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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 3432d2a7e8c9009⋯.png (74.69 KB, 1014x1014, 1:1, southern_chad.png)

2165d3  No.259901


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ad2cf9  No.259905

hint : the south ALREADY rose again

which is why you can barely spell one syllable words

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ad2cf9  No.259906

"be proud you a rebel, cause the south's gonna do it again"


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ad2cf9  No.259907


It's already happening….

For example, Mississippi rose up to number 49 on education, followed by Arkansas at number 50

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ad2cf9  No.259908

R I S E U P :

you've got to get up off your knees to buy a scratch off lottery ticket

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ad2cf9  No.259909

In the past year, 163 confederate statues rose up

On a crane

Got loaded onto a flatbed truck

and driven to the landfill

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ad2cf9  No.259910


they're not actually "rising"……

they're simply lifting one asscheek enough to fart at Golden Corral

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ad2cf9  No.259911

the men MUST rise and bend over if their uncles are gonna fuck them in the ass

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ad2cf9  No.259912

You can't have anal incest when you're sittin' on the porch of your trailer….

you gotta stand up, bubba

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