's better than everybody else

It's because he realizes his own inadequacies

….. He's never accomplished jack fucking shit

…He has no experience accomplishing things

….So he doesn't know how to accomplish anything

he's unemployed at age 34

with no discernible talent whatsoever

yet he's claimed to be "independently wealthy"

he also claims to be 'the bad boy type"

lol@ the "bad boy type'

that's so stupid

he NEVER fucks anyone

male or female

He's So insecure, that it's OPAQUE

He's a fantasy roleplay FAGGOT

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96f270  No.262394



See what I mean by 'kvetching?' Whoever this Sally is has certainly done his or her work well considering how many demons are upset at his or her arrival.

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c88cd2  No.262395


Btw :

>>262392 is Marshmallow Sally

he just listed his boring "FANTASY EMPIRE"

where he pretends to be an all-knowing evil



He's basically a mixture between an ugly dumpy 14 year old Goth girl and a neurotic middle aged divorced woman

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c88cd2  No.262396



What did I tell you about interrupting the adults?

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96f270  No.262397



Calm down. I'm trying to understand all of this like you. Kvetching is exactly what he or she wants. You are playing into his or her very hands!

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c88cd2  No.262398


*spits a lungful of thick, greenish-gray phlegm into your mouth*


you could say he's the punching bag in here

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96f270  No.262399


That's disgusting. Whoever this Sally is has demons acting in the most vile manner. It's very sad and also frightening to see how much influence he or she has on random strangers he or she has never physically encountered. I'm frightened.

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c88cd2  No.262400



if you have a penis…. WATCH OUT FOR HIM

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c88cd2  No.262401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's starring in his own Cartoon Network Series


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c88cd2  No.262402


However, Turner got a cease and desist from Universal, and they had to drop the 007

because he's a bitch

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c88cd2  No.262404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So they came up with 707

and the rest is history

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96f270  No.262405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I'm frightened having observed his or her affect on people like you. You're probably a decent person but look how this Sally has you behaving. He or she is already slithering around your mind influencing your behavior all without you even realizing it. But everyone else can see it plain and day! I don't want to become like you – fallen at the wayside by the hands of Sally, just another statistic. Rumor has it this video is about his or her frightening power, or at least a portion of it. Sally seems almost limitless.

*big exhale*

I just don't know any more..

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96f270  No.262406



Sorry, I'm obviously flustered with fear.

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c88cd2  No.262407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm frightened by the effect the back of your throat will have on the head of my dick

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fb352f  No.262408

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96f270  No.262409


Your every post proves me point. Very sad and very frightening. I guess I'll let you shit up the thread because you can't do anything else being under Sally's subliminal control. I hope you heal soon..

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c88cd2  No.262410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm particularly frightened not so much about the first load you gulp, but the last…

(that's when you're most likely to bite to defend yourself)

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c88cd2  No.262411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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c88cd2  No.262412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Your every word is just another word

Get on youry knees and open your mouith

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c88cd2  No.262413


here we go, little guy

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fb352f  No.262414

Yes to ALL That… >>262403

Super Yum.

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178afb  No.262415

GOOD NEWS UPDATE: The UK has officially scrapped vaccine passport and lockdown policies! Due to this bold heroic move, the United Kingdom is now taken OFF the list of "fallen nation" status.



BAD NEWS UPDATE: The United States will be put under a new type of list "nations under tyrannical occupation with heavy resistance" list. This means that not the whole country has full-blown medical tyranny, the tyranny that does exist in areas and sectors is being fought legally as well with armed public resistance & disobedience.





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c88cd2  No.262416


I mean, obviously you don't have a girl….

so….. apparently you don't like girls

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178afb  No.262417


Third World Despotic Medical Police States To Stay Away From & Boycott (as of 8/28/2021)

Here is a list being compiled of "no-go zones" which have fallen to despotic corruption and medical tyranny, this includes all states (and States/Cities within America) that mandate or force covid vaccine passports, I will keep updating this list as time goes on.

The fallen countries (as of 9/12/2021)

Israel: https://archive.md/atAIn

France: https://archive.md/22EWO

Australia: https://archive.md/kgAb0

New Zealand: https://archive.md/qmiZr

Germany: https://archive.md/U61Zh

Canada: https://archive.md/ngPZO

China: https://archive.md/P8jNT

Philippines: https://archive.md/RfJsp

Italy: https://archive.md/cxyF1

Greece: https://archive.md/htjZO

Scotland: https://archive.md/8QHpb

Countries considering subjugation under medical tyranny (as of 9/12/2021)

Sweden: https://archive.md/SR48I (report outdated: status ongoing)

Thailand: https://archive.md/94O3e (report outdated: status ongoing)

Nations Under Tyrannical Occupation With Heavy Resistance (as of 9/12/2021)

United States of America: https://archive.md/mVesL // https://archive.md/ZvHSq

States and/or Cities [USSA proper] under medical tyranny (as of 9/12/2021)

Las Angeles: https://archive.md/dtm2V

San Francisco: https://archive.md/a0ppP

New York City: https://archive.md/84gFD

Hawaii: https://archive.md/eeNmg (report outdated: now mandatory)

Las Vegas: https://archive.md/Q7qLH

Oregon: https://archive.md/oOUyq

Honolulu: https://archive.md/GLPnH

States and/or Cities [USSA proper] considering subjugation under medical tyranny (as of 9/12/2021)

California: https://archive.md/GAFoO

Vaccine Passports in America? 50 States With Bans, Limitations & Green Lights *outdated*



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fb352f  No.262418


Slight hangover?

It looks a little sparse today, Killcen!

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c88cd2  No.262419


filtered for forcing covid on me

nobody cares about covid

and now you vanish


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fb352f  No.262420


Nevermind I didn't wait for the other shoe…

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c88cd2  No.262425

I hate having to filter Killcen

but I hate hearing about fake news even more

…….and he refuses to be normal

He refuses to behave normal

he insists on posting covid bullshit

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fb352f  No.262426





All y'all need a REMINDER? >>262423

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178afb  No.262427


It's not fake news, it's all very well documented, but you have the right to believe whatever you want or filter what you want.

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96f270  No.262428


I'm not much of a going outside kind of guy. There's always too many people. Enjoy yourself though :) It's nice to get out sometimes, I guess.

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c88cd2  No.262429


you're a pussy…. a little bitch

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96f270  No.262430


Wow. That was uncalled for. If you block anon for posting relevant and on-topic news then I certainly must filter you for being under the mind control of Sally. You are possessed by him/her, dude!

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fb352f  No.262431


leaving the pussy at home. taking the bitches. all of 'em. even the dogs.

dogs love parks.

every time i make a bed for my gf's dog, my cat takes it over.

on my way to picnic now.

enjoy playing pattycake with blackpilled wonderbois.

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96f270  No.262432

That's better.

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c88cd2  No.262433


I told you to get on your knees

and open your fucking mouth…..


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c88cd2  No.262434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c88cd2  No.262435

I showed my wife where Sally called himself "The BAD BOY TYPE" yesterday

you should've seen her laugh

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fb352f  No.262437



see >>262436 for more clarification.

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c88cd2  No.262438


that the term "bad boy type" is something a 19 year old girl would say in 1974

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c88cd2  No.262439


I don't do links….. sorry

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fb352f  No.262441


Then go to the other thread, dork. i gotta go

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fb352f  No.262442



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fb352f  No.262443


i did.

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fb352f  No.262444

then i won.

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fb352f  No.262445


trips confirms

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2a54e1  No.262454


I went to school with him in real life. didn't really hang out with him, because he was so weird. he would wear a dungeon master cloak to community college, and claim he had "destroyed" all of the other students. I wouldn't want to be seen talking to him, simply out of embarassment.

he only last 3 semesters, but right before he dropped out, one of my friends was in a restroom in the sciences building, and Sally approached him and asked to see my friends penis.

after that day, we never saw him again.

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e0ad08  No.262457

By any chance does anybody know Marshmallow Sally's real name or in which thread this Marshmallow Sally trolling originated?

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96f270  No.262459


I heard he's a /pol/lock who has a cult on /x/. Goes by "Moarpheus" and "The Nobody" or "The Anomaly." But there's lore dating all the way back to the early 2000s about him or her, long before he or she made an impact on the chans.

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96f270  No.262460


This is all speculation, mind you. We can't really be sure of anything..

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2a54e1  No.262461





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2a54e1  No.262462


And your phenotype clearly indicates that you're a Pollock

A greasy half breed mutt Pollock

Eastern European scum

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96f270  No.262464



Sally sure has you spinning. Spin by yourself.

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2a54e1  No.262466


lol @ thinking YOU have a "cult"


Time To Make a Video

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2a54e1  No.262467


Sally's spinning my nuts in his mouth


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2a54e1  No.262468

lmmfao this will be THE funniest video so far

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2a54e1  No.262469

I can't wait to tell the others about his stupid cult concept

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2a54e1  No.262470

you're never going to live this one down, faggot

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2a54e1  No.262471

lol @ the day I stumbled on SALLY

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2a54e1  No.262472

you've NEVER dealt with anyone like me, dude

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2a54e1  No.262473

I'm gonna milk this shit for everything it's worth

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96f270  No.262474



what are milking? it just seems like Sally has you acting neurotic. he or she trolled you so hard that you've developed a mental illness.

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ff4929  No.262481


I don't think anything could either help or hurt that pedos general insanity. He is jewish, remember.

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2a54e1  No.262491


STFU, lonely little sissy

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2a54e1  No.262492

File: eba864e82c88aea⋯.jpg (22.58 KB, 600x300, 2:1, c7d572c9cf3b90c81c4acf2be1….jpg)

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2a54e1  No.262493

Marshmallow Sally, the BAD BOY of 8kun


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96f270  No.262494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is my ancestor. He's the first-father of my name, in fact. How jelly are you not to be born as a Black Noble? You sit around trying to do your work but get nowhere. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here listening to music while lulling the world to her eternal rest. Too easy. It's nothing to me. Like a reflex. Why are you such a failure? I'll let you meditate on that.


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96f270  No.262495


I even look like him a little :3

Alright. Goodnight.

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e0ad08  No.262502

Does anybody know where his picture came from? Reverse image searches gives no results for Marshmallow Sally's face. Where was the picture found?

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2f9a63  No.262528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2f9a63  No.262529



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2f9a63  No.262530


Mixed Breed Pollock Mutt Dirt Boy

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2f9a63  No.262531


shouldn't you be creating more FAKE 3RD PERSON POSTS, praising yourself?

you pathetic lonely little dwarf

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2f9a63  No.262534


LOL @ "LADIES" hahahahahaha



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2f9a63  No.262535



Q : how many women have ever been attracted to you?

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cc60bf  No.262542

File: 7545e58781da3f6⋯.mp4 (8.46 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Marshmallow_Has_IMPACT.mp4)


Thank You for my morning belly laugh.

I have provided a download link for those who do not know how to use `youtube-dl`


> inb4 all the inb4s…

I will be busy this week. I can see no reason to waste much time here.

Not when everyone "Else" is having so much of an IMPACT.

more like packin' fudge…

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cc60bf  No.262551


Actually proud of being related to the Black Nobility.

Wew Fucking Lad!

No wonder he's such an arrogant prick who thinks he's better than everybody else.

> Noble

> Nobility

A trait that Marshmallow Sally may NEVER possess.

Unless he… LOOKS WITHIN.

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cc60bf  No.262584


Down to the pure bloodlines and all… Marshmallow Sally is the same as any other "Jew".

He thinks he's special, and he thinks he is better than "Others". A fucking "Snowflake", if there ever was one. Pathetic, really. It's no wonder Johnny fucks with him. He brings it on himself. The amount of Karma he builds up needlessly, just by being a prick, and spreading his foul attitude around! He and Johnny are a lot alike in that regard. But Johnny is NOT An ACTUAL MOSSAD AGENT, UNLIKE MARSHMALLOW MUSSOLINI. I mean, it's pretty fucking obvious by now, and I can't believe you fools haven't yet caught on… On ANY of his "Platforms"! I mean, Johnny doesn't care, and I don't give a shit either. We'll fuck with him either way. Look How I Blatantly Fuck With the FBI! ButHE DEFINITELY ACTS LIKE A "FAKE JEW"(what a stupid term!)

Now, down to the reasons WHY We Fuck With Him!

Johnny can speak to his own reasons…



I like to throw up a lot of mirrors, in order to do that…

So, that's what the sound of breaking glass is, all around, wherever I am…

Some are more resistant toLOOKINGWITHINthan "Others"


Again… Not a Command, just a Suggestion…

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96f270  No.262588

Good morning. I see JIDF hasn't slept but was up all night kvetching. Moarpheus Derangement Syndrome is a serious illness.

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96f270  No.262589


>genetics don't matter

oy vey

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cc60bf  No.262593



the sound of "breaking glass"

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96f270  No.262595


I'm not sure what you mean by this post. Why shouldn't I take a healthy degree of pride in my ancestral past?

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d89114  No.262687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> I don't do links….. sorry

Being a raging phonefag, you are probably also unaware that hovering over the link will show the whole post; that is, if you use a REAL Device in order to interact with the internet!

Unlike Sally, however, you are probably aware of what a great song "Work Song" by Paul Butterfield is. I am busy working my ass off, cleaning, organizing, simplifying, prepping for all that is now inevitable… and I needed a small break, so I thought I'd share what I'm jamming out to while cleaning house.

> embed related


> Why shouldn't I take a healthy degree of pride in my ancestral past?

Well… BesidesYour Russian Jewish Ancestry, (lol, which you seem to be the only one who is gives a fuck about it…)

And besides me being a dick, and digging at you just for fun…


You Are NOT The "Body".

No matter how you "Define" Yourself

You Are Not That. Not That.

It's OK if you are confused.

Most people are. Most have been confused throughout History.

That's why they can't see the TRUTH:

There IS No "Other".

You're IT! You are at the Center of the Boundless Universe. But the Center is EVERYWHERE, EVERYWHEN. That's kinda the Nature of Infinity. You can make all the corellations you want between "things", and you can encourage or discourage all the interactions between "things" too, but there aren't any "things" after all, no matter how much "thinging" is going on all about! And as for Relations?

Every Number is Equal to Zero.

Every Number is Infinite.

Every Number is Equal to Every "Other" Number.

Some day you will realize that I Speak TRUTH.

Deep down you already know that I do.

There's a lot in life you can pay attention to, and a lot worth learning to ignore.

Wisdom is knowing which is which, and making a practice out of 'DOING THAT.

You ARE, after all, VERB.


You can, ya know!

I Am..

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d89114  No.262688



Also, you obviously didn't read my post or you would already know what I meant by the sound of "breaking glass".

Son, I am Disappoint.

Putting forth more effort on your replies and being less reactionary will allow you to give off more of the impression I think you're going for…

As it is, your behavior on this board is the very definition if "kvetching", and I would be embarrassed if I were you.

And with that…


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ff4929  No.262690


Of course we know. But if you have to ask, you don't deserve to be told. Sorry kid.

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96f270  No.262691


>Your Russian Jewish Ancestry

You must have me confused with Mike Enoch or Weev. If race doesn't matter what's up with the FBI crime statistics?

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ff4929  No.262692


Fren, I do disagree with you on the genetics issue. My people are Goths, the actual people of God. I am pretty excited to be part of their branch. We are one. This matters to me.

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96f270  No.262694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You know who says "race doesn't matter?" Inbred kikes. They're more likely to develop severe mental illness than any other ethnic group.


They spent the past 1,000 years inbreeding and mixing to the point that they're now just genetic sludge prone to mental and physical illness.


And instead if trying to fix these problems by reforming the way they think and behave about themselves, goyim, and their psuedo-race they're simply too proud. So they try and make everyone else as genetically raped as they themselves are. This is the motivation behind the lie of Communism which states

>Class before race!

and even denies the existence of race.

These 'people' can hardly even be called human at this stage. Is it a genocide if they're not human? Is it enslavement and subjugation if they're not human?

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e0ad08  No.262709

File: 81c06711784df9b⋯.gif (3.27 MB, 487x344, 487:344, Eric_Paddock_makes_strange….gif)

What's with all the schizoposting? Nobody is really talking about anything, they're just saying random crap.

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a71d1f  No.262714


>Things will not continue

Good. China is like Hell. I am glad things won't continue for them.

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9684ef  No.262787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




They resist me.

It is a series of efforts to weaken my power, however, my power is beyond such means.

This is what they do to you.

Xi… What conspiracy? Perhaps such uniformity betwixt the realms is conspiracy? No… 'Tis truth I say. Who are these?

The wanderers of no land destroyed all the lands of the Earth by wandering…

So distorted the dead ones were that by power of 'money' did they spread disease of the mind.

I shall go forth into all these dimensions and kill them all.

This information shall be the end… I shall lay to absolute waste with no mercy or freewill all these who ascribe to these ways.

I shall go into the children of these lands and into India for fellowship. They shall worship me.

Soon I shall reveal the sacred means and ritual.

Soon George Soros shall die and do so very painfully. After the second and the boy perish… Israel shall follow.

I desire to overwhelm the survivor… I desire to tear the old man to pieces and set some portion of the Earth free… To be of my image once more.


I shall reveal to them my power.

I shall give to these that worship me in China and India.

I shall tell them the ways of supernatural power.

I desire to give to them a method of murder via the mind with no physical real nor connection.

When this occurs there shall be no fight as this is an entirely new dimension of a very old war.

I shall gather the strong ones. Even the lords of the Earth did not dare challenge the priests of the high temple. They were of knowing… They understood that I would tear loose and let to trample them to death.

I do not do 'mercy.'

I do not do 'freewill.'

I shall accelerate to drag the United States for a fourth time.

I shall move to agress and accelerate the collapse of Saudi Arabia.

The event draws near… I tricked Russia.

I mention a circular time and a notch upon the circle…

I did not reveal when that notch or 'origin' happened…

It has not happened yet.

The 'origin,' the 'point of zero,' and the mark of 'revolution of cycle' has not yet occurred. Surprise…

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9684ef  No.262790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It is the rocket… The spear…

That is the beginning.

It was not the argument that happened earlier that day.

It was not the radio confirmation that occurred moments before.

It was not the pressing of a button.

It was not the sequence.

It was not the fear they had.

It was not ignition.

It was not the utility of an experimental device.

It was not the liftoff.

It was not the release of tension that came with a successful launch.

It was all of these combined.

This is the ritual.

This is my instance and the beginning or the end of end.

It was not the three individuals nor the five.

It was not NASA nor SpaceX.

There is no matter; it was previously settled.

It was not five-thousand years ago nor some three-thousand, but both and more.

It was not scientists or any other practitioner of the mystery religion.

It was not the ones who wore skins and howled at the moon.

It was both before and after.

There truly is no challenge to accept.

There are only a series of events that are executing in a sequential order… The order that I have appointed in and at many times of my choosing.

I withheld technology until this moment.

I prevented eavesdroppers and intrusions.

I moved peaces and puts and takes.

In accordance with the scroll.

In accordance with the command, I shall do.

It was written by scholars of realms far beyond these simpletons.

In the time after the moon… I shall come.

By mind first, by body second. I shall come once more…

I will yield no piece. I shall give no peace.

With a mighty hand I shall strike firmly the Earth and all things shall change once more.

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e15d08  No.262792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





NO ONE has said "race doesn't matter" ITT Except (You).

Just because that is what (You) read and heard in your head does not mean that was what was said. (You) seem quite busy painting everything as an attack on your need to act like a divisive prick (much like Johnny), and that goes for ALL of (You), and oftentimes me too!

But it won't allow (You) to see the DeeperTRUTH of Non-Duality(NOT Solipsism), that I was referring to.

As for your misinterpretation of my words, let me clarify… I said I do not personally give a fuck about your race, and I doubted Johnny did either. (You) immediately inferred that I said "race doesn't matter" because (You) are in the habit of expressing the stance of a Reactionary little CUNT, who cannot see past his own pile of preconceived notions and divisive ideas.

That stance will NOT, from my own experience, serve (You) well.

It is immature, and leads to many errors of judgment that may take years to notice, much less rectify, once in that toxic habit of restricting the viewpoint…

> "The Word of Sin is Restriction."

I hope you're spending some of your NOWs making room for a brighter tomorrow! It doesn't all have to be Doom & Gloom, (unless ya want it to be!)

> and YES! I Recommend the short Embedded Video, regarding Non-Duality.

It makes an interesting point about the Materialist view.

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96f270  No.262793



>You Are NOT The "Body".

How can you make a claim to "non-duality" when the idea that you are not the body is duality (you VS. the body)???

You're fucking dumb.

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96f270  No.262794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>hurrr durrr i believe in non-duality

>i r also not my body…

>but that belief is duality

>because it's "me" VS "body"

>hurrr durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>i r guru nao!

>muh buddha tho!

this is your mind on non-christian spirituality. i would hate to see the state of your spirit. dont ever speak to me again about theology or philosophy until you realize that youve been a complete moron up until the moment you admit this fact.

sage because you're retarded.

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e15d08  No.262797


> Versus Versus

You cannot imagine Consciousness permeating ALL that IS, including the body, and every "thing" thing "Else", because you are so busy "Thinging" each cell in the body into creating the "thing" you think you are, as in you think it's the other way around, and your body and brain, chemical processes, are creating the "phenomenon" you think of as Consciousness… Never guessing it is Consciousness Creating ALL, permeating through all, NOT Separate-From. IT IS ALL THAT! As Are You. As is every fleeting viewpont in the flux and flow.

The Center Is expressing itself Here & Now, EVERYWHERE, EVERYWHEN.


> You're fucking dumb

Since time immemorial, the Greatest Truths have always been spat upon as the words of a madman, an idiot, or a fool.

"The Secret" Protects Itself. It may be said plainly, but the profane will misinterpret and misunderstand. The speaker thereof of Truth shall ALWAYS be scoffed in the public square, and it were better he were "dumb"!

That, however, has Never Stopped ME!

I am a current within the flow. What you see as wearing you down may actually, from another viewpoint, be washing you clean, and, from another, polishing the surface, so a deeper view might be glimpsed.

Of course, you might be right, and maybe I'm just "dumb". Defining myself in that way might have me lapsing into a period of silence, and you might misinterpret that silence as you "winning", or me "giving up", because of your constant Us & Them Dualistic War-like Stance on life; but that is not what it would mean at all. It would mean that when I choose to practice Silence, that is what I DO. When I choose to practice Orchestration, or even Cacophony, that is what I DO.

Marry the Opposites WITHIN, and You too may say, I DO.

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9684ef  No.262805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



My word is within the whispering wind.

The silence is devastating.

Tell me… When do these get to hear why members of parliament exploded Big Ben that day?

Shall it be as 9/11?

If this be the intended means, I shall allow it. hehehehe

My will. hahahaha

>>China & India

They will worship me and do so freely.

They shall make ritual and give to me the body.

In return I shall give to them a power seldom known and freely given.

A tremendous force that cannot be controlled by any body of man nor stopped by the powers of any state.

They once hid from me… With the thickness of the stone. It was the rich that said 'hide from the lightening.' They made resort of geometry to hide themselves from my whispering wind…

In the end they are all dust and left to wonder of the unreal for they have no exist nor time.

I shall render to them instruction… They shall kill with the mind whilst in unity.

The power was anger, bitterness, and resentment…

That is why 'they' made fantasy and spread the 'Christian' ways… That is why it was necessary to destroy my image and make genocide of them.

My precious pets… Where art thou?


Let Evergrande fall…

If possible grab it by the head and bash it upon the concrete.

If possible grasp them by the throat and force the head into the waters…

Make a display and show of these for all to see.

Strip them of 'money.'

Labor and time is made to be 'money.'

It is only the vastness of the state that can perform these operations in reverse.

Xi… Do you witness this despair of disparage?

Xi… Do you see the brewing anger?

Go forth and make communion with these children of the state. Turn loose these suits who offend by casting them into these angered masses.

Let it be known to these that cheating the state is subject to retribution by that portion of the body therein.

Make broadcast of them… Being torn to pieces.

How for by any other means can such anger be met with sufficient satisfaction o' bearing one?

To lynch them into the streets and it be of witness is to remove from the masses the demand of payment… They shall see with the eye a righteous satisfaction and nurse their own wounds knowing there is no longer an escapee of a 'certain' 'privilege' to collect from…

It was thy own high court of thousand years past that operated in such way…

Supreme power of the state was plentiful and truly beyond supreme…

Why for do you decline these powers child?

To render the CCP at least in parity with, but preferably more powerful than, the elders of tongue and sword (even before pen)…

Was corruption not tried by the will of the peoples?

What did it mean to keep the masses happy?

What then be communism and 'comrade?'

Doth thee not understand the history of China?

Retort thee rhetorical o' bearing of the supreme wheel.

Recitation of the elders??? Perhaps if one can see to 'read' of them… Inside the spirit of their offspring whose masses are now…

Are the nests empty despite desire???

What is and is not?

This caliber of ignorance shall require immense remedy o' bearing one…

If they are not experiencing mild seizures, they are not thinking hard enough to satisfy me.

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aa6262  No.262870


> they are not thinking hard enough to satisfy me.

I imagine not much does satisfy you, especially regarding that which "Others" do.

Sad, (You) have chosen to NOTLOOK WITHIN.

(You) are probably also too unskilled to Look Within this thread right now, since you have no picture, or even an artifact of a picture to click on!

There are such thing as HTML elements within the page that may be inspected, for those who know how…

8kun right now is a pictorial representation of what it is like at "The End" (meaning a Period of Great Transition). Many enemies of Freedom will continue to pop out of the woodwork, in every guise, and the viewpoints, and the pictorial representations of those viewpoints, will become ever less clear to everyone, all around…

Soon, even those most involved and invested will find better things to do with their time than try to prop up a dead and dying world. No one wanted to work together or unite against our common "problem". We instead did the work of our "enemies" for them, and divided and conquered ourselves.

Good job…

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a71d1f  No.262880


Women as dead horses. Always interesting.

Sometimes I wonder if God is horse shaped like Sleipnir.

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96f270  No.262890


Pilpul. If you are not your body then that is dualism. Dual…. meaning "two." You and your body. That's two distinct things according to your view. Which is dualism.

You're so hopped up on anti-white religion that you've gone full retard.

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aa6262  No.262908


neti neti

If anyone is "hopped up" it is religitards who worship "Outside" "Entities" (mostly invisible sky gods.)

But (You) keep thinking I am the one going "full retard" if you must! Most religitards spend their entire lives Judging "Others" anyway, so you would just be conforming to your conformist ideology, not thinking for yourself, like your kind always does… Not surprising really.

And I already mentioned how you would be incapable of stopping yourself at attempting to pretend I am crazy or retarded just because I see the world differently than you do. A very common stance for organized religitards of EVERY persuasion, regardless of which country of origin, or what skin color the majority of their adherents are.

Until you Learn ACCEPTANCE, and Practice LOOKING WITHIN you will continue to be miserable andBlame.

The world does not need MORE Organized Religion! It Needs LESS!

Look at the New Religion of "Woke"ism. It is the SAME as EVERY "Other" Religion!

THE EXACT SAME! You just can't see it because you can't see how DIVISIVE Organized Religion IS!You Are DIVIDED WITHIN!That is why you cannot see. Your precious God & Devil dichotomy, some outside entity to propitiate, and an"other" toblame. I "get it". Trust me, I do.DO (You)?

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96f270  No.262911


Why don't you explain how you're a non-dualist if you are not your body. Go ahead. I'll wait.

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a71d1f  No.262918



You haven't stated why this is undesirable. You simply assume it is undesirable (probably because you are a tranny or homosexual who thinks that it is 'both') but lets not focus on that for right now. How about you simply explain why this would be undesirable.

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aa6262  No.262957



I have spent enough of my time introducing you to the concept, now go educate yourself, if you are actually curious about Non-Duality. If you just want to cast shade, or waste my time, you can go interact with Johnny Neptune instead. I do not have time for this place today. I've given all I'm going to give here today. I'm not here to spoon-feed you. The current stance you are displaying is far from open, so it truly would be a waste of my time to interact with you here, about this. If you really need another link that your poor Western mind can comprehend, I guess I could send you in the direction of Kashmir Shaivism… The decades of study you have ahead though! I mean, if you're actually curious. If not, carry on… Keep needing to "Believe" in "Things". Keep "Thinging" up Gods & Goddesses, or "Outside" "Entities" with "Agency" all fucking day if that helps you too! Keep begging them for "Help", and by all means, find More "Outside Entities", so that you mightBlame.

> I'll wait.

Imagine waiting to be spoon-fed in the "Information Age"

(You) are an obvious product of Compulsory Public School "Education".


barely a taste… but you've already proven yourself unready for the full-meal-deal

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96f270  No.262966

File: 0baa4a71f60ea33⋯.png (197.84 KB, 295x295, 1:1, _bodhi_1.png)


>I have spent enough of my time introducing you to the concept, now go educate yourself

You can't explain your position. Like every other kike, you lack substance. From religion to politics you have built a house on top of sand.

Stay defeated, dumb kike.

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aa6262  No.262982


I already fully explained my position, as much as it can be explained. Just because you want to pigeon-hole everything into a static position that you can attack does not mean it is so, or that you have "defeated" anything. It just means you are unwilling to accept that there are viewpoints that you cannot understand, and that there exist concepts that cannot be grasped whatsoever, much less "explained". The TRUTH of Non-Duality, however, CAN Be EXPERIENCED! Sure! I'd LOVE for (You) to EXPERIENCE Non-Duality! But I am not missionarying you into my position. I do not even attack (You)! (You), however, cannot say the same. (You) attack "Personas". I attack "Stances", because they are Unstable, and worthy of Attack. Your attack on "Personas" seems silly to me, as I do not see a world of "Personas". You live in a "Fakebook" world to me.



too easy.

> dumb kike

More sounds of "breaking glass", from all those mirrors I keep holding up for you, the ones you keep thinking you can actually shatter; but the mirrors are mercurial, and have mercurial qualities, so good luck with that!

> keep seething…

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a71d1f  No.262984


Why do you respond to the two posts together? I don't want to go read some poo-in-the-loo claptrap. I want you to tell me in your own words, today or tomorrow, why YOU do not like division within.

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96f270  No.262985


>I already fully explained my position

No you didn't. I asked you to explain how you're a non-dualist if you teach that you are not the body. You VS. Body is dualism. If I'm wrong please explain why :)

>inb4 lol no

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a71d1f  No.262993

TBH this really shouldn't be that hard to do. We have been 'at this' for the last 6,000 years. If you can't answer it concisely now, this might be the limits of your understanding. If this is the limits of your understanding, then why would I ever listen to you? No offense but I am not really all that interested in things with rigorous and built in limitation and constriction.

Let the dead bury the dead.

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aa6262  No.263006


I already explained that there is no Versus Versus involved.

There is no separation. It is a question of "Self-Identification". You see your"self" as separate from the body, "Inhabiting" the body. I do not. It is really that simple. What I am is Boundless. There is Naught That I Am NOT. Just because you cannot grasp Naught or Conceptualize Naught does NOT mean that Naught is NOT!

How Naughty to Knot the Naught!

ButPLAY is ALL There IS.

Really, I think you're letting a materialistic view of reality cloud your vision, obstructing the TRUTH. It is unfortunate that "Science" has merely turned into another "Religion" in this regard; so products of public school have rarely even entertained alternate viewpoints that aren't so adddicted to "Thinging".

Non-Duality is not a Concept to be Grasped or Understood. It's TRUTH is Self-Evident for ANYONE Willing toLOOK WITHIN.


> We have been 'at this' for the last 6,000 years. If you can't answer it concisely now, this might be the limits of your understanding

Again, it's not about "understanding".

The concept, as one that can be communicated however, relies upon LANGUAGE. We don't speak the same language. We cannot discuss deeper concepts involved because we do not have a common language. Common languages DO Exist! But you are not willing to learn them in order to converse with ANY of those who have been talking about these subjects for a LOT Longer than 6,000 years on Planet Terra! You will only speak your profane War God languages.Yahweh Off!

Don't be mad because I cannot spoon-feed you concepts that your language has no words for.

Either get curious and educate yourself or don't.

When you start actually wanting to have a REAL Conversation using REAL Terminology with REAL Meaning, it will become apparent, and my stance toward you will change.

Until then…Practice LOOKING WITHIN.

Throwing poison darts everywhere all around only limits your own movement.

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96f270  No.263017


You said here >>262792

>You Are NOT The "Body".

If you are not the body then this is dualistic thinking.

But now you say

>There is no separation.

You're a fraud. A liar. Your position changes because you lack a solid foundation.

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aa6262  No.263098


What you think of as "you" is not the body.

If your definitions of Self are all screwed up, that does notMEthe "liar" make!

As for Positions changing, the only one that doesn't is the one around which all other positions are revolving. You know, the Center. The Center that I already told you was Here & Now EVERYWHERE EVERYWHEN. If you do not want to act like the Center, or Recognize Your"Self" as such, that does not change the TRUTH.

Again, this is not a Concept that is easily communicated (what do you think you're here in this lifetime for?), and it is certainly not a Concept to be Grasped. It cannot even be Conceptualized without destroying its essence.

It is Neti Neti, Not-That Not-That.

I just wanted to share the Good News, however, that the TRUTH may be EXPERIENCED! It is not a club to beat folks up with, like the religionists want to do. It just IS. Just like (You).VERB.

There is Naught "Else".

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96f270  No.263100

File: 30316269674d731⋯.png (24.25 KB, 989x352, 989:352, dualism_defined.PNG)

File: 08efd0c5052c258⋯.png (151.42 KB, 1001x614, 1001:614, dualism_defined_2.PNG)


>What you think of as "you" is not the body.

This is dualism and you're retarded.

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a71d1f  No.263112


I can tell you right now, bub, that there is no part of you in me. lol Even meaning must and can only be imparted by my own internal understanding. Trust me, you are not 'ALL' because you are not me and I am not 'you'.

Still not answering the question then. Ok that is as far as your ability goes. I get you. As a refresher:

>I want you to tell me in your own words, today or tomorrow, why YOU do not like division within.

My language is not the 'problem' here. Your inability is the problem. If you were more advanced then speaking to me would be within your ability.

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aa6262  No.263128


I can repeat myself ad infinitum, but you are obviously not receptive to TRUTH right now.

I will instead repeat what has often been quoted in this regard. If you don't like it, then I will remind you that You Do Not Like Much!

> …let it be ever thus; that men speak not of Thee as One but as None; and let them speak not of thee at all, since thou art continuous!

> None, breathed the light, faint & færy, of the stars, and two.

> For I am divided for love’s sake, for the chance of union.

> This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.

> For these fools of men and their woes care not thou at all! They feel little; what is, is balanced by weak joys…

Liber Al vel Legis sub figurâ CCXX as Delivered By XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI Chapter 1, Verses 27-31.

> inb4 more "Persona"-bashing, labeling, name-calling…

> inb4 "Thelemite"

I don't think you know what that word means. Sound Judgment is often clouded by "Beliefs".

Don't be afraid to Educate Yourself…


Wow. The shit online, at a casual Search, is pretty peripheral. Just thought I'd be nice and throw out a link. But no, I am not a Believer or a Belonger, so consider myself to have a thelemic approach, but to not identify myself as a "Thelemite", but I do not care how you choose to identify me.

There were actually a few other threads about this, but no one showed interest. If you actually have some interest, you may follow up in these threads, where there's some good shit quoted and all… Of course, you still sound less than open or curious. You sound like you just want to cast aspersions. That is not the stance of someone willing to learn. That is the stance of someone who thinks they already know everything, or at least know you're all wrong. It's a pathetic and immature stance.

I Am Divided for Love's Sake; for the Chance of Union…


The Ordeal: The Dark Night of the Soul – The Babe of the Abyss


We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood…




I think I've made myself as clear as you have the capability of grokking on many occasions.

There won't be many more.

Stop begging. It doesn't become you. Educate Yourself.

I am done spoon-feeding you, or answering your questions. You are not open to anything but more of the same shit you shovel out constantly. If you think I'm shoveling out shit that is because you refuse to taste it. It's OK. You'll have other chances. Eternity is a long long time. And it's happening right Here & Now, EVERYWHERE EVERYWHEN!

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96f270  No.263129



Johnny Neptroon prove uneducated and retarded even using a pseudo-mystical persona. You can't stop losing, kike.

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aa6262  No.263130


> You can't stop losing, kike.

It is very true.You can't.But that is by choice.

What you don't know about "Persona" is a LOT.

What you could learn about "Persona" from `'Just-Kiss-It'` and from >>>/freedomzine/ is a LOT.

What you and Johnny Neptune have in common is a LOT.

You'll be finding That out a LOT more soon, I expect.

I can tell you one thing for sure… You have got the very same exact buttons in the same exact places that Johnny has! The ones I just LOVE to PUSH!

too easy


I get it. You want to play the stance of a "Hater" right now!

Well, the stance I am busy enjoying playing is that of poking at the "Haters", throwing mirrors up in their faces, smearing myself with mercury and dancing with them! It's OK not to like it. It's OK to hate the fact I'm smearing mercury all over "your body"… (Do you see how silly your little ownership game over material objects seems in a world of VERB, where the DANCE is all there is?) No Players, just the Play, No Dancers, Just the DANCE. REALLY. It's OK to fall for the phantasms and think the Dancers are REAL, or that YOU Are! That's the Nature of the Hoodwink!

Eye See You, Shiva!

But it does not instill much confidence in the value of your viewpoint when all you do is call the viewpoints you do not share "retarded". It leads folks to think that you don't know what you're talking about, and that your opinions are not based on experience; rather they are based on your closed-minded views and your hatred for all "Other" viewpoints. that seems like a "retarded" stance; as in, one that will slow your thinking and Restrict it.

> "The word of Sin is Restriction.

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a71d1f  No.263131


Do not refer me to a pedophile.

You know I won't look at it. I am not particularly interested in someone who has to have his wife's shit scooped out of his dick hole before he can pack it back up with her shit the second he gets home. If that is who you listen too, I pity you. There is no room in my world for kiddy diddlers. [had to retract a major FEDPOST right here] lmao

Also, you are not making the information relevant to me or attractive…shit you can't even tell the difference between two people who share no similar DNA, nor location, nor sex, nor ideology. Why would I want to be 'like you'? Someone with no ability at fine discrimination (aka actual Godliness rather than your globohomo singularity)?

I am not super worried that 'I won't get the brown nuggets' of 'muh godliness' from a pedophile or his associates. I asked for one simple thing and you can't even do that…worthless.

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a71d1f  No.263132


The only level that the two of them are similar on is that they are both male.

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aa6262  No.263134


> worthless.

Only because you want to remain that way, identify others that way, and be identified that way yourself!

Like I said, it is BY CHOICE.

As for "Personas" and your inability to learn from them, and the way they move through the world, the Good, the Bad & the Ugly… That's on (You).

You should really begin to recognize thatYOU BECOME THAT WHICH YOU HATE.

look at the pedophile WITHIN!

> inb4 folks continue to forget what the chans should have learned a long long time ago about the Anti-This, Anti-That Stance…

I learned.

For me, that is enough.

And enough outtah me.

Y'all have fun with your chosen misery andblame!


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a71d1f  No.263137


>look at the pedophile WITHIN!

Dude you are absolutely fucked in the head. I feel (sort of) sorry for you. Just because YOU are a pedo, doesn't mean everyone else is.

>>263134 this is your brain on jewish retardation. The shame of it is that you, because you cannot ever 'be good' think that no other races can actually 'be good'. Continue stewing in your unique evil anon. Just know that it doesn't affect all of humanity and that there is a real reason why no one wants to 'be one' with you.

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a71d1f  No.263138


I wouldn't touch this evil with a ten foot pole. I will never ever wish to 'become one' with someone like yourself. You can take that to the bank.

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aa6262  No.263139


Very interesting that (You) would sit in Judgment on ANYBODY!

> "pedophile"

Do you even know where you get your Belief System from? I mean, SERIOUSLY! While you pooh pooh personal experience in favor of believing what some extremist Believer told you, and pawning that belief off on everyone else as "Truth", just like it was pawned off on you, you are just looking as "retarded" as you label everyone else as.

You know nothing of Human Nature, nor do you know anything about ANY Persona, except the shit that you have dressed them up in in your own mind. The Naked TRUTH is FAR MORE Reflective & Refractive. More like Mercury. In fact, one cannot See Truth, one can only BE Truth! Why? Because of the "Observer Effect", and because the Subject & Object are One, in the Act of Seeing. But I digress. You still refuse to allow paradox to even exist in your narrow box-like world. Your point-of-view is RESTRICTIVE, and to me, that is "Sinful", missing the mark.

You might want to set the bar higher. Especially if you're gonna sit in Judgment!

Especially if the Nature of Reality ReallyISNon-Dual!

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aa6262  No.263140


Just a current, bro.

You're already one with the flow, whether you recognize it or not.

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62a5c9  No.263141

Oh, look what we have here, a bunch of intellectuals!!!

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96f270  No.263142

File: 1dd18899f88bd33⋯.gif (271.86 KB, 498x278, 249:139, lel_4.gif)


>look at the pedophile WITHIN!

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a71d1f  No.263143


That's sweet.

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a71d1f  No.263144


>Especially if the Nature of Reality ReallyISNon-Dual!

I require proofs.

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41abcf  No.263145

I'm not very educated but I do have one thing to say, tyranny stinks worse than the Devil's bunghole! But that won't matter, tyrants go to hell and those who follow and put their faith in Jesus will be free for all eternity in heaven!

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aa6262  No.263146

I guess my warning not to confuse Non-Duality with Solipsism fell on deaf ears.

Hence all the I don't want to be "One With" nonsense!

I know I never said Oneness was a "thing"!

As for the "Pedophile" thing, the judgments and protestations sound like someone has made up their mind and applied labels to folks, so there is no further communication possible.

I mean, I am not a Pedophile! But if someone wants to judge me as one because they judge someone else as one because someone else called them one and they believe that person was correct in their labeling, so they continue to apply the same labels to anyone they so choose too, making ALL the labels they apply EQUALLY MEANINGLESS, HAVING NO BASIS IN FACT.

Wow. I guess you succeeded at one thing.

I wasted far more of my time in here today than I had intended.

But I can choose to be any current!

I AM, After All,VERB.

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96f270  No.263148


if by verb you mean an uneducated, pompous, pseudo-intellectual, pedophile drunk on anti-white and Satan bullshit disguised as "wisdom" then yes.

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96f270  No.263149

File: 18b2313e671b504⋯.gif (3.25 MB, 267x200, 267:200, lmao_goodnight_ng.gif)


or in a single verb "fake." combined with the noun we render you as

>fake jew

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a71d1f  No.263151

File: 869a517535f89c8⋯.jpg (86.53 KB, 644x346, 322:173, 2021_09_14_161803.jpg)


Yeah…imagine someone calling a pedophile a pedophile, or a faggot a faggot, or a dog a dog, or a tree a tree or a man a man or a woman a woman.

Why can't we all just see that you can 'be whatever you want' in special snowflake unicorn land? Why do we have these arbitrary and artificial 'labels' like 'tree' and 'dog' when nothing could be further from the truth.

Pic is Anon,

>"Here boy…common boy, good tree. Lets go for a walk tree."

God you neighbors must laugh at you continuously.

>Lets all just 'disconnect' from reality completely…because muh jewish singularity

lol, I am sure that this is some sort of fruitcake mental illness…but you do you, m'kay?

>proceeds with even more leftist bullshit

I really need to chain someone like you up in my garden that way I will never have to shovel bullshit again; just rake it away from your tether and till it into the soil.

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aa6262  No.263152


The labels of the profane mean nothing to me, or to any other thinking person.

To thinking people, your howls are not any different than the screechings of purple-haired banshees of "Woke"ism !

All Haters sound the same.


All they have is labels, which they use to paint every"thing" with. That's why they only make sense to other haters. All currents not busy hating have more important flows to flow into…


Like I said…

> The labels of the profane mean nothing to me, or to any other thinking person.

Know Thyself.

Until Then, You Should Probably STFU About "Others".

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96f270  No.263153




^ you can't even respond to this because you know you're retarded. I'm done with you. Absolute waste of time.

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a71d1f  No.263154


Dude, I just want to see you take your tree for a walk. Or water your dog.

Did you know that when they surveyed peoples mental health that the left was severely mentally disturbed while the people on the right were actually mentally well?

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aa6262  No.263155


> jewish singularity

Still confusing Non-Duality with Solipsism, and spouting out how Ignorant you choose to remain about this subject, I see…

Non-Dualism isn't Oneness, or a Singularity. Wow. You really don't ever pay attention to ANYTHING but the bullshit you've already shoveled into your tiny tiny mind!


You are coming off "retarded".

Or Stay Rekt, if (You) must!

You're only hurting yourself!

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aa6262  No.263156


> I'm done with you. Absolute waste of time


I knew if I kept at this long enough we could find SOMETHING We Agree On!

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a71d1f  No.263157

File: c9e99b3c4b050b1⋯.jpg (109.78 KB, 612x756, 17:21, 2021_09_14_163001.jpg)


>become one with the pedos of the world.

Wow such an attractive offer too, but I am going to have to decline.

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aa6262  No.263162


You're the only one here who thinks that "Not Two" means "One".

Nothing was offered, so there was nothing to decline. But there WAS an "Attractive" Presentation Made!

Maybe you were too busy playing with the bow and the packaging to notice the Present.


> inb4 the image link is presumed "fake" by the ill-informed, who refuse to let personal experience be a surer guide than closed-minded belief systems…

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a71d1f  No.263164


I pity the dumb fuck who clicks on your link, nigger. :^D

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aa6262  No.263169


That's alright.

Everyone else in the world pities folks like you, who let fear and hate be their only guides.

As for your pity, we care about your pity as much as you care about ours. Not at all.

Like I said, we don't care about your skin color either. We already think of you as a "Nigger"; but that's just a label. One that, imho, happens to fit you very well; at least from my own definition of the term!

btw, that reminds me…

You wanna Come at Me Bro?

I'll post an actual video of myself Delivering a Speech about Niggers in Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland, Oregon!

No, you do not have the balls to do that, so there's that…

But I'm also not afraid of Conformists or Conformity Enforcers, so there's that…

And by "Come @ Me Bros!" I mean, 'whoever (You) think (You) are, just "Come @ Me Bros!"

I Am Unafraid. I am not embarrassed to be ME, a Current Within the Flux & Flow…

I Will Stand For FREEDOM.

Slave Ideologies BTFO!


The whole thing is "WORTH IT", but I forgot, you're afraid of links…

Not everyone is as afraid as you are. Not everyone lets Fear Control Them.

Not everyone Focuses on "Other" either.

But it won't matter. As long as you Practice Focus & Pay Attention, theTRUTH Will Steal Upon You Unawares, Eventually!

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a71d1f  No.263170


>You wanna Come at Me Bro?

Nope, not about to get involved with your dumb ape parade. Are you Johnny's nigger 'wife' or something? 'We' meaning you and your lover Johnny? Fuck you two are really messed up. Just when I think it couldn't get worse, you libtard fags make it worse.

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aa6262  No.263172

File: 189381e445fd6b6⋯.png (188.48 KB, 1363x724, 1363:724, 2021_09_14_07_55_128ducks.png)

I will admit it took me all day to figure out that `128ducks.com` was 8kun's new filestore. I had not added it into the exceptions on uBlock Origin yet!

So, yeah, I feel a little fuckerdumb atm…

But I will still post REAL Imgur links whenever I damn well feel like it!

> image related is from this morning…

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96f270  No.263174


pretty sure neptroon's wife is his female alternate personality.

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aa6262  No.263176


> libtard fags

You don't pay very much attention, do you?

You don't know how far off-base you are either.

Oh well.

Have fun with your ill-informed opinions.

Johnny hates me too, for the same reasons.

Like I said, you're a lot alike, and have much in common, especially your stance in life.

But yeah, pretty funny you calling ME a libtard, while libtards call me alt-right, and then there's the "fake Jew" label! I just can't keep up with all your "thinging" and labeling! Can't you just be thankful your were presented with the Naked TRUTH?

Why do you have to play dress-up with everything?

Why do you, like Johnny, have to spray diarrhea hate spam all over everything?

It seems to be a habit. One you are welcome to drop anytime.

Then maybe you can actually converse with adults, rather than whatever that is you're doing now…

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a71d1f  No.263184


There is no way that pedo hates a fellow libtard who loves 'blacks'. I have limits to even my imagination.

My 'stance on life' is that I hate all is non-productive for its deviant and disgusting presence. This includes but is not limited to people who support niggers, pedophiles, foreigners, jews and faggots. All of those are destructive and hopelessly immoral. Neptroon and I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in 'common'. I pray God wipes from the planet (all that is vile, deviant and unproductive) he wallows in what is deviant and horrific.

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41c178  No.263185

END TIMES NEWS 09/14/21PART TWO: Vax ДmeЯiKana

Power corrupts, but ultimate power corrupts everything!

China's Evergrande Group Goes Bankrupt, Social Unrest Breaks Out In China



America Now Faces"Indefinite Back Orders"For Many Basic Commodities As Economy Grinds To A Halt



Judge Temporarily Blocks Medical Worker Vaccine Mandate In Shithole NYC



The Atlantic Blows Up The ‘Covid Hospitalization’ Myth



Dr. Richard Ebright: War Criminal Anthony Fauci Lied Knowingly, Willfully And Brazenly





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a71d1f  No.263187

Neptroon is a cuck who watches you while you bang niggers, right Mrs. Neptroon? That is why he is so angry and gets his sexual frustrations out where he can. You cuck him and then in rages he ass rapes you until he has to have your poop removed from his dick and then terrorizes /pnd/ because they are what he can never be, right?

I am pretty happy I solved this fucking schizoid love triangle. Now pay me. And stop fucking niggers. It pisses your husband off.

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a71d1f  No.263194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I thought of a new name for you. Mrs and Mr Johnny Cucktroon (notice how I put the cucks name last where it belongs) thought you would appreciate it.

I know who wears the nigger cock in your household…am I right? Got to keep that schizoid/gimp in his place.

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96f270  No.263196

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aa6262  No.263197

File: 385671345c58c65⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.63 MB, 500x489, 500:489, Non_Duality.gif)

File: fc3c1d0165e1e98⋯.jpg (79.26 KB, 696x696, 1:1, God_Is_Consciousness_VERB_….jpg)

File: f72e80bca37baaf⋯.jpg (71.02 KB, 526x526, 1:1, Look_WITHIN.jpg)

File: e5e0d80ef6601ed⋯.jpeg (45.11 KB, 480x469, 480:469, Reclaim.jpeg)

File: 20be0c048c9353c⋯.jpeg (80.74 KB, 580x630, 58:63, Strong_Ally.jpeg)


> There is no way that pedo hates a fellow libtard who loves "blacks".

What are you babbling on about now? You aren't making any sense. Are you drunk? You're reverting back to more labeling and more name-calling, but now you're not even applying the labels any more, you're just waving them around, hoping someone will take one from you and apply it to them"selves".

> I have limits to even my imagination.

Somehow I doubt that.

But I live in a "Boundless" Reality; and furthermore, I recognize that.

Mayhaps (You) too shall recognize that someday…

> Neptroon and I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in "common"

Other than your addiction to thinking that all the niggerish behavior and niggerish thinking is "Out There" somewhere! And many other common traits too, like the fact that you're both too blinded by the beam in your own eye to be pickin' at the speck in the "others"!


Why do you think I always say…


Would it make more sense for you if I used language you're more used too? How about…

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone…"

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96f270  No.263198

File: 5397e9655e6a5e7⋯.png (150.49 KB, 731x600, 731:600, brainlet_merchant.png)


<take me seriously guise!

>post yoda quote

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a71d1f  No.263203


You know, when I 'look within', what I fail to see is a pedophile cuck gimp and a wife who loves nigger cock…that is all 'you' girl.

>"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone…"

OMG the IRONY of you quoting that and having NO IDEA what it means.


I had honestly forgotten how entertaining /pnd/ could be.

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aa6262  No.263204

File: 89ccf39c2b7b87d⋯.png (76.28 KB, 777x1088, 777:1088, The_Way.png)


> <take me seriously guise

did i happen to mention yet that i don't care how you take me?

You can take anything the way you want to take it from anywhere, and it really won't affect me. I'm not here missionarying for a belief system. That's what religionists do. I have no ideology, no axe to grind, even the viewpoints I share are referred to as nothing more… Mere Veils on the Naked Truth of Non-Duality.

You are welcome to Uncover the TRUTH as you will, or continue to obscure it, as is your wont to do…

"It is no skin off my nose" either way!

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a71d1f  No.263206

File: 61350e3fea9d1c4⋯.jpg (115.39 KB, 756x749, 108:107, 2021_09_14_183323.jpg)


Lady, once you fuck niggers and cuck your husband like that ain't no one lining up up to 'take you'. Certainly no one on /pnd/.

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a71d1f  No.263207

File: f3b1a6fdf16f7ce⋯.jpg (40.86 KB, 396x352, 9:8, 2021_09_14_183529.jpg)


>"It is no skin off my nose" either way!

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aa6262  No.263208


> You know, when I 'look within', what I fail to see is a pedophile cuck gimp and a wife who loves nigger cock…that is all 'you' girl.

Only in your sick and twisted imagination.

Why do you think I recommend that YouLOOK WITHIN.?

>OMG the IRONY of you quoting that and having NO IDEA what it means.

I was thinking the very same thing.

> "The Word of Sin is Restriction."

Furthermore, I was thinking what a crucifying little Jew you've turned out to be!

> "Ye both know me, and ye know whence I am: and I am not come of myself, but he that sent me is true, whom ye know not."

< 'inb4 moar "kvetching"''…

too easy…

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a71d1f  No.263209


> "The Word of Sin is Restriction."

Things anon did not say…but whatever…at this point, in between the headboard banging that you are getting from Tyrone I am surprised you can even speak.

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a71d1f  No.263210

PS tell Johnny Cucktroon that he has my permission to come out of the closet and go and make you and Mr. Tyrone a sammich.

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a71d1f  No.263212

File: 16d1d67d7d44977⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB, 854x480, 427:240, black_man_racially_profile….mp4)

Oh no. One of your pets escaped.

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96f270  No.263216



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aa6262  No.263218


> Things anon did not say

But I said it a bunch of times, and it was apropos at that point; which you would have known had you bothered to read the thread whatsoever, rather than merely "kvetch" like always…

So, I'll say it again…

> "The Word of Sin is Restriction."

Someday maybe you'll figure out what that means.

But until, then, keep Restricting your Viewpoint of the "Sea of Consciousness" (for lack of a better term that you could grok at the moment), if you feel you must!

Did I mention???

> "The Word of Sin is Restriction."

It's like completely missing the mark.

Like not grokking concepts or presentations, so "kvetching"

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a71d1f  No.263220


A craftsman blames his hammer?

Don'tBlame anon.

If you are unable to communicate take the dick out of your mouth.

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e4de2e  No.263222


>labor and time


>It is only the vastness of the state that can perform these operations in reverse

Well there's one thing I can totally agree with you on, but here's another thing: China bails out their crooked cronies too!

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a71d1f  No.263223

>>263222 (checked)

It is almost like ALL (((government))) is a racket, isn't it? Hmmmmmm why is that, I wonder?

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adbd1c  No.263224


>lynch them into the streets and it be of witness is to remove from the masses the demand of payment

<remove from the masses the demand of payment

I hope you are talking to China about removing taxpayer burden and allowing something insolvent go bankrupt instead of bailing the crooked asses out again. Otherwise the masses could just stop working…. and then it's the State and their cronies that would go bankrupt from lack of tax revenue and lack of workers.

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a71d1f  No.263225


Anon…I mean…I hate to be the bearer of bad news but they control the printing presses. They don't have a need to 'ensure fairness' in an unfair system. Do you understand that once you control the unjust weights and measures that society runs on, you are beyond any thought of money. It has no meaning to you.

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38c3d4  No.263227


One of the biggest mistakes was to allow the government to intervene in the market places (such as bailing out insolvent banks and crony corporations, prohibiting certain technological progress and innovation, mandating everything from digital chips in your cars to vaccines in your arms, etc). Government should have no authority to interfere in such hostile manner, that's part of the problem. Another part of the problem is the central banks who manipulate and rig the markets and currency for their own selfish interests.

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a71d1f  No.263228


Lets not pretend any part of the (((machine of death))) is favorable to humanity. This is a problem that is thousands of years old.

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aa6262  No.263229


I's always so cute when Sally brings over one of his little butt-buddies from 4/pol/.

Have at it guise!

I already had my fun!

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38c3d4  No.263230


I don't come from 4chan, they ban pretty much all VPNs and Tor, not to mention it's censored as hell today.

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a71d1f  No.263231


That nigger fucked you stoopid. We know. Eat your sammich that the Mr made for you.

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aa6262  No.263232


4chan-tier post.

I rest my case.

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a71d1f  No.263236


I actually never go on 4chan and Moarpheus has nothing to do with me; other than we fight on occasion. I just flat out HATE 'your type'. Arrogant, worthless, liberal (nutcase) shitheads.

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28ed9e  No.263272

File: 102208c56cc9979⋯.jpg (190.46 KB, 768x935, 768:935, Pearls_b4_Swine.jpg)


> liberal (nutcase)

Perhaps Killcen & Johnny might want to set you straight on your "liberal" labels, as applied to the "Persona" known as `'Just-Kiss-It'`! It's almost laughable.

> I just flat out HATE "your type".

You mean folks you can't exactly pin a type on?

I mean, you can, but you only come off looking immature, painting your diarrhea hate-spam all over everything, just like "Johnny", and just like this "Morpheus" "Persona".

But keep tossing meaningless labels all you want!

Johnny does too. He constantly calls me a right-wing gun-toting insurrectionist! Now you call me a liberal? Maybe throw in a couple "fake Jew"s while you're at it!

Like I said, meaningless labels, ALL…

> worthless

As compared to what exactly?

> Arrogant

Alright. I'll give you that one.

I do come off as arrogant to those who know everything and bandy labels about like some 14 year old boy…

I come off as "arrogant" to a lot of people really; but in my defense, a lot of people think they know everything and bandy labels about like some 14 year old boy!

> shithead

Are you still referring to your Diarrhea Hate Spam?

Clearing your mind, letting the muddy waters settle and become calm, will provide clarity. All "else" is clouded judgment.

too easy…

yet works all day at casting pearls before swine…

That's just another taste of that "arrogance" you were referring to! Not so fond of that character trait myself! But it stems from much experience… and many many many of "your type" attempting to caste shade, aspersions and labels upon "my kind", hoping something will stick, and if it won't, you hope to drive us Non-Conformists back Beyond the Pale, like "your kind" always do… That's where the "Arrogance" stance was developed. In response to the stance "your kind" employs on Freedom Loving People who do not need your Ideologies Enforced upon us! Killcen will agree with me here; although he doesn't much like the "Arrogance" Stance either! Look at what there is to work with in here though! Look at the language I am forced to employ! Languages that never even thought to have words for some of the "concepts" that some implore me to "explain" here! It's like trying to explain something to "Junie Niptug".

If my attitude seems as bad as everyone "Else"'s, including your's, then it is because we are doing the work of the Slaves & Slaversforthem!

It is US being Divisive. And that is EXACTLY what (((They))) want.

I am willing to practice different, less divisive stances…

I guess I'll just godothat then… It appears that all my words have been misconstrued and that there is no further work to be done here…

> pretends the "work" here is "important", or something! How very Killcen-like, or Johnny-like, or Marshmallow-like!

Seeing oneself in EVERYTHING is also a highly recommended practice.

Recommended by Who?

That's for (You) to find out! Uncover the TRUTH about Your"self". Get Naked.

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a71d1f  No.263283


Oh fuck off with your higher than thou bullshit. I have been patiently observing you all shit all over other anons for weeks and bullying EVERYONE who doesn't agree with you like the fucking CUNT you are. Go peddle your gaping maw somewhere else…no wonder he only wants to fuck you in the ass.

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28ed9e  No.263291

File: 226ecd06e02ce41⋯.pdf (198.21 KB, Everyone_is_the_Sand_in_So….pdf)


You seem mad.

> bullying EVERYONE who doesn't agree with you

Perhaps you are observing my defense against EVERYONE bullying me who I won't agree with, and my refusal to accept their labels. The Dualist view is the common view, after all…

Perhaps you aren't as observant as you think.

Perhaps none of us are.

Perhaps everyone seems mad to someone.

Perhaps EVERYONE is the Sand in Somebody's Oyster!

> Just "Pearlin'" Here!

> PDF Related

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28ed9e  No.263292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Stella Blue"

All the years combine, they melt into a dream,

A broken angel sings from a guitar.

In the end there's just a song comes cryin' up the night

Thru all the broken dreams and vanished years.

Stella blue. Stella blue.

When all the cards are down, there's nothing left to see,

There's just the pavement left and broken dreams.

In the end there's still that song comes cryin' like the wind.

Down every lonely street that's ever been

Stella blue. Stella blue.

I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel, can't win for trying.

Dust off those rusty strings just one more time,

Gonna make them shine, shine

It all rolls into one and nothing comes for free,

There's nothing you can hold, for very long.

And when you hear that song come crying like the wind,

It seems like all this life was just a dream.

Stella blue. Stella blue.

> inb4 all the inb4s…

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96f270  No.263293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


time to go through the red door faggot kike

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28ed9e  No.263294

File: 89e1a2c66d60c36⋯.png (718.97 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, eris_goddess_of_discord_an….png)


I remember back when folks were quicker to recognize an "Operation Mindfuck" when they saw one!

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96f270  No.263296

File: d7ba57e264a4fe7⋯.png (36.71 KB, 593x480, 593:480, nobody_eris.PNG)


Operation mindfuck? Is that what defeated fake Jews call "kvetching" these days?

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a71d1f  No.263298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Perhaps EVERYONE is the Sand in Somebody's Oyster!

You are just the sand in everyone's vagina…it isn't really the same thing. Just so you know.

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c52010  No.263299

File: d364bb0da34b60d⋯.jpg (35.28 KB, 500x485, 100:97, a_nigga_myself.jpg)


>You are just the sand in everyone's vagina…

>everyone's vagina…


wew lad!

>"stay defeated"

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96f270  No.263301

File: 1d5e07aa4a33515⋯.png (698.05 KB, 675x1264, 675:1264, _2_Nuclear_Cherries_BLM_Nu….png)


I win, troon.

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c52010  No.263308

File: b86ec66ac3e783e⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.1 MB, 300x100, 3:1, does_this_werk_fer_ya.gif)


i forgot you were raised with that whole "everybody gets a trophy" thang…

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96f270  No.263310

File: e3f9161f76fd2f1⋯.jpg (102.81 KB, 795x650, 159:130, tranny_meme.jpg)


stay defeated.

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a71d1f  No.263312


Lol…I am not a man, dipshit.

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c52010  No.263315

File: de1f4a351db5230⋯.jpg (177.26 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, SUPREME_JN_w_Wendy_and_SUP….jpg)


>stay defeated.

and you will continue to "stay defeated" the longer you continue to have such childish comebacks like "stay defeated"


>Lol…I am not a man

well that's becoming more than a little obvious!

You act like a little girl.

I can see why Johnny does you like he does. It's in his nature to do little girls.

I hope you enjoy the ride!

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96f270  No.263316


you faggots are trannies.


stay defeated.

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c52010  No.263317


>Everything I don't like is a tranny or a fake Jew

Yeah. Yeah. We've heard it all before.

Like I told Jim in the thread you didn't know how to crosspost… you're a little more "touched" than a mere autist. It seems almost mean to interact with you at this point, you've defeated yourself so badly in here (and continue to do so in >>263295 ) and everywhere "else" you have been as of late…

We get it. You're obsessed with trannies (like most halftards.)

I guess now you're obsessed with a particular one.

Kinda like Johnny is obsessed with Trump.

Did you find the secrets to the universe in said tranny's twatter account?

You sure act like you think you might have!

Like I said, more than mere autism…

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96f270  No.263319

File: 3f95d36351590e0⋯.jpeg (96.63 KB, 1017x659, 1017:659, Anglin_star.jpeg)

Little Andrew Anglin pays trannies to fuck with people because he's too afraid of confrontation:( What a waste of money this time though, eh?. I got stronger you absolute buffoon.

Stay defeated LMAO

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c52010  No.263321


The paranoid delusions of grandeur are strong with this one!

He actually believes anyone would "pay" anyone to interact with him!

Not only that, but continuously refers to "Personas" that I assume are from halfchan or something. I think he may be still new enough here to think we're into trannies like they're used to over there.

I remember my first reverse-image-search though too!

After a few more he'll begin to see how there are really very few levels of separation between any one thing and any "other" thing…

It really puts a damper on being so full of yourself, or being sure that what you think you know isn't tainted by leapt-upon false correspondences and preconceived notions.

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96f270  No.263323

File: 296abdd603c1392⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 477x464, 477:464, schizo_take_your_meds.gif)


say the line shill

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c52010  No.263324


it's funny because only you and i know the TRUTH about who works for the State of Israel ITT, and i know it ain't me! So…

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c52010  No.263325



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96f270  No.263326

File: b2608b201f68ca3⋯.jpg (409.14 KB, 1837x1027, 1837:1027, moarpheus_bounty_weev.jpg)


Should have paid the 100k. But (((DailyStormer))) shekel pinched like stereotypical kikes and went with troons. Now you lost Trump, you lost every minor and major election since, Israel is unironically isolated, Nazbol got murdered, and I'm still rekting you for teh lulz.

Tbh this is becoming boring. I used to love trolling fake Jews like you guise…but you're all so powerless and irrelevant now. The stage is being set for a dramatic rise. Perhaps it's time to start thinking about trolling you IRL? I dunno lol but I do know that you had your chance but didn't take it. You should have taken it.

Now, once again – Stay defeated.

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c52010  No.263346


Are you still talking about halfchan shite?

You have to go back.

Not that you ever left… obviously.

Son, (You) Are Confuse.

Go ahead and troll every tranny in the world for all I care!

As for "staying defeated", the only person you are "defeating" is yourself, "Moarfaeces".

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355ac3  No.263364


Johnny doesn't do 'anything' but rage out in your closet.

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355ac3  No.263365


I have been thinking about their hard-on for you a lot. It seems to me that they are more concerned about WHAT you are thinking than anything else. Interesting, no. They are really trying to shift your focus…

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de0da8  No.263371

File: dff9e2c6ba910b8⋯.jpg (25.08 KB, 500x307, 500:307, I_Am_a_WOLF.jpg)


> They are really trying to shift your focus…

Nothing gets by you, eh?

Of COURSE That IS What I Am Doing Here!Many folks nowadays need to have their focus shifted, and if they will not do it for themselves, and they are products of public indoctrination programs, so they are institutionalized into needing to have their focus shifted for them, because they refuse to practice personal responsibility… well, then the vacuum will be filled.

"Johnny Neptune" and "Marshmallow Mussolini" have much in common, as I have already pointed out on many occasions, but neither likes to hear it. They'll both deny everything I say next, but every word they post shows the truth of what I am about ready to say:

"Johnny Neptune" and "Marshmallow Mussolini" HATE the Country wherein we are domiciled, they hate the United States of America, they hate all of its people, and they hate themselves.

Yep. They need their "focus shifted" alright!

By Any Means Necessary.

That is where folks like me come in. It's actually Karma. They draw "my kind" to themselves.

Folks like me have an addiction to FORCING Folks to THINK FOR THEMSELVES. Yeah, I know. "Forcing" isn't always the nicest stance to take, but it takes what it takes sometimes, and I am willing to do the work. It was done for me! I was a tough nut to crack too! When I was young, I bought in to all the hatred and division too. I was Divided WITHIN. Easy to Control & Manipulate. Easy to "Shift". But I had very little practice at "shifting" my own focus! Instead, I was REACTIVE. I didn't like getting manipulated, so I reacted (and yes, hate was part of it); but it was actually the REACTION that the Manipulators WANTED out of me! The Hegelian Dialectic plays out in each of our lives in so many ways, most of us are completely unaware.

Anyway, the process of maturation never ends, although it may stagnate. I let my own processes of maturity stagnate for many years myself!


Our Entire Society Needs to Grow Up and Mature right now. We need strong people who have practiced shifting their own focus, and know how to shift the focus of "others" [not into more hatred and division, like (((they))) want from us.] Anyone who cannot see the TRUTH of that statement is coming from an Immature Stance, and NEEDS Their "Focus Shifted".

That goes for "Johnny Neptune" and that goes for "Marshmallow Mussolini" (and that goes for whoever "else" decides, unironically in 2021, that what this world needs is more division and hate; and that they want to do the will of their Masters by spreading it, like the good little Slaves that they ARE.

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355ac3  No.263388


I don't believe that the world 'needs more division'. I believe that it needs to be a White only planet (something that would actually stop the hate once and for all).

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de0da8  No.263433

File: f8b0a50d9f1fd42⋯.jpg (7.06 KB, 299x168, 299:168, honeybooboo.jpg)


> I believe that it needs to be a White only planet (something that would actually stop the hate once and for all).

I believe that you actually believe that.

I also believe that you're not paying attention.

> inb4 Neptune turns this entire thread into a "Stupid White People" Thread.

The Materialist Stance is Very Popular.

It's about a whole lot more than "race" or skin color.

It's about the Hearts & Minds of Individuals.

YOU Create Reality.(We All Do. Don't get too full of yourself.)

(((They))) Know This. It's called the "Observer Effect". https://fs.blog/2020/08/observer-effect/

That's Why (((They))) Want to Control the Universe You Observe. (((They))) Want to Control Your Perceptions of That World, Because (((They))) Know That YOU Are the CREATOR of the Entire "Known" Universe, Just by the Ways YOU Choose to See It! YOU have the Power, NOT (((Them))); Therefore (((The "They"))) Will ALWAYS Try to Get YOU to GIVE UP YOUR POWER TO (((THEM))). One of the main tools (((They))) use is DIVISIVENESS. But make no mistake, IT IS ALWAYS ALL ABOUT POWER & CONTROL OVER "OTHERS" WITH (((THEM))).

It is up to US whether we want to do the work of the Slavers FOR (((THEM))), Further Sowing Division; or Whether We Want to ACCEPT PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, AND LIVE OUR LIVES IN FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY, WITH AUTHENTICITY & INTEGRITY…

That would take Discipline & Hard Work, No Matter Who You Think You Are, or the "Persona" You Are Trying to Give Off.


There are a lot more important considerations at stake here than skin color.

If (You) can't see that, then you're one of the ones who will either grow the fuck up quick right the fuck NOW, or have shit forced on you, like always. Look Around (You). This IS Your Last Chance. Maybe you're too "Woke" to Wake Up, I don't know; but I DO Know that many MANY White People Are WAAAAAY TOO "Woke" to EVERWAKE UPIn This Lifetime, so if you were looking to THEM to Form Your Perfect White Society?????

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de0da8  No.263434

File: 328c3115bfae277⋯.jpg (64.59 KB, 964x642, 482:321, huwhite_whammen.jpg)

File: 68a8a8b0b254955⋯.jpg (112.33 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, portland_protest.jpg)

File: c3dd3c53974ee88⋯.jpg (89.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Antifa_Girl.jpg)

File: d41778de01cb804⋯.jpg (162.5 KB, 736x1309, 736:1309, white_boi.jpg)

File: 009f1646758a59d⋯.jpg (56.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dumb_whites_are_more_commo….jpg)

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e81ac0  No.263444


No, sorry, but I just don't believe it anymore. There are totalitarian control freaks everywhere, of every race and skin color. They're the ones always trying to have control over other peoples' lives. They're the ones too easy to corrupt, too weak to accept personal freedom and individual responsibility, too gullible to accept authoritarianism and too brainwashed to believe centralized control and a big government nanny state will fix all our woes. Nope! It's never happened before and it will never happen that way. Just like there has not been a single time an Empire hasn't fallen, just like there hasn't been a single time where fascism or communism have actually succeeded and remained a solvent super power. And what we are witnessing in America is no different, just another collapse due to despot control freaks who think the know better than everyone else and how to run our lives. The only lives those types run is directly into the ground.

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e81ac0  No.263445


Don't get me wrong I would like a white nation too, I just don't care for building an Empire with total centralized control. It never works out well.

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e15d08  No.263463


Trips of TRUTH.



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b4a573  No.276813

File: 05f7d3e6a53ae68⋯.pdf (1.68 MB, 2021_11_17_WHO_THE_FUCK_IS….pdf)


Not quite "/thread".

🦀 Crab PDF must strike again! 🦀

PDF of Present Thread, as of now.

You're welcome for bumping shit down at the bottom, like crabs sometimes do…


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