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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 63186e7cf0d6770⋯.jpg (132.85 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, static_politico_com.jpg)

0bdc7e  No.255727

Anyone know where I can find it?

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2be196  No.255728

File: 89c9d0e4c2bec7f⋯.jpg (240.46 KB, 1294x939, 1294:939, _Rand_Paul_2.jpg)


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0a6039  No.255754

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0a6039  No.255757


Ah, so his connections to "anti-immigration rhetoric" triggered you? Aren't you guys supposed to be fascist neo-nazi types or is that all larp?

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2be196  No.255758

File: c5242f562f4b0a5⋯.jpg (238.42 KB, 750x665, 150:133, rand_paul_kushner.jpg)

File: e12f15331de788f⋯.jpg (131.41 KB, 1144x885, 1144:885, rand_paul_zionist_2.JPG)


Rand has donated to pro-immigration groups you mong.

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0a6039  No.255759


I didn't know Club of Growth was one, that image looks a bit deceptive, might want to highlight they are pro-immigration.

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2be196  No.255763

File: 89fec38c321766d⋯.png (100.95 KB, 913x685, 913:685, rand.PNG)

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51fb0c  No.255794


it's all RPG

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2be196  No.255799

File: 408bd5cc47adb4c⋯.jpg (69.01 KB, 1004x509, 1004:509, rand_paul_zionist.JPG)


Everyone knows the immigration crisis was created so Israel would gain sympathy from the West and expand their borders. You're still pushing the same failed psyop because you fake Jews were too dumb to come up with a plan b.

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51fb0c  No.255811

File: 9df71ff5a1575ed⋯.jpg (192.92 KB, 1215x993, 405:331, PicsArt_08_12_12_10_59.jpg)


his father is THE ugliest pathetic ASSCLOWN in history

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51fb0c  No.255814

File: 145aa69ea705a87⋯.jpg (413.59 KB, 1627x1080, 1627:1080, PicsArt_08_12_12_19_42.jpg)


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51fb0c  No.255815

File: 06f5b1791c6a5ee⋯.jpg (337.49 KB, 1627x1080, 1627:1080, PicsArt_08_12_12_23_08.jpg)

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51fb0c  No.255816

what kind of DNA creates a phenotype that looks like you've been stung by 400 bees?

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51fb0c  No.255817


everyone knows ?

that's a bold overestimation

of human Intelligence

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51fb0c  No.255818

everybody knows dentists numb you up with novocaine

everybody knows you are typing on a computer keyboard

and everybody knows Rand Paul had Fetal Alcohol Poisoning

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51fb0c  No.255819

HINT: dentists use lidocaine, not Novocaine

HINT: you're typing on a keypad, not a keyboard

but Rand Paul DID have fetal alcohol poisoning

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51fb0c  No.255820

"everybody"…… is stupid

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51fb0c  No.255822

File: 294835380080b7c⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1862, 540:931, PicsArt_08_12_12_36_51.png)

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