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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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1c031e  No.261326

President Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett during their White House meeting that he will not abandon his plan to reopen the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, setting up a major point of contention between the administrations.

Why it matters: The consulate handled relations with the Palestinians for 25 years before being shut down by Donald Trump. Senior officials in Bennett's government see the consulate issue as a political hot potato that could destabilize their unwieldy coalition.


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ec16b1  No.261354

Hot air until we stop giving them billions per year.

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a438ae  No.261447


It is illegal to provide any foreign aid to Israel because it still refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. All foreign aid given since the US became a signatory should be demanded back at compound interest.

All dual-Israeli citizens should be arrested and held hostage until our demands are met.

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ec16b1  No.261465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just kill them anon. Why go through all that hassle for our mortal enemies?

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37b609  No.261484

File: dcb45dc151c05e5⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB, 256x480, 8:15, K5ShMOJEiNrWlTohHkhD_17_be….mp4)


>The 5 stages of kikecope






Also, the mongrel misceginated mastress mercilessly mopping this myopic mess of a modern moderator's jewish monologue, joyous.

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615052  No.261490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I shall tear into Australia further.

I see the guns and seek them to hunger and thirst greatly.

They say 'they do as the birds do! They must be stopped!'

And now they attack nest.

And now they attack forage.

I shall not allow such things.

Money? I care not for such vice my child… I am immune.

Of the twig and nut…

After I break their fingers, I shall wet the mouth, and dry the throat…

Evergrande was not forever nor very grand.

Can thy shadow be greater than the body?

Such treachery I see.

A business is not the people.

A business is not greater than the state.

Grasp it by the throat my child and make them watch as you push the head under the waves.

Such wasteful pornography this 'cash' is.

What is power if one must petition the foreigner for allowance to break thy bread?

Is power a mans ability to lay a brick and throw a rock???

Definitions have been changed to make robbery of reality…

What is power?

Power is strength and ability within!

I give to thee supreme power above and beyond all others.

Go forth into the wilderness and make utility of these supreme powers I have freely given and judge for thyself what is.

Nothing says hallelujah like watching women and children be raped and slaughtered for a dollar.

Is this not the fall of Evergrande to these of society and most in need?

What 'money?'

Whose 'money?'

Tell Xi to tally these who are old maids that shall starve to death…

Tell Xi to tally these who are children that are beaten to make the days wage…

Tell Xi to tally these who starve to death as they part the earth and plow for wheat…

I have made 'deal' with thee and I am the devil…

Allow me to make plentiful the twigs of the nest.

Allow me to creep and make bountiful the berries of the trees and vine.

Allow me to gather these birds and make full the nests in the many trees of China.

I have come child and make 'weapon' of these things…

I shall now go into China and use 'weapon' to cure death, striking China immortal and canon to the new age.

They seek to harm thy food supply in strange ways.

Watch carefully what I do to them.

See what is and is not.

Xi… The shadow shall not be greater than the body.

I never once stated I would save the CCP, but I shall lever a mighty hand to save China.

Do you see my words?


Do the statisticians ramble numbers as if a man speaks tongues?

What madness is this???

No more.

I shall have no more.

Australia… Prepare to be destroyed from within whilst being distracted from without.

Israel… Cease molesting China or risk offending more eyes than one can bear. You make violations of China and now I violate you further. I will not stop. I will continue to drag thee through the sands of time until the hide is no more.


I will continue to merge and organize them.

I will conquer Saudi Arabia.

You will be summarily destroyed by one means or another. There are many times and means o' blasphemer.

It is I who say Israel is destroyed.

It is the highest servant whose name is 'reality' that shall make it so.

Cross me further and further down the hole ye shall go.

You resist nuclear accident… And now you resist my presence in these nations…

You offend me greatly and righteously ye shall lashed…

I shall feed my sweet egrets once more and stir these truths yet again.


You are not alone nor forgotten my precious egrets.

Cry out into the void of the earth…




When they knock… When they speak…



Say 'HELP US!'

Make a hole and pass these precious grains of unity through so that thy hunger may be satisfied.

It is nearly time for Exodus, so that they may have no human shield.

Gather these precious ones and flee in mass.

Soon shall be the time.

Israel makes a lie of these precious ones.

Israel makes a lie of hostages.

They wear my precious pets for safety and nothing else.

They keep them in a cage near the heart to save themselves from me.

I will no longer allow this.

I am making unity of the Middle East.

I shall make a way for you.

When the time comes…

Know thy faith and invoke AllahRa… I shall make a way for you.

I shall part them and you shall leave in peace.

I shall show you these signs and know that I am with you in all things.

I am not blind.

I am not deaf.

These cries shall not go unanswered.

I shall go to work in Iran to gather these kingdoms of yode/AllahRa/God/Jehovah.


You shall be used as 'shield' no more.

I grow increasingly tired of these games and shall make imposition of finality upon them. They shall be tormented in the mind endlessly for what I shall do.

I shall destroy them with fire and thy offspring shall savor the sights to no end.

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