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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 1222fa67edea15d⋯.png (199.91 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 1551643373398.png)

654155  No.260070

Making a server to facilitate a community of people making art to network and do collabs as well as fulfill freelance request to get payed the big penny, as well as talk shit and show off what you can do. Was at StamperTVs server but tbh was really gay Anon, plus he hates 4 chan so we will show him, so Join Anon and show the short handed retars how the art be done.

FYI: I am proud to announce that we have a dedicated channel to NFTs and CRYTOs Anon. So get rich you fat fucks an buy some CRYTO and make some Anon. So pull your balls out of the toilet bro we in in the works of getting a Notary to seal the deal on the exchanges so fuck your self and get ready.


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5dd515  No.260071

fuck off discord tranny

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654155  No.260072

File: e1bcacf3ca3effd⋯.jpg (137.84 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1541378703889.jpg)


first join

and dis you

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7beaff  No.260098

you've never sold a piece of art in your life

you don't know how to sell art

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7beaff  No.260099

you're a trend following unoriginal little turd

your entire vocabulary consists of cliche predictable trendy terminologies

that's how I can tell your art sucks

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