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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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611033  No.257614

Deliberate Destabilization: Europe To Be Hit With Another WAVE Of Muslim Refugees!

Even before the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, up to 30,000 people were fleeing the country every single week.

Humanitarian development worker Sybille Schnehage told German broadcaster WDR on Sunday, “We can assume that up to three million Afghans will make their way to Europe in the foreseeable future.”

Schnehage explained how the refugees are intent on leaving the Middle East entirely and settling in European welfare havens where the state partially subsidizes their lives.

“I always ask people: Why don’t you go to Saudi Arabia? They are Muslims. This is your culture. The answer is always: No, Germany is better.”

Although many experts think that Europe’s efforts to strengthen its ports of entry since 2015 will prevent a repeat of the 2015 invasion, others aren’t so confident.

According to Politico’s Bruno Maçães, “Europeans have to realize a new refugee wave now seems inevitable.”

“When the numbers are high enough, nothing can stop them. Not even tanks,” said the diplomat.

The UK government has also announced that Afghan “refugees” will be allowed to enter the country without even showing a passport.


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8ede75  No.257809

File: 6321cc8dba14fb7⋯.png (147.64 KB, 1166x678, 583:339, paul_joseph_watson.png)

File: 8019af81704ef11⋯.png (73.47 KB, 857x674, 857:674, _zerohedge_.PNG)

File: 6547c8f9e85cd85⋯.jpg (121.69 KB, 887x646, 887:646, Quran_1.jpg)

The migrant crisis exists as an attempt to unite the Western world with Israel's attempt at land theft:

>you dont want muslim in Europe any more than we want them in Israel!

But as Israel weakens, finally falls, and our needless wars ceased throughout the M.E. the West is left with two choices:

>fight muslims at home

>simply deport them back to their own lands which are free from war and help them rebuild

Which do you think the majority of sensible humans will choose? More endless wars or cooperation? I'm afraid that Pike's plan to pit Islam against Christianity has come up short, not only for this reason, but because Muslim intellectuals understand that fake Jews have subverted Islam just as much as Christianity. The only losers here are fake Jews.

Inshallah and Deus Vult!

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7139bb  No.258145

Bumping real news.

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7139bb  No.258149


Anon, as much as you don't like the news sources I post from I think we can agree on a lot of issues. I never supported wars in the Middle East either, and yes we should be sending the Muslims back to their own countries and let them re-build their societies how they see fit. We have no right to interfere with them. And as far as Israel goes, fuck them, let them fight their own wars.

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611033  No.258217

Thanks for telling the truth, OP.

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