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File: f3ee4a5ec7ca429⋯.jpg (264.98 KB, 949x631, 949:631, anzac_paint.jpg)

d3e843  No.259916

The South-Eastern Territorial Imperative is the name given to the strategy of protecting the high civilisation of the world from the coming catastrophe.

It’s apparent to all that the old order of the world is collapsing. After 20 years of disastrous Middle Eastern military adventurism and 40 years of equally disastrous neoliberalism, only a very few Westerners still have faith in their political rulers. The widespread despair felt today has caused many to drop out of society completely, a phenomenon akin to the behavioural sink of John Calhoun’s Mouse Utopia experiments.

Times like these often involve a massive loss of knowledge and culture. The great risk is of another Dark Age, when the forces of ignorance seize control, and the forces of science and wisdom are marginalised and silenced. Signs of this can already be seen in the New Authoritarianism that seeks to cancel or deplatform anyone who thinks wrongly, where wrongthink is anything that does not serve the interests of globohomo.

The proposal of the South-East Territorial Imperative is that all the K-selected peoples of the world pull back to the territories currently occupied by Australia and New Zealand, i.e. the Anzac Empire, in the Southeastern corner of the map. In practice, ‘K-selected’ refers to high-IQ people who have relatively few children and who look after them properly. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, Europeans and Far East Asians.

The South-East Territorial Imperative has a precedent in the settlement of America. The population of the United States in 1860 was around 30 million, or roughly the same as that of Australia and New Zealand combined in 2021. By 1890 this had expanded to 60 million, and by 1930 it had reached 120 million. These rates of growth were not surprising given the opportunities available in America compared to the moribund economies and cultures of Europe.

If the now-present peoples of the South-East would spend this decade winning the propaganda battle, we could spend the rest of the century fighting for the South-East Territorial Imperative. If we did so, then we could have as many K-selected people as Japan by the end of the century. With over 20 times as much land as Japan, our Anzac Empire could even potentially become a world force on the order of Russia by 2100.

There are two major advantages with calling the world’s K-selected peoples to gather in the Southeastern corner of the world.

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d3e843  No.259917

File: 2c10e10ae89ad37⋯.jpg (250.51 KB, 949x631, 949:631, anzac_electric_grid.jpg)


The first is geographic. The Southeastern corner of the world is protected from the world’s r-selected hordes by vast distances. Whereas Europe and America have Africa and Latin America (respectively) on their doorsteps, the Anzac Empire shares no border with Asia or with anyone else. Europe and America appear to be getting slowly overrun by their rapidly-breeding Southern neighbours, but the Anzac Empire would have no border that could be crossed on foot or by dinghy.

Moreover, the geography encompassed by an Anzac Empire would be sufficient for future growth into a world superpower. Australia and New Zealand combined would already have the world’s 11th largest economy, the third largest amount of agricultural land, and the world’s single largest Exclusive Economic Zone. The only thing we’re missing, and which America, China, India, Japan and Russia possess, is 100 million or more K-selected individuals.

The second is pragmatic. The South-Eastern Territorial Imperative is inherently eugenic, and as such seeks to maximise the ratio of K-selected to r-selected people. There are very few r-selected people already in this Southeastern corner of the world. As such, it’s the closest that we can get to a blank canvas upon which to paint our high civilisation.

Our current rulers aren’t just going to step aside, though. They will have to be removed, and prevented from regaining power, by a concerted and determined effort of the Anzac nation.

A revolution that introduced an Anzac Empire to the world stage would inevitably take inspiration from the American Revolution. As such, it would be necessary for a hard-core of individuals, free from slave morality, to put forward a new and comprehensive system of human rights. The best candidate for any such system would be modelled on the Sevenfold Conception of Human Rights, which posits a spectrum of rights encompassing everything from the grossest aspect of life to the most subtle.

Now is the time to prepare for such a move. America was populated mostly by those who felt that Europe was lost; the Anzac Empire will be populated by those who feel that both America and Europe are lost. Any citizen of either civilisation, once they realise that the future of both places are grim, could be encouraged to pull back to the South-East. If we could attract enough high-quality people looking for a fair deal, we could become what America was 120 years ago.

The difference is that, with enough wit and will, we can prevent the mistakes the Americans made. The worst of their mistakes, and the most important for us to avoid, was the Hart-Celler Act, which opened American borders to the world’s r-selected. In the Anzac Empire of the future, it will be a crime punishable by 20 years imprisonment to agitate for the mass importation of r-selected cheap labour.

The ultimate goal of this nascent empire would be to terraform the Australian interior to the extent that a great inland sea occupied what is now empty desert. This would alter the climate of the desert such that it was habitable for modern Western civilisation. With this achieved, the population of an Anzac Empire could reach 500 million or more. And this would be 500 million of the world’s most K-selected people: the most intelligent, the most rectitudinous, the most industrious and long-sighted.

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feb43c  No.259933

File: 8f56d8fe78a7459⋯.mp4 (13.04 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 2021_08_28_Sheeple.mp4)



I enjoyed your posts, anon.

I always do.

Thanks for putting in so much effort and thought.

Are you an Aussie?

Just wondering, because, while I like the idea, I just think you're missing the bigger picture.Australians and New Zealanders have got to be some of the most institutionalized and cucked conformists on the planet!

I mean, I know they're protesting the lockdowns and all, but THEY ARE ALLOWING THEM! Look at their leaders! Look at their people. Sheeple, really; I am sorry to say. If you think Americans will move there for even less freedoms, you have got to be crazy! If you are calling on us to go there, bring our guns, and save your dumb asses from the totalitarian government you have brought down upon yourselves, then too fucking bad, we have our own totalitarian problems here, and we did not already give up our guns like a bunch of cowed-down pussies, so we will fight for our own land and our own people right here in America, thank you!

It is an interesting theory though, but if you want to make it more inviting and plausible, you're gonna have to clean up that fucking mess you've got Down Under, and re-establish a sense of Freedom within the populace. You seem Resigned to Slavery down there, at least from what I can see. You will capitulate, go-with-the-flow, do what the armed guards told you too… just like old times. It's almost like you've never even had a taste of freedom down there! But I actually have no idea, having never been there. I'm just judging by the shit we're allowed to see about you in the media, and by the Aussies I talk to online. I'm sure it's different in the countryside, in the bush, out there too. Cities are ALWAYS Toxic; no matter where you are in the world. And that's where all the people are nowadays. All the toxic people with their toxic ideologies, conformity, and conformity enforcement. Democracies pretend to give stupid sheeple power, but it is those who lead said stupid people (and keep them stupid) who truly wield the power in a democracy.

I dunno what the answer is, but the people Down Under seem currently attracted to leadership that is beyond toxic. It's Totalitarian and Anti-Human. If they can't throw off their fetters, choose new leadership, and chart a course for freedom, there is nothing attracting a free-thinking person to that area of the globe right now. I would say the same for America. We need to throw off our fetters, choose new leadership, and chart a course for freedom too!

Attached MP4 is sorta unrelated, but sorta related too…

I was just bored and tossed some shit together in Kdenlive.

You won't be able to access it on 8kun right now anyway, since they are still experiencing troubles with displaying the media in their filestore, it looks like, so here's a link:


The link can be accessed for 10 times, or for 7 days, whichever comes first.

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feb43c  No.259936


Alright. I know OP was thinking more long-term, like out in the future, when the possibilities actually exist for Australians to crawl forth from whatever this is that they're wallowing in right now. But the fact remains that it doesn't look so good for folks Down Under right now.

Let me give a few current news links:

Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2021


Yeah, they can do anything they want to your computer, put any software on it they want, whatever… You have no right to privacy on your PC.


Police powers to hack and disrupt dark web pass Parliament


The Australian Government is now allowed to modify or delete "harmful content", even on the dark web, so your access to information is pretty much CONTROLLED.


Help government hack or face 10 years' jail


System administrators could be forced to help police hack into computers and user accounts or face 10 years in jail, under new legislation that passed this week.


To protect human rights, identify and disrupt Australia’s “hacking bill”


The Australian Identify and Disrupt Bill, also known as the hacking bill, severely endangers digital privacy and security by conferring unprecedented hacking powers to intelligence agencies. Despite this, it is close to passage, as Australia continues its insidious transformation into a surveillance state, including its growing attacks on encryption. Any vote in favour of the hacking bill, even with proposed amendments, is a vote to deepen the existing threats to human rights in Australia and across the region.


All very serious. But you've gotta have fun too. Hence, the following link:

Paralympics introduce new "NDIS" sport where contestants must jump through endless hoops to qualify


As the Paralympics get underway in Tokyo, Aussie athletes have declared they are more than prepared for the challenge ahead, thanks to years of practice jumping through hoops, being run round in circles, and bending over backwards to qualify for the NDIS.

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d3e843  No.259956


>If you think Americans will move there for even less freedoms, you have got to be crazy!

I agree, hence my belief that we need to be the world leader of freedom before the Spear of Destiny, currently held by America, will pass to us.

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c38ec5  No.259958


There is a saying "live free or die" and I'm prepared to stick with either no matter what the outcome. Hopefully many feel the same way as you and I, Jerry.

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