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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 3be54197371007c⋯.jpg (189.87 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, CZ6ABOOWK5FVFJCVOT75IISTZE.jpg)

a98ceb  No.257499

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) - A witness to an incident last week involving MyPillow chief executive Mike Lindell says he saw no reason for Lindell to claim he was attacked at a South Dakota hotel.

Lindell, who was in Sioux Falls hosting an election fraud symposium, told the crowd last week he was in pain after being attacked late Wednesday.

Lindell later explained that a man had aggressively poked him while the two were posing for a photo. But a conference attendee who was taking the photo, Jeff Buongiorno, says, “There was no attack.”


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204261  No.257500

File: 3f95d36351590e0⋯.jpeg (96.63 KB, 1017x659, 1017:659, Anglin_star.jpeg)

t-two more weeks

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18d04c  No.257523


anglin doesn't have anything to do with it, troof

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204261  No.257524


anglin is the loudmouth trump miga shill. completely irrelevant nowadays.

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