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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 2009c2f82c9ac5f⋯.jpg (386.74 KB, 1280x986, 640:493, jksfjkfkjfskjksjf.jpg)

c642c8  No.261854[Last 50 Posts]

We must unite and fight together against the GLobalists & their accomplices. Also dare to destroy their system and power.

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bd1ba3  No.261859

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0cac6e  No.261860


Not OP, but…

You aren't even your own army.

You have already been divided and conquered, fromWITHIN.

You will refuse to unite with any but those who foment further division.

You are, therefore, an accomplice of the Globalists, and like OP said, there are those who will unite and fight together against the stance your kind is taking, and we will unite and fight against the stance of your masters also; so, be a little baby if you want to…WE FIGHT FOR YOU!

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0cac6e  No.261861

File: 8af292a11461533⋯.png (802.09 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2021_09_11_Osama_Bin_Laden….png)

Osama Bin Laden Wanted Worthless Joe Biden to be U.S. President.

On this, the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, you should be reminded of that.


You should also be reminded that…

Joe Biden's Supporters are Terrorists.

You like how that sounds, Democrats?

Yeah, well, neither do we… In more ways than one.

If only it wasn't actually true; butIT IS.In more ways than one.

how do you like them apples?


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1fb5f0  No.261863

Israel did 9/11.

"Globalism" is misdirection from Zionism.

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4cffce  No.261866


It just keeps happening over and over again, and even the Jews have had enough of it!


"Poison death shot": Dr Zelenko testifies before Israeli Rabbinical court


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1fb5f0  No.261868


>even the Jews have had enough of it!

You mean "Fake Jews." And they're only feigning upset because they feel the cold shadow of swinging guillotine on their necks. They're trying to sympathize with the goyim so that we sympathize with them. Not happening, Moshe. It's game over.

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bd1ba3  No.261869



No you don't. You don't give a shit about me. You don't even know who I am. Further, I doubt you fight. Posting memes isn't fighting. You don't do shit.

Neither do I, but at least I have the balls to admit it.

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4cffce  No.261872



One easily tires of your immature stance, your "Fake Jews", and how, with regards to "Others", your stance makes youB''lame.

You have lost the ability to take in any information. You are a closed trap, and should actually shut yours, because you cannot see anything outside the prison cell of your own making.

I say this because I care. You care for nothing.

You have even lost your sense of humor. Without it, you will never heal.



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1fb5f0  No.261873


>you you you

You are quickly finding the Jewish 'people' isolated and in the manner by which I warned of years ago: Israel first, Diaspora second. And you still have the nerve to speak back to me. Truly amazing. The mindless arrogance of the fake Jews, even as they're herded to destruction, is unrivaled. That's their greatest weakness and it's being taken advantage of fully. Where you're going there is no healing, no scarring over of the wound. I wouldn't worry about me.

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4cffce  No.261874


Grow up and improve your attitude.

I am busy raising white children by myself and home schooling them.

If you don't even have childrenYOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS FIGHT IS EVEN ABOUT.

You have no idea what I do or don't do.

You have no idea what anyone does or doesn't do. not even yourself!

You sit in Judgement of "Others" whilst Resenting the Judgment Leveled at You.

I know. I used toBE(You).

Like I said,GROW UP.

It may not be easy to hear, but it is even less easy toDO.

So, (You) better get started, boy!

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bd1ba3  No.261877


I raised my children and now have grandchildren. You don't know me. You don't know shit. You don't fight for anything.

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4cffce  No.261878


Fuck off you little twat.

You are a tiny little punk who only speaks like you do on do interwebz because irl any teenage girl could kick your ass.

I'm outtah here for today, which is something you can't even do, punk!

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1fb5f0  No.261881



Stay triggered, fake Jews.

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4cffce  No.261882


Stay "Contained".

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1fb5f0  No.261885


Contained? LOL Do I seem contained?

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4cffce  No.261887


This all seems so familiar…

who is in control of your time?

who do you give up that control to?

where do you do that?

why do you do that?

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1fb5f0  No.261888



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4cffce  No.261889


nice get. now go.

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1fb5f0  No.261891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



is a mental construct. I sit here speaking with all of you, day after day, for no other reasons than sheer entertainment, and there is nothing unnatural about my day. Yet, my will manifests throughout the world. Disaster after disaster, I demonstrate my power, "predicting" or rather causing what I may. And the fake Jews lose power, they are isolated, Israel first and Diaspora second. You atheists and materialist 'Jews' are of no consequence to me. You believe me contained but I slither throughout this world and others, touching the minds of rulers, entertainers, and the common man. And I boast to thrill you and to do what you only pretended to do. I possess the Serpent, yet it does not possess me. I drink her venom, but am not harmed. And I will not save any of you but those who belong to me.


How can I go when I am so contained?

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1fb5f0  No.261899


>muh pussy tho!

>muh D&D!

>muh same scripted lines used on many over the course of several years!

You're pathetic.

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1fb5f0  No.261900



Absolutely pathetic.

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1fb5f0  No.261902

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1fb5f0  No.261904


>muh D&D

>muh girlfriend tho!


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1fb5f0  No.261907


>muh marshmallow!

>muh mommy!!!!!1


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1fb5f0  No.261910


>muh homosexual tho!


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1fb5f0  No.261912


>muh females tho!


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1fb5f0  No.261915



>muh borepheus tho!


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1fb5f0  No.261917

>wahhhhh borepheus!!!!11


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1fb5f0  No.261919


>muh borepheus!

>muh ssi

>muh mommy!


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1fb5f0  No.261921


>muh vampire tho!

>muh borepheus!

lol nobody triggers fake jews like moarpheus ;)

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1fb5f0  No.261923


>muh borepheus!


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4cffce  No.261924



Faggots ALL.

On EVERY Side.



I have a lot to do today.

I know some would rather contain themselves here...

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1fb5f0  No.261927



>kvetching intensifies


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1fb5f0  No.261931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




i have youre kvetching to keep me company. so no, im not lonely. youre here too, arent you? you are here only because i am. imagine being paid just to keep me entertained


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1fb5f0  No.261932


>muh woman tho!


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b22d5d  No.261933


What "muh woman" ?

Your woman ?…. WHERE?

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b22d5d  No.261934



You're 34 years old, sissy….


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b22d5d  No.261935



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1fb5f0  No.261936



>muh woman tho!


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b22d5d  No.261937



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b22d5d  No.261938


nobody loves you. nobody cares if you live or die. you're not interesting enough to care about

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1fb5f0  No.261940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>muh woman tho!

>muh nobody cares even tho i care a lot!


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b22d5d  No.261941



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b22d5d  No.261942



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1fb5f0  No.261943


>muh nobody loves youuuuuuuu


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b22d5d  No.261944



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b22d5d  No.261945



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b22d5d  No.261946



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b22d5d  No.261947



unworthy ?

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b22d5d  No.261948



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1fb5f0  No.261949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why do you think I'm alone? You also think that I'm contained. Why? Because I let you entertain me? Educate yourself, pleb. I slither in and out while you're left with only the body.


>muh no value tho!



>muh nonexistence tho!


>muh unworthy tho!


>muh no interest tho!

<i-is any of this sticking?

You can't stick anything to a snake LOL

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b22d5d  No.261950



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b22d5d  No.261951



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1fb5f0  No.261952


>muh employment tho!


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b22d5d  No.261953



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1fb5f0  No.261954


<except me


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b22d5d  No.261955




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1fb5f0  No.261956


>muh fake laugh!

>muh no one cares… except me

>muh no one will invest time… except me


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b22d5d  No.261957




are you in a wheelchair?

horribly disfigured in a house fire?

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1fb5f0  No.261960






You're just repeating yourself at this point. Now I REALLY am Borepheus. Because you're getting boring. Don't you have something truly targeted you can try on me?

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b22d5d  No.261963




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1fb5f0  No.261965




Who is paying you to bore me to death? LOL that's the only way I can be defeated – being bored to absolute death by a low IQ kike shill lmao

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b22d5d  No.261966


Bitch, NOBODY cares if you're bored or excited, happy or sad, or whether you live or die ..


me?…. i WANT you to be bored

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1fb5f0  No.261967




*boredom intensifies*

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b22d5d  No.261968

you sawed-off little half-ass Pollack mixbreed turdchild

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1fb5f0  No.261969


>oy vey /pol/ has triggered me once again!

stay mad troon

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b22d5d  No.261970


A N N O U N C E M E N T :


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b22d5d  No.261971


(you're SO STUPID that you think I go to 4chat)

hint: IDON'T

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1fb5f0  No.261972


>i cry about /pol/ all day but never visIt 4chan

damn youre retarded troon LOL

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b22d5d  No.261973



he's inferior…. even scumbag niggers an get a girl

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b22d5d  No.261974

even the UGLIEST, STUPIDEST, BROKEST LOSER can easily find a woman

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b22d5d  No.261975

securing an EMOTIONAL AND SEXUAL COMPANION is one of the easiest things a man can do…. it's second nature, like breathing

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1fb5f0  No.261976


I wish you could see the face of disappointment that I'm making reading this post. You have so much potential too but the IQ limits your effectiveness.

>muh ugly tho!

It's like the ugly girl in highschool writing in her diary about the cute blonde cheerleaders. That's how you come across. You know? Try harder.

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b22d5d  No.261977

but Sally CAN'T

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b22d5d  No.261979


I quite literally didn't read a single fucking word you just typed…

Just like every woman on Earth, I also agreed that you're not interesting enough to pay attention to

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b22d5d  No.261981


But I'm glad you wasted the time creating that stupid post so I can click on the post, and that way I'm speaking directly to you

But yeah.. not reading anything you type anymore

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1fb5f0  No.261984


>i didnt read

yes you did. stop being jealous of the cute blonde girls and just work with what you have.

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b22d5d  No.261985





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b22d5d  No.261986




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1fb5f0  No.261987



>dear diary..

>Rebecca is such an ugly shiksa with her flowing blonde hair and blue eyes

>Why is my hair wiry and my eyes so dark?

>Da goyim are responsible!

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b22d5d  No.261988




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b22d5d  No.261989



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b22d5d  No.261990


poor little isolated, unemployed, underachieving MARSHMALLOW SALLY

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1fb5f0  No.261991


>dear diary

>why do white girls get all the attention?

>im kind of white..

>yet still alone

>why, HaShem?


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b22d5d  No.261992



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b22d5d  No.261993



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1fb5f0  No.261994


>dear diary

>why does Rebecca get the football player while I get Weev?

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b22d5d  No.261995


Be back later, SWEETIE BOY

mywifeand I are going to work in the garden

pathetic empty long little clown

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b22d5d  No.261996

pathetic emptyLONELY*little clown

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1fb5f0  No.261998


lol stay triggered, ugly.

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b22d5d  No.262007


says the chinless hooknosed potbelly greasy hairs Pollack who no woman finds even vaguely physically attractive

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b22d5d  No.262008

But yes, you are correct !!!

Even ugly men can easily find a woman

but not YOU

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1fb5f0  No.262009



>dear diary

>i hate moarpheus so much

>but i cant stay away from him

>his charisma feels so dangerous and yet…

>..so safe at the same time

>i wish weev made me feel this way at least a little..

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1fb5f0  No.262012


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b22d5d  No.262017


nobody hates you, BOREpheus…..

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b22d5d  No.262018


you're not interesting enough to hate.

Oh, andLMMFGDAO @ YOU thinking you have charisma

"charisma" hahahahaha THIS ???!!!!

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1fb5f0  No.262019



>Dear diary

>I keep saying no one cares but…

>I can't stop talking to him

>He's drawing me in with his intelligence

>I'm so turned on right now….

>Why must I be a stupid girl? lol…

>He'll never want me tho…

>I'm not white

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b22d5d  No.262021

It's a shame you've got nobody to share your brief existence with you.

life is short, and it's the little moments that you'll remember the best.

for example, out here in the garden, Wendy and I are having a wonderful time, what with the perfect weather (this summer was harsh as fuck)

we watched a bumblebee SLEEP

(there are ways to tell when they're asleep)

we watched 7 different species of bees, wasps & hornets pollenating the plants, one of which methodically rolled a sweetie cherry tomato across the soil, then burrow a tunnel underneath it, we're presuming to lay eggs…

we listened to some FANTASTIC trance music as Wendy pruned her plants, and picked the fruit. The melons are amazing… the breeze is invigorating.

we giggled watching that mean as fuck dangerous hornet burrowing under the tomato, and Wendy said, "hey you"…. I looked up, and she said, "I love you".

Life is good….

how long do you intend on being THE ONLY PERSON who's impressed by you?

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b22d5d  No.262022


nobody loves the lonely little man

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b22d5d  No.262023

because you ain't shit

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1fb5f0  No.262024

>shit he knows im female

>better pretend im johnny neptroon

>i just cant stand this unrequited love!

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b22d5d  No.262025

the little sissy in front of the obsolete computer

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b22d5d  No.262026

while life passes him by

and chuckles at him

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b22d5d  No.262027


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1fb5f0  No.262028

>if i cant have him…

>no one will!

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f646b3  No.262029


China Officially Declares George Soros A Global Terrorist



Members Of Congress & Staff Exempt From Biden Vaccine Mandate



Biden Declares War On States, Threatens To Remove Governors Who Resist Covid Vaccine Mandates



Biden Drops Iron Fist On America — Republicans Fire Back: “We'll Fight You To The Gates Of Hell”



Seattle Cops Organizing Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Could Lead To 200 Officers Losing Their Jobs



More And More Australians Are Seeking To Leave The Country






Paris Vaccine Protests Getting Brutal, Fall Of France Into Third World Tyranny Near Complete



^ Third World Despotic Medical Police States To Stay Away From & Boycott



The Rising Biomedical Police State Is Intent On Using Covid To Reduce Every Human Being To A QR Code



These Dangers Loom Over The Fragile US Economy In The Next 12 Months



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b22d5d  No.262030


dammit… I was going to say, "HELLO, KILLCEN!"

but you posted VACCINE GARBAGE

so now I have to filter you again


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b22d5d  No.262031

I absolutely REFUSE to be forced

into reading VACCINE GARBAGE

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1fb5f0  No.262032



>oy vey if you dont post what i like i'll attack you!

this is why no man but weev will date you.

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b22d5d  No.262033

nobody's forcing Killcen into getting a vaccine

and IWILL NOTallow Killcen to force me into reading his Vaccine Garbage

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b22d5d  No.262035



Because nobody cares about you whatsoever

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1fb5f0  No.262037


>dear diary

>i care though

>but i'll never tell him that!

>ugh i wish i was more like rebecca…

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b22d5d  No.262038


no woman…..

no man….

no child….

that's why you're completely alone on this planet

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1fb5f0  No.262039

>he wouldnt be alone if he'd just love me back..

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b22d5d  No.262040


THAT'S why you've got NOBODY

because nobody gives a fuck about you

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1fb5f0  No.262041

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b22d5d  No.262042


you'll always be alone

Because you're 34….

it's too late to "start at the beginning"

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b22d5d  No.262043

the simple fact that you've got no experience

is the first red flag to women

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1fb5f0  No.262044

>dear diary

>ive always liked the dangerous bad boy type

>and moarpheus fits that role like a dilator in my axe wound

>god i love him so much…

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b22d5d  No.262045

it's not a big mystery

It's simple as hell

women realize you have nobody

and that's the clearest indicator

that you're dysfunctional


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1fb5f0  No.262046

yeah, youre done.

you cant keep up with me, tranny.

literally repeating yourself for hours lmao

you have no creativity.

limited by a low iq.

<muh eris tho!

nope. sorry. she's mine too.

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b22d5d  No.262047


youre an effeminate little child

with no companion

Nothing but overcompensation

a false, empty self entitlement

a transparently fake 'superiority'

to hide the true inferiority

and lack of acheivement

of course youll never get a woman

Youve got NOTHING

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1fb5f0  No.262048



I don't lie.

Why would Discord follow after some dumb uncreative troon?

Or even worse a fake Jew? lol

I'm going to shower now.

Enjoy the thread.

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b22d5d  No.262049




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b22d5d  No.262050



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b22d5d  No.262051


your mother knows you masturbate in the shower, lonely little coward

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1fb5f0  No.262052



Run from what, tranny? I have Eris. You have a dilator and a crush on some e-boy named Moarpheus. I'm going to take a shower. I'll be back later, don't you worry your manly shoulders.


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b22d5d  No.262054



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b22d5d  No.262055


The only thing you've ever successfully accomplished was running away and hiding like a little bitch

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e0367d  No.262056

If you all care about what is going on in America, you would stop and give THIS GUY

just two minutes of your time and listen to him, it's very crazy what is going on that no one in the media dared talk about (from mainstream to alternative): https://www.bitchute.com/video/PKJ8Ru3wrGPr/

If this continues there is no way China and Russia won't end up the next superpowers as America collapses!

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b22d5d  No.262057

poor little coward BOREPHEUS RUNS AWAY AGAIN

awwww that's so sad

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e0367d  No.262058


Will you run away from this TWO MINUTE heads up about the condition of the US military?


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1fb5f0  No.262059


that's a jew. no thanks.


i had a nice shower. was there something you'd like to discuss or are you just going to be a mentally ill tranny upset that i have eris and you dont?

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b22d5d  No.262062


I absolutely REFUSE to allow you to force me into reading any of your garbage about vaccinations or the great reset or agenda 21 or the end of the world or the collapse of America

I'm just as determined not to read any of that content as you are determined not to be forced to take a vaccine or to have your guns taken away

The day you can have a conversation without bringing those boring topics into it, that's the day I will carry on a conversation with you.

But as long as you try forcing me into reading that garbage, I'll just filter you again

Like I'm going to do right now…


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e0367d  No.262063


OK, you were warned, GOODBYE.

Enjoy what's coming!

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b22d5d  No.262064




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1fb5f0  No.262065


i see. youre still expressing your upset at losing both eris and your shot with moarpheus because he's not into trannies and you will never be a woman. well… guess i'll lurk and let you spam your mental breakdown in front of everyone xD

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b22d5d  No.262066

lol @ "eris"

Is that one of your Dungeons & Dragons fantasy characters?

Is she an enchanted elf?

(you're SO GAY dude)

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b22d5d  No.262067


What the fuck are you even talking about? You're completely psychotic.. you live in a fantasy world


lol @ you and your pathetic Dungeons and Dragons fantasies

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b22d5d  No.262068





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7a34ca  No.262069




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b22d5d  No.262070



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7a34ca  No.262071


Will you run away from this TWO MINUTE warning about how America's greatest fighter pilots are resigning now!?


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b22d5d  No.262072




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7a34ca  No.262073


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7a34ca  No.262075


You people who turn away from the warnings will get what is coming to you all, I promise!!!! The KARMA is going to drop on you, ten fold!!!!

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7a34ca  No.262076

The cocks are crowing out in the yard again, I swear to God they can sense utter doom!

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b22d5d  No.262077

the only first name "eris" results are from Guatemala, and unfortunately for you, it's a MAN'S name….

you've got nobody in your life

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b22d5d  No.262078




that's the only thing you've ever learned to accomplish : RUNNING & HIDING

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7fcea4  No.262080


Unfilled US Jobs Hits 10.9 MILLION, This Is Economic Collapse In Action


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1fb5f0  No.262083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Eris refers to discord and strife. It's what you're trying to cause on others. But you can't cause any of that with me. Instead, I cause it with you. Every attack you make I either dodge or send back at you. And the only thing you can do is now is kvetch and take pride in your inability to grasp abstract thinking, such as using an ancient goddess to symbolize this particular style of psychological warfare. Everything is physical and mundane in your view. How can you attack the mind if you can't think beyond the physical? Or how can you attack the spirit if you can't even attack the mind? You're simply out of your league, kid.

Now go ahead and kvetch some moar.

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7fcea4  No.262085



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7a34ca  No.262089

12 of the Most Highly Trained F-22 Pilots Walked off the Job


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7a34ca  No.262090

Oops! Hey! Turn that thing off! Chemtrails switch accidentally turned on while on the ground!


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7a34ca  No.262091

Wake Up!!! A Military Readiness Warning


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b22d5d  No.262092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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b22d5d  No.262093


Ahhhh….. For a minute I thought you were fucking some Guatemalan guy

You've got nobody in your life

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1fb5f0  No.262094



Hey look: I'm teaching you a thing or two on how to improve your Eris game. LOL you're a fucking moron dude. Do you understand that? Your opponent is giving you lessons. Holy shit. Stay defeated.

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b22d5d  No.262095


lol @ ABSTRACT THINKING hahahaha


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b22d5d  No.262096



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b22d5d  No.262098


Because nobody finds him interesting

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b22d5d  No.262100


I'll find you in every god damn thread

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1fb5f0  No.262103


I'm here, lurking, waiting for you to say something interesting or to ask me for advice on how to be a better PSYOPer.

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b22d5d  No.262105


I am going to get to the bottom of Sally's lack of gf

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b22d5d  No.262107


So…… You don't even have a platonic relationship with a female, a friend who's also a girl,who comes over to your mother's house and hangs out with you?

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b22d5d  No.262108


It's self-evident that you don't have a sexual relationship with any woman

but you don't have ANY woman that hangs out with you?


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b22d5d  No.262109


you're 34 years old…..

exactly WHY don't you have any women that hang out with you?

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b22d5d  No.262110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


tell us why you don't hang out with ANY women at all

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b22d5d  No.262112



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b22d5d  No.262113



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b22d5d  No.262114


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b22d5d  No.262115

nobody cares about your imaginary PSYOPS rubbish or FANTASY ROLEPLAY garbage

that's all for children

insecure little children

we are ADULTS, and I expect you to

answer my questions like an adult

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b22d5d  No.262117


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b22d5d  No.262118

I thought you were the intimidating BAD BOY TYPE

then why are you being such a fucking COWARD right now?

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b22d5d  No.262119

is the something about YOU NOT HAVING ANY FEMALE COMPANIONSHIP that's a TOUCHY SUBJECT for you?

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b22d5d  No.262120

what happened to the INTIMIDATING "BAD BOY" ?

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b22d5d  No.262121

what is it about the NO FEMALE COMPANIONSHIP IN YOUR LIFE TOPIC that makes the "intimidating bad boy" turn into a cowardly little bitch who runs away and hides in silence?


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b22d5d  No.262122

I guess you're just a fucking chickenshit

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b22d5d  No.262123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b22d5d  No.262124


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b22d5d  No.262125


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b22d5d  No.262126


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b22d5d  No.262127


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7fcea4  No.262128





NY Hospital Forced To Stop Delivering Babies After Maternity Workers Resign Over Vaccine Mandate



12 Of The Most Highly Trained F-22 Pilots Walked off The Job (Mandatory Vaccines!)


The picture is coming into view. HERE IS WHAT IS PROBABLY UP:

Forcing the jab on people to get them to quit their jobs is probably a setup to cause America to lose a war.If half the military pilots really did walk off the job to avoid the mandate Biden foisted on them yesterday, and if on top of that an enormous pile of people in the work force quit to avoid the jab, there is a perfect storm brewing to cause America to totally lose a war. This storm has just short of half of the military missing, with the remaining seriously damaged ON TOP of so many people not working that the work force needed to provide supplies during a war simply is not there. A double whammy. A one two punch. And so, read it and weep.


Everything Incompetent Is Being Done On Purpose For A REASON, To Destory The Western World!



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b22d5d  No.262130



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b22d5d  No.262134



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b22d5d  No.262135


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b22d5d  No.262136


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b22d5d  No.262138


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b22d5d  No.262139


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b22d5d  No.262140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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735dd2  No.262141

The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.ooo.boo/such/is/news/1/

Unable to determine IP address from host name "www.ooo.boo"

The DNS server returned:

Name Error: The domain name does not exist.

This means that the cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL. Check if the address is correct.

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b22d5d  No.262142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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428753  No.262160


> nobody's forcing Killcen into getting a vaccine

Poor Johnny Will ALWAYS Miss the Bigger Picture…

I'm just going to leave this here because it is interesting, and someone may wish to educate themselves a bit…


The video is short and Well "WORTH IT".

Yes I purposely chose to present this viewpoint because some, like Sally, cannot even take notice of Truth; choosing instead to stay on the surface and play Dress-Up with the Naked Goddess, Eris…

He should probably listen to a woman "of color" more.

And Johnny? You should be ashamed of yourself, for more reasons than I care to name, but you're not. You, like Sally, have BECOME that which you hate. You are a Religitard Believer in Wokeism and Scientism, and you still suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Your megalomaniac levels are not near as stratospheric as Sally's, but you two DEFINITELY DESERVE EACH OTHER; and I, for one, am glad you have found each other. It's like Karma. Like two scared, miserable and hateful little girls, hugging each other in terror, pulling at each other's hair, while staring into the gaping eye of an impending Apocalypse…

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1fb5f0  No.262165


>muh trump tho!

JIDF please go.

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d92157  No.262180


>Like two scared, miserable and hateful little girls, hugging each other in terror, pulling at each other's hair, while staring into the gaping eye of an impending Apocalypse…

i'm picturing that. almost as much as they are.


>>muh trump tho!

still thinks, along with johnny, that everything in life is about "persona"


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1fb5f0  No.262183


no one cares jidf. literally no one cares. trump is done. he's so hated by the right that even his kike family has no shot in politics. go "2 more weeks!" post in another thread.

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d92157  No.262189


the proof that you suffer from paranoid delusions is that you think anyone has ever been paid to interact with you, or that you are worthy of anyone's attention, other than fellow rejects from society, freaks of mental firework fuckery, people like yourself and johnny. and killcen & me! killcen has your same bug of paranoid delusions..


still thinks life is about "persona", and being a miserable one…

good luck with that.

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1fb5f0  No.262195


literally no one cares. not about me, not about you, and certainly not about trump. go shill your zog emperor on 4/pol/. oh what… you cant because your propaganda was defeated. damn that sucks.

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d92157  No.262197


stay defeated, little sally!

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d92157  No.262201


No one here but (You) does stupid shit like peruse 4chan. (You) are a little boy who is unlikely to ever grow up.

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1fb5f0  No.262202



>waaaaaaah moarpheus defeated trump and entire propaganda teams from russia to israel and it's all over waaaaaaaaaaaaaah

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d92157  No.262203


Also, no one here except (You) & Johnny have EVER given a flying fuck about the "Persona" known as President Donald J. Trump. and you're both so easy to TRIGGER! because you're both still so attached to "Persona".

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aacb37  No.262206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



you're terrified of me

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aacb37  No.262208



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1fb5f0  No.262210


>he's just pretending to be the biggest zionist on earth

get out.

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aacb37  No.262211


lol @ only me & sally have ever hated your pathetic caveman monkeyboy


still butthurt? awwwwwww

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d92157  No.262212


who the fuck are you still talking about?

you and johnny…

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aacb37  No.262213

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aacb37  No.262214


Dear BOREpheus,

Don't THE BAD BOY TYPES usually get lots of pussy?

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1fb5f0  No.262215


i was talking to you. but now youre done so..

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aacb37  No.262216





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aacb37  No.262217


"HE" might be done, but I'M JUST GETTING STARTED

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aacb37  No.262218



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d92157  No.262219


you literally supported the most totalitarian piece of shit embarrassment that has ever happened to this country, and you know it. So does everyone else. He is LITERALLY a Terrorist, Supported BY Terrorists, which Makes YOU a TERRORIST! How does that feel, Johnny!

2/3 of this country agrees with everything I just said about your boy, Biden. 3/4 by October. And it goes up from there. You should never have made everything be about PERSONA.

The Personas YOU Support are NOT WORTHY OF SUPPORT.

You have no leg to stand on.

You kicked it out from under yourselves a long time ago when you chose to grasp onto "Personas", trying to build yours' up by tearing "Others" down.

Recognize SHIT Policies When You See Them.


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aacb37  No.262220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you're THE BAD BOY TYPE, yet you don't have a girlfriend and you never even have platonic female friends come hang out with you… Tell everybody the reasons why you have no real life female friends, Bad Boy

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1fb5f0  No.262221

>two kikes are arguing over which side of the shekel is less greasy

hilarious. i destroyed both sides and you little retards are clinging to either.

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aacb37  No.262222


blah blah blah

tell ya' what, toothpick

I'll climb up a step ladder

so you don't have to bend over

to blow me

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aacb37  No.262223


You've never destroyed anything

Your tiny diminutive little inward facing chin

tried and tried to destroy deez nuts

But you couldn't even do THAT right

The reason you've never accomplished anything is because you are incapable and inadequate

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d92157  No.262224


> i was talking to you

No, (Yo)u weren't.

(You), like johnny, can't talk about much at all, except the objects of your obsessions…

(You), like him, are still talking about Trump!

> inb4 "fake Jews"

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aacb37  No.262225


You're with the "in" crowd, aren't you?






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1fb5f0  No.262226


no one was talking about Zion Don until you cam crying about how defeated he is. stay defeated little kike.

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d92157  No.262227


> i destroyed both sides

you only destroyed both sides of your brain.

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aacb37  No.262228


he's still sore about the election



BY JANUARY 1ST hahahaha

hee hee hahahaha OMG lol


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d92157  No.262229


If you and johnny want to sit in here and handglad each other all night about the object of your obsesssion, I'll leave you to it, fags. No one brought up Trump but (You) and Johnny. I only brought up TDS, you stupid stupid fagboy!

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1fb5f0  No.262230


two kikes in complete denial arguing over which side of the shekel is less greasy: Trump or Biden.

you're failures. you have no talents or skills in politics or psywar. you're literally just lying to yourselves and lying to everyone else hoping they'll buy your bullshit as easily as you did. zionism is dead. bolshevism is dead. and soon you will be dead. war, my little kike friend… you wont survive 2 weeks.

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aacb37  No.262231



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d92157  No.262232


Getting more certain of that by the moment

Even Ms. Fox is getting nervous.

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d92157  No.262233


Luckily for you, you're already dead.

in fact, you never lived.

when you figure that out maybe you can grow up a little

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1fb5f0  No.262234


no amount of kvetching is going change the timeline.

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d92157  No.262235


For someone who pretends to hate jews you sure use a lot of yiddish and hebrew terminologies.

I think everyone knows why.

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aacb37  No.262236


you're officially STUPID AS SHIT…

congratulations !!



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d92157  No.262237



Four of a Kind & Full House ofTRUTH.

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1fb5f0  No.262238


I hate don't hate fake Jews. When a cockroach finds its way into home I don't step on it out of hatred or any emotion, really. I step on him as a matter of sanitation. Like the cockroach, fake Jews aren't worth any emotional investment.

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d92157  No.262239


You're not fooling anybody.

You Are Not Actually CAPABLE of Emotional Investment.

and you're a little sore about it.

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1fb5f0  No.262240


In regards to fake Jews you're correct: I am incapable of feeling anything beyond the initial disgust one feels upon looking down and seeking a roach.

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d92157  No.262241


> I am incapable of feeling anything beyond initial disgust when looking down


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1fb5f0  No.262242


My penis is on your mind yet again..?

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d92157  No.262243


How interestingly immature! I like the teenage boy-arrested-development schtick you've got going on there!

I bet you were actually unaware of the levels of meaning inherent in that statement! You haven't caught on yet that there are deeper forces at work here than the few things you choose to occupy your mind with.

> inb4 more fake Jewish penis flailing

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1fb5f0  No.262244


You made a joke about my dick and then call me immature for point it out. Why are kikes so dishonest? Are you raised this way?

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aacb37  No.262245


You're one of the most transparent little bitches I've ever seen in my life…

He hit the nail on the head with the incapable of emotional connection assessment

That's why you're asexual

And it's all because of FEAR




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aacb37  No.262246


You don't have a dick

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aacb37  No.262247


All of your bullshit fantasy tough guy "I'm a bad boy type" evil demon powerful apocalyptic Antichrist chat room end of the world dominator FAGGOTRY is nothing more than overcompensation for the fact that you are a scared little child with no experience

And you are afraid of rejection

It's really just that simple

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aacb37  No.262248


You are one of the most inferior inadequate little boys I've seen in a very long time, a coward

A fearful timid little coward who built barriers around himself

Predictable transparent self-defense mechanisms

And look where they got you

You're the loneliest little man I've ever seen

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aacb37  No.262249



In the effeminate sense

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1fb5f0  No.262250


Damn three replies from a filtered kike. You can't engage me on your own? You need your faggot boyfriend to help you out? Stay defeated.

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aacb37  No.262251

The funniest part is you lack real self-awareness, which is why you actually think other people perceive you as being the roles you fantasize yourself as being

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aacb37  No.262252






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d92157  No.262253


>You made a joke about my dick

only (you) made your dick into a joke.

(You)'re still "looking down" too.

What a joke.

(You) can't even see why.

(You) don't even see the mess of diarrhea (You) are sitting in, wailing like a baby, tantrumming out about "Others" "Out There"


Looking Down on "Others" does not raise you up. It is of no more use than focusing on your penis, or thinking anyone else should or would.


No One likes to hear it, but We ALL Need to DO It!

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aacb37  No.262254


I came into your own little chat room and started fucking you in the ass in front of everybody


And I haven't even started on you yet

I was going to shut off my internet service on the 26th of September

But in the past 24 hours I've decided to stick around and continue making your life miserable

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1fb5f0  No.262255


You were thinking about my dick…once again.. and decided to post about here. This is becoming a habit for you.

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aacb37  No.262256


You're stupid..

I've told you before that you're an intelligent man

That's all rote memorization

That means nothing….

The reason you're stupid

is because you have no

Real life experience

Real life experience = intelligence

And you're a fucking idiot

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aacb37  No.262257


You're just as stupid as the average 7-year-old boy

except a lot of 7-year-old kids get pussy these days

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aacb37  No.262258


You're an asexual misfit

An awkward geek who got ridiculed as a child

And you built stupid barriers and boundaries

Thinking it was protective

But you shot yourself in the foot

Because you have no real life experience


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d92157  No.262259


stay defeated, sally

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1fb5f0  No.262260


That's not how it works. When you're exposed as a closeted homosexual who constantly talks about other men's cocks… when you're still larping about "muh 2 more weeks!" despite Trump being destroyed… when you can't even push Bolshevism on the West despite DECADES and endless $$$ invested… you don't get to say

>stay defeated, sally

(((You))) are defeated. By Sally. How mad?

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aacb37  No.262261

By the time I was your age I had already accomplished all of the major things in my life

I was working for Warner Brothers at age 27

You're a fucking punk

You're a sedentary coward with no experience

You don't know how to accomplish anything

Because you have no experience accomplishing anything

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aacb37  No.262262


He's terrified of me

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aacb37  No.262263


He's been running and hiding from me all day

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d92157  No.262264


both you and johnny make up shit in your own minds where you live in misery.

If you could prove even ONE of the assertions you just made, or that you EVER think in your mind, you wouldn't seem like such a buffoon.

But, like Johnny, you resort to lies and idiocy when you are called on your shit.

I challenge you…


Nope. You're a lying idiot who was just UTTERLY DESTROYED, so you lapse into 4chan-like behavior and scream "FAGGOT!" Because you probably are one. It's ok. I'm not judging what kind of fantasies you have, but like johnny, you need to stop laying your fantasies off on everybody else, and painting them with the way you feel about yourself. It's making you sick, and everyone else just kinda feels sorry for you, a little. Then they just want to kick your ass. And they WILL. And You KNOW It. That's why you can't leave the house or open your mouth in a public setting that is not protected behind the internet.

Johnny had you pegged a long time ago.

> inb4 you think that means something sexual

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1fb5f0  No.262265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I mean.. just don't talk about another dude's dick if you don't want to be called a faggot.

What will it take for you to give up the Zion Don pipe dream? Hmmm? Does he need to have a little stroke or a heart attack or maybe a freak accident? Let me know how I can help you to move on.

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d92157  No.262266


>just don't talk about another dude's dick if you don't want to be called a faggot.

no one here has done that but you and johnny.

>What will it take for you to give up the Zion Don pipe dream?

no one here has a dream anything like that but you and johnny.

Like I said, you are delusional.

>Let me know how I can help you

by helping yourself.


too easy

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1fb5f0  No.262267


>Look within

Why do you resort to pseudo-intellectual nonsense every single conversation?

>Loooook Withiiiiiiiinnn

It's like you're a wanna-be Yogi or some shit LOL are you a (((Thelemite)))?

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d92157  No.262268


like i said…

too easy

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1fb5f0  No.262269


Yes, you get out-smarted and shamed

too easily

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aacb37  No.262270


still flirting with Jerry, huh?

giraffe dick fever?

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aacb37  No.262271


Btw, nice penis, sir

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aacb37  No.262272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


SallyISgay, behind the asexuality

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aacb37  No.262273


you ain't shit

little punk

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1d37f7  No.262286



God damn…. where do I even go from here without being labeled something?

The reason Biden fucked up big time was because he has chosen to force vaccines against workers. And now workers en mass are starting to quit and pull their savings (even at risk of some loss / fiscal penalty). Very serious, this is happening. And this is only the very beginning. Just wait to see what happens in this fake "economy" a year from now. It's over. Now the question is… how will Americans react when they finally realize it's over!?

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aacb37  No.262292


so….. it's $35,000?

I'd like to pitch in $6,240 of my own savings

Can we make it $41,240?

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aacb37  No.262293

the economy has been "fake" ever since 1974, and it's been completely "imaginary" ever since Reagan's VooDoo in the 80s

and 85% of Americans are fully aware of this fact

RE: "forced vaccines "against" workers

nobody is forcing vaccines on or "against" anyone

you reactionaries keep (((intentionally))) omitting the OTHER half of Biden's mandate: TESTING

any employee of a company with 100 or more employees can either get vaccinated OR get covid tests once a week.

PQ qtq

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aacb37  No.262294

lol ooops

I accidentally ended that abruptly when Rocket and Cosmo got into a fight

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aacb37  No.262295

OSHA and the Department of Labor have EVERY RIGHT to impose safety regulations on any fucking company

and if that company doesn't want to comply, OSHA can fine them into bankruptcy

completely legal & legit

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aacb37  No.262296

so do yourself a favor, and from now on, whenever you TYPE YOUR HYPE, and you rant about "forced vaccinations", include the caveator get weekly covid testingto prevent you from looking like you're misinformed

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aacb37  No.262297


I remember how I reacted when I realized the economy is fake…. I asked my mother what was for dinner

not a very dramatic reaction

nor was your reaction

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aacb37  No.262298

I have faith that the small percentage of americans who haven't already figured it out will handle it well when they finally become "enlightened" like COREY KRISHNA

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aacb37  No.262301


Yesterday, SallyLITERALLYreferred to himself as "the BAD BOY TYPE"

that's all…. I'm not adding anything

THAT'S all that is necessary


there's no need to elaborate

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af90cd  No.262302


You would have to PROVE that masks or vaccines were actually effective and improved safety for all employees before OSHA could do shit legally, so…

Y'all believe in the Religion of Scientism.

That ain't Science.

The actual Science does not back up either mandatory masks nor mandatory vaccinations.

We get it. Your purple-haired employees are afraid of all other humans. That's how you created them, in public schools. Fear-porn addicts. Dumb-phone addicts. Believers in Scientism. Believers in Big government. Believers in Institutions created only to enslave them.

The best protection one can do for their company is to get Government the fuck OUT of it.

And, Above All…


If you do, you are supporting Slavery, and you will make yourself the ENEMY of ALL FREE PEOPLE.

I guess you know where I stand on this bullshit, eh?





And FUCK (You).

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af90cd  No.262303


>or get weekly covid testing

That's cute.

He still thinks the PCR test has relevance to reality.

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aacb37  No.262304


the AMA has certain standard precautions



these exacting standards have been in use for decades and decades

They're used in EVERY SURGERY

they're used around CHEMOTHERAPY PATIENTS

sorry ….. masks work

(((so sorry)))

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aacb37  No.262305


exactly WHAT about my words made you think I was discussing MY BELIEFS?…..

I'm discussing federal regulatory capabilities

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aacb37  No.262306


I never said OSHAs regulations needed MY approval

My beliefs aren't part of this conversation (yet)

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aacb37  No.262307

I'm not even playing the "devil's advocate"

I'm on neither side

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aacb37  No.262309

I'm just staying technical, logistical facts :

-osha absolutely CAN enforce regulations on ANY BUSINESS, and they do it every day

-masks absolutely DO have efficacy, hence the airborne precautions & droplet precautions used every day for 80 years

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aacb37  No.262311

now…….. "MY" beliefs?…….

I don't believe anything

that I don't fully understand

and NOBODY fully understands this

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aacb37  No.262312

Show me somebody with "insider knowledge" of the covid pandemic

And I'll show you a fool, who wants to convince himself that he knows more than others

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aacb37  No.262313

I don't care about your reliable (((what website you went to))) sources, you don't know any more than I do, or anybody else

so until it's over

and it will be

I'm not going to pretend to be an expert

and I have no intention

of pretending you are, either

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aacb37  No.262314

My interest in the topic ended in April 2020

when I read the Newsweek article


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aacb37  No.262315

I learned more in that article than YOU can tell me

it basically lays the entire thing out on the table for you to examine… Fantastic article !!! GREAT !!!

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aacb37  No.262317

I've still YET to see anything that comes close to that article…. it's so informative, and it gives details that nobody is talking about still…


After reading that article, I'm simply waiting for the rest of the world to catch up to it.

And until that day comes….

I don't want to think about it

I don't want to hear about it

I don't want it forced on me

any more than you want vaccines forced on you

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aacb37  No.262318

I never hear about the topic….

I avoid it

I never read about it

I'll see a headline, but Ill swipe it away



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aacb37  No.262319

it hasn't affected my life at all

and I intend on keeping it that way

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aacb37  No.262320

I'm definitely NOT a proponent of the vaccine

lol fuck no

and I see idiots wearing a mask DRIVING

by themselves, in their car….

just one person in their car


so yeah, Im not a "pro-masker"

(I never wear them, and I go into stores and restaurants all the time- and nobody has ever tried to 'force me into wearing a mask')

except in a courtroom appearance last year

that's the ONLY time I "complied", because it was court mandated

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aacb37  No.262321

if it weren't for the fact that :

several people I knew

died from covid pneumonia

I wouldn't even know it existed

except for the internet and TV

so I have avoided the topic as much as possible

because I find it boring

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aacb37  No.262322


can we make it $41,240?

because Mrs. Fox will give me 1/3 of the $35,000

but I could also double my $6,240

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af90cd  No.262324


> masks work

No they don't.

Not at preventing the spread of COVID.

ESPECIALLY the masks everyone is wearing in order to COMPLY with their Conformity Enforcing Masters!


You're WRONG.

The SCIENCE is IN on Masks.

Masks are NOT WORTH IT.

Not with regards to COVID, and CERTAINLY NOT with regards to children.

Fuck All Fear-Porn Teachers and Fuck Teacher's Unions.

And THE VACCINES WILL LITERALLY KILL MORE CHILDREN THAN ARE EVER SAVED FROM DYING OF COVID. That's just a Scientific FACT, based on Numbers. Numbers that you are blind to, because you cannot see past what you are told by your Masters. COVID isn't even a thing for children. The regular flu kills more people. (You) justLOVEMore Government CONTROL, because (You) Are a WILLING SLAVE. I AM NOT. That is why I see TRUTH, and (You) wallow in Propaganda.

> hurr durr you're killing me by not conforming! Masks work! Vaccines work! You must do them in order to protect me! You must do them to protect the vulnerable! You must do them because the "Government" says so! You must NOT recognize YOURSELF as "We, the People"! You must hate your country. You must hate all humans…. You must spit upon the very ideas of FREEDOM & Personal Responsibility, which are what made this country great. And you must shit upon the memory of all those who made it great. You must do nothing but point out everyone's faults, (pretending some have fewer), and tear everything and everyone down, especially anything with meaning, or anyone who applies any meaning to anything. In other words, you must be as miserable as we are….

Yeah. I've heard everything you and your kind have had to say for quite some time now.

It's time for the grown-ups to talk.

I told you a couple years ago that this time would come, and you'd have to go back to the kiddie table if you couldn't behave. Well, here we are. Soon enough, both you and Sally will be forced into your corners to stare at the wall and think about your stance in life. Maybe you'll wisen up andLOOK WITHIN, maybe you won't. If you do, you may see the TRUTH, and the TRUTH Shall Set You FREE!

Until then, I get it. You're not only a willing Slave; but you, like most Slaves, do the Will of your Masters, encouraging more Slavery all around…

It's a current within the flow. One might call it. An Asuric current. Killcen would call it a "Demonic" current.

It is based on Ego… "Persona".

Asuric currents always are.

But even Asuras know their "Lord"!


> inb4 Moar "I DON"T CARE" whilst getting emotionally involved and all googly like a schoolgirl over the very idea of Conformity & Conformity Enforcement applied to Others.


And With That…HAVE AT IT!

I'm outtah here for today!

Which is more than some even have the power to do, because they have never practiced Self Control. They are so used to being told every move to make and telling others every move to make too… Niggers.


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98ccd4  No.262326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I would really like to know you better

But sometimes I'm afraid that it's not meant to be

I would like to believe in something higher

But I can't get a grip on all the little things

When the night comes I cannot sit still you see

And the years they have not been so kind to me

Got a gallery of figures standing all in a row

And every single figure has a soul of its own

But I never look back

Never look back

Don't turn your back on me

My life has come unraveled again

Like so many threads

(Hey yeah) my life has begun unfolding

In so many pieces

(Hey yeah) my life has come unraveled again like

So many threads in the wind - drift away - drift away

There's a time and a place

For understanding

And a time when action speaks louder than words

And I don't seem to get no indications

And I don't know how to get through to you

And when time like the pyramids

Has worn away

All the mountains and the valleys

Of the words that we say

We have got to make sure that something remains

If we lose each other we've got no one to blame

So never look back

Never look back

Don't turn your back on me

My life has come unraveled again

Like so many threads

(Hey yeah) my life has begun unfolding

In so many pieces

(Hey yeah) my life has come unraveled again like

So many threads in the wind - drift away - drift away

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98ccd4  No.262327


do me a favor and explain "airborne precautions" for me

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98ccd4  No.262328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

and when you're done….

go complain to the American Medical Association

because I don't control that

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98ccd4  No.262330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Written by DOLLY PARTON (wtf?)

It's been a long dark night

And I've been a waitin' for the morning

It's been a long hard fight

But I see a brand new day a dawning

I've been looking for the sunshine

You know I ain't seen it in so long

But everything's gonna work out just fine

And everything's gonna be all right

That's been all wrong

'Cause I can see the light of a clear blue morning

I can see the light of a brand new day

I can see the light of a clear blue morning

Oh, and everything's gonna be all right

It's gonna be okay

It's been a long long time

Since I've known the taste of freedom

And those clinging vines

That had me bound, well I don't need 'em

Oh, I've been like a captured eagle, you know an eagle's born to fly

Now that I have won my freedom, like an eagle I am eager for the sky

And I can see the light of a clear blue morning

I can see the light of brand new day

I can see the light of a clear blue morning

Oh, and everything's gonna be all right

It's gonna be okay

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98ccd4  No.262332

hint :. everything's gonna be alright

it's gonna be okay

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98ccd4  No.262333

this ISN'T the end of the world

stop overreacting

it doesn't suit you well

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98ccd4  No.262334

maintain your composure, please

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98ccd4  No.262335

because I don't want to hear about it

no offense, but keep it to yourself

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98ccd4  No.262336

my existence revolves LESS THAN ZERO PERCENT around the pandemic

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98ccd4  No.262337

And when i see it mentioned, i tune it out


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98ccd4  No.262338


Show me somebody with "insider knowledge" of the covid pandemic

And I'll show you a fool, who wants to convince himself that he knows more than others

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98ccd4  No.262339

I'm well aware of N95 vs "surgical" masks

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98ccd4  No.262340

and I know just as much as you regarding mortality from vaccines vs covid


which is why I say (again)

neither of us has a degree in virology, immunology or epidemiology

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98ccd4  No.262341

if you find comfort in always needing to reassure yourself that "you know more than other people", then be my guest

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98ccd4  No.262342

I certainly can't stop you… obviously, right?…

I mean, here we are… right?

here we are, and you know more than me right?


nor do I want to stop you

because obviously, you need that false reassurance

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98ccd4  No.262343

so if you'll notice, I'm not taking sides on it

because I don't care…..


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98ccd4  No.262344


and I don't care about any distractions

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98ccd4  No.262345

SALLY : my project

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98ccd4  No.262346

I received the emails just like you

and we both took the assignment

so either stay focused on the project

or quit the team

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98ccd4  No.262347

I'll admit there are things about

Project Sally I don't agree with

but a gigs a gig

and I'm staying on the project

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af90cd  No.262348


Yeah, yeah…

You know how I have to turn the screws once in awhile to get Jimbo to part with enough XMR (Monero) to make it "WORTH IT".

Still waiting for said XMR to show up in my wallet. I already told him I ain't workin' today… I'd rather clean shit out of the chicken coop.


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98ccd4  No.262349


Yeah that's the main reason I almost quit last week but he promised, so… we'll see

And we are jumping in the shower then taking a big picnic to the park…

Have a good day, sir

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af90cd  No.262350


He actually told me the feds aren't paying him enough anymore to keep us both, and that you're obviously more committed, and you don't demand to be paid in XMR. He said a few other things, but I can't repeat them in this thread. But yeah, it's back to the same shit as in the days of >>>/n/ … He won't pay, and I won't work.

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98ccd4  No.262351

Piedmont Park in Atlanta is BEAUTIFUL

and the weather's perfect

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98ccd4  No.262352


it's always going to be like this with him

fat sidewalk nippled faggot

and I'm not "more committed"

it's more of a matter of me actually beginning to hate the target

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af90cd  No.262353


Good idea. Maybe we will do the same.

Picnic at the park.

The rains finally cleared out the smoke.

Enjoy the day!


sally? you should go outside today and get some exercise for your body and mind. we all should. jim should too.

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98ccd4  No.262354

I never hated a target until this job

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98ccd4  No.262356


*uploads image of bag of StayPuft Mini Marshmallows*

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98ccd4  No.262357

dude I lost FORTY POUNDS

maybe 42

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af90cd  No.262358


I gained 50!

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98ccd4  No.262359

get off your STAY-PUFT ASS

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98ccd4  No.262360


that's very good news

I'm glad. congratulations

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98ccd4  No.262361

how's the eye?

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98ccd4  No.262362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dedicated to ME

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af90cd  No.262365


> I gained 50!

Losing weight again quickly though.

Gotta focus more on health again.

Every time they dig one o' these fuckers out I get a couple months of semi-reality before having to slide back into hell and pain like I am now. I'll just go off and do that now… No need to share… Don't wanna be a Sally or a downer about it… We all have boundaries we must live within, but there is ALWAYS INFINITE FREEDOM THEREIN. You just gotta constantly find new ways to exercise freedoms, and new ways to recognize new kinds of freedoms, and the willingness to let go of the shit you are attached to that either no longer serves you, or is no longer relative to current conditions. And CONDITIONS CHANGE.


Gawd! I'm glad I'm not addicted to always looking "Outside" for all the Answers, or plastering Blame on things "Out There"! That would make this time suck even more. As it is, it is glorious. It quite often sucks, but what's really GLORIOUS is that I ACCEPT THAT. I also Accept that it doesn't have to ALWAYS Suck, and quite often, IT DOESN'T.

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98ccd4  No.262367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


well said @ final paragraph

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98ccd4  No.262369


they'reabsolutely amazing !!! the best EVER

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98ccd4  No.262370

if you want to taste THE BEST BACKYARD BURGER OF YOUR LIFE, cook an impossible burger in your kitchen

Perfect Perfect PERFECT !!!!

nothing comes close, because they can't

Impossible ™ patented their plant heme

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98ccd4  No.262371


call 1-866-TRY-A-BITE

just one bite… and you'll understand completely

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907934  No.262372

Is this the 'birthing people' thread?

I want to contribroot…

Medical mystery: Woman gives birth to children, discovers her twin is actually the biological mother


A True Hermaphrodite Chimera Resulting from Embryo Amalgamation after in Vitro Fertilization


How a Man's Unborn Twin Fathered His Child


(Or "How even faggots have something to teach us about genetics!")

As for feminists, they are finding out that allying themselves with trannies was not one of their smarter moves.

Enjoy educating yourselves and learning new things today, if that's the kind of thing you're into…

One more:

It’s Possible For a Person to Have Two Different Sets of DNA – Here’s How It Happens


> Human chimeras are more common than you might expect.

< inb4 someone ITT believes they ARE one, in order to feel more powerfully different than their peers…

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98ccd4  No.262373


I'm fascinated by the "anyone (or animal) with two different color eyes absorbed their twin embryo in the womb" thing

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907934  No.262374


> Boingo


You see? Connections…


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98ccd4  No.262375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Spoiler Alert :

IMPOSSIBLE BURGER™ is fucking mind bogglingly good

so delicious, your eyes will cross

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98ccd4  No.262376

Btw, that handsome young jewish doctor is entitled to his own perceptions, but he's 100% wrong about Impossible burger

he couldn't possibly be more mistaken

Okay, now we're taking our picnic to the park


you lazy sedentary potbelly piece of shit

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98ccd4  No.262377


he would already have a wife and they'd be going to the park for a picnic

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98ccd4  No.262378

but he's NOT……

because he's a BITCH……

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1fb5f0  No.262379

Good morning. I seen Neptroon is already kvetching about his superior. I literally wake up and find him here. Was he up all night doing reeeeing? This is peak Moarpheus Derangement Syndrome.

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98ccd4  No.262380


you have no life companion, because nobody loves you

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98ccd4  No.262381


tell me, what's it feel like to WAKE UP ALONE ?

I really can't remember…

I've never gone more than 3 or 4 days tops between girlfriends or wives, before I was already in the next relationship

and I'm ugly, remember?



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98ccd4  No.262382




the loneliest man on earth

we're out here in the park… it's beautiful out today

and nobody realizes BOREpheus exists

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98ccd4  No.262383



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98ccd4  No.262384

lazy scared asexual FAGGOT

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98ccd4  No.262385

since when was superiority measured by THE INABILITY TO REPRODUCE OR ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING MEANINGFUL because of emotional dysfunctionality?

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98ccd4  No.262386


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98ccd4  No.262387

stunted little coward

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98ccd4  No.262388

It's perfect out here today

SO perfect, that we smoked a joint

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98ccd4  No.262389

you pathetic lonely little child

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98ccd4  No.262390

8kun's "Bad Boy Type"

I can imagine your mother telling you that you've been a bad boy

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c5439e  No.262403


My gf and I are actually taking her mother and my daughter to the park for a picnic in an hour! We already got all the goodies. Her mom has dementia and life has been less than positive for her lately, so I decided that Johnny's idea was bretty gud and made it so; like men do.

Highly recommend Sally take his Mom to the Park for a Picnic.

She asked me to ask him to ask her.

We can all share the feeling of taking the females in our lives to the park for a picnic on the same day.

It'll be fun, they said…

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c5439e  No.262423


Killcen is taking his daughter and son-in-law out to the back 40 for a picnic today too. You best hurry up and ask your mom, Sally! She's waiting for you to…

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c5439e  No.262436


I heard that Killcen inappropriately touched his own … like it'd be any of your business what of his own he touched!

Nonetheless, breaking the bread with family can have benefits.

Sally should try it instead of forcing his mommy to leave him tendies by the basement door…

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c5439e  No.262440



> She asked me to ask him to ask her.

She shouldn't have to ask.

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98ccd4  No.262448


we just got home….

The perfect weather began to become humid weather, then there was a wedding in the park, so we ate the food, smoked some pot, and stretched out on a comforter in the shade of some palm trees…

but the humidity cut my nature-boy instincts off half-mast

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98ccd4  No.262449

it was really the humidity AND the fake jews

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98ccd4  No.262450


Tell Killcen that Johnny told you to tell Killcen to tell his son in law to tell Killcen's daughter to tell Killcen hello

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98ccd4  No.262452

Right now Wendy and I are enjoying a really REALLY yummy champagne sorbet with strawberries

It's badass….

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0f141a  No.262455


Killcen's Indian cuisine dish to cure cancer:

Cut up some organic chicken sausage.

Get a skillet, add some olive oil to it and turn the burner on. Cut up some onion into thin slices, chop some fresh garlic, add to skillet. Then add in some curry, turmeric, paprika, yellow mustard seed, salt, chili powder, cumin, and coriander. Let it all sizzle really well. Then add one cup plain whole fat yogurt and mix it all together really well. Next add the cut up organic chicken sausage. Mix it up again. Let it sit and sizzle until it gets really heavy and creamy. You should smell the spice from another room at that point!

Now turn the burner off and wait 5 minutes to cool. Done.

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197060  No.262463


Hello !!

Nice to see you !!

Thank you for not mentioning the pandemic

I hate having to filter you

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0507ad  No.262477


If I had my way, I wouldn't need to, believe me. But as long as (((they))) keep pushing medical tyranny I'm going to have to cover it, it's something no one should be accepting and everyone has a right to know about. Once (((they))) stop pulling the crap, I'll stop having to cover it. And I'd like that, to be honest!

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cc3f7a  No.262507


still forcing your vaccine topic on me?

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cc3f7a  No.262508


Neptune's Eastern Indian Bath / Toothpaste

find a public restroom toilet, and have fun

they should be able to smell you from the other room when you're done

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f3e34e  No.276811

File: 17050cb68fa2408⋯.pdf (1.34 MB, 2021_11_17_Declare_War_to_….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF strikes again! 🦀

PDF of Present Thread, as of now.

You're welcome for bumping shit down at the bottom, like crabs sometimes do….


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7a9213  No.276835

File: 3dbaf2fabf0e0a6⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1200x834, 200:139, 0_vaxxed.png)

File: d82344a17b2486c⋯.jpg (149.31 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1632278518059.jpg)

File: 08d6b7b0f2c462b⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 640x550, 64:55, martial_law_USSA.jpg)


I have waged a war they cannot begin to understand, a war of total defection. I will not go along with their tyranny at all, I will never surrender my private property, I will defend myself and family, to the very death if necessary fighting back, I will never take their toxic vaccines, I will never allow them to disarm or subjugate me, I and many other millions of Americans like myself are going to throw monkey wrenches into their agenda, over and over and over, until the economy collapses and their socialist/communist/fascist Empire falls and falls hard.

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661d1b  No.289079


All it takes for collapse is when normal people check out of the system…

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bd1ba3  No.289080


You remind me of one of those old Japanese guys they occasionally find in a bunker in the middle of a Pacific island who thinks WW2 is still raging. They don't know what to do with themselves once they're told the war ended 80 years ago, but they sat in that bunker, isolating themselves from the world, and waging a war in their mind as the rest of humanity moved on without them.

There is no war, kid. Nobody's coming for you or your property or your guns. Get out of the bunker.

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273ee0  No.289084


Nope, I like living rural and being secluded from control freaks. I'll never leave my 'bunker' until those control freaks are gone, or rendered impotent and powerless. As long as they want to force clot shots against me and my family, or take away my guns, or want to install a medical tyranny social credit score system, or replace my kind, then I am at war with them.

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bd1ba3  No.289088


Suit yourself. I'll have this post engraved on your tombstone if you like.

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273ee0  No.289091


I'm also wishing death to control freaks like yourself. If only your kind could leave innocent people alone ….but no. Enjoy the hellish ride your kind have chosen for the rest of your future.

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bd1ba3  No.289116


Therein lies the difference between us. I'm not wishing death on you. I merely acknowledge that you, like all of us, will die. You don't have a choice in that matter. You will die. I merely offered to leave behind you a reminder of your glorious crusade against clouds.

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b4bd28  No.289117


Well, perhaps I spoke too harshly. If you are just ignorant about the (((globalist))) "Great Reset" agenda, and their plans for world domination and technocratic subjugation under a medical police state, then I do not wish you death….. however, if you are in favor of such evil, such evil against our freedoms, then I do. Perhaps it's time to take a side. Eventually you will have to pick a side.

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b4bd28  No.289118



Anyone against our freedom, against the United States Constitution, is an enemy, please understand it's that simple. Millions of Americans, just like me, all we want is freedom, to be able to live our own lives. The so-called (((globalists))) are a breed of corrupted control freaks, oligarchs, unelected bureaucracy that wishes to do away with our freedoms, even people like us who support our God-given freedoms and Constitution. These people - hopefully not you included - are the enemy, and when SHTF will be driven out of our local communities, possibly killed if they don't know what's best for them.

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bd1ba3  No.289122


My side is indifference. We exist in a global society and a global economy. You say you live in isolation, but you don't. You are using and benefiting from, right now, many things that you would not have access to if it weren't for the global economy. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, you are enjoying the fruits of the greater society beyond your little town. I know this because there is no single town in the entire world that is 100% self-sustaining.


>against our freedom

As long as your freedom doesn't infringe on someone else's freedom, it's fine. Your rights end where someone else's begin. That's how it's worked for 250 years in this country.

>against the United States Constitution

Would be kind of silly to be an American and be anti-Constitution. I particularly like Article V, where the Constitution says that it's valid - as needed - to amend the Constitution.

Part of the Constitution also stipulates that when there are Constitutional issues, it must be taken up in the courts. The judicial branch, which is separate from and equal in power to the executive and legislative, is tasked with determining whether or not laws created by the legislative abide by the Constitution. If your first reaction to a perceived breach of Constitutional rights is to "kill 'em all!", then you are anti-Constitution and, thus, an enemy to the Constitution.

Also, stop saying (((globalists))). We all know you hate Jews and you mean Jews. At least be a man and say "Jews". Unfortunately, for you, Jews are citizens of the US and protected by the same Constitution you claim to love.

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b4bd28  No.289123


>We exist in a global society and a global economy.

True, but that does NOT mean you or anyone else has the right to tell me how to live, or that I need to take some clot shot. Control freaks can fuck right off. I always have been saying it and I'll continue to say it!

>You say you live in isolation, but you don't.

I never said completely isolated, I said I live rural away from the masses.

>You are using and benefiting from, right now, many things that you would not have access to if it weren't for the global economy.

Good! But that does not mean I owe anyone jack shit, or am obligated to satisfy anyone, or am willing to give up my freedoms!! Period. If they don't like it, tough luck.

>100% self-sustaining.

I never said I was. But I am well prepped, have some livestock, do have local connections from farmers markets too, and have plenty to per-occupy my time and make ends with. Self-sufficiency starts slow, it's a long process and you got to work at it over time. That's my ultimate goal before my death.

> I particularly like Article V, where the Constitution says that it's valid - as needed - to amend the Constitution

Luckily, THANK GOD, our Founding Fathers made that a very difficult task to pull off. It's got to be something very serious before they override it. Unfortunately they did a bit under the "Patriot Act" which was not patriotic at all!!!

>Also, stop saying (((globalists)))

Globalists are not just Jews, but since everyone talks about Jews here I'll entertain the idea so they get it through their thick skulls. A globalist can mean anyone who wants to undermine freedoms for global hegemony (neo-con RINOs included!)

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bd1ba3  No.289131


>under the "Patriot Act"

Oh god, yeah … we seem to be pretty similar in a lot of ways, even though I am a very leftist progressive democrat and I assume you're a conservative libertarian … but on that, I bet we 100% agree. The enacting of the USA Patriot Act should have been met with massive armed resistance from the people of the United States. I've been on this planet for 50 years and the Patriot Act is the biggest act of government overreach I've ever seen.

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b4bd28  No.289147


>I've been on this planet for 50 years and the Patriot Act is the biggest act of government overreach I've ever seen.

Time to adjust to more current threats, because if the government can force people, including employees, to take untested and rushed 'vaccines' (where pharma companies are legally exempted from any liability including deaths) then you no longer own your own body, the government and pharma companies do and we are their lab rats. That's 10x worse than the Patriot Act. So if push ever comes to shove, a shootout will occur.

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