This letter is circulating around Hollywood Unions and Guilds
Members are organizing AGAINST the unions
The authoritarianism is out of control
An urgent message to all the 13 IATSE West Coast Locals currently negotiating our new union contract.
Local 44 - Local 80 - Local 600 - Local 695 - Local 700 - Local 705 - Local 706 - Local 728 - Local 729 - Local 800 - Local 871 - Local 884 - Local 892
August 2021,
Dear Representatives,
We feel compelled to write about recent concerns we have. Both on our behalf and for all of our co-workers. We hope the points presented can be taken with an open mind and as a warning for dangerous future legal risks our union might be accepting.
To that end, the following two items are REQUIRED to earn a yes vote from ALL of us.
⁃ Complete rejection of any and all vaccine mandates
⁃ Complete rejection of any and all vaccine status inquiries by employer
(note: this specifically includes Complete rejection of any visible marking of crew members with colored stickers or similar - incredibly violating)
Omission of either from any new contract will require us to immediately vote NO for any new contract. We have no choice in this. For us, this is non-negotiable, there is no possible compromise, and this is essentially a “one issue” contract. Forcing people to give up freedom over their own bodies is unacceptable and goes against every value this country, and all of humanity, cherishes and protects.
If a contract is presented without these two essential provisions, we will also be voting against all current leadership in every future election if they promote this atrocity. To us, that would be an inexcusable betrayal of the responsibility of representation, something that could not forgotten or forgiven.
It is already unconscionable that in the recent RTW update our unions agreed to allow production companies to mandate an Experimental Gene Therapy as a condition of employment. According to widespread international adoption of the Nuremberg Code decades ago, this is officially classified as a “Crime Against Humanity”.
Does IATSE really want to open itself up legally to liability for future lawsuits? The risk of this is real and would bankrupt the union along with all of our pension accounts. We are worried that the union is already at liability risk with the recent RTW agreement and suggest it be retracted immediately with all references to vaccine mandates removed.
You may have heard the argument that we are free to choose another job, so it is not really a “mandate”. That is inaccurate in the eyes of the law, which clearly states any groups, not just governments, mandating OR coercing participation in Medical Experiments are equally culpable and guilty of crimes. Manufacturers have been granted immunity from liability decades ago. That protection does not extend to employers or unions. If a member is coerced into participating in Medical Experiments to keep their job and suffers a debilitating injury, or death, the employers and the unions collaborating in this coercion are BOTH liable and could be sued.
Another glaring source of future liability is any representative verbally or in writing claiming that these Experimental shots are “safe”. Members are being told by their business managers to just get the shot because it is “safe” and "not a big deal”.
The safety has NOT YET been determined, these Medical Experiments are UNAPPROVED by the FDA. They are currently only AUTHORIZED FOR USE under an “Emergency Use Authorization”. That is NOT equivalent to being APPROVED for “safe” use.
The safety is still being vigorously debated on a global stage. As of 7/30/2021 (8 months of Covid shots) there have been 12,366 DEATHS associated with these Covid Experimental Gene Therapy shots reported to the national Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). To put this into perspective, that number is 50% more than ALL OTHER vaccine related reported deaths COMBINED (8,858) since the beginning of the VAERS database 30 YEARS AGO. In only 8 months.