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File: c3ebefb7b516c3c⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210813_121600.png)

e6e1e4  No.256099 [Last 50 Posts]

A couple months ago I was messaging Ron, and he typed something cryptic and strange, something about "the site going down in August"

I assumed he meant 8kun was being dismantled in August

It's beginning to look like I was right

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115138  No.256102

I sincerely hope 8kun folds

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115138  No.256104


"everybody" seems to have overlooked the most basic, obvious fact

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115138  No.256105

Ron will NEVER be disconnected from this shithole

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8884b8  No.256106


I'll still be on Bitchute and a few other alternative platforms spreading the TRUTH then! For every platform they take down, more will pop up, suck it commies!!!

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115138  No.256107

it doesn't matter who ron asked to fill in while he focused on CREATING BULLSHIT Q DROPS AND SCAMMING MONEY FROM IDIOTS

this will always be his baby

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115138  No.256108


and until the day I die…..

I'll be a douchebucket

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115138  No.256112

honestly, I have no idea wtf is going to happen

I'm simply basing it on Ron's odd mention of "it going down in August"

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b2e884  No.256113


Nothing is going to stop me but a reign of bullets and then some.

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115138  No.256114


btw we decided to have a few cocktails tonight

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115138  No.256117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At least it's not raining men

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b2e884  No.256118


I drank my ass to sleep and back awake last night. My daughter said today "this just needs to stop!" She know it won't stop, till I'm fucking dead!

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115138  No.256119


you SHOULD stop……

she's very much NOT mistaken

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115138  No.256120


It diminishes your zest

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30a65b  No.256122


I still feel a bit sick, I usually do not get hang overs because my body is so adjusted to the booze but damn it. 3/4th a liter of vodka can do it!

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b6fe77  No.256124

I just told EVERYONE on Bitchute recently how we defeat this tyranny and it's starting with YOU. Everyone has got to start supporting local local local as much as we can, and boycott any service/business/institution that conflicts with us or our lifestyle or ideologies! It's time to send that message!

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b6fe77  No.256125

Oh which reminds me!

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b6fe77  No.256126

File: 541d4bf58185a78⋯.png (21.47 KB, 807x506, 807:506, barrettrash.png)

File: 89d421e5d3cfd2f⋯.jpg (30.76 KB, 400x377, 400:377, newstrain.jpg)

Why are we seeing stuff like this now when we never used to?

She's got bells palsey and is still pushing the shot. And the news announcer brushed it off as "shaking with emotion".

This world is as fake as they can make it. There she is, in THAT condition, working for the dark side even after the dark side destroyed her. This is absolutely freakish, and a sure sign we are near the end of all this, they'll have to accelerate it with force. Obviously this woman said "I can't do this" because she knows the con after being destroyed by the con and look where the scum eating news anchor took it.

Obviously you DO NOT go to college now.

On top of the brain wipe, you'll be forced to get your body wiped out. Jab now mandatory.

College is now, in addition to wasted time, money, and effort, a great way to be twitching with Bell's Palsey for time immortal (or at least "until death do you part".) COLLEGE IS FOR IDIOTS NOW, do something else.

If you cannot cope with NOT going to college because it fulfills some insecurity you have, AT LEAST WAIT A YEAR.


MY COMMENT: 100% agree! Go get a trade job with decent pay instead and put some of that income into prepping for SHTF! That's really all the youth can do to survive what is coming, which will be hyperinflation and collapse of the US Dollar!

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b6fe77  No.256129


Someone just called me a "fear mongering mother fucker"

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b6fe77  No.256131


And I haven't even started the day with a thread (yet)!

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9f9ffa  No.256133


Good. Blow your fucking brains out, spambot. Commit suicide. Drink bleach. Be raped to death by niggers. You deserve this.

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115138  No.256134


that's so WRONG !!!

Everybody knows it's your daughter you're fucking

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115138  No.256137


You seem a little bit uptight….

Nothing 3/4ths of a gallon of vodka can't fix

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115138  No.256139



I meant USED TO* fuck

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115138  No.256140


I followed your instructions to the letter.

Unfortunately, the bleach keeps pouring out of the hole in my face and the back of my head

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115138  No.256141


(I wanted to make sure everybody knew you're no longer fucking your daughter…. I don't want them thinking you're a weirdo)

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115138  No.256144


If 8kun goes down…….

does GRINDR have an anime section?

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115138  No.256146


One of these days I'll sit you down and explain exactly what Bell's palsy is

And no, there is no 'E' in the word palsy

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115138  No.256147

Bell's palsy has nothing to do with shaking


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115138  No.256148

Bell's palsy is a temporary paralysis, usually on one side of the face

a droopy face on one side

but it could theoretically effect one arm

(not shaking)

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b2e884  No.256149


You're messed up in the head!

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b2e884  No.256150


She was likely having a seizure due to her palsy!

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115138  No.256151

The overweight nurse in the video was experiencing a simple PANIC ATTACK

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115138  No.256153


Nope…. Watch it again closely

She suddenly became aware of her own stagefright

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115138  No.256154

Bell's palsy does not cause seizures

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115138  No.256156

and that was NOT a seizure

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115138  No.256157

She is a perfect example of why I get so pissed off at healthcare workers who shovel food down their big fat mouths

Who the fuck are they to tell us how to take care of our health, when they can't even control the fork and spoon?

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115138  No.256158

her hole is bookended by TWO BIG FAT FOLDS OF VULVA

I guarantee her snatch stinks…. no fresh air

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30a65b  No.256159


Nope! Jab fever seizure!

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115138  No.256160

the type of sow who has to lift her stomach so you can see her wretched mound of lard with a hideous slit up the middle


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115138  No.256162


whatever you say, Dr. Tinfoil

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115138  No.256163

Dr. Smirnoff

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115138  No.256164

lol I love giving you shit, killcen

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115138  No.256165

but you know I'm simply fucking with you

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115138  No.256166


So I've been told….. by the best

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115138  No.256167


I had one of THE most respected psychiatrists

(believe it or not, he's also a neurosurgeon)

once tell me that I had :

"The most pronounced case of hypomania" he had ever seen, or read about.

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115138  No.256168

That was a huge compliment

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115138  No.256169

(hypomania is NOT 'nutsy, crazy, insane')

it's SUB-mania

it simply means you do everything FAST

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ff1c10  No.256170

Now that you can do it, let's kill the masses, now

(Come on Pfizer, do the vaccine fever seizure!)

A chug-a chug-a notion for depopulation, now

(Come on baby, do the vaccine fever seizure!)

Do it right and left, now, don't lose control

A little bit of rhythm and a lot of soul

Come on, come on!

Do the accine fever seizure with me


Spasm around the floor in a fever seizure

(Come on baby, do the vaccine fever seizure!)

Do it holding hands if you dig diversity

(Come on baby, do the vaccine fever seizure!)

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115138  No.256171

it's almost bordering mania, but not quite

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115138  No.256172


*sung to the tune of LOCOMOTION*

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ff1c10  No.256173

Now that you can do it, let's kill the masses, now

(Come on Pfizer, do the vaccine fever seizure!)

A chug-a chug-a notion for depopulation, now

(Come on J&J, do the vaccine fever seizure!)

Do it right and left, now, don't lose control

A little bit of rhythm and a lot of soul

Come on, come on!

Do the accine fever seizure with me


Spasm around the floor in a fever seizure

(Come on Fauci, do the vaccine fever seizure!)

Do it holding hands if you dig diversity

(Come on Daszak, do the vaccine fever seizure!)

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30a65b  No.256174


Do I have mania?

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2f3c8c  No.256175


I believe this about as much as I believed Trump was going to be reinstated today.

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911b61  No.256181

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115138  No.256182


usually, yes

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115138  No.256185


trump CANNOT be reinstated

because he's still president

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911b61  No.256186


Are those just random links?

No, but this one is…


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911b61  No.256187



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911b61  No.256189

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30a65b  No.256191


Turmeric-infused coconut oil with sodium bicarbonate cures cancer.

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115138  No.256193


the reason people find meth alluring :

it gives them mania

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115138  No.256195

meth induces a chemical mania

almost impossible to differentiate from the organic version

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115138  No.256197

whenever a patient walks into a psychiatrist's office….

before they've even had a seat, the psychiatrist has already made a determination if they're simply on meth, or have bipolar or schizophrenia

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115138  No.256200

people who DON'T have bipolar snort a line of meth, and suddenly they're in FULL BLOWN MANIA…

and to them, it's exhilarating !!

they've never felt so full-throttle before


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115138  No.256201

for someone like ME, who is in a continual 24/7 state of HYPOMANIA, meth slows me down….

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115138  No.256203

the reason I stopped doing meth :

it was no longer fun

the same reason I stop doing ANYTHING

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115138  No.256204

I'm naturally ALWAYS full throttle….

I always have been…

I talk rapid-fire

I draw and paint shit lightning fast…

Ill talk a room full of strangers into an orgy

But when I did meth…..

I froze in place…..

I went silent

I became "normal"

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115138  No.256205

it slowed me down to the 'normal pace' of average people

and, the same way 'normal' people enjoy feeling mania

I enjoyed feeling NORMAL and slow

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115138  No.256206

but it was very destructive physically….

and althoughmeth = THE best sex of your life

I simply got bored of it

so I quit

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115138  No.256208

Insider Secret :

snorting a teeny tiny $5 bump of meth


it makes you become a SEXUAL TORNADO

it's simply insane

you'll fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck



fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck

for 3 days….. WITHOUT STOPPING

and when you finally orgasm….

The earth moves beneath your feet

You can feel the earth shift

it's CRAZY and quite alluring

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115138  No.256209

but even THAT gets old

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115138  No.256212

sex on meth creates a bizarre edgy danger


like sexual kickboxing

Genital Mixed Martial Arts

girls suddenly want to be raped




and trust me, you're more than happy to help

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115138  No.256213

It can get pretty out of control

but it's all fun and games

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115138  No.256214

but after eating your favorite meal

every single day every single night

breakfast lunch and dinner

it gets old

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115138  No.256216

and yeah, it got real boring after a while

what was once EDGY AND NEW became routine

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115138  No.256217


well, I had ONE bourbon & coke tonight

……and I'm done

I don't want another one

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115138  No.256218

I've never met a woman who snorted a line of meth who DIDN'T end up asking to be raped

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115138  No.256219

and that's why it's bad….. because men SUCK

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115138  No.256221

My most recent hobby :

leaving racist reviews on Google Maps

(without using obvious racist terms)

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115138  No.256222

I've learned that calling people GHETTO and APES and using terms like ZOO and TENTAMENT are acceptable

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115138  No.256223

as long as you don't say nigger, they don't delete it

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115138  No.256224

I've been able to say shit like "this restaurant was good when it was all white people, but now that it's a ghetto sh!thole filled with apes, it's like eating in a zoo"

and they don't delete it

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115138  No.256225

notice "sh!thole', so I don't trigger a CYBER ALGORITHM, as Mike Lindell calls it

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115138  No.256226

…..and I leave reviews like that for places I've never been to, and have no idea who their clientele is…

fuck them

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1555b1  No.256284

File: 06f3199d578e235⋯.png (392.72 KB, 569x555, 569:555, BigBlue.png)

Is Q posting here now?

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1555b1  No.256285

File: 6058e47bfca2b99⋯.png (95.93 KB, 287x250, 287:250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e03a930b05c98f3⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1469x864, 1469:864, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb8659a90537a1f⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1136x945, 1136:945, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73c68b34ed569da⋯.png (98.97 KB, 1380x639, 460:213, ClipboardImage.png)

dafug 'tis dis?

advo at bottom o'page.

Is 8Kun done?

or what?

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2f3c8c  No.256294


No. Ron Watkins (codemonkey) only posts via telegram now.



>seeing ads

lol fag

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bb6766  No.256739


bitchute is censoring

consider brighteon

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2bb49f  No.256756


don't double down on antipedo tards.

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2bb49f  No.256761

kohlchan is the site that needs to go down.

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3b3bc3  No.256773


No sir. I wuv Kohlchan. :3

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8884b8  No.256774


I have seen Bitchute censor outright spam before (real spam like sex ads), never seen them censor average comments. Heck, I've seen some pretty hateful comments on there before and no one I know has gotten censored. The time I get censored or see others getting taken down is the time I'll leave. I won't stay on sites that censor en mass. PS: Brighteon is a good alternative too, I've used it before. But they do have limits too, such as banning spam, CP, death threats, terror threats. Not sure if they ban 'hate speech' though, that is up to you if you want to test the limits.

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ae7b57  No.256777


anywhere censorship is POSSIBLE is a shit place.

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30a65b  No.256781


Censorship is possible pretty much anywhere on the clearnet. Even here on 8kun. But until I see a massive crackdown on free speech I'll continue to use user-friendly platforms. That includes Brighteon & Bitchute. I've spoken my mind many times in the comments, controversially so, and have yet to be banned for it.

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2bb49f  No.256785


Kohlchan bans me. And they celebrate it. They need to have it taken away. Helmut needs to be arrested.

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2f3c8c  No.256791


A lot of it is in the presentation. If you're well-spoken and present your opinion like an adult, you won't be banned - even if your opinion is controversial. The problem is when the kiddies get home from school and want to turn everything into /pol/ or /b/ and scream "nigger" at everything. It's tiresome.

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2bb49f  No.256840


first of all kiddies are not the ones saying nigger. second, i see all kinds of spurge not get banned. the more you lie about this the more problem it creates. kohlchan should be taken down.

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4b8d0f  No.256915

File: dec1499a69e24ee⋯.png (314.68 KB, 396x538, 198:269, Screenshot_2021_07_21_6_48….png)


























Do any of you guys want to join my political club to talk about Trump and the 2020 election? Email me at: benflee222@gmail.com or join me on Discord: https://discord.gg/mut5bQWS8e

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c81ec1  No.271469

File: 798ed7a83960c22⋯.png (348.42 KB, 460x498, 230:249, Crabby_404_Not_Found_It_s_….png)


> I Told You : 8kun Is About To Be Taken Down.

And Down it Went.

And it just keeps going further and further down.

We're all a part of taking 8kun down.

And we're taking it down, down, down into the depths…

Down where not much but crabs and propane are even comfortable!

Yeah, it's about that time.

You know what time!

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c81ec1  No.271529

File: 7788f78ce22c919⋯.jpg (76.46 KB, 1080x851, 1080:851, IMG_20211017_WA0001.jpg)


I Trust (You), and I Trust the Government.

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d4c0bb  No.279372

File: 833b11ad425fdcd⋯.pdf (379.97 KB, 2021_12_10_I_Told_You_8kun….pdf)


Is it time for

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀



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1935b0  No.298394

File: 88353b034392f4d⋯.jpg (130.17 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, PicsArt_04_28_06_32_35.jpg)



Also maybe OP was right too.

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e42870  No.315526

File: 4e8da009388e719⋯.jpg (343.47 KB, 1896x1270, 948:635, PicsArt_12_15_06_35_45.jpg)


OP is NEVER Right, ALWAYS a Faggot, and this particular OP has NEVER Gotten ANYTHING Right!

He can probably recognize the distinct aroma of Propane though!

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efc6c2  No.319052


Higher order mafia = government

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3ca534  No.321195


The calm before the Storm.


The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED

The Great Awakening

It's Happening

At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.




Where We Go One We Go ALL


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming





Knowledge is free.



Everything has meaning



Marker [9]

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0dda53  No.321734


Wow, big storm on the way.

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055547  No.321779


the teletubbie poster is a shill who post larp telegram accts everyday

every shill has a schtick


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9d10a8  No.322108

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a0e85b  No.323068


That beast looks famiglia.

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38dd26  No.323379


Habby birthday Mr Trump

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389a9a  No.323535

Chairman Thompson: Donald Trump lost the presidential election in 2020. The American people voted him out of office. It was not because of a rigged system. It was not because of voter fraud.

[knowingly false]

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2d07c2  No.323749

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918c8c  No.323875


The $100 Billion Dollar Ingredient making your Food Toxic

0:00 - The Switcheroo

1:52 - History of Vegetable Oils

3:50 - Enter the American Heart Association

5:27 - The Massive Increase in Vegetable Oil Consumption

6:06 - Is Vegetable Oil Bad or Benign?

6:55 - Why do some animals live longer than others?

7:51 - Vegetable Oil is stays in your body for years

9:11 - Hidden Data

12:08 - Vegetable Oils are in EVERYTHING

13:07 - Why Vegetable Oils are bad for Health

15:04 - The Toxic Oxidation Products

16:28 - How Vegetable Oils are made

18:33 - Are Vegetable Oils linked to Alzheimer’s?

20:06 - Mitochondria, The Powerhouse of the Cell

24:35 - Most Studies on Vegetable Oils aren’t long enough

26:04 - Why aren’t more people talking about this?

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6674db  No.323980

What's better? Staying cool on a hot day, or being cozy on a cold day?

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c41bc1  No.324113


It literally said first unseal.

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799d13  No.324313


Reminder that Soros is a front to the Rothschild and Schwab is a Rothschild, and Rothschilds are the leaders of zionism.

Proof here:


Antifa 4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel:





https://bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/73FsRbYNovPi - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”

Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


How and why zionists are always traitors:



Soros promoting WW3 at WEF:





"Pollard claims Jews ‘will always have dual loyalty,’ whether they know it or not"

"Convicted spy laments US Jews see themselves as more American than Jewish, suggests he’d counsel Jew working in American security apparatus to spy for Israel even now"

"Why do we have an Antisemitism Czar, but no government positions to address the more prevalent anti-White or anti-Christian attacks in a country founded by Whites and Christians?"


"How Israel betrays US"


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db58c9  No.324417

2500 feet? 180 knots off Cancun? Did our Hurricane Hunter suddenly get involved in a search and rescue?

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b90e08  No.325820

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9989df  No.326175



archive offline anons

admins are banning this information

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098b33  No.326343

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fc1e0e  No.326434






Next bread need baked?

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b31559  No.326997

Soros funded District Attorney, Chesa Boudin getting annihilated in San Francisco recall results

San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin is down more than 20 percentage points in his recall election.

The first batch of results from San Francisco show "yes" on the recall leading "no" 61% to 39%. This batch contains all mail ballots received before Election Day

Since November 2020, every San Francisco voter has been mailed a ballot for elections. In all of those elections — the November 2020 general election, the Gavin Newsom recall in 2021, and two special elections in February and April 2022 — that first batch of results has contained about 70% of the number of total votes cast. Because such a large proportion of the total vote comes in that first dump, the final results have been at most 2 to 3 percentage points different from results following the first batch.

In other words, Boudin is in deep, deep trouble. SFGATE will not call the race until the Associated Press does.

Ahead of Election Day, polls had shown that Boudin was likely to get recalled. The margin of defeat was anywhere from 10 to 36 percentage points.

San Francisco's elections office plans to release second batch at 9:45 p.m. That batch will contain some of the votes cast in-person at polling places. Another batch of such results will be released at 10:45 p.m.


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ec42b9  No.327017


C-17 c/s 'PENCE62 on ADSB nr Moses Lake Washington.

E-6B EMMER71 doing a tour of the Prairie states. Heading into Tinker AFB.

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0e1047  No.327159

2:30 PM EDT

A Growing Threat: How Disinformation Damages American Democracy

Committee on House Administration





Mr. Edgardo Cortes

Election Security Advisor, The Brennan Center for Justice, Washington, D.C.

Ms. Lisa Deeley

Chairwoman, Philadelphia City Commissioners, Philadelphia, PA

Written Testimony of Lisa Deeley

Lisa Deeley Truth in Testimony Form

Biography of Lisa Deeley

Mr. Yosef Getachew

Media & Democracy Program Director, Common Cause, Washington, D.C.

Written Testimony of Yosef Getachew

Yosef Getachew Truth in Testimony Form

Biography of Yosef Getachew

Mr. Mike Rothschild

Altadena, CA

Written Testimony of Mike Rothschild

Mike Rothschild Truth in Testimony Form

Biography of Mike Rothschild


Mr. Gary Lawkowski

Senior Fellow, Institute for Free Speech, Washington, DC

Biography of Gary Lawkowski


Notice of Hearing


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b969e0  No.327301


tell me, does it suck being consumed with hatred?

killing yourself can fix that

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04446b  No.327524


althought the word "consumer is abhorant"

We made them, we can activate them to make VIrgin Go away too.

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bfd7aa  No.327895



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cec604  No.328051







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20152b  No.328079



But, but I was told this really happened, people are reporting their own stories. And i know they are true

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1fea3a  No.328130




[Clown World Season 2] 🇸🇾A S S A D W A V E Can't Mossad the Assad🇸🇾


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e1cb13  No.328176


>The photographer

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6b0540  No.329462



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00ad3e  No.330367



vote / support the most fascist candidate always.

If the lying press calls them a nazi/racist/sexist/homophobe that is your guy. If he advocates for the extralegal death penalty for all pedos and parasites so much the better.

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e6bbef  No.330403


not always…

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26726d  No.331459


whoa, now THAT'S retarded. filtered.

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3d3fa1  No.332191


These 3 demons are on a bobsled to be with their master satan

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3b82bf  No.332848


God, yes please. I'm hungry.

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d02c37  No.332864

satanists love the art, museum, foundation business - for good reason. Art can have any assigned value. An art market can be created overnight in a previously unknown artist like Keith Haring. This makes art/museums antiquities a perfect way to move money around, while, at the same time, promoting inventory or stock-in-trade, art, as a store of long-term value.

A painting is worth what you say it is if you're the Getty Museum, the Hammer, the Broad, the Norval, the Huntington or the whatever-cult-tycoon is pretending philanthropy and laughing at us as we reverently troop through their art gallery front operation. There's another good, valid and unholy reason satanic cult con artists like to use art galleries foundations and museum cover structures as operational fronts.

In the case of *art* we've been POWERFULLY conditioned never to seriously question art. Anyone who says "my kid could do that- " is culturally defined as an idiot. Only an ignoramus questions art. We’ve been taught this in movies and sitcoms, we've been told a hundred ways, a thousand times: only vulgar and uneducated people criticize art. Philistines. Prudes. Hicks. Yokels. Furthermore, we are taught that art is a specialist area, and if we aren't specialists or insiders, we couldn’t possibly have anything worthwhile to say and we ought keep our crude thoughts to ourselves and our boorish mouths shut around what we don’t understand; because art is sacrosanct; the sacred self-expression of the individual.

Decades of this powerful conditioning allowed Pedosta's fat brother Tony to pose for a multi-page spread in a glitzy DC magazine with his daemonic sculpture of a gilded homosexual torture victim and with pictures of abused children in bizarre ritual locations. ART. The same conditioning protects Marina Abramovic and the crowd of *stars” and *celebrities" photographed eating an *art* corpse soaked in honey at an *art* event. It’s ART. The pedovores are rightfully confident in the powers of our conditioning to protect them that they licensed photos of themselves with forks stuck into the honeyed *art* corpse to be published in *art* & fashion magazines, blogs and supermarket tabloids. The honeyed corpse is a gnostic occult ritual. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mellified_man

Why do satanist pedovores parade their pathology in front of us? When we see Tony Pedosta, John “Skippy” Pedosta’s brother's sculpture we do not understand consciously what we are seeing is a gold leaf covered model Dahmer’s homosexual torture victim. What effect does seeing something we don’t consciously understand or necessarily recall having seen have on us?

A lot. This is the “secret” of the effectiveness subliminal and subsonic embed programming. Words and images we don’t know that we’ve seen are perceived by the unconscious component of our minds. We know this because tests using subliminal embeds not consciously seen still raises our blood pressure, increases our pulse rate, and fMRI studies show that these unperceived influences activate portions of the brain associated with memory and emotional trauma. We *do* understand sex and death images unconsciously and traumatic images are retained in memory below the threshold of conscious awareness to influence our future behavior over time. Images of sex and violence in unconscious memory affect us like PTSD caused by real world exposure to rape, torture, child pornography or physical trauma.

Information War or IW operations target the unconscious mind. This “witchcraft” works best when we are *not* aware of images we’ve been exposed to subliminally or even that we are being targeted at all.

Sculpture of Dahmer’s torture victim is presented at galleries and in publicity as fashionable, highly sought after, rare and precious work collected by knowledgeable, prominent people like Tony and John Podesta.

satanist’s social subversion/sabotage operations exploit our strongest social conditioning. Art world institutions, galleries and foundations are trumpeted as the highest form of philanthropy and criticizing them is not just foolish it’s ungrateful. Art is a satanist controlled industrial market. Since the days of Bernard Berenson art has been used to create and launder money to authenticate forgeries and to smuggle antiquities. Big art shows and exposition are used to emotionally prime us for coming events, to predispose individuals and groups to adopt preferred attitudes, practices or behaviors in a multitude of social dimensions; while, at the same, generating enormous profits, tax breaks and (through school outreach programs) providing access to children.




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faf177  No.333298

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447582  No.333701


me too, DSL

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2eca69  No.334345


it's evolved over many years kek

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46acf5  No.334348


I'm totally writing a letter to my editor-in-chief.

"Look at how Unamerican this is."

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e5bba0  No.334669


Attack Elon by fucking with his son. Somebody messing with the boy's head.

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cadbbc  No.335211


T y, someone else with reason.

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2cc3d5  No.335323



Discussion as to whether SHE is the sleeper Q discussed occurred overnight. Found this:

You may know the new Supreme Court justice Ketanji Brown Jackson as the judge who ruled against Trump asserting executive privilege in the January 6th case, or as the judge who put a stop to the rapid deportation plan, and that may have soured you immediately; but taking a closer look at her career; there is reason to think she may not be an entirely bad apple, despite being an avowed liberal justice.

Allow me to explain:

Depending on how closely you look, on matters of national security, you may very much enjoy her history of rulings.

For instance: in the landmark case of "Muckrock, LLC v C.I.A." she ruled that the CIA unlawfully adopted a policy of denial for any FOIA request for email records that didnt contain sender, recipients, time stamps, or subjects. In this case she found that the CIAs failure to produce the requested documents amounted to injury-in-fact and standing to bring charges. She also found their overall policy was in violation of FOIA regulation, forcing the CIA to adhere to the language of the codified law.

In other cases, for various reasons, she has routinely sought an excess of information from the government when ruling in its favor, preferring to request evidence in camera to support assertions.

In another landmark case, "Cause of Action Institute v. Internal Revenue Service" she ruled that the IRS could not claim exemptions from the FOIA act or that the courts did not have authority over the IRS to enforce the FOIA act itself.


These two decisions alone, were incredibly empowering for you as a people. One of them, ensured that the CIA had to comply with your requests for email records, regardless of you know sender names etc. The other decision forced the IRS and other agencies to comply with your FOIA requests, even when the records are not specifically government records, but are accessible to them.

Why does this matter?

Because in a game of constant, forced division we habitually boil people down to very minute facts we can judge them on. We try and simplify them. But when you are looking at a supreme court justice, it is important to study their entire career.

Hers is a very mixed bag, but not a dead end.

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bdc93e  No.335560


White stork is the national bird of Lithuania[159] which has the highest-density stork population in Europe.[160]

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7ef7b2  No.335589


Mason cops have a secret fraternity?

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953969  No.335867


Oh hey, are you "The Nobody"??


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1bbf3e  No.335913

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cbe846  No.336125

Trump speech is good. I enjoy

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f4434e  No.336181




announces she has filed an emergency injunction against


& the


Board of Supervisors to ban Dominion Voting machines for the 2022 election.

9:59 PM · Apr 22, 2022·Twitter for Android


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648e85  No.336433


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Eph 6:12

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f9b300  No.336489


Who is Sir Francis Bacon?

Shakespeare was a pedo?

King James was a pedo?

Are there any known original biblical texts in existence?

Overton window must be shattered. Manufacturers must be exposed. PAIN.

Dark to Light.

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accfd1  No.336712


Schiff….. Just like "I've seen the evidence of Russian collusion with my own (bug) eyes!"

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be06a6  No.336845


UK Army Chief says British troops will have to fight in Europe

Following UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's return from a surprise visit to Ukraine, warning "we need to steel ourselves for a long war," the new head of the UK's Army said British troops need to prepare "to fight in Europe once again," meaning that the conflict may expand to include other European countries.

UK Army General Patrick Sanders, who took over from his predecessor on Monday, wrote about the challenges the Army faces, saying “There is now a burning imperative to forge an Army capable of fighting alongside our allies and defeating Russia in battle."

Furthermore, he added, “We are the generation that must prepare the Army to fight in Europe once again."

The Army General also said he is the "first Chief of the General Staff since 1941 to take command of the Army in the shadow of a land war in Europe involving a continental power."

"Russia’s invasion of Ukraine underlines our core purpose to protect the UK by being ready to fight and win wars on land."

Back in 2021, Sanders, the new head of the army, had discussed in detail how the time he spent during the UK's occupation of Iraq and the violence he saw in operations, left him with suicidal thoughts.

“I found myself obsessing about experiences on the tour, dwelling too much on photographs, on video clips, on letters, replaying in my mind what had happened."

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67e13a  No.336915

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25bac0  No.337153


Federal Butt Inspector - FBI

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01c702  No.337367



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d4a57c  No.337422


Thanq Baker !

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815512  No.337528



Revelations 22

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fa013e  No.337671


call me HO

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e8d7df  No.338312


How could you possibly know what in the fucking hell would cause someone 'extreme psychological distress'?????

I could say to another Trump supporter that, I don't know, let's say Trump is racist. They can then take me to court and have me jailed for two fucking years??????? WTFH kind of law is that??????

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5a07aa  No.338427

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy Name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those

who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory,

for ever and ever. Amen.

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fc86f9  No.338927


Animals slaughtering and consuming other animals. Who made that?

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cfb047  No.338992

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baae89  No.339191

Nice halfchan file naming.

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b00299  No.339198


triggered stabbed in the gut juw touched science imaginary frens

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4f30b9  No.339598


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61c4e0  No.340023

genetics, age reversal. Ukraine STEM CELLS


Servers and emails stored in Ukraine

10K Ukraninas processed at US/Mexico Border if they can sneak refugees, think of who else

search shipping routes and stops enroute between Mex and ODS

Epstein funded covid, transhumanism, 5G and mind control

Did Epstein successfully create a clone?

Was that who went to prison?

Why has he been spotted in…. (new) Mx

if you are in the market for humans, sex slaves, your top 2 markets are Ukraine and Mex

Unabomber was a "time traveler"?, he knew the evil and tried to stop it

Check his victim list, someone only lost some fingers, this person was the pioner in mRNA, name should ring a bell + check others

You know who else came from Ukraine? Epstein (s)

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40dc22  No.340509


Worked part-time for a grocery story in college. They had they stickers where if you put them on, the check-out clerk would reduce the price to $2. I would use those stickers to reduce the price of my grocery haul. Not everything; I wouldn't get greedy.


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cf80e6  No.340693

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a1e7df  No.340774


I am not even talking about the q-posts…


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d9c520  No.341383



or foreign agents?


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5714b1  No.341642


How are they not ALL dead by now?


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13171c  No.342084


Fuck off concernshill doubtshill moloch worshipper, baal cocksucker.


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0e180f  No.342294


Published: June 6, 2022

by Matt Smyth, Professor at Strasbourg University – Religious Studies

Pope Francis. A pope of rupture. A pope for ecology. Inimical to capitalism, but compassionate to the poor and the migrant. The gay-friendly pope. Lenient with divorcees, but hostile to traditionalists and conservatives. The reformer of the corrupt Roman curia, the enemy of sexual abuse perpetrated by clerics… Or rather the pope of paradoxes? It is with Bayer-Monsanto and BP that Francis hopes to save the planet, with Bank of America as well as with Big Pharma’s own Merck and Johnson & Johnson that he fancies conjuring up an ethical capitalism. Would he be then more like the pope of a new marketing logic? As it happens, it is precisely in the name of defending the environment, inclusivity, equity or social justice, that the corporate ‘stakeholders’ of the global governance are trying to enforce their agenda — which is nothing less than converting the whole planet and every human dwelling on its surface into assets tradeable on the stock market.

Bergoglio, in that respect, is a case study. Following in the wake of Davos’ World Economic Forum (WEF), he has turned the Vatican into a spokesperson for the global governance. Meanwhile, the policymakers of this very governance, since they are no longer willing to exploit the consumerist lust for happiness of the masses, but would now rather bet on coercion, have wrought a new marketing strategy. They hide their old endless yearning for power behind a fresh storytelling: the need to part radically with individualistic, energy-intensive, neoliberal capitalism. The global elite is accumulating all the goods it is still short of, confiscating civil liberties and concentrating all the power in its own hands, however this coup is being staged within a new narrative of being concerned about climate change and biodiversity, dedicated to the common good, hostile to selfish individualism, and negative when it comes to the free market. Otherwise stated: communitarian. As a matter of fact, Francis’ message to the world epitomizes this new kind of ‘responsible capitalism’ PR. Down to every single catchword.



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3849a0  No.342652


yer a fukn idiot



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38d298  No.342654


>Unless the U.S. goes to war against the U.N.

Might be the very best option. Declare war on the U.N. (maybe start with the E.U. first) I'm confident Putin and Xi will ally with us. then, BOOM, we have the USA, Russia & China splinter group making a attack one is an attack on all. Bet there are many other countries who will quickly sign neutrality treaties with us.


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0bd7a9  No.342757


Makes me wonder if there are some OTHER old Warrants lying around that have never been acted on….

Maybe we will see some of those arrests, after all.


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e946c1  No.342807


>where the fuck was David Hogg when all this was going down?

The possibilities are endless


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1fa2b2  No.342920

They can see the wall for what it is.


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aa8f09  No.343029


Wondering that muhself.


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57202f  No.343045





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f99f80  No.343675


Jesus loves you.


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6e91a0  No.344061




They really aren’t hiding it.


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d63011  No.344110


>Enlighten us anon, what do you know that's so much better?

The average American knows more, anyone besides dumb German-Aryan blondes, radical lefties and rinos.


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ea63cf  No.344661


NYP isn't New York Times.

NYT is New York Times.

A shit news source either way


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9812aa  No.344806


God bless you


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91805e  No.344843


That she is, anon, that she is… even if she has the largest cunt of the year.


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be690c  No.344853




Friday, June 24, 2022

U.S. Army Soldier Pleads Guilty To Attempting To Murder Fellow Service Members In Deadly Ambush

U.S. Army Private Ethan Melzer Sent Sensitive U.S. Military Information to Members of a White Supremacist Group in an Attempt to Facilitate a Deadly Jihadist Attack on His Army Unit

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that ETHAN PHELAN MELZER, a/k/a “Etil Reggad,” pled guilty to attempting to murder U.S. service members, providing and attempting to provide material support to terrorists, and illegally transmitting national defense information. MELZER planned a jihadist attack on his U.S. Army unit in the days leading up to a deployment to Turkey and sent sensitive details about the unit—including information about its location, movements, and security—to members of the extremist organizationOrder of the Nine Angles (“O9A”), an occult-based, neo-Nazi, and white supremacist group. MELZER pled guilty today before U.S. District Judge Gregory H. Woods.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As he admitted in court today, Ethan Melzer attempted to orchestrate a murderous ambush on his own unit by unlawfully disclosing its location, strength, and armaments to a neo-Nazi, anarchist, white supremacist group. The defendant believed he could force the U.S. into prolonged armed conflict while causing the deaths of as many soldiers as possible. MELZER’s traitorous conduct was a betrayal of his storied unit and nothing short of an attack against the most essential American values. Thanks to the incredible work of the FBI and the U.S. Army, MELZER’s duplicity was revealed and his murderous attack thwarted.”

According to the Indictment and other documents in the public record, as well as statements made in public court proceedings:

MELZER has been a member of O9A since at least 2017. O9A espouses neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic, and Satanic beliefs, and promotes extreme violence to accelerate and cause the demise of Western civilization. The group has expressed admiration both for Nazis, such as Adolf Hitler, and Islamic jihadists, such as Usama Bin Laden, the now-deceased former leader of al Qaeda. Members and associates of O9A have also participated in acts of violence, including murders. O9A members are instructed to fulfill “sinister” deeds, including “insight roles,” where they attempt to infiltrate various organizations, including the military, to gain training and experience, commit acts of violence, identify like-minded individuals, and ultimately subvert those groups from within.

MELZER joined the U.S. Army in approximately 2018 as part of an O9A insight role to infiltrate its ranks and further his goals as an O9A adherent. In approximately October 2019, MELZER deployed abroad with the Army to Italy as a member of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. While stationed abroad, MELZER consumed propaganda from multiple extremist groups, including O9A and the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, which is also known as ISIS. For example, MELZER subscribed to encrypted online forums where he downloaded and accessed videos of jihadist attacks on U.S. troops and facilities and jihadist executions of civilians and soldiers, in addition to far-right, neo-Nazi, and other white supremacist propaganda.




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dafd75  No.344912


Now we know where the trolls live.


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be1c88  No.345032



BRACKETVILLE, Texas — Leaders in the Texas counties of Goliad, Kinney, and Uvalde make an "important announcement about forthcoming emergency declarations."



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f6aaed  No.345171

It's crazy that CHY-na released a bio weapon on America, and the world, yet no one cares.


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5cd4b7  No.345183


Consensus crack shill fail


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282a48  No.345296


Attorney Barnes says the reality is, Kyle aint getting shit. Barnes is on Kyle's side and is a good enough lawyer to be suing the FDA.


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4158c3  No.345558


I don't understand why he added the "she had long since checked out" part. It has to be comms.


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f99f80  No.345560


>I have been using the super secure trip since the start, but when I try it now it fails and is blocked on here.


'''8kun tripcode salt rotated before new "Q" s?


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dca626  No.345824


>love wins.

Again, this is a shitlib-leftist slogan intended to obscure the truth.

You can use violence for anything you want. If no one can resist you, you have power.

Anything to the contrary of this is leftist bullshit.


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5f9d81  No.345921

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c1016c  No.345943

Thank you, Baker!


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000000  No.353186


A truer post has rarely been made.

But OP does make a fairly reasonable prediction.


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